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Lesson Day Daily Overview

Slide Numbers Materials to Pull up/Print Student Homework

Day 1: Slides 2-13 Intro Song: 好久不见,周杰伦 Preview Quiz Dialogue 1
Review with authentic material Character Workbook Part
Focus: Introductions (介绍,polite phrases) 1
Role-play activity from dialogue
Intro to 在,一起

Day 2: Slides 14-30 Intro Song: 爱在哪里,Leehom Wong Workbook Dialogue 1

Focus:在,beverages, tone softeners,
adjectives as predicates
Slide 29:
THA 1:43-2:40

Day 3: Slides 31-39 Intro Song: Mine, Mine 周杰伦 Preview Quiz Dialogue 2
Focus: Practice 了, 没+Verb Character Workbook Part
Print: Word scramble activity 2

Day 4: Slides 40-48 Intro Song: 对的时间点,JJ Lin Workbook Dialogue 2

Focus: Practice using 才,了
Listening activity Slide #45
Slide Listening/Video 41:

Day 5: Slides 49-53 Intro Song: 那些年我们一起追的女孩 N/A

Note: Radical practice and Describe your weekend or fall break using 了
other review materials Listening Exercise Slide 50
omitted from sample Quiz (print quiz and prepare listening activity)

CHI 101 Quiz_ Lesson 5
姓名:_______________ 分数______/四十分

I. Listen to the passage carefully and put a T/F in each bracket. (12 分)
( ) It was Li You’s birthday yesterday.
( ) Li You celebrated her birthday at Gao Ming’s house.
( ) Li You ate a lot of food and drank a lot of cola.
( ) Gao Ming drank water because there was no tea.
( ) Li You and her friend had a lot of fun at the birthday party.
( ) According to the narrator, Li You and her friend went home early last night.

II. Complete the following mini dialogue by filling in the blanks using appropriate words
and expressions in Chinese. (8 分)

A: 你昨天学_________中文吗?(marker of completion of actions)

B: 我和朋友________图书馆学_______四个小时(hour)的中文,所以我昨天晚上十二点
A: ____________(No, I didn’t)。我和朋友__________(together)去听音乐会(concert)了。

III. Complete the following dialogue in Chinese based on the context of “visiting one’s
home”. (12 分)
A: 谁呀?(answer the door)
B: _________,小王 (1 pt).
A:小王呀, __________________________。(invite your friend in. 2pt)
B: 你家_____________________________________! (comment on the house--big & beautiful.
3 pt).
A: __________(respond to the compliment)(2 pt) 来,我介绍_________, 这是我哥哥,白
国中。(2 pt)

B: 你好,认识你很高兴。
C. 认识你我也很高兴。
A: 你想喝_____________什么?(2 pts)
B: 我要一杯热水,可以吗?

IV. Provide Chinese for the following pictures. Make sure to use appropriate measure
words. (6 分)

________________________ _____________________ ________________________

V. Circle the radical of the following characters and give the meaning of each radical in
English. (2 分)

聊( ) 杯( ) 起( ) 馆( ) 进( )

Day 3 Word Scramble sentences to print:

你 想不想 一起 去 图书馆 学习 中文 ?

我们 星期四 晚上 在咖啡馆一 起 学习 ,怎么样 ?

我 喜欢 在 SDFC 打篮球,你呢 ?

我 觉得 在 家 看电视 没有 意思。

你 在 哪 所 大学 学习 ?

你 觉得 在 中国 旅行 好不 好玩儿?

我的 哥哥 喜欢 咋 在 图书馆 看书,可是 我 喜欢 在 家 看书。

我 和 我的同学 常常 在 MU 一起 吃 午饭。

他 觉得 在 家 看电影 好 玩 儿 还是在 朋友 的家 看电影 好玩儿?

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