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`timescale 1ns / 1ps

// Company: Digilent Inc.
// Engineer: Varun Kondagunturi
// Create Date: 17:08:26 06/12/2014
// Design Name:
// Module Name: Abacus_Top_Module
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
//This is the Top-Level Source file for the Abacus Project.
//Slide switches provide two 8-bit binary inputs A and B.
//Slide Switches [15 down to 8] is input A.
//Slide Switches [7 down to 0] is input B.
//Inputs from the Push Buttons ( btnU, btnD, btnR, btnL) will allow the
user to select different arithmetic operations that will be computed on
the inputs A and B.
//btnU: Subtraction/Difference. Result will Scroll
//When A>B, difference is positive.
//When A<B, difference is negative. If the button is not held down but
just pressed once, the result will scroll. To find out if the result is
negative, press and hold onto the push button btnU. This will show the
negative sign.
//btnD: Multiplication/Product. Result will Scroll
//btnR: Quotient(Division Operation). Press and Hold the button to
display result
//btnL: Remainder ( Division Operation). Press and Hold the button to
display result
//Output is displayed on the 7 segment LED display.
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module Basys3_Abacus_Top(

//CLK Input
input clk,

//Push Button Inputs

input btnC,
input btnU,
input btnD,
input btnR,
input btnL,

// Slide Switch Inputs

// Input A = sw[15:8]
//Input B = sw[7:0]
input [15:0] sw,

// LED Outputs
output [15:0] led,

// Seven Segment Display Outputs

output [6:0] seg,
output [3:0] an,
output dp


//Seven Segment Display Signal

reg [15:0] x;//input to seg7 to define segment pattern

//adder signals
wire [7:0] sum;
wire [7:0] diff;
wire cout;

// 16 bit BCD Converter Signals

reg [15:0] B; // Inputs to B will be Adder/Subtractor and Multiplication
wire[19:0] bcdout;// bcdout is sent to Scroll_Display Module

// 16 bit BCD Converter Signals for Divider Sub-Module

reg [15:0] B1; // input will be 8 bit quotient signal
wire[19:0] bcdout1;// sent to Scroll_Display Module

reg [15:0] B2; // input will be 8 bit remainder signal

wire[19:0] bcdout2;// sent to Scroll_Display Module

// 7segment display scroll signals

wire [19:0] scroll_datain;
wire [15:0] scroll_dataout;

// Segment Scrolling for Divider result

wire [19:0] scroll_datain_QU;
wire [15:0] scroll_dataout_QU;

wire [19:0] scroll_datain_REM;

wire [15:0] scroll_dataout_REM;

// Divider or Mod signals

wire [7:0] QU;// Quotient
wire [7:0] REM; // Remainder

// Product or Multiplication Signals

wire [15:0] Product;
wire [7:0] PP0;// partial product outputs from multi modules.
wire [7:0] PP1;
wire [7:0] PP2;
wire [7:0] PP3;
wire [21:0] p_temp;

// Difference Signals
wire [7:0] zero_diff;
wire [7:0] twoC_diff;

// Clear Signal for Adder/Sub/Product

wire clr_seg;
assign clr_seg = btnU | btnD | btnC;// | btnR | btnL ;

// Clear Signal for Divider

wire clr_seg_DIV;//
assign clr_seg_DIV = btnR | btnL;

assign zero_diff[7:0] = diff[7:0]; //{1'b0, diff[7:0]};

assign twoC_diff[7:0] = ((~(zero_diff[7:0])) +8'b00000001);

assign p_temp[3:0] = PP0[3:0];

assign Product[3:0] = p_temp[3:0];

assign p_temp[9:4] = PP0[7:4]+PP1[3:0]+PP2[3:0]; //sum2_2[3:0]; 6 bits

assign Product[7:4] = p_temp[7:4];

assign p_temp[15:10] = PP1[7:4] + PP2[7:4] + PP3[3:0]+ {2'b00,

p_temp[9:8]} ; //sumC_C[3:0]; // 6 bits
assign Product[11:8] = p_temp[13:10];

assign p_temp[21:16] = PP3[7:4] + {2'b00,p_temp[15:14]}; //P3[7:4]+

{3'b000, tempC_C[4]};
assign Product[15:12] = p_temp[19:16];

assign led[15:0] = sw[15:0];

always @(*) begin

if ( (btnU == 1) && (sw[15:8] <= sw[7:0]))


B = twoC_diff[7:0];

x[15:12] = 'hA;
x[11:8] = scroll_dataout[11:8]; //hundreds;
x[7:4] = scroll_dataout[7:4];// tens;
x[3:0] = scroll_dataout[3:0];//ones;


else if ( (btnU == 1) && (sw[15:8] >= sw[7:0] ))

B = diff[7:0];
x[15:12] = scroll_dataout[15:12];//'hC;
x[11:8] = scroll_dataout[11:8]; //hundreds;
x[7:4] = scroll_dataout[7:4];// tens;
x[3:0] = scroll_dataout[3:0];//ones;


else if (btnD == 1) begin

B = Product[15:0];

x[15:12] = scroll_dataout[15:12];//'hC
x[11:8] = scroll_dataout[11:8]; //hundreds;
x[7:4] = scroll_dataout[7:4];// tens;
x[3:0] = scroll_dataout[3:0];//ones;


else if (btnR == 1) begin

B1 = QU[7:0]; // bcdout1

x[15:12] = scroll_dataout_QU[15:12];//'hC;
x[11:8] = scroll_dataout_QU[11:8]; //hundreds;
x[7:4] = scroll_dataout_QU[7:4];// tens;
x[3:0] = scroll_dataout_QU[3:0];//ones;


else if (btnL == 1) begin

B2 = REM[7:0]; // bcdout2

x[15:12] = scroll_dataout_REM[15:12];//'hC;
x[11:8] = scroll_dataout_REM[11:8]; //hundreds;
x[7:4] = scroll_dataout_REM[7:4];// tens;
x[3:0] = scroll_dataout_REM[3:0];//ones;



B = {cout, sum[7:0]};

x[15:12] = scroll_dataout[15:12];//'hC;
x[11:8] = scroll_dataout[11:8]; //hundreds;
x[7:4] = scroll_dataout[7:4];// tens;
x[3:0] = scroll_dataout[3:0];//ones;

// Binary to BCD conversion module1 for Adder/Sub/Multi Result
bin_to_decimal u1 (


// Binary to BCD conversion module2 for Quotient Result

BIN_DEC1 u2 (

.B1(B1), // QU in binary
.bcdout1(bcdout1)// QU in BCD

// Binary to BCD conversion module3 for Remainder Result

BIN_DEC2 u3 (

.B2(B2), // REM in binary

.bcdout2(bcdout2)// REM in BCD

// Scrolls Display
seg_scroll u4(


//Using Seg_Scroll for Static Display of Quotient Result

Seg_Scroll_QU u5(


//Using Seg_Scroll for Static Display of Remainder Result

Seg_Scroll_REM u6(


// 7segment display module

seg7decimal u7 (


// Arithmetic Operations

// Adder/Subtractor Module
adder u8 (


// Product/Multiplication

// Partial Product 0 Module

multi_4_4_pp0 u9 (



// Partial Product 1 Module

multi_4_4_pp1 u10 (



// Partial Product 2 Module

multi_4_4_pp2 u11 (



// Partial Product 3 Module

multi_4_4_pp3 u12 (


// Divider Module
divider u13(



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