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Our world nowadays is in a complete change, a worse one, unfortunately, which seems
to affect all beings, from the smallest insect to human beings, from the smallest plant to
entire forests. One of the main causes of these major changes in human history is pollution,
which takes place at the soil, air and water level.

Firstly, one should realize that pollution has appeared because of men’s actions. In
other words, involuntarily of course, the rapid development of industry, the invention of
motorized vehicles and thus the multiple ways of transportation, are factors that contribute
toward the growing air pollution problem. In spite of all facilities that cars bring us – comfort,
rapidity, access to any place – one should take into account the consequences that driving
has, especially on our own person. More than that, one should consider that there are also
other ways of transportation, such as bicycling or even walking, which are very healthy for
our body and which do not represent any cause of pollution.

Secondly, another major consequence that pollution has upon the entire society is that
which concerns health problems. To put it in other words, there is a multitude of diseases
that pollution can cause, starting from simple sleep disturbance, stress, respiratory problems
and throat inflammation, and leading to cardiovascular disease, skin and eye irritation,
congestion, tuberculosis and even death. All these health problems do not affect only human
beings, but also animals, and, subsequently, unfortunately, many species of animals, such as
the black goat, the white whale, the polar and panda bear and many others, disappear every
day and in a few years will be gone completely.

Furthermore, the entire environment seems ‘ to suffer ’ because of pollution. In this

respect, one can talk firstly of climate change, that is the disappearance, little by little, of the
four seasons. In addition, this is in a strong relation with global average temperature rise,
which has led to the melting of polar ice, to the increasing of sea level and to hurricanes,
tornadoes, floods, draughts and all kind of such extreme phenomena which happen very
frequently nowadays, all over the world.

From another point of view, it seems that many and many people are affected by this
issue and try to remediate this situation in one way or another. Thus, feeling guilty for this
situation, for producing pollution, being more or less aware, by using energy and electricity,
people began to use bicycles instead of cars or public transportation, or to recycle
newspapers. Moreover, public persons, such as actors, singers, people working in television
began various campaigns by making everyone aware of the effects of pollution and advising
and encouraging at reducing energy by using light bulbs or preventing water loss.

All in all, despite all the efforts that mankind does, the problem of pollution will never
be solved completely. What is for sure is that many people have been affected, both
physically and psychologically by this environmental issue, which continues to make victims
especially among children and youngsters. Pollution is a primary problem that concerns
everyone, and should be dealt with seriousness ,as it is part of our lives and part of the
earth’s history.

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