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This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in the study. It includes

research design, research locale, research respondents, instrumentation, data gathering

procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This present study utilizes quantitative methodology with the use of survey research

design. Survey research is defined as the collection of information from a sample of individuals

through their responses to questions (Check & Schutt, 2012). In business studies survey method

of primary data collection is used in order to test concepts, reflect attitude of people, establish

the level of customer satisfaction, conduct segmentation research and a set of other purposes

(Jackson, 2011).

This method requires the careful collection, analysis and interpretation of mostly

quantitative data to show the status of knowledge regarding specific variables or even describe

the degrees of relationship among variables using the survey questionnaire in gathering

information (Castardo, 2004). The questionnaire is designed in order to accumulate enough

information pertaining to the objectives of the study. All the data collected were subjected to

appropriate statistical tools.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in the Poblacion, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province.
Poblacion is the main barangay of Municipality of Nabunturan. Its population as

determined by the 2015 census was 18,331. This presented 22.29% of the total population of

Nabunturan. As of 2018, there were at least 950 numbers of tricycles registered and operates

within the said locale.

The researchers chose the locality as the focus of the study because it is where the

tricycles are stationed, specifically in their terminal post.

Figure 2. Map of Poblacion, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province
Resarch Respondents

The respondents of the study are the commuters of tricycles within Poblacion,

Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province.

The resarcher will use simple random sampling in selecting the 50 respondents. Simple

random sampling is the most straightforward probability sampling strategy (Gravetter, 2011). It

is also the most popular method for choosing a sample among population for a wide range of

purposes (Forzano, 2011). It has been stated that the logic behind simple random sampling is

that it removes bias from the selection procedure and should result in representative samples.

Most social science and business surveys rely on simple random sampling techniques for the

selection of survey participants (Saunders, 2012). Random sampling is a critical element to the

overall survey research design (Lavrakas, 2008).


The researcher will employ primary data that will be gathered with the help of structured

questionnaires. The questionnaire consists of two sections, that is A and B. Section A entails the

service quality dimension; tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness and empathy. And

section B involves the indicators of passenger's satisfaction like speed, compliance to TARIPA

and laws, driver's accommodation and hygiene, security and the number of tricycles.
The questionnaire will be presented to the expert faculty members for comments and

suggestions for improvement and refinement of the instrument. Their corrections will be

incorporated in the draft for the next stage of validation. After the final validation, the

questionnaires will then be administered to the respondents.

In rating the level of the service quality and passenger's satisfaction towards tricycle

transportation in Poblacion, Nabunturan, an indicator was assigned a numerical value ranging

from 1:00-5:00 with its descriptive ratings as follows:

Range of Mean Descriptive Rating. Narrative Description

4: 50- 5:00 Very High. The indicator embodied in the item is very

well implemented or it is exceedingly experienced or observed.

3:50- 4:49 High. The indicator embodied in the item is well

implemented or it is adequately or observed.

2:50- 3:49 Moderate. The indicator embodied in the item is well

implemented or it is just experienced or observed.

1:50- 2:49 Low. The indicator embodied in the item is poorly

implemented or it is practically to a very limited extent.

1:00- 1:49 Very Low. The indicator embodied in the item is not

implemented or it is not existing at all.

A pilot study will be conducted with the 15 commuters who will not be included as the

final respondents. They will be asked to answer the questionnaires. Their responses will be

tested for reliability.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data for statistical treatment, the following steps will be as follows:

Asking permission to conduct the study. The researcher will made a letter requesting

for permission to conduct the study and personally deliver the said letter to the Faculty of

Senior High School Department and to the Barangay Chairman for approval.

Administration and retrieval of questionnaires. Upon the approval of the concerned

school department head and barangay chairman, the questionnaires will then be distributed to

the respondents.

Collection of data and processing. After the retrieval of all questionnaires, data will be

gathered, analyzed, classified accordingly and treated accurately with the use of appropriate


Statistical Treatment

The data gathered will be tabulated correspondingly. The results will be analyzed and

interpreted with the use of descriptive statistics, to wit:

Mean. This is a measure of central tendency. In this study, it will be used to describe the

service quality and the level of passenger's satisfaction.

Karl Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. This is to measure the relationship between

service quality and passenger's satisfaction.

Graphical illustrations will be deployed to enhance the findings using statistical Package

for Social Sciences (SPSS).

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