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Tugas : English for Scientivity midwifery

Kelas : Aljen Kutai Barat

Pertemuan : 3

Tanggal : 16 Juni 2021


1. Lusiana : Midwife 1
2. Marissa oktavilia : Midwife 2
3. Ririn Noviani Dewi : Pregnant women
4. Murdiyati : Husband

Thema : Pregnancy Visits ( KI Pure)

Examination during pregnancy visits should be carried out as a determination of diagnostic during
in the period early to birth.

Dialog 1

Midwife 1 : Hello Good Morning Mr and Mrs.

Sit down Please ,
How are you today ?
Pregnant women : Hello.. Good morning madam, Im doing good.
Midwife 2 : So, Is there anything can I help you?

Pregnant woman : I haven't had my period for the last 2 months! I also feel nausea, vomiting
in the morning, headache and not feeling well

Husband : We want to know if this is really pregnant or not?

Midwife 1 : Oh okey Mum, Pregnant women today are required to do a complete

laboratory examination, especially blood type, hb levels, the risk of infectious diseases such as RDT
Malaria, HIV Aids, Hepatitis

Husband : Oh really.. it turns out that the government program is really good at the
moment !

Pregnant woman : I agree, can we do now?

Midwife 1 : Please, let's start with vital sign examination

Midwife 2 : Vital sign are normal but Mother's temperature is 37.5'c ( thirty seven poin
five derajad Celsius)

Pregnant women : Okay, thankyou

Husband : How is my wife’s condition madam ?

Midwife 2 : The results of the examination are in a sub-febrile condition,

Because in the last 2 weeks, the mother has experienced eating disorders, lack of drinking, etc.
Midwife 1 : ok. Let's continue with the laboratory examination.

The Next Diaglog 2

Waiting for the results of the examination from the laboratory for 20 minutes a go.

Midwife 2 : The results of the examination is …

• Plano Test is positive,

• blood type is O, other blood test are normal and very good condition.
The PMS test result is also negative

Pregnant : Oh…Alhamdulillah, its good news

Husband : The results are in line with our expectations, This is our first child.

Midwife 1 : Mr and Mrs, We must pay attention to balanced nutritional intake for
mothers in Trimester 1 until to Trimester 3.

Midwife 2 : Starting today, you must take folic acid vitamin and next month you will
continue to take FE vitamin along with calcium until the time of delivery arrives.

Husband : Thank you for the information provided, we really feel it is very helpful

Pregnant Women : And I excited to do the best for this pregnancy.

Midwife 1 : Normal pregnancy visits are expected once a month, but if there are
complaints, they can come back immediately.

Pregnant & husband : Thank you very much and see you in the next visit

Midwife 1 & 2 : see you next month

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