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Once you overcome mouth cancer,

you won’t be Afraid of Anything Anymore.
Mouth Cancer
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Mouth Cancer is one of the serious types of cancer

which occurs in the mouth. It is an uncontrolled
development of the cells which if left untreated
might term as fatal.

The oral cancer treatment depend on its type and

it could be diagnosed through oral cancer
Types of Oral Cancer
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Types of Oral Cancer

Our mouth is composed of different types of cells and

the type of oral cancer depends on the cell which is
affected by the disease. The types of oral cancer could
be classified as follows:
•Squamous Cell Carcinoma
•Verrucous Carcinoma
•Salivary Gland Carcinomas
Stages of Mouth Cancer
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The oral cancer stages can be classifies as follows:

Stage 1: This is the initial stage when the tumor is less than 2 cm and has
not affected the nearby lymph nodes.

Stage 2: The tumor has increased and is between 2 to 4 cm but still has
not affected the nearby lymph nodes.

Stage 3: At this stage the tumor is more than 2 inches but it has not
spread to nearby tissues or it has affected at least one nearby lymph node.

Stage 4: At this stage the tumor could be of any size and has spread to the
nearby tissues as well as other parts of the body.
Signs of Mouth Cancer?
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The early signs and symptoms of mouth cancer may

include the following:

•sore or spots on the lips or mouth which does not heal

•Developing small white spots in the mouth
•Bleeding in the mouth with pain and feeling of
numbness in the mouth
•Feeling of pain during swallowing and chewing
•Having sore throat which does not go away
•Feeling of a lump, swelling an pain in the throat
•Swelling in the jaw and pain in the teeth
Diagnosis of Mouth Cancer
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Mouth cancer can be diagnosed through a health

professional during physical examination.
There will be certain tests and screening which needs to
be carried out to diagnose the disease.

The doctor might also carry out a biopsy test during which
the small piece of tissues are taken out from the body and
are sent for test for confirmation of cancer.

Doctors might also perform some additional tests like X-

Ray, CT Scan, MRI, endoscopy etc to confirm the disease.

Mouth Cancer Treatment | Meddco
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•Radiation Therapy


•Targeted Drug Therapy
Prevention of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer could be easily prevented by following a

healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and exercise.
Staying away from tobacco, smoking, alcohol etc are
the best prevention if one wants to stay from cancer.

Oral cancer survival rate for stage 1 and 2 ranges

between 70 to 90 percent. The earlier the detection
the higher are the chances of its complete treatment.
Meddco provides many reasonable healthcare
packages which could help you fight oral cancer and
help you to live your life healthy and happy.
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Get Your Treatment in Affordable Price in India

Search and compare surgical treatment prices, medical treatment prices, diagnostic
tests price etc among various hospitals near your location with just a single click. You
can also have a look at the reviews, ratings and facilities at the hospitals & clinics in
your area. Get appointments booked in just 30 seconds and learn more about the
nearest health check up camps and their dates and venues to get a health check up for
free or at discounted rates. Download app now | Visit website.
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Meddco House
209, Flying Colors, Deendayal Upadhyaya Marg,
Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
PIN Code : 400080, Contact Us : +91703997039

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