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Practical Research 2

(Chapter 3)

Group Members:

Malveda, Azriel
Nario, Marie Pearl V.

12- GAS

Submitted to:
Sir. John Rhimon Gelacio
Chapter 3
This chapter contains the strategy used for collecting and analyzing the data gathered.
This contains the research design, respondents and location, instruments, data collection and data

Research Design
For Durrheim (2004), research design is a strategic framework for action that serves as a
bridge between research questions and the execution, or implementation of the research strategy.
MacMillan and Schumacher (2001) define it as a plan for selecting subjects, research sites, and
data collection procedures to answer the research question(s). They further indicate that the goal
of a sound research design is to provide results that are judged to be credible. This study adopted
descriptive correlational research design perspective. Descriptive correlational research design,
according to Best Kahn (2006), uses quantitative methods to describe what is, describing,
recording, analyzing and interpreting conditions that exist. It involves some type of comparison or
contrast and attempts to discover relationships between existing non-manipulated variables.

Respondents and Location

Respondents of the study consists of Grade 12 General Academic Strand (GAS) students,
studying in the institution of Mabayuan Senior High School in Olongapo City. The study utilized
convenience sampling as sampling technique used in this research, since it is difficult to interact
with the participants during COVID 19 pandemic.
The location of the study is presented in Figure 1
Figure 1. Vicinity Map of Mabayuan Senior High School
The researchers used survey questionnaire as a main instrument for the study. Brown
(2001) defined survey questionnaire as any text-based instrument that gives survey participants a
series of questions to answer or statements to respond to either by indicating a response- by
marking a page, writing a number, or checking a box on paper or online, for example. The
survey questionnaire used in this study consists of three (3) fundamental parts.
Profile of the Respondents includes demographic information such as name, age gender,
grade level, and strand.
Parenting Practices consists of series of questions about the parenting way of their
parents that is being applied to them. This part contains (8) items.
Academic Performance in Practical Research includes series of questions on how well the
participants perform on the said subject. This part contains (8) items.
This study utilized 4-point Likert Scale ranging from never to always with open ended
question. Since face- to face interaction is strictly prohibited, the survey is done online by means
of google form.

Data Collection
The following procedures were undertaken by the researchers:
1. A survey questionnaire (Appendix A) was sent to the research adviser for checking and
2. Upon the approval of the research instrument, the researcher will formally write a letter
or email to the person in authority of Mabayuan Senior High School thru the respective
School heads of the said school in Luzon, namely, Mabayuan Senior High School for
their consent to conduct the study and the request to get the email address of the
respondents to facilitate the survey and interviews via google form or google meet,
3. Due to current health crisis brought by COVID-19 pandemic, the researcher may not be
allowed to conduct face- to face interaction and would opt to send this formal letter via
school's official email address. Once the request has been granted, the online survey
questionnaire using google form will be administered to the entire full-time and part-time
faculty of this school. To validate their response from the instrument, the researcher will
also conduct a semi structured interview via google meet with the selected respondents
including the students through a focused group discussion.
Data Analysis
To analyze and interpret the data effectively, the following statistical tools were utilized
by the researchers.
1. Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the assessment of the participants
regarding to their responses to parental styles of their parents and their academic
performance in Practical Research.
2. Likert Scale. A Likert scale is used to assess opinions, attitudes, or behaviors of the
respondents. Essentially, Likert scales are rating scales which contain a series of anchors
that allows numerical measurements of an item or question.

3. Pearson Product- Moment Coefficient. This statistical tool is used to measure the
relationship of the two main variables of the study.


0.90-1.0 (-0.90 to -1.00) Very high positive (negative) correlation

0.70 to 0.90 (-0.70 to -0.90) High positive (negative) correlation

0.50 to 0.70 (-0.50 to -0.70) Moderate positive (negative) correlation

0.30 to 0.50 (-0.30 to -0.50) Low positive (negative) correlation

0.00 to 0.30 (-0.00 to -0.30) Negligible correlation

QuestionnaireQuestionnaires defined as any text-based instrument that give survey participants a

series of questions

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