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5E’s Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Prepared by: Mr. Edrian L. Layco

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
a. identify and describe the ecological relationships among living things;
b. describe the effects of interactions among the organisms in their
c. cite examples showing how living organisms depend on each other for
their needs to survive.


a. Topic: Ecological Relationships
b. References:
 Discover Science 7 pages 178-180
 Real Life Science 4 pages 230 – 265
c. Materials:
Illustration, chart, activity sheet, power point presentations
d. Process Skills:
Observing, Analyzing, Describing


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Cleanliness and Attendance

2. Review
 The students will search the answer of the following questions on the
word hunt.

1. It is the sequence of food transfer from producer to the

decomposer. (food chain)
2. These are the heterotrophic organisms that depend in other
organisms for nourishment and for the supply of energy.
3. These are autotrophic organisms that are capable of making
their own food. (producers)
4. It is the food making process of the plants. (photosynthesis)
5. It is interlinked of several food chains. (food web)

B. Lesson Proper
1. Engage:
 The students will observe the pictures posted on the board and
answer the following questions:
1. What is your understanding about the word “relationship”?
2. What relationships are depicted in the pictures?
3. What other relationships do you know of?
4. Is this relationship limited to human beings only?
 Unlocking of difficulties:
The students will arrange the following jumbled letters correctly.
1. Eoolgsitc - scientist who study the relationships of organism with
their environments. ( Ecologist )
2. Itnrecaiton – is a kind of action that occurs as two or more
objects have an effect upon one another. ( Interaction )
3. Itrnepedncednee - mutual reliance between two or more
organism ( Interdependence )
4. Sspeeci – a group of related animals or plants that is smaller than
a genus. ( Species )

2. Explore:

 The teacher will group the class into five. Each group will give 5
minutes to do the activity. One representative will present their

3. Explain:
Ecological Relationships

 Symbiotic Relationships – are interactions wherein two organisms of

different species interact, with at least one of the species benefiting
from the interaction while farming the organism or affecting at all.
 Mutualism – is the relationship which two organisms
interact and they benefit from each other.
 Parasitism – is a relationship wherein one organism is
negatively affected and oftentimes harmed.
Parasite –organism that benefits from the interaction
Host – organism that harmed in the interaction
 Commensalism – is a relationship wherein one organism
benefits from the interaction without harming the other
Commensal – organism that benefits from the interaction
Host – organism that is unharmed and provides help
 Competition - is a relationship in which organisms compete for the
same needs such as food, shelter, or mate.
 Intraspecific competition – competition happens between
organisms of the same species
 Interspecific competition – competition happens between
organisms of different species
 Predation – is the interaction where the predator kills the prey for
 Predator – organism that kills for food
 Prey – organism that is being hunted

a. Discussion/Analysis
1. Why do living organisms need to interact with one another?
2. How do the interactions among organisms affect their lives and
b. Generalization
The students will share what they have learned about the lesson by
answering the table posted on the board. The teacher will call three
students to share their work in front.
What I have learned? How can I use it?

c. Values Integration:
 From the interactions that the students have studied, they will
choose one that they think exists among people. Does this
interaction also take place among the members of the family? They
will explain their answer.

4. Elaborate:
The class will be group into four and asked to choose one
relationship among organisms that were discussed in the lesson. The
students will talk about how the relationship is advantageous or
disadvantageous to the organisms involved. Each group will do
differentiated activities. The teacher will assign each group by
which they will present the results of their group discussion.

 News report – Adapt a certain portion of a news TV program to

explain the chosen relationship. The group members will act out as
reporters or news anchors and the characters in the report.
 Rap – Compose and present a rap about the benefit and/or harm
caused by the chosen relationship to the organisms involved.
 Commercial or advertisement – Prepare and present a commercial
to explain the positive things about the chosen relationship.
 Talk show – Act out as celebrities promoting the chosen relationship
among organisms. They have to say good things about the
 Poem – Create and recite a poem to explain the chosen
The teacher will be used rubrics to assess the group activity of the

Rubric 8 6 4 2
Product fully Product relates to Product relates to Product doesn’t
Content related to the most of the part of the relate to the
content content content content
4 3 2 1
Enthusiasm and
Enthusiasm and Enthusiasm, smiles
smiles were seen
smiles and no and a small Very little or no,
Performance sometimes or
mistakes for the number of enthusiasm
major mistakes
entire performance mistakes
Very few
Movement Totally in sync Mostly in sync Sometimes in sync movements if any
were in sync
Cheer was usually Cheer was mostly
Cheer was loud
loud enough to hard to hear and Cheer was not loud
Voice Projection and fully
hear and sometimes not or comprehendible
comprehendible comprehendible
Grade / 20
5. Evaluate:
 Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction
of living things. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write
your answer on the blank before the number.

_____b____1. What ecological relationship exists when the banana

plants are planted on the same area?
a. commensalism b. competition c. predation

_____a____2. A worm lives on the leaves of the calamansi plant.

Which of the two organisms is the parasite?
a. worm b. calamansi plant c. leaves

_____b____3. Which of the following is an example of organisms that

show commensalism?
a. eagle on snake
b. egret to a carabao
c. orchids on the branches of trees

_____b____4. Which of the following organism is NOT a predator?

a. eagle b. fly c. lion

______c___5. What ecological relationship exists on the butterfly and

a. parasitism b. predation c. mutualism


1. What are the ecological problems we experienced nowadays?

2. Give some conservation measures on improving the environment and
preserving the natural resources.
Activity 1
Read and analyze the given situation on each group. Then, answer the
following questions.

The butterfly gets nectar from a flower, on the other hand, flower gets
pollinated by the help of the butterfly. They benefit from one another. The
relationship that exists between them is called mutualism.

Questions : 1. What is mutualism?

2. Give another example of mutualism.

Group 2
The cattle egrets eat the insects around the cattle as it moves around.
The cattle egrets get benefited from the cattle yet the cattle did not affect at
all. The egret is called commensal while the cattle is called host. The
relationship that exists between them is called commensalism.

Question: 1. What is commensalism?

2. What is the difference between commensal and host?
3. Give another example of commensalism.
Group 3
The mosquito sucks blood from the child. The child is called host
because it is the one that harms by the mosquito. On the other hand,
mosquito is called parasite because it harms the child. The relationship that
exists between them is parasitism.
QUESTION: 1. What is the difference between parasite and host?
2. What is parasitism?
3. Give another example of parasitism.

Group 4
The two deer compete for their basic necessities like food, shelter,
or mate. The relationship that exists between them is called competition.
QUESTION: 1. What is competition?
2. Why organisms need to compete with other organism?
3. Give other example of competition.
Group 5
The tiger eats the deer. The tiger is called predator because it kills
another organism for food. While the deer is called prey because it is killed
and haunted by the predator. The relationship that exists between them is
called predation.
Questions: 1. What is predation?
2. What are the differences between predator and prey?
3. Give other examples of predation.
Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction of
living things. Choose the letter of the correct answer and wrie your
answer on the blank before the number.

_________1. What ecological relationship exists when the banana

plants are planted on the same area?
a. commensalism b. competition c. predation

_________2. A worm lives on the leaves of the calamansi plant.

Which of the two organisms is the parasite?
a. worm b. calamansi plant c. leaves

_________3. Which of the following is an example of organisms that

show commensalism?
a. eagle on snake
b. egret to a carabao
c. orchids on the branches of trees

_________4. Which of the following organism is NOT a predator?

a. eagle b. fly c. lion

_________5. What ecological relationship exists on the butterfly and

a. parasitism b. predation c. parasitism

 Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction

of living things. Choose the letter of the correct answer and wrie
your answer on the blank before the number.

_________1. What ecological relationship exists when the banana

plants are planted on the same area?
a. commensalism b. competition c. predation

_________2. A worm lives on the leaves of the calamansi plant.

Which of the two organisms is the parasite?
a. worm b. calamansi plant c. leaves

_________3. Which of the following is an example of organisms that

show commensalism?
a. eagle on snake
b. egret to a carabao
c. orchids on the branches of trees

_________4. Which of the following organism is NOT a predator?

a. eagle b. fly c. lion

_________5. What ecological relationship exists on the butterfly and

a. parasitism b. predation c. parasitism

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