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Snake venom 
Name-Ashish Sen Gupta  
Class- B.Sc 3rd year 
Roll number - 37 
Session - 2017- 18 

Under the guidance of  
● Dr. V.K. Diwedi 
● Dr. Neetu Mittal 
● Dr. Aseem Umesh 
Department of Zoology 
Shri Jai Narayan PG College 

The success and final outcome of this project 
required a lot of guidance and assistance from 
many people and I am extremely privileged to 
have got this all along the completion of my 
project. All that I have done is only due to such 
supervision and assistance and I would not 
forget to thank them. 
I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get 
constant encouragement, support and 
guidance from all Teaching staffs of Zoology 
Department which helped me in successfully 
completing our project work. 
Ashish Sen Gupta 

As students of B.Sc 3rd year, we are required to 
make an project of the PowerPoint 
presentation that we made on certain topics of 
our syllabus. 
This project includes some information about 
the given topics at student level. 

What is Venom? 
Venom is “​toxic saliva produced by parotid 
salivary gland of the venomous snakes”​. Its is 
composed of :- 
● Toxins (neurotoxin,cardiotoxins) 
● Cholinestara-ses 
● Thrombopla-stin 
● Agglutinins 
● Hyaluronida-se 
Venom is different from poison. Their 
difference can be explained by the statement 
“​If it bites you and you die, its venomous. If you 
bite it and you die, it is poisonous”.  
Snake venom shows toxicity only in blood, and 
its proteinaceous nature allows it to be 
digested by our digestive system. 

Venom is injected by fangs. They are 

specialized cannulated teeth used to inject 
venom. They are present along with small 
teeths and are two or more in number. 
These teeth are connected to the salivary 
glands which produce the venomous saliva 
used in hunting and defence. 
The effects of venom are curtailed:- 
● Hemoglobinuria 
● Petechial hemorrhages 
● Bleeding from gums, mucus membranes 
such as rectum and body orifices 
● Hemoptysis 
● Cold, clammy skin 
● Death due to circulatory failure.   

Venom and its types

Snake venom on the basis of their mode of 
action are chiefly classified into three types 
Neurotoxic  V
​ asculotoxic  ​Myotoxic 
(Elapids)  (Vipers)  (Sea-snakes) 
Elapids have  Vipers can be  Their signs of 
following  identified by:  identification 
signs of  ● Head  are: 
identification:  triangular,  ● Small head 
● Head of  wider then  ● Flattened 
same  neck  tail 
width as  ● Vertical  ● Fixed and 
necks  pupils  short 
● Pupils  ● Long,  fangs 
rounded  movable  Eg- True sea 
● Fangs are  and  snakes, sea 
short,  canalized  krait 
fixed and  fangs 
grooved   Eg:- Pit and 
Eg- King  non-pit 
Cobra, Karait,  vipers, 
Coral  Russell's 
vipers, saw 

scaled vipers 

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