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In view of the salient findings, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. Most of the science teachers are moderately young, female and married. Most of

them are Teacher III, science majors and have bachelor’s degree with masteral units

and have very satisfactory performance rating. Most of them have attended minimum

number of trainings and science winning held in the school, district, division, and

regional levels. Also, most of them have no participation of trainings and no science

winnings held in the national and international levels and basically no basic or action

research conducted and have no honors or awards received.

2. Majority of the science teachers used the varied creative strategies like discussion

method, technology- aided instruction, group work learning, and problem solving as part

of the teaching-learning strategies and methods.

3. Majority of the science teachers utilized the varied innovative strategies where they

utilized innovation in teaching such as project-based learning, collaborative learning,

computer-assisted instruction and reflective teaching.

4. The science teachers perceived that the degree of their creativity in teaching is high

along expertise, creative-thinking skills and motivation aspect. With regards on students’

perception, they perceived that their teachers’ degree of creativity is moderately low

across the aforementioned indicators.

5. The science teachers’ degree of innovativeness in teaching as to flexibility, opinion-

leading, openness to experiences and risk-taking is moderately low. Students’

perceptions were also found similar along the aforementioned indicators.

6. The perception between students and teachers on the degree of creativity and

innovativeness varies. There is a high perception on the teachers’ degree of creativity

and innovativeness whereas low perception on students’ responses in assessing their

teachers’ degree of creativity and innovativeness.

7. There is a significant difference that exist between the degree of creativity of

science teachers across their sex, specialization and local winnings.

8. There is a significant difference that exist between the degree of innovativeness of

science teachers across age. However, science teachers at a younger age are more

innovative in terms of flexibility.

9. There is a positive and moderate significant relationship that exists between the

degree of creativity along expertise, creative- thinking skills and motivation aspect and

the degree of innovativeness along flexibility, opinion-leading, openness to experiences

and risk-taking which means that science teachers see themselves as highly creative

would also mean that they are highly innovative.


Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations are offered for

possible course of action:

1. There is a strong need to capitalize the efforts of teachers in professional

education and trainings preferably on science-related trainings, various academic

contests and researches. Thus, teachers should be properly trained on the

characteristics and approaches of teaching styles and must explore the nature of

other teaching styles as to creativity and innovation in teaching is concerned.

2. All teachers in the field, particularly the Science Teachers should be encouraged

to pursue/ finish higher education and not be satisfied by simply earning units.

Tuition-waiver should be encouraged as incentives for science teachers.

Likewise, they should be motivated to conduct mini-research studies like action

researches as part of their functions, particularly along there area of


3. Science teachers should adopt flexible, dynamic and diverse science teaching

strategies that could emphasize their roles of teaching in developing the creative

and innovative minds of the learners along with the varied instructional

methodologies, strategies and techniques in strengthening the new science

curriculum and increasing the students’ interest and achievement towards

4. School heads should focus on developing collaborative partnership with the NGO

and private sectors and shall utilize their MOOE in the implementation of such

relevant in–service trainings. Further, linkage to other educational stakeholders

for teachers’ education grants on scholarship and or sponsorship.

5. Public junior high school science teachers should continually enhance their

degree of creativity and innovativeness in order to continuously improve the

performance of the students in Science instruction.

6. Since significant differences exist on the degree of creativity and the degree of

innovativeness of science teachers wherein specific variations occurred across

sex, age, specialization and number of winnings, corresponding performance of

the identified varied categories should then be obtained to determine the

categories that need enhancement.

7. The Department of Education shall equipped science teachers especially those

whose age are moderately young, adult, near retirement and retirement stage to

be updated through programs/ workshops/trainings in terms of technology-aided

instructions for them not to experience learning gap among millennial learners

and to make the K to 12 curriculum dynamic, flexible and conducive to teaching

and learning environment for lifelong learning.

8. Similar studies may be conducted to determine other factors that might affect the

degree of creativity and innovativeness of science teachers such as teachers’

profile variables, teaching practices, teaching performance as perceived/

observed by the administrators, educational qualifications, use of instructional

devices, classroom environment, behavior, population and others.

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