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The Feasibility of Tomato extract as an ingredient of Soap

This is a study of a tomato soap and we try to find out the effect of this product to the skin so the product was tested to
the volounters and the it has an effect on the skin of the persons who try this product their skin became lighter and
smoother and in the first person its dark spots where vanished so it has an effect on the skin of the person who will
testing this product.

There are many kinds of soap today but some are just cleaning our body not whiting or smothening our skin.This study
aims to find the effectivity of the tomato extract mixed in soap and find the effect of it into the skin of the human

Statement of the problem:

1.What are the possible skin problems that can cure on this product?

The possible skin problems that can be cured by this product are sun burn psoriasis dry skin and smoothen and
whitening our skin

Scope and Limitations:

This study limits only in the making and testing on the result of the product and the effect of the product on the skin.

Review and Related Literature:

Soap is a combination of animal fat or plant oil and caustic soda. When dissolved in water, it breaks dirt away from
surfaces. Through the ages soap has been used to cleanse, to cure skin sores, to dye hair, and as a salve or skin
ointment. But today we generally use soap as a cleanser or perfume. The exact origins of soap are unknown, though
Roman sources claim it dates back to at least 600 B.C., when Phoenicians prepared it from goat's tallow and wood ash.
Soap was also made by the Celts, ancient inhabitants of Britain. Soap was used widely throughout the Roman empire,
primarily as a medicine. Mention of soap as a cleanser does not appear until the second century A.D. By the eighth
century, soap was common in France, Italy, and Spain, but it was rarely used in the rest of Europe until as late as the
17th century. Manufacture of soap began in England around the end of the 12th century. Soap-makers had to pay a
heavy tax on all the soap they produced. The tax collector locked the lids on soap boiling pans every night to prevent
illegal soap manufacture after hours. Because of the high tax, soap was a luxury item, and it did not come into common
use in England until after the tax was repealed in 1853. In the 19th century, soap was affordable and popular throughout
Europe. Early soap manufacturers simply boiled a solution of wood ash and animal fat. A foam substance formed at the
top of the pot. When cooled, it hardened into soap. Around 1790, French soapmaker Nicolas Leblanc developed a
method of extracting caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) from common table salt (sodium chloride), replacing the wood
ash element of soap. The French chemist Eugene-Michel Chevreul put the soap-forming process (called in English
saponification) into concrete chemical terms in 1823. In saponification, the animal fat, which is chemically neutral, splits
into fatty acids, which react with alkali carbonates to form soap, leaving glycerin as a byproduct. Soap was made with
industrial processes by the end of the 19th century, though people in rural areas, such as the pioneers in the western
United States, continued to make soap at home. Raw Materials Soap requires two major raw materials: fat and alkali.
The alkali most commonly used today is sodium hydroxide. Potassium hydroxide can also be used. Potassium-based
soap creates a more water-soluble product than sodium-based soap, and so it is called "soft soap." Soft soap, alone or in
combination with sodium-based soap, is commonly used in shaving products. Animal fat in the past was obtained
directly from a slaughterhouse. Modern soapmakers use fat that has been processed into fatty acids. This eliminates
many impurities, and it produces as a byproduct water instead of glycerin. Many vegetable fats, including olive oil, palm
kernel oil, and coconut oil, are also used in soap making. Additives are used to enhance the color, texture, and scent of
soap. Fragrances and perfumes are added to the soap mixture to cover the odor of dirt and to leave behind a fresh-
smelling scent. Abrasives to enhance the texture of soap include talc, silica, and marble pumice (volcanic ash). Soap
made without dye is a dull grey or brown color, but modern manufacturers color soap to make it more enticing to the
consumer. Tomato Extract: Tomato extract contains carotenoids such as lycopene, beta
carotene, and vitamin E, which are known as effective antioxidants, to inactivate free radicals, and to slow the
progression of atherosclerosis. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effect of tomato extract on systolic and
diastolic blood pressure in grade-1 HT, on serum lipoproteins, plasma homocysteine, and oxidative stress markers.

This study is a single-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Thirty-one subject with grade-1 HT, without concomitant diseases,
who required no antihypertensive or lipid-lowering drug therapy, who were recruited from primary care clinics,
completed the trial. Subjects entered a 4-week placebo period, then an 8-week treatment period with tomato extract,
250 mg Lyc-O-Mato, and a 4-week control period with placebo

Systolic blood pressure decreased from 144 (SE +/- 1.1) to 134 mm Hg (SE +/- 2, P < .001), and diastolic blood pressure
decreased from 87.4 (SE +/- 1.2) to 83.4 mm Hg (SE +/- 1.2, P < .05). No changes in blood pressure were demonstrated
during placebo periods. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, a lipid peroxidation products marker, decreased from
4.58 (SE +/- 0.27) to 3.81 nmol/mg (SE +/- 0.32, P < .05). No significant changes were found in lipid parameters.

A short-term treatment with antioxidant-rich tomato extract can reduce blood pressure in patients with grade-1 HT,
naive to drug therapy. The continuous effect of this treatment and the long-term beneficial effect on cardiovascular risk
factors still need to be demonstrated.

caustic soda
tomato fruit
coconut oil Extracting of tomato extract from tomato fruit: we need to have 20ml of tomato extract so first we will get
tomato fruit washed and a bowl used to put the tomato extract there and a cloth first we need to slice the tomato into
small pieces then we will extract the extract by using the cloth and by using our hands we will squash the tomato into
the cloth and put the extract into the bowl.

Soap making: We will use the tomato extract for our next procedure. First we will mix the 100g Caustic soda and a 40ml
water and mix it thoroughly, then mix the 10ml coconut oil and then mix. after that add the 10ml tomato extract and
then mix. after it will harden enough to become a soap we will put it on a plastic container or molder. Testing: we need
to have volunters and a control one so we need 3 persons who will try this product and observe the changes of the skin
in a week every day we will record all the possible changes and make a conclusion. The control one will not use the
product.this product will test on the skin of the volounters especificaly on their arms skin/

Soap making: We will use the tomato extract for our next procedure. First we will mix the 100g Caustic soda and a 40ml
water and mix it thoroughly, then mix the 10ml coconut oil and then mix. after that add the 10ml tomato extract and
then mix. after it will harden enough to become a soap we will put it on a plastic container or molder.

Testing: we need to have volunters and a control one so we need 3 persons who will try this product and observe the
changes of the skin in a week every day we will record all the possible changes and make a conclusion. The control one
will not use the product.this product will test on the skin of the volounters especificaly on their arms skin/

Results and Discussion:

This is the result of the testing of the product. day 1 1st person-the skin becomes smoother 2nd person-no changes 3rd
person-the skin becomes smoother control- no changes day 2 1st person-the skin becomes smoother 2nd person-the
skin becomes smoother 3rd person-the skin becomes smoother control- no changes day 3 1st person-the skin becomes
smoother 2nd person-the skin becomes smoother 3rd person-the skin becomes smoother control- no changes day 4 1st
person-the skin becomes lighter compared to the past 2nd person-the skin becomes lighter compared to the past 3rd
person-the skin becomes smoother control- no changes day 5 1st person-the skin becomes lighter compared to the past
2nd person-the skin becomes lighter compared to the past 3rd person-the skin becomes lighter compared to the past
control- no changes day 6 1st person-some dark spots on the skin was vanished 2nd person-becomes smooth and lighter
in color 3rd person-becomes smooth and lighter in color control- no changes day 7 1st person-the skin becomes smooth
and lighter 2nd person-the skin becomes smooth and lighter 3rd person-the skin becomes smooth and lighter control-
no changes Conclusion: The product testing obviously it was effective on smoothening and lightening the skin. So this
product is effective on people who want their skin to become white and to remove the dark spots on their skin.


This study needs more experiments or trials to know the other effect of this product to the skin.

Psoriasis- is a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to build up rapidly on the
surface of the skin. The extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are itchy and sometimes painful. Psoriasis is a
chronic disease that often comes and goes.

Caustic soda- is a powerful chemical substance used to make strong soaps and clean drains.

Sodium hydroxide- a strongly alkaline white deliquescent compound used in many industrial processes, e.g. the
manufacture of soap and paper.

Sodium chloride- a colorless crystalline compound occurring naturally in seawater and halite; common salt.

Saponification- is a process that involves conversion of fat or oil into soap and alcohol by the action of heat in the
presence of aqueous alkali.

Neutral -when it is not positively or negatively charged. ... All ions are charged. In atomic nuclei, the protons are positive
and the neutrons are neutral. The universe is believed to be electrically neutral. alkali a chemical compound that
neutralizes or effervesces with acids and turns litmus blue; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance of this kind such as
lime or soda.

Potassium hydroxide -. : a white deliquescent solid KOH that dissolves in water with much heat to form a strongly
alkaline and caustic liquid and is used chiefly in making soap and as a reagent.p sodium the chemical element of atomic
number 11, a soft silver-white reactive metal of the alkali metal group.

Glycerine- is a thick, sweet, colourless liquid that is used especially in making medicine, explosives, and antifreeze for

Talc -is a clay mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate with the chemical formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2.

Silica -is silicon dioxide, a compound of silicon which is found in sand, quartz, and flint, and which is used to make glass.

Carotenoid- any of a class of mainly yellow, orange, or red fat-soluble pigments, including carotene, which give color to
plant parts such as ripe tomatoes and autumn leaves. They are terpenoids based on a structure having the formula

Lycopene -a red carotenoid pigment present in tomatoes and many berries and fruits. beta An electron or positron.

Carotene-. : any of several orange or red crystalline hydrocarbon pigments (such as C40H56) that occur in the

Chromoplasts - of plants and in the fatty tissues of plant-eating animals and are convertible to vitamin A — compare

Antihypertensive-. : a substance that is effective against high blood pressure. systolic relating to the phase of the
heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.

Thiobarbituric- acid reactive substances (TBARS) are formed as a byproduct of lipid peroxidation (i.e. as degradation
products of fats) which can be detected by the TBARS assay using thiobarbituric acid as a reagent.

Peroxidation- type of reaction in which oxygen atoms are formed leading to the production of peroxides. It is
stimulated in the body by certain toxins and infections



The Feasibility of Papaya Extract as Meat Tenderizer

Chapter 1 Introduction
a. Background of the study
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Hypothesis
d. Significance of the study
e. Scope and Limitations
f. Definition of Terms
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3 Methodology
a. Materials
b .Procedure
c. Application
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions
a. Findings
b. Analysis of the Data
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation
Chapter 6 Bibliography

The researchers would like to express the deepest gratitude to the following that without their help this project would
not be possible:

First, to the parents of the researchers who are always there with continuing support,morally and financially.

To Ms. Lannie Alamin, the researchers Research teacher who always leading and helping the researchers to finish this
investigatory project.
And almost God, who gave the researchers knowledge and strength for this investigatory project.

The study focuses in proving the papaya extract as a meat tenderizer. The researchers used unripe papaya and meat.
The materials needed are easily found inside the houses.
The meat was soaked for 30 minutes into the papaya extract. The persons who rated the experiment were satisfied of
the right concentration of papaya extract and rated it as “excellent”
With the presence of papain in the papaya extract the meat was tenderize. It was prove that papaya extract can
tenderizer meat.

A. Background of the Study
Meat is an animal flesh that is eaten as food. Meat is mainly composed of water, protein and fat. The advents civilization
such as chickens, sheep, pigs and cattle and eventually their use in meat production on an industrial scale.
Meat is an edible raw, but is normally eaten after it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways.
Unprocessed meat will spoil or not within hours or days as a result of infection with and decomposition by bacteria and
Most often, meat refers to the skeletal muscle and associated fat and other tissues such as offal. Meat sometimes also
used in a more restrictive sense the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, lambs, etc.) raised and prepared for human
consumption to the exclusion of fish, other seafood, poultry or other animals.
It is mostly the muscle tissue of an animal. Most animal is roughly 75% water, 20% protein and 5% fat, carbohydrates
and assorted proteins. Meat has also collagens. The main structural protein of the various connective tissue of animal.
This study uses the papaya extract. From the papaya the presence of “Papain” revealed. Enzyme that can break down
collagens in the meat and to make the meat softer.

B. Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to find out if papaya extract can tenderize meat.
a. General Objectives
The study seeks the possibility of using papaya extract as an effective meat tenderizer.
b. Specific Objectives
Specifically, the study aims to answer the following question:
1. Can papaya extract be made into a meat tenderizer?
2. What components does the papaya extract have that can tenderize meat?
3. Is there a significant effect of using the papaya extract as a meat tenderizer?

C. Hypothesis
Papaya extract can be made into a meat tenderizer.
There is a significance effect of the papaya extract in tenderizing meat in terms of palatability, texture and tenderness of

D. Significance of the Study

Many people will surely adore this project because it is cheaper than commercialized tenderizer. Using the
commercialized tenderizer it will cause bigger expenses. So, instead of wasting a lot of money in buying commercialized
tenderizer you can now made your own meat tenderizer with fewer expenses.
The materials needed for this project are easily found inside our houses. The researchers seek for this project to
successfully help other people in making their own home made tenderizer.

E. Scope and Limitations

The study focussed only on tenderizing of meat. This project is not used to other kind of meat. Test was conducted to
prove the capability of papaya extract as meat tenderizer.

F. Definition of Terms
Meat-the flesh an animal used as food.
Papain-a protease in the juice of unripe papaya that is used specially as a tenderizer for meat.
Enzyme-a substance in animals & plants that helps to cause natural processes.
Tenderize-to makes the meat softer.
Collagens-the main structural protein found in animal connective tissue.

Papaya, papaw, pawpaw is a fruit of Carica Papaya. It is a tropical fruit shaped like an elongated melon with edible
orange flesh and small black seeds. The papaya is a large tree-like plant with a single stem growing from 5 to 10 m (16 to
33 ft.) tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. The lower trunk is conspicuous scanned where
leaves and fruit were borne. The leaves are 50 to 70 cm (20-28 in.) in diameter, deeply palmately lobed with seven
lobes. Unusually for such large plants, the trees are dioeciously. The tree is usually unbranched, unless lopped. The
flowers are similar in shape to the flowers of Plumeria, but are much smaller and wax-like. They appear on the axils of
the leaves, maturing into large fruit 15 to 45 cm (5.9-17.7 in) long and 10-30 cm (3.9-17.8 in) in diameter.
The papaya is a fast-growing tree native to warm regions of America. Gaining in popularity among tropical fruits
worldwide, papaya is now ranked third in total tropical fruit production after bananas and citrus fruits. Global papaya
production has grown significantly over the last few years. It is widely cultivated for its fruit, both for eating and for
papain production. Both green papaya fruit and the tree’s latex are rich in papain, a protease used for tenderizing meat.
Its ability to break down tough meat fibers was used for thousand years by Indigenous Americans.
The papaya is also used for tenderizing meat because it is rich in papain. However, salt can also tenderize meat. As the
meat draws some of the salt backs in, the salt breaks down the protein and improves the steak’s textures. Actually, if
papaya juices which rich in papain and salt will be combined for the meat, it makes softer and palatable for cooking.

A. Materials
The researchers use one piece of unripe papaya, 4 tablespoon of salt and sugar, bowl, cups, grater, peeler, knife and

B. Procedure
The researchers collect all the materials needed. The gathered unripe papaya cutted and grated. Then squeeze to get
the juice, the strained from the grated papaya and measure exactly 4 cups. After getting the juice, add 4 tablespoon of
salt and sugar the mix.

C. Application
To determine the effect of papaya extract in tenderizing meat, add 5 cups of the extract to the 1/4 kg. meat. For the
commercialized tenderizer add 4 tablespoon to the 1/4 kg. of meat. Soak it for 30 minutes, and record the observations.


A. Findings
The researchers ask three person to rate the meat in terms of palatability, texture and tenderness of meat.

Table 1
Scores 10 respondents of papaya extract and commercialized tenderizer.

Papaya Extract 6 5 4
Comercialized Tenderizer 4 5 6

Table 2
Scores 10 respondents of papaya extract and commercialized tenderizer.

Papaya Extract 4 5 4
Comercialized Tenderizer 6 5 6

Table 3
Scores 10 respondents of papaya extract and commercialized tenderizer.

Papaya Extract 5 7 6
Comercialized Tenderizer 5 3 4

B. Analysis of the Data

Table 1
Shows the palatability of meat using the papaya extract compare to commercialized tenderizer. The respondents
perceived that using papaya extract is more palatable than commercial one.
Table 2
Shows that the respondents perceived that using papaya extract has a better texture that commercial one.
Table 3
Shows the tenderness of meat using papaya extract compared to commercialized tenderizer. Majority of the
respondents trust that papaya extract when it comes to tenderness.

A. Conclusion
Using the results as bases, papaya extract can tenderize meat. It is more effective than commercial one.
There is a significant effect of papaya extract in tenderizing of meat with the rating of papaya extract compared
commercialized tenderizer. Papaya extract is feasible as a substitute for commercialized tenderizer.
B. Recommendation
Based on the foregoing data, here are the recommendations given; Papaya fruits are recommended for tenderization.
For the other researchers, further study other fruit which can tenderize meat.



Collagens-the main structural protein found in animal connective tissue.

Enzyme-a substance in animals & plants that helps to cause natural processes. offal the entrails and internal organs of
an animal used as food. Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body. They are one of the building blocks of body
tissue and can also serve as a fuel source.

Carbohydrates -are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. Though often
maligned in trendy diets, carbohydrates — one of the basic food groups — are important to a healthy diet. conspicuous
standing out so as to be clearly visible.

Plumeria- is a genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family

Apocynaceae-. Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees. The species variously are indigenous to Mexico,
Central America and the Caribbean, and as far south as Brazil and north as Florida, but are grown as cosmopolitan
ornamentals in warm regions.

Papain- is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the raw fruit of the papaya plant.

Proteolytic enzymes-help break proteins down into smaller protein fragments called peptides and amino acids. ... Read
on to learn how to use papain for its health benefits, as well as some of the science-based evidence surrounding this

Protease, Proteinase, or Peptidase, -any of a group of enzymes that break the long chainlike molecules of proteins into
shorter fragments (peptides) and eventually into their components, amino acids.

Tenderize-to makes the meat softer.




The Feasibility of squash as an additive in making Hotcake"


The study aims to make hotcake with an additive of squash and also aims to deal with the quality of the hotcake with its
additive(squash) and compare it to commercial hotcake. This study uses experimentation and surveying seven panelists
to taste the product and compare it to commercial one. After the survey,the researcher evaluate the results of how the
panelists rate the product. The result of the survey is,squash can be an additive in making hotcake.



we all know that squash is one of the most abundant in the Philippines so that's why it is not that very expensive. It is
also nutritious. It has Vitamin A, carbohydrates and many more. Hot cake is one of the most preferable snack of many
people because of its delicious taste, and it easily makes you full. It is very easy to make, too. The researcher come up
with this study because the researcher wants to add flavoring to hot cake to make it more delicious. The researcher also
wants the hot cake to become more nutritious.


Now a days, most of the important things are increasing in prizes. People are really carefully budgeting their money for
their daily needs like food, fare, allowances of their children in school and etc. Before others have a budget for snacks
today since the important things are increasing they have no budget for that. So this study aims to answer the following
Questions in making hot cake

1. Is it more affordable than to commercial one?

2. Is it comparative to the commercial one?

3. Is the taste and the texture are

In the third trial, the reseacher add more baking powder measured 1 tsb. Now the experiment done successfully. It is
not wet anymore. The odor, the texture, the color and the taste is good.

Respondents Cdor Texture Color Taste Comment

1 3 4 2 4 It has a distinct taste!

2 3 4 2 3 It taste good.

3 3 4 2 3 It has a different taste

4 4 4 3 4 Very delicious!

5 3 4 3 4 Tastes good.

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