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Samantha Puen 193992

Theo 11-EE October 31, 2019


1. What were your main takeaways from the talk or class? What is the main point of the
talk you attended?

One of the talab talks I attended was entitled “Eating for a Better Tomorrow: A
Discussion on Inclusive Food Production and Sustainable Consumption”. This topic
covers one of the sustainable development goals, more specifically goal 12 or
sustainable consumption and production. The first speaker talked about organic food,
GMO free food, and sustainable production. She was promoting how we should buy
these types of food because it is good for our body and it provides a source of
livelihood for Filipino farmers. The next speaker was from the World Wildlife Fund or
WWF and they talked about how our current consumption can negatively affect the
animals, the land, and the water. She also mentioned how we are already consuming
the future generation’s resources. After the talk, I realized how our own personal
lifestyle is greatly affecting the world. Sometimes, we value an object’s convenience
over it’s greater impact in the world. I made it a point to make small changes in my
life like reducing my meat consumption and reducing my single-use plastics by
bringing my own reusable containers. This small act can make a big change.

2. How is the talk or sharing reflective of a person’s or group’s spirituality?

Spirituality is a universal human experience which touches us all. These

people are passionate about their line of work and their advocacy. You can feel the
passion they have from how they talk. They take this complex topic that people just
hear about but don’t really understand and they simplify it so that the common people
can understand it. They aren’t ashamed of their advocacy and they want other
people to understand the problem so that they can also be advocates for the same

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