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Temperature Crack index

[°C] [-]
40 1.5
38 1.3
33 0.8
30 0.7
28 0.5
25 0.3
23 0.2
20 0.0

Staggered Structural-Heat Flow Analysis of Young Hardening Concrete


1 Description
1.1 Material Properties
1.2 Modeling Approach
2 Finite Element Model
2.1 Units
2.2 Geometry Definition
2.3 Properties
2.3.1 Soil
2.3.2 Concrete
2.3.3 Convection - Base
2.3.4 Convection - Wall
2.4 Boundary Conditions
2.4.1 Thermal boundary conditions
2.4.2 Static boundary conditions
2.5 Loads
2.5.1 Static load
2.6 Meshing
3 Phased Transient Analysis
3.1 Analysis Commands
3.1.1 Phase 1 - Base casting
3.1.2 Phase 2 - Wall casting
3.2 Results
3.2.1 Degrees of reaction
3.2.2 Temperature
3.2.3 Crack formation
3.2.4 Young’s modulus
3.2.5 Tensile strength
Appendix A Additional Information

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1 Description
In this tutorial we show a thermal and structural analysis of the early-age concrete in a purification wall1 by means of a staggered flow-stress phased analysis. The structure, shown in [Fig. 1],
is 28.5 m long and consists of a base slab (0.8 m thick and 5.3 m wide), on which a water purification wall (0.7 m thick and 2.3 m high) was casted 36 days later. The structure is directly
founded on the underlaying soil. The formwork of the base slab and the wall are removed when the concrete is 7 days old (the detailed timeline of the of construction phases is shown in
[Fig. 2]).
day 1 Base casting
purification wall
day 7 base formwork removed
mid section


day 36 Wall casting

3.0 0.8 2.3

day 43 wall formwork removed


0.7 2
.25 2 day 72
Figure 1: Purification wall (dimensions are in meters) Figure 2: Timeline of the construction phases
Since in this example we neglect the effects at the boundary, we will model only the mid section of the problem (dashed line in [Fig. 1]). To completely analyze the structure we will perform
a staggered analysis for each of the two construction phases: i) the casting of the slab and ii) the casting of the wall.

Hendriks and Rots, Finite elements in civil engineering applications – Proceedings of the Third DIANA World Conference, 2002

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1.1 Material Properties

The base slab and the purification wall, made of concrete, are modelled according to the specification in the Japanese Standards for Civil Engineering. The soil is considered elastic and
isotropic. The corresponding material properties of the concrete and the soil are listed in [Table 1].

Characteristic strength at 91 days 2.9e+07 N/m2
Modulus of elasticity at 91 days 2.7e+10 N/m2
Young’s modulus 2.7e+10 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio 0.2
Thermal expansion coefficient 1e-05 1/°C
Mass density 2300 kg/m3
Conductivity 3.11e+05 N/day °C
Capacity 2.657e+06 J/m3 °C
Convection coefficient (with formwork) 7.0+e05 N/m day °C
Convection coefficient (without formwork) 1.5e+06 N/m day °C
Young’s modulus 6.3e+08 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
Mass density 1720 kg/m3
Thermal expansion coefficient 7e-06 1/°C
Conductivity 1.91e+05 N/day °C
Capacity 3.20e+06 J/m3 °C
Table 1: Material properties

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1.2 Modeling Approach

= convection
The following aspects were considered:
wall boundary = fixed temperature
• 2D plane strain is used for the modeling of this problem;
• only half of the model is considered due to symmetry;
20 °C
• a phased analysis is performed to take into to account of the building steps required for this structure: i)
casting of the base slab and ii) casting of the wall; Text = 20 °C

• the lateral and bottom boundaries of the model are constrained in the normal direction [Fig. 3]; base boundary (temporary)
base boundary (permanent)
• interface boundary elements (denoted by the colored lines in [Fig. 3]) are used to model convection. Due to
the different construction phases (i.e., different puring and casting of the concrete during time) two interfaces
will be modelled: i) a boundary interface around the base slab (blue) and ii) a boundary interface around 20 °C
the wall (green). DianaIE will automatically deactivate the temporary boundary around the slab during the Tinit = 20 °C
second analysis phase since it will be covered by the wall; 15 °C
• the external temperature (Text ) is assumed equal to 20 °C around the concrete wall and 15 °C around the
soil. Both temperatures are assumed constant through the analysis;
• the temperature around the right and bottom edges of the soil is set to 15 °C;
• the initial temperature (Tinit ) of the concrete is set equal to 20 °C while that of the soil to 15 °C; Tinit = 15 °C 15 °C
• a transient staggered thermal-structural analysis is performed in order to investigate the hydration (i.e., the
degree of reaction) and temperature variation in time and the formation of cracks in the concrete;
• the model is discretized using quadratic elements. To ensure strain compatibilitya , DianaIE will automat- Y
ically solve the heat flow problem using linear elements and the structural one with quadratic elements. Z
Consequently, the thermal strain and total strain fields are linearly interpolated across the elements. X
The differential equations governing the heat flow problem are one order lower than those defining the structural problem. Thus, 15 °C
if the same approximation was employed in the staggered analysis, the strain field from the heat flow problem would be one order
higher than that from the structural one. Figure 3: Model of the purification wall implemented in DianaIE
(the details of the geometry are shown in [Fig. 1])

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2 Finite Element Model
For the modeling session we start a new project in which structural and heat flow analyses can be performed [Fig. 4] and plane strain conditions are imposed. The dimensions of the domain
are set equal to 100 m. Quadratic finite elements will be used in the analysis. We will dominantly use quadrilater elements in the mesh.

Main menu File New [Fig. 4]

Figure 4: New project dialog

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2.1 Units
We choose meter for the Length unit, day for Time unit and Celsius for the Temperature unit.


Geometry browser Reference system Units [Fig. 5]

Property Panel [Fig. 6]

Figure 5: Geometry browser Figure 6: Property Panel - Units

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2.2 Geometry Definition
To model the geometry of the problem we create three polygon sheets representing the Soil, the Base and the Wall [Fig. 3]. The node coordinates required to define these sheets are in [Table 2]
(we model only half of the problem due to symmetry).
Although the sheets defining the geometry of the Soil and the Base are rectangular, their shapes will be created using 5 nodes. These are needed to have extra edges that required to apply
the thermal boundary conditions.

Main menu Geometry Create Add polygon sheet [Fig. 7] [Fig. 8] [Fig. 9]
< Repeat 3× >

Shape x y z
name [m] [m] [m]
0 0 0
5 0 0

5 3 0
2.65 3 0
0 3 0
Figure 7: Geometry - Add polygon sheet Soil
0 3 0
2.65 3 0

2.65 3.8 0
0.35 3.8 0
0 3.8 0

0 3.8 0
0.35 3.8 0

0.35 6.1 0
0 6.1 0

Table 2: Node coordinates of the polygon

sheets Figure 8: Geometry - Add polygon sheet Base Figure 9: Geometry - Add polygon sheet Wall

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Main menu Viewer Viewpoints Top view

Main menu Viewer Fit all [Fig. 10]

Figure 10: Top view

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2.3 Properties
2.3.1 Soil

We assign the material properties to the Soil. The soil is modeled as linear elastic isotropic (see the properties in [Table 1]).

Main menu Geometry Assign Properties [Fig. 11]

Properties Material Add material [Fig. 12] Edit material [Fig. 13]

Figure 11: Property assignments to the Soil Figure 12: Add new material - Soil Figure 13: Material properties - Soil

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2.3.2 Concrete
We assign the material properties to the Base and the Wall. The mechanical properties of the concrete are defined according to the JSCE standards (see [Table 1]).
Once the cement type is specified Young’s modulus, compressive strength, tensile strength and adiabatic temperature rise during hardening are automatically computed based on JSCE

Main menu Geometry Assign Properties [Fig. 14]

Properties Material Add material [Fig. 15] Edit material [Fig. 16 to 18]

Figure 14: Property assignments to the wall Figure 15: Add new material - Concrete Figure 16: Material properties - Concrete

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As mentioned in the previous slide, the variation of the concrete Young’s modulus, compressive strength, tensile strength and adiabatic temperature rise are automatically computed based on
JSCE specifications. The variation of these material properties during time can be inspected through the Edit material dialog box in Figure 16 (see Figure 17–Figure 20).

Figure 17: Young’s modulus development during hardening Figure 18: Tensile strength development during hardening

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Figure 19: Compressive strength development during hardening Figure 20: Adiabatic heat development during hardening

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2.3.3 Convection - Base

We model the convection phenomena along the edges of the Base. Therefore, we assign the properties to edges of the slab that will be exposed to the external environment. Convection is
modelled using boundary interface elements.

Main menu Geometry Assign Connection properties [Fig. 21]

Connection properties Material Add material [Fig. 23] Edit material [Fig. 24] [Fig. 25]

Figure 23: Add new material -

Figure 21: Connection property assignment Figure 22: Top view - edge selection Interface base Figure 24: Edit interface properties

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Since we perform a transient analysis we need to specify the variation of the concrete conduction coefficient in time [Fig. 25]. The sudden changes for the conduction coefficients correspond
to the removal of the concrete formwork occurring 7 days after the beginning of the casting.

Connection properties Time-heat transfer coefficient Edit table [Table 3] [Fig. 25]

Age Heat transfer coefficient

[day] [N/m day °C]
0 7.0e+05
7 7.0e+05
7.0001 15.0e+05
72 15.0e+05
Table 3: Time-dependent conduction coefficients for the Base
concrete Figure 25: Time vs conduction coefficient curve for the Base concrete

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2.3.4 Convection - Wall

We model the convection phenomena along the edges of the Wall exposed to air.

Main menu Geometry Assign Connection properties [Fig. 26]

Connection properties Material Add material [Fig. 28] Edit material [Fig. 29] [Fig. 30]

Figure 28: Add new material -

Figure 26: Connection property assignment Figure 27: Top view - edge selection Interface wall Figure 29: Edit interface properties

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We specify the variation of the concrete conduction coefficient in time also for the interface around the Wall [Fig. 30]. The sudden changes for the conduction coefficients correspond to the
removal of the concrete cast formwork that happens at day 43 (7 days after the beginning of its casting).

Connection properties Time-heat transfer coefficient Edit table [Table 4] [Fig. 30]

Age Conduction coefficient

[day] [N/m day °C]
0 7.0e+5
43 7.0e+5
43.0001 15.0e+5
72 15.0e+5
Table 4: Time-dependent conduction coefficients for the Wall
concrete Figure 30: Time vs conduction coefficient curve for the Wall concrete

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2.4 Boundary Conditions
2.4.1 Thermal boundary conditions

To set a constant temperature equal to 15 °C around the edges of the Soil, it is first required to attach a fixed temperature condition along these edges (this will keep temperature constant
during the analysis).

Main menu Geometry Assign Fixed temperatures [Fig. 31] [Fig. 32]

Figure 31: Attach thermal boundary condition to the Soil Figure 32: Edge selection (thick red lines)

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We can now impose to the boundary of the Soil shape a temperature equal to 15 °C.


Main menu Geometry Assign Thermal conditions [Fig. 33] [Fig. 34]

Figure 33: Attach thermal boundary condition to the Soil Figure 34: Edge selection (thick red lines)

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We assign the time curve to the fixed temperature around the Soil (in this example, the temperature will be considered constant during the analysis).


Geometry browser Boundary conditions Prescribed soil boundaries temperature Edit time dependency [Fig. 35] [Fig. 36] [Fig. 37]

Figure 35: Geometry browser Figure 36: Edit time dependent factors Figure 37: Geometry browser

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We set the external temperature equal to 20 °C along the edges of the Base and Wall shapes (i.e., along the Slab boundary and the Wall boundary).

Main menu Geometry Assign Thermal conditions [Fig. 38]

Figure 38: Attach thermal boundary condition

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We assign the time curve to the external temperature around the Base and Wall.


Geometry browser Boundary conditions External temperature Edit time dependency [Fig. 39] [Fig. 40] [Fig. 41]

Figure 39: Geometry browser Figure 40: Edit time dependent factors Figure 41: Geometry browser

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By default DianaIE assumes a zero temperature field for the shapes of the model at the start of a transient heat flow analysis. However, in this example the environmental temperature is 20
°C and that around the soil 15 °C. Therefore, we assume that these are also the initial temperatures of the concrete structure (Base and Wall) and the soil (Soil).
We will assume that the initial temperature of the edge between the Base and the Wall is 20 °C. To ensure this we will need to assign an initial field also to the bottom edge of the Base (see
Figure 44).

Main menu Geometry Assign Initial fields [Fig. 42] [Fig. 43] [Fig. 45]

Figure 42: Attach initial temperature to Figure 43: Attach initial temperature to Figure 44: Attach initial temperature to
the Base and Wall the Soil Base edge Figure 45: Geometry browser

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2.4.2 Static boundary conditions

We constrain the horizontal displacement (X-direction) of the left and right edges of the model [Fig. 47].


Main menu Geometry Assign Supports [Fig. 46] [Fig. 47]

Figure 46: Attach support - horizontal displacement Figure 47: Constrained lateral edge

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We constrain the vertical displacement (Y -direction) of the bottom edge of the Soil [Fig. 49].


Main menu Geometry Assign Supports [Fig. 48] [Fig. 49]

Figure 48: Attach support - vertical displacement Figure 49: Constrained bottom edge

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2.5 Loads

2.5.1 Static load

We include the effect of the dead weight in the analysis.


Main menu Geometry Assign Global loads [Fig. 50]

Figure 50: Attach global load - Dead


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2.6 Meshing
We use a mesh where the elements in the Soil, Base and Wall have a characteristic size of 0.4, 0.16 and 0.06 m, respectively.

Main menu Geometry Assign Mesh properties [Fig. 51] [Fig. 52] [Fig. 53]
< Repeat 3× >

Figure 51: Mesh seeding - Soil Figure 52: Mesh seeding - Base Figure 53: Mesh seeding - Wall

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Now, we can generate the finite element mesh.

Main menu Geometry Generate mesh [Fig. 54]

Figure 54: Finite element mesh

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3 Phased Transient Analysis
3.1 Analysis Commands
The problem is investigated through a phased analysis. Since we first analyze the casting of the base and later that of wall, the phased analysis has the following two steps ([Table 55]): i)
casting of the base slab (“Base casting”) (here, the Wall is not considered in the analysis) and ii) casting of the wall (“Wall casting”).
In both phases we perform a staggered analysis to account for the thermal and mechanical response of the model.

Phase Name Description Analysis type

Transient heat transfer
1 Base casting Soil + Slab &
Structural nonlinear
Transient heat transfer
2 Wall casting Soil + Slab + Wall &
Structural nonlinear
Figure 55: Sequence of the phased analysis

To set up a phase we follow these steps:

1. create a new Phase (rename accordingly)

2. open the Edit properties dialog box to:
• select the Element sets to be active during the phase
• select the element material properties (if required)
• select the Support sets and Tying sets to be active during the phase (if required)
3. add the required analysis commands (in this tutorial we perform Transient heat transfer and Structural nonlinear analyses).
For the Structural nonlinear analysis:
• add a Start steps block if new elements are included in the model
• add a Time steps block such that the Structural nonlinear analysis will take into account of the material evolution in the Transient heat transfer analysis
• set up the details for the calculations (e.g., solver, convergence criteria, superposition, ...)

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3.1.1 Phase 1 - Base casting
We start by creating the first phase to analyze the thermal and structural response of Base and Soil during the casting of the Base. This is performed by means of a staggered analysis coupling
Transient heat transfer and Structural nonlinear analyses. In this first phase, the Wall and the corresponding interfaces, used to model the convection transfer, are not considered.
During phase property assignement (see [Fig. 59]), check the “Covered and not connected boundaries”. This allows for automatic deactivation of the portion of the boundary interface around
the slab that will be covered by the Wall in the next phase (i.e., during Phase 2 the interface elements corresponding to this portion of boundary will not be considered during the calculations).

Main menu Analysis Add analysis

Analysis browser Analysis1 Rename PhasedAnalysis [Fig. 56]

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Add command Phased [Fig. 57]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Phased Rename Base casting [Fig. 58]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Base casting Edit phases

Figure 56: Analysis window Figure 57: Command menu Figure 58: Analysis tree Figure 59: Edit properties phase of Base casting

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We add a Transient heat transfer analysis command to the Base casting phase. This is to analyze the hydration processes and heat transfer in the model.
We need to specify the initial conditions for the heat transfer analysis [Fig. 61]. We use the Initial temperature field previously defined. Furthermore, by performing a nonlinear analysis, we
can take into account the hydration process in the young concrete of the Base slab, setting the initial degree of reaction equal to 0.01 (this very small value is required to start the hydration).
To take into account of the maturity dependent properties of the concrete during time, we need to calculate the concrete equivalent age during the analysis (select Calculate equivalent age for
the initial condition properties dialog box as shown in [Fig. 61])

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Add command Transient heat transfer [Fig. 60]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Transient heat transfer Initial conditions Edit properties [Fig. 61]

Figure 60: Analysis window Figure 61: Initial conditions

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We define the time steps to perform the transient heat transfer analysis. Here, we assume the following time steps:

0.1(20) 0.5(10) 1(3) 5(4) 6

where the notation n (m) means that a time step equal to n days is repeated m times consecutively.

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Transient heat transfer Execute Analysis Edit properties [Fig. 62]

Figure 62: Properties execute analysis

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We now add a Structural nonlinear analysis command to investigate the mechanical response.
We remove the existing new execute block command and add a Start steps block to account for the initialization of the stresses of the Base and Soil dead weight in the Soil.

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Add command Structural nonlinear [Fig. 63]

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear new execute block Remove
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear Add... Execute steps - Start steps [Fig. 64]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear new execute block 2 Rename Add Base [Fig. 65]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear Add Base Start steps Edit properties [Fig. 66]

Figure 63: Add Structural nonlinear Figure 64: Add Execute steps - Start step Figure 65: Rename new execute block 2 Figure 66: Start step properties

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We add a Time steps block to calculate the mechanical problem during the first 36 days after the casting of the base slab. More specifically, this is to monitor i) the stress interactions between
Base and Soil due to the dead weight and ii) the mechanical response of the Base induced by the thermal effects from the hydration process in the concrete.
The time steps used for this execution blocks are the same employed for the transient heat transfer analysis (i.e., 0.1(20) 0.5(10) 1(3) 5(4) 6).


Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear Add... Execute steps - Time steps [Fig. 67]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear new execute block Rename 1st 36 days [Fig. 68]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear 1st 36 days Time steps Edit properties [Fig. 69]

Figure 67: Add a new execute block

Execute steps - Time step Figure 68: Rename new execute block as 1st 36 days Figure 69: Time steps for the nonlinear structural analysis

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We select the desired output results (displacements and stresses and crack index).

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear Output Edit properties [Fig. 70]
Properties - OUTPUT Modify Results Selection [Fig. 71] [Table 5] [Fig. 72]

Figure 71: Results selection




Figure 70: Output properties Table 5: Required output data Figure 72: Output properties

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3.1.2 Phase 2 - Wall casting
We add a second phase to the analysis that accounts for the installation of the concrete wall. Compared to the previous phase, the model will consider the element sets for the Wall and its
boundary interfaces (i.e., Wall boundary and Wall boundary). At the same time, the element set Temporary slab boundary, where the Wall and the Base are in contact, is not considered.

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Add command Phased [Fig. 73] [Fig. 74]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Phased Rename Wall casting [Fig. 75]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Wall casting Edit phases [Fig. 76]

Figure 73: Analysis window Figure 74: Command menu Figure 75: Analysis tree Figure 76: Edit properties phase of Wall casting

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The command list for the Transient heat transfer and Structural nonlinear analyses for this second phase (Wall casting) are created by copying those from the previous one (Base casting).

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Transient heat transfer Duplicate [Fig. 77]

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear Duplicate [Fig. 77]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Copy of Transient heat transfer Rename Transient heat transfer 1 [Fig. 78]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Copy of Structural nonlinear Rename Structural nonlinear 1 [Fig. 78]

Figure 77: Duplicated commands Figure 78: Renamed commands

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We need to rename also the Start step and Time steps execution blocks in analysis Structural nonlinear 1.


Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear 1 Add Base Rename Add Wall [Fig. 79] [Fig. 80]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear 1 Base casting Rename Wall casting [Fig. 79] [Fig. 80]

Figure 79: Duplicated execute blocks Figure 80: Renamed execute blocks

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In this phase we use the same time steps employed in the previous one. Nonetheless, some changes are required both in Transient heat transfer 1 and Structural nonlinear 1. Namely, we need
to change the start time of the Transient heat transfer 1 analysis and the Add Wall execution block in Structural nonlinear 1 to 36 days (see Figure 81 and Figure 83). Moreover, in Add Wall
execution block, we specify that we will use the same load set from the previous phase [Fig. 82].
Then, we can run the analysis.

Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Transient heat transfer 1 Initial conditions Edit properties [Fig. 81]
Analysis browser PhasedAnalysis Structural nonlinear 1 Add Wall Start steps Edit properties [Fig. 82]
Main menu Analysis Run selected analysis

Figure 81: Initial condition properties Figure 82: Start steps properties Figure 83: Start steps properties

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3.2 Results
We will investigate the development of degree of reaction, temperature and crack formation in the concrete base and wall during time.
Since in this tutorial we are not interested in the thermal and mechanical response of the soil, we will display only the mesh of the Base and the Wall.

Mesh browser Mesh Shapes Base Show only [Fig. 84]

Mesh browser Mesh Shapes Wall Show [Fig. 85] [Fig. 86]

Figure 84: Show only Base Figure 85: Show Wall Figure 86: Base and Wall mesh

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3.2.1 Degrees of reaction

Contour plot ..
We investigate the degree of reaction (DGR) in the concrete.
We will specify the color scale limits based on the minimum and maximum value that DGR can take: 0 and 1 correspond to no reacted and fully reacted concrete, respectively.

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Element results Degrees of Reaction DGR [Fig. 87]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Color scale limits Specified values [Fig. 88]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Minimum value 0 [Fig. 89]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Maximum value 1 [Fig. 89]

Figure 88: Property panel - Specified values for color Figure 89: Property panel - Minimum and
Figure 87: Results browser scale limits maximum value for color scale limits

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We show the changes in DGR after 0.1, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 36 days from the beginning of the base slab casting.
After 2 days ([Fig. 95]), almost all the concrete in the Slab has reacted.

Results browser Case Base casting, Time-step 1, Time 0.10000 [Fig. 90]
< Repeat for the other time steps [Fig. 91]–[Fig. 95] >

Figure 90: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 91: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 92: Degree of reaction DGR
(0.1 day) (1 day) (2 days)

Figure 93: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 94: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 95: Degree of reaction DGR
(4 days) (6 days) (36 days)

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Similarly, we display the degree of reaction in the Wall that is installed 36 days after the casting of the Base.
As for the Base, after 2 days of casting (i.e., at 42 days in the analysis, [Fig. 100]) almost all the concrete in the Wall has reacted.

Results browser Case Wall casting, Time-step 1, Time 36.1000 [Fig. 96]
< Repeat for the other time steps [Fig. 97]–[Fig. 101] >

Figure 96: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 97: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 98: Degree of reaction DGR
(36.1 day) (37 day) (38 days)

Figure 99: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 100: Degree of reaction DGR Figure 101: Degree of reaction DGR
(40 days) (42 days) (72 days)

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3.2.2 Temperature

Contour plot ..
We investigate the temperature field (PTE) in the concrete.
We will specify the color scale limits based on the minimum and maximum value that PTE takes during the simulation: 20 and 40 °C, respectively.

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Nodal results Temperatures PTE [Fig. 102]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Minimum value 20 [Fig. 103]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Maximum value 40 [Fig. 103]

Figure 103: Property panel - Minimum and

Figure 102: Results browser maximum value for color scale limits

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We show the changes in PTE after 0.1, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 36 days from the beginning of the base slab casting.
The maximum temperature in the Base is reached after 1 days from the casting [Fig. 106].

Results browser Case Base casting, Time-step 1, Time 0.10000 [Fig. 104]
< Repeat for the other time steps [Fig. 105]–[Fig. 109] >

Figure 104: Temperature PTE (0.1 day) Figure 105: Temperature PTE (1 day) Figure 106: Temperature PTE (2 days)

Figure 107: Temperature PTE (4 days) Figure 108: Temperature PTE (6 days) Figure 109: Temperature PTE (36 days)

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Similarly, we display the temperature in the Wall.
The maximum temperature in the Wall is reached after 1 day from the casting (i.e., 37 days in the analysis) [Fig. 111]–[Fig. 112].

Results browser Case Wall casting, Time-step 1, Time 36.1000 [Fig. 110]
< Repeat for the other time steps [Fig. 111]–[Fig. 115] >

Figure 110: Temperature PTE (36.1 day) Figure 111: Temperature PTE (37 day) Figure 112: Temperature PTE (38 days)

Figure 113: Temperature PTE (40 days) Figure 114: Temperature PTE (42 days) Figure 115: Temperature PTE (72 days)

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Diagram – Temperature Vs Time ..
For a better understanding of the temperature development, we will make a graph of the temperature at some nodes along the symmetry axis with respect to time. We choose 3 nodes along
the symmetry axis of the Base (y = 3.1 m, y = 3.4 m and y = 3.7 m) and 3 nodes along the symmetry axis of the Wall (y = 3.83 m, y = 4.98 m and y = 6.07 m) shown in [Fig. 116].

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Nodal results Temperatures PTE Show table [Fig. 117] [Fig. 118]




Figure 116: Select nodes Figure 117: Show table of PTE Figure 118: Chart view

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The nodes can be selected either manually or through python command. In this tutorial, due to its simplicity, we use the second option.
Once the python command is provided to DianaIE through command console, the nodes will be selected.

Command console select( NODE, findNearestNodes( [ (0,3.1,0), (0,3.4,0), (0,3.7,0), (0,3.83,0), (0,4.98,0), (0,6.07,0) ] ) ) [Fig. 119]

Figure 119: Chart view

Due to the casting of the Wall, the temperature in the slab shows a second maximum at about 37 days.

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Probe curve ..
To investigate the variation of the temperature along an arbitrary line intersecting the model and at a specific time, in DianaIE it is possible to plot the corresponding graph along a probe
curve. We will plot the temperature profile along the probe curve that starts at (0, 3.4, 0) m and ends at (2.65, 3.4, 0) m (see [Fig. 124]).

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Nodal results Temperatures PTE [Fig. 102]
Property Panel Result Probing curve setting Add... Curve [Fig. 120]
Property Panel Result Probing curve setting probe-curve Number of intervals between points 20 [Fig. 121]
Property Panel Result Probing curve setting probe-curve Add... Point coordinates [Fig. 122]
Property Panel Result Probing curve setting probe-curve Point coordinates [Fig. 123]

Figure 121: Rename curve and interval Figure 122: Add coordinates for
Figure 120: Add curve number probe-curve Figure 123: Probe-curve point coordinates

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It is possible to visualize the diagram along the probe curve in [Fig. 125] on a Cartesian plane as shown in at different time steps [Fig. 126]–[Fig. 127].

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Nodal results Temperatures PTE Show contour probe [Fig. 125]
Results browser Case Base casting, Time-step 20, Time 2.0000 [Fig. 126]
Results browser Case Wall casting, Time-step 20, Time 38.000 [Fig. 127]

Figure 126: Temperature PTE along probe-curve at 2 days

probe curve

Figure 124: Probe curve Figure 125: Show contour probe Figure 127: Temperature PTE along probe-curve at 38 days

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3.2.3 Crack formation
Contour plot ..
We investigate the formation of cracks in the concrete through the crack index ICR defined as
, (1)
where ft is the tensile strength of concrete and σI is the maximal principal stress, thus cracks occurs when ICR is lower than 1. As general guidelines:
• 0.7 ≤ ICR < 1.2 ⇒ high risk of harmful cracks in the concrete;
• 1.2 ≤ ICR < 1.5 ⇒ few cracks might form;
• ICR ≥ 1.5 ⇒ probability of crack formation is very low.
To better visualize if the concrete is cracked, we will display the contour plot of ICR only if its value is smaller than 1.5. This is achieved by setting the color scale between 0 and 1.5 and
hiding data outside the color scale limits. Moreover, we will set the lower bound color to red (“high risk”) and the upper bound color to blue (“small risk”) [Fig. 129]. DianaIE

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Element results Crack Indices ICR [Fig. 128]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Color scale limits Specified values [Fig. 129]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Minimum value 0 [Fig. 129]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Maximum value 1.5 [Fig. 129]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Values outside specified bounds Hide data outside bounds [Fig. 129]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Bounding colors Upper bound color Blue [Fig. 129]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Bounding colors Lower bound color Red [Fig. 129]

Figure 128: Results browser Figure 129: Color scale limits

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Here, we show the results for some time steps. We do not consider the contour plot of ICR at the start steps: since the strength ft of the concrete is null at time 0, from eq. (1) we obtain ICR
equal to 0 for any σI .
The results show that the value of ICR in the core of the base slab and the wall is about 0.7-0.2 between 36 and 72 days from casting [Fig. 131]–[Fig. 133]. Therefore, there is a high risk of
harmful cracks in the concrete.

Results browser Case Base casting, Time-step 20, Time 2.0000 [Fig. 130]
Results browser Case Base casting, Time-step 38, Time 36.000 [Fig. 131]
Results browser Case Wall casting, Time-step 21, Time 38.000 [Fig. 132]
Results browser Case Wall casting, Time-step 39, Time 72.000 [Fig. 133]

Figure 130: Crack index ICR Figure 131: Crack index ICR Figure 132: Crack index ICR Figure 133: Crack index ICR
(2 days) (36 days) (38 days) (72 days)

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3.2.4 Young’s modulus
Contour plot ..
We investigate the development of the Young’s modulus during time.
We will specify the color scale limits based on the minimum and maximum value that the Young’s modulus of the concrete takes during the simulation: 1.5 and 27 GPa, respectively.

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Element results Elastic Parameters YOUNG fig:restree-young
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Color scale limits Specified values [Fig. 135]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Minimum value 1.5e+09 [Fig. 135]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Maximum value 2.7e+10 [Fig. 135]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Values outside specified bounds Color by minimum/maximum value colors [Fig. 135]

Figure 134: Results browser Figure 135: Color scale limits

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We display the variation of the Young’s modulus during time in the Base and in the Wall.
As shown in Figure 136–Figure 141, the Young’s modulus of the concrete increases during time reaching the maximum value of 33 GPa as in agreement with the JSCE code.

Results browser Case Base casting, Time-step 2, Time 2 hour 24 min, Dead weight [Fig. 136]
< Repeat for the other time steps [Fig. 139]–[Fig. 141] >

Figure 136: Young’s modulus YOUNG (2.5 hours) Figure 137: Young’s modulus YOUNG (4 day) Figure 138: Young’s modulus YOUNG (36 days)

Figure 139: Young’s modulus YOUNG (37 days) Figure 140: Young’s modulus YOUNG (40 days) Figure 141: Young’s modulus YOUNG (72 days)

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3.2.5 Tensile strength
Contour plot ..
We investigate the development of the tensile strength during time.
We will specify the color scale limits based on the minimum and maximum value that the tensile strength of the concrete takes during the simulation: 0.3 and 2.5 MPa, respectively.

Results browser PhasedAnalysis Analysis Output Element results Total strain parameters TENSTR [Fig. 142]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Color scale limits Specified values [Fig. 143]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Minimum value 3.0e+05 [Fig. 143]
Property Panel Result Contour plot settings Specified values Maximum value 2.5e+06 [Fig. 143]

Figure 142: Results browser Figure 143: Color scale limits

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As in the rpevious section, we display the variation of the tensile strength during time in the Base and in the Wall.
As shown in Figure 144–Figure 149, the tensile strength of the concrete increases during time reaching the maximum value of 2.9 MPa as in agreement with the JSCE code (see Figure 18).

Results browser Case “Base casting, Time-step 2, Time 2 hour 24 min, Dead weight” [Fig. 144]
< Repeat for the other time steps [Fig. 147]–[Fig. 149] >

Figure 144: Tensile strength TENSTR (2.5 hours) Figure 145: Tensile strength TENSTR (4 day) Figure 146: Tensile strength TENSTR (36 days)

Figure 147: Tensile strength TENSTR (37 days) Figure 148: Tensile strength TENSTR (40 days) Figure 149: Tensile strength TENSTR (72 days)

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Appendix A Additional Information

Folder: Tutorials/PurificationWall

Number of elements ≈ 550

analys: flow flowst heat nonlin phase physic stagge transi.
constr: initia suppor temper.
elemen: b2ht cq16e ct12e flow potent pstrai q4ht t3ht.
load: elemen node temper time weight.
materi: adiaba concre conduc elasti hydrat isotro jsce maturi power viscoe.
option: direct newton regula units.
post: binary ndiana.
pre: dianai.
result: cauchy crkind displa equage flux inttmp reacti stress temper total.


[1] M. A. N. Hendriks and J. G. Rots. Finite elements in civil engineering applications – Proceedings of the Third DIANA World Conference. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Tokyo, Japan, 9–11
October 2002, 2002.

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Disclaimer: The aim of this technical tutorial is to illustrate various tools, modelling techniques and analysis workflows in DIANA.
DIANA FEA BV does not accept any responsibility regarding the presented cases, used parameters, and presented results.

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