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Cardiovascular system disease continues to increase every year and needs to increase the role of

nurses working in Emergency Services to reduce complaints experienced by patients. This study
aims to determine the Role of Nurses in Dealing with Cardiac Arrest Patients at Sakinah Hospital
in Mojokerto. The design in this study is descriptive. The population were all nurses in IGD, ICU /
ICCU and inpatient Hospital Sakinah Mojokerto as many as 114 nurses. The sampling technique
is probability sampling, the samples with 25% of the total population so that 29 respondents were
obtained. This research was conducted on March 25 - April 01, 2019. The variable is the role of
nurses in dealing with emergencies in patients with cardiac arrest. The instrument used in this
study was a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the majority of respondents play a
role in dealing with cardiac arrest patients as many as 21 nurses (72.4%) and as little as 8 nurses
(27.6%). This is because all nurses have BTCLS training and are influenced by the level of
education, that is, most nursing S1. Most of the respondents were women, with an age of almost
22-25 years, and worked for 1-5 years. The more the role of the nurse, the more it will affect the
recovery of the patient, affect the fast action in the handling of patients with cardiac arrest. Based
on research, health workers can improve the latest medical and nursing knowledge and attend
training on medical / nursing services, which are aimed at improving skills in treating cardiac
arrest patients, have good empathy when patients undergo treatment and treatment in hospitals.

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