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Office of the Controller of t,-·xaminations

Midnapore - 721 102
Phone : 03222: 275-441/26 l-144/276-554-555 Extn.: 4 l 9/418/4 l 6/451/483/500/531
,{;r~ ·<:>.·; ~·. ~ ~~:1~;~; ~;;,;.'.·.;;!;; ~ .. ··········.. ··········.. ·························.. ·i'):1·t~;1· i ~~;)·t~;1; ;1~;. ·3·f;:;~; ~
·1 ()
The Principal/Teacher -in Charge
of all conc,•rned l'(; Colleges
of Purba :Vledinipur, Paschim iVledinipur and Jhargrnm

Dear Sir/ :\ladam,

111 n:k•n:n,x tu B .·\.'f.l.Sc.T:\./Com.: l!onours C,cncral !'art-II Examination for the year 2019, I am enclosing the l'olluv,ing p:1pn,
ducumc11ts :

•:• \Li1·k sheet f'or all categories:

,;, Notice :\os. 567, 568 and 569 dated 04.12.2017 in connection to the (i) Re-examination (Revi-:11), (ii) C:ancellatiun
o I' Results and (iii) appl icati 011 for getting xerox copy of eval uatecl answer script for sci f inspccti on o I' answer papers
etc. for above mentioned examination of this year.

In 1·l'l'crc1lc'c tu abuvc. I am to inform you to notify the abovementionccl notices as to ensure the post publicati()!i ,1urk tu be dune
,1rnh1tlih. It iS also noted that post publication notilication will be available in the u11ivcrsit:, web\itc
l1llp:' :isaga1 .ac". I.!!".

!tz tfft/11 o/U1!ferc11ce \'o. VUIICIFEl:S/088/2()/ 7 dated ivlarc/1 22, 2()/7 issued by the cd/icl! cf the fll.1pl!ctor 11/Col/eges, I: U., all
t)'JJ1'1 o/' poymelif of e.\·11111i1rntio11 fees be paid through /lcco1111t Payee De111a1ul DN(/t payahle at 1Hid11apore or t/1ru11g/J 1111!!111!'r dil'ectzr tu tlte Acc111111t N11111ber 17480/0000/077 (lfSC: UCBA000/748, UCO Ba11/i, VifzFa.rngar 1'11i1'1'rsi~l' Br/111C'II)
11111i11t11i11i11g .1ep11rate clta/la11 1111<1 plwtocopy 11/ each cha/11111 1vith st11te111e11t <~l acco1111ts 11111st be s11bmitfril :o !lie office o/ the
1111<1ersig11ed 11.1 per sc!1ei/11/e<l date.

111 rcl'crc11cc tu !Zc1ic11, !Zcsults cancellation and Sell' inspection of'answcr scripts etc. you a1-e requested to 111ai11tai11 the -d1cduk ,is
:-iUll;..:d i11 tile 111JticL''.).

1·1i:~ :s l'ur y,lur kind inli:.ll'mation and nc:cessary ,1ctio11 in this regard.

J k1,1king )Oll,

Yours si11cerel),
(Dr. Hariprasml Sarkar)
Controller of Exalllinations

\lemo. :\o.: \L/C'E/GD/ ............ /2019 Dated : September 30, 2019

( cljl)/cllW:11·\ic'.d for i11fom1c1tio11 illld llCCclS\!ll') ,Ktiun [():
iJ I !he Regi~trnr. V.L
U.? [he Sccrct,ll'y, Council lclr L mlugrndw1tc Studies,\ .Li.
u, ifH.:SPIO.\l
04 The Dcput,1 Co11trollcr oJ' [xaminatio11~, V.U.
U:i The ,\ssistant (\rntrullcr oJ' Exami1rntio11s, V.U.

,oH. ~~-,~\~
U(, P\. t,1 I lu11'l,!c Vice-Chancellor, V.l.
07 ,\ii l (i Scc:tiu11'>
UX ljt,,ml File·
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Controiler of Examinatii/ns
Midnapore " 721102, W.B.

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University
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Office of the Controller of Examinations

Midnapore - 721 102
Phone: 03222: 275-441/261-144/276-554-555 Extn.: 419/418/416/451/483/500/531

Ref. :\o.: VU/CE/GD/.J}.-6'£. ... /2019 Dated : September 30, 2019


111 terms u1· clause 7 or the revised Regulation of under grnduate examinations and in reference to B.A./B.Sc./B./Corn. :
I lu1H>u1y(jL'1H:ral l'un 11 cxa111i11ations fur tile year 2019. it is noti tied frir all concerned that the calldidates who ill tend to
rc-c.\c1111illc uf ans11cr scripts ill thcmy papers may apply ill a prescribed form with requisite fees thrnugh The Principal/
I eacher-i11 Charge/ OITicer-in Charge positively by I 0.11.2019. Fees 11.x re-examination viz., (i) Rs. 60.00 per paper. (ii)
Cust or Form R:,. 25.00, (iii) Cost of result preparation Rs. 15.00 etc. once paid. will not lw 1-..·l'umkd umk1 :rn1
c ire u111sta11ces.

It is 11ul\.'d that tl1c l<.c-Lxarninatioll of ar1swe1· scripts in tl1eo1·y papers only excluding ally practical pape1· u1· internal
assessrnc11t or prnject work/ field work, may be clolle in accordance with the following procedure :

In terms ol'clausc 7 (iv) oi'the said Regulation. a cancliclate of Honours course appearing in Part II examination wiil have
lhl: option for getti11g his/her answer scripts re-examined in any one Honours paper or one General paper prnvidecl he/she
secures ,HJ~{ marks in aggregate or Honours/ General excluding the Honours/ Ceneral Papers 101· which re-e.\,1111indtion
is suugl1t.

111 tc:1·11h oi' elaus,' (i) ,Jf tlw said Regulation. a candidate or
(ieneral course appeai·ing Part 11 exarni11c1tior1 11ill ha1e ti1e
optio11 for getting his/her :111s\1CI' script~ re-e.\aminecl in any one Cenernl paper only provided he/she secures 40°,,~ marks
i11 aggregate excluding the papers l<.)r which re-examination is sought.

Tl1e urlice ot' the colleges are requested tu submit the aloresaid applications maintaining the serial or category-wise/ Roll
!\u 1\ isc 1\ ith <1 st,llernent to the urrice ul. the Controller ol' [\aminations positively on I 0.11.2019.

. U-- 0:i{.C\ \\5)

( D1. l-lar~s·11cc·t
1' , , ,S
..,..11·I', r ) .
C ontrollcr of F, .
,xammations '
control/er of Examinations
Midnapore • 721102, W.B.

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University
Office <~lthe Controller ofExmninations
Midnapore-721 102
Phone: 03222: 275-441/261-144/276-554-555 Extn.: 419/418/416/451/483/500

Ref. No.: VU/CE/(;D/ .. J:f.f.{;../2019 Dated: Scptcmber30,2019


In terms ofelausc 12 (v) of the revised Regulation of under graduate examinations and in reference to 8./\./B.Sc,/B,/Com.
: l lonours/ (1cn<:?ral Part II cxami1rntio11s for the year 2019. it is notilicd for all concerned that the candidates who intend to
cancel their results for improvement or his / her results may apply in a plain paper addressing to the Controller of
l x,1111inatio11s thrnuc;h The Principal i Teacher-in Charge/ omcer-in Charge positively by I 0.11.2019.

I lie ,:arnlid:1tes arc rc~quirec! to submit their application along with their original mark sheet to the office oi' the co11cc1T1ed
c·ul It is 11oted tlwt in :ill cases. cancellations or
results losing one chance and it is applicable only 20: 6-'..:(11 I
ac:1ckmic session.

ulfo;c· ui'tile coileg(:s me 1·equested to submit the ali.irc:-;aicl applications with a statement to the ol'llc<.' ol'the Cuntrulicr
ui'f ..xarnirn1lio11s positively by 10.11.2019.

Controller of Examinations
Controller of Examinations
Midnapore • 721102, W.B.

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University
'i! fe 'i&f'
~ ·~ ,&·· 'ti
Office of t!ze Controller of b"".:'((1111inations
!Vlidnapore - 721 I 02
Phone : 03222: 275-441/261-144/276-554-555 Extn.: 419/418/416/451/483/500/53 l

Ref. No.: VU/CE/GD/ .. J.]:f;.6... ./2019 Dated : September 30, 2019


111 terms ufsel!'i1i:;pcction of answer paper and ill reference to the Notification No. VU/R/830/12 elated 03.08.2012 issued
h\ lih:: R•:gistrar. Vidyasagar lilliversiL:, a11d in relcrenc\.: tu [3.1\./l-3.Sc./Fs./Colll. : I lonours /(ielleral ex:unillatio11s i<Jr l\1n
· il ill!' ti1e year 2UJl). it is nutiliccl !1.x all concerned that an examinee 111ay apply ill the prescribed Fur111at enclosini.: the
Xerox cupy of i\ilark Sheet i<.Jr gettillg Xernx copy of evaluated answer script in respect of self inspection through the
l'rn1cipal / Teaclier-in Charge I Officer-ill Charge positively by I 0.11.2019 (as per enclosed Format I l·orrnat -11. aml
I orn1at Ill as :1pplicabk). The oflice of the colleges will collect necessary fee of Rs. 400.00 per paper.

The o fli L'C or the col leges arc requested to submit the a icJrcsaicl app licatiolls with a statemellt ancl Account Payee Dcmaml
Drnli or through on line transfer receipt to the office of the Controller of Examinations positively on I0.11.20 I 9.

(Dr. llari1J/f ,Qi;~ l/5\

Controller of Examinations /
Controller of Examinations
Midnapore • 721102, W,B,

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University


oi Exarninations

I would lif"e to obtain photocopy/photocopies of _ _ _ __ mber(s) of answer script(s)
for purpose of my self-inspection only for which I am furnishing my particulars as hereunder ancl
ternitting F<s .............. (Rupees___ ~ herewith:

a. i\Jame (in Block Letter)

IV1obiic nurnber(10 DiL~it)

f\larnc of the Examination and Year

Holi f\Jurnber

0, nd Paper nurnber(s) for which photocopy is sought for self-inspection.
!Subjects and Paper(s) to be written in abbreviated form as shown in the marks sheet)

( Photocopy of marks sheet shall have to be attached)
L Subjects and papers sought for review of answer scripts under the relevant Regulation of tile


and paper's sought for both review and self inspection

l cieclare that the statements given above are true and that if any of tile statements is found to be false,
rny shall be liable to be rejected by the University without any intirncition to rne and ltnt/ier that
I shall not claim for refund of the fees remitted.

Full Signature of the Exan1inee witn date

Counter signature of The Principal /The Teacher-in-Charge

lege/ Ma havidyalaya

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University
---·--- ----·
Counter signature of The HOD . Vidyasagar University

Controller of Examinations
VicJyasagar University

I do forward ·---·----·····-···-· _ number of application forms submitted by the exami
- - - - - - - Examinations 20_ and seeking photocopy /pl1otocopies of evaluated
ans·wer for the purpose of self-inspection only with requisite fees through DD, bearing

number -----·----- for Rs

drawn on _m Ol
payable at Midnpore.
The particular of the examinees category-wise and roll no wise are stated below:

Amount of
(B/\/B Sc/8.Com)
Roll NO. Subject Paper(s) fees
(MA/M Sc/M.Com)


_•••",._.'~~:. '. ••• ' ~· ' ' '. •. • • ..: • ~-".' < -' ' ' '-.: •

iVCt'Sity ._ • ~ ·- • • '. • ' '. •••• ' ._ • ·- ' ... : ••••••• '-·' • , ••• ~ '_; '. ~ > • ' •• ' ' • '

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University
(With official seal and photocopy of mark sheet)

FOR fVlJ.\T-111


the observc1tions to be submitted to the Controller of exarninations within 10 days after issue of answer script from VU to

Tl1e Controller of Examinations
Viclyasagar University

Hespected Sir,
I have inspected answer script of - - - - - - - - - - - examinations in · - - - ,__ (subject) and
paper _ _ __ tilorougl1ly and after inspection I would like to submit the following observation /findings

uestiun Number Please Remarks of the

j-~Mf!Jii~~s;ta;(~~<-~e;-,-ii-;:n~----'T,___:_:_.:.::_:-f:-'.~7:,_,~~.'::-':~~-~~~~!~~---- University Authority
Grand total

I ] C C
11 IL____JI
you to consider my observation and oblige.

of U1e Student with Date

................................................... No

IVidJilc No
Verified bv HOD of the concerned college ... :• ... ....... ....................... .. ..
'.' •.• ••,• ;

ncipal /The

official seai and photocopy of mark sheet)

Downloaded from Vidyasagar University; Copyright (c) Vidyasagar University

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