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ACTIVITY: Documentary

Watch this ​short documentary​ first to begin the activity.

Wait for your facilitator to assign you a partner. Once you have all been paired up,
discuss with your partner what you thought of the short documentary. Ask each other
the following questions:
● What was the video all about? Which parts in particular make you say so?
● Did you find anything surprising? Funny? Saddening?
● What were your favorite parts or moments?
● What did you dislike about it?
● Why do you think Lourd de Verya and his team decided to make a short
documentary about the street names found in Manila City?

You will now write a review on the documentary that you just watched. You can watch
the video again one more time, in case you need to.

You and your partner must first create an outline for your review. What will be the main
point of your documentary review? What secondary points will you raise? What reasons
or examples can you give? Is there any way for you to make a catchy introduction so
that you can hook your readers? How will you properly conclude your review?

Feel free to approach your facilitator if you need help.

Use your outline to help you write the actual review.

Take note of the following:
● Format: Calibri, font size 12
● Minimum of 400 words
● Be sure to write a title for your work

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Group members:

Write your documentary review here:

The forgotten pass

Growing up as a kid, I never took an interest in knowing how a street or barangay is named in
our whereabouts. As Mathew and I about to watch the documentary video. We became
amazed that the name of some places or street was based from a real person's name. We ask
ourselves, how could these people didn’t have the information about their places or
hometown? Well, it simply because they never had the interest on how their places was

Watching the documentary video made us realize how the filipino people today are not
aware of the origins of their places, specifically the names of the streets in their place.
According to the video that streets and places was named before a person or something. This
was a well practice of our ancestors to easily remember the places instead of putting some
flowery words or sentences to name the place. Just like in my hometown Sipocot. It was
named from a fish catching tool instead of putting a long word that doesn’t make any sense
or doesn’t have a connection to the place.

As far as I know the people in the video shows that, they don’t have any knowledge about
the origin of their street, this put us in the conclusion that the people doesn’t possess any
knowledge about various facts in connection to jose rizal.

The interviewer keep asking random people on the street. But sadly majority of them got the
correct answers. Throughout the video the narrator gave information on how place was
named and who are these people that has been named to a street. Mathew and I didn’t find
it funny. Because it is frustrating that we don’t know anything about our history, especially in
our own places

Before the narrator ended his documentation he gave a sarcastic statement which portrayed
our ignorance to our own history. IF ONLY COULD OUR FAMILY KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING

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