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Role Play

Pregnancy Class

“ Personal Hygiene”

In a village, held classes for pregnant women in Posyandu Mawar. The speaker at the

event by midwife’s and participants is pregnant women’s. The event was the second event

held in that village.

Cast :

Midwife 1

Midwife 2

Pregnant women 1

Pregnant women 2

Pregnant women 3

Pregnant women 4

Midwife 1 : “ Assalammualaikum mom. I’m glad to see you today. This is the

second time we met on this class. We will have 4 class for 6 months

and we will hold gymnastic in pregnancy in the third classes”.

Pregnant women’s : “ Ok mom.”

Midwife 1 : “ Okay, please write your name on absent and your signature on this

And then, midwife explain about the pregnant classes, followed by personal hygine

topic in pregnancies.

Midwife 1 : “ Ok mom. Do you know what is the pregnant calsses ?”.

Pregnant women 1 : “ Classes for pregnant women, mom.”

Midwife : “ well, good mom. Is there another answer ?”.

Pregnant women 2 : “ which discusses about pregnancy, mom.”

Midwife 1 : “ Good, so pregnancy class is class where held specifically for

pregant women, and in today’s class we will discuss about personal

hygiene on pregnant. Where an explanation of personal hygiene will be

explained by midwife 2.”

Then, midwife 2 explain about personal hygiene on pregnant and after that she give

some question for pregnant women’s.

Midwife 2 : “ Well mom, do you know about personal hygiene on pregnant ? and

tell me one example of them.”

Pregnant women 3 : “ maintain aour personal hygiene, mom.”

Midwife 2 : “ okay, and then what about the example ? can you give me one ?.”

Pregnant women 4 : “ Body and clothing hygiene mom.”

Midwife 2 : “ Good, I will explain to you about personal hygiene. Personal

hygiene is are things that concern a person’s cleanlinnes in appearance,

habits, and health. Does anyone know the example of personal hygiene

Pregnant women 3 : “ take a bath and shampoo mom.”

Pregnant women 1 : “ brushing our teeth.”

Pregnant 2 : “ change clothes twice for a day.”

Midwife 2 : “ good everyone. Personal hygiene includes body hygiene, hand and

finger hygiene, hair helath, clothes hygiene, oral and nassal hygiene.

We must always maintain our personal hygiene, ever more during


Pregnant 3 : “ mom, why do we need maintain our personal hygiene ?.”

Midwife 2 : “ to prevent disease and infection, maintan and improve maternal

health, prevent complications during pregnancy, and increase self


Midwife 1 : “ okay mom, that’s all the topic about personal hygiene in pregnancy,

do you still want to ask ?.”

Pregnant women’s : “ No mom.”

Midwife 1 : “ well, enough for today in our pregnant class about personal hygiene

in pregnancy. And we hope in the next class you are will come back to

take the pregnancy exercise class.”

Pregnant women’s : “ Okay mom, thanks for the explanation.”

Midwife’s : “ Okay, see you on the next class.”

Then, pregnant class today has been completed, and will be continued at the third

meeting about gymnastic on pregnant or pregnancy exercise.

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