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Most Repeated Topic’s Questions.

Geography Paper-1


2014 - Explain the concept of fluvial cycle, and the sequential development of landforms.
2014-What is a glacier? Discuss the action of glacier as an agent of erosion and deposition and
the resulting landforms.
2012-Present glaciated morphology through various stages.
2011- What are the erosional and depositional features of winds? Discuss any one group of
features in detail.
2010- Describe landforms and evolution of landscapes of glaciation in the mid and high
2009- Write in detail on the action of the river in its youth, maturity, and old age.
2009- "Wind produces a variety of interesting sequential landforms both erosional and
depositional". Discuss.
2008- Karst topography is a distinctive type of terrrain resulting largest from erosion by
groundwater and dissolve mineral matter can be deposited in a number of ways. Discuss with
2008- "All landforms go through a cycle of youth, maturity and old oge". Discuss with example of
different erosional and depositional agents.
2007- Discuss the origin and characteristics of the landforms produced by glaciers.
2007- Provide a brief account of fluvial cycle of erosion?
2006- Briefly explain the features associated with:
a. Submerged coastlines b. Emerged coastlines
2006- Outline the processes by which a river produces various Land features describing its
mode of transportation.
2005- What do you know about major landforms? Describe the landforms produced by the
2004- What do you know about Oceanic depositions? Discuss in detail.
2003- What is glaciation? Describe the land forms associated with glaciation in the highland
2002- Describe the conditions essential for the development of Karst Topography, List the
principal features of Karst region.
2002- Examine the evolution of AEOLIAN Land forms.
2001- Define glacier. How would you categorise them according to ihc mode of formation?
Explain with the help of diagrams the characteristic, features of a glaciated region.
2000- Describe and explain the ways in which each of the following desert landforms originate:
(a) Mesa (b) Pedestal rock (c) Barchan (d) Playa (e) Wadi

Ocean Currents

2014-What are the factors and forces that determine the movement, direction an the nature of
ocean currents? Describe in detail the currents of Atlantic Ocean bringing out their effects on
surrounding lands.
2013- Ocean currents influence the climate,resources and economies of many
countries.Elaborate this statement and give examples
2011- What are the Ocean’s movement s? Discuss the currents of Pacific Ocean.
2010- Show with an aid of a sketch map currents of the Indian ocean.bring out the influence of
monsoon on currents of the North Indian ocean.
2009- Describe the factors contributing to the origin of ocean currents. Also describe the Ocean
Currents of the Atlantic Ocean bringing about their effect on the surrounding area?
2008- Define and discuss the origin of Ocean Currents. Explain the oceanic current of Atlantic
2007- What are ocean currents? Discuss the different factors contributing in their occurrence
and also describe their effect on the surrounding areas?
2006- Distinguish b/w North Indian Ocean and South Indian Ocean currents w.r.t specific
controlling factor.
2005- What are the Ocean’s movements? Discuss the Currents of the Pacific Ocean.
2004- Give an account of the Indian Ocean Currents and explain their difference from other
Ocean currents.
2002- [/B]Make a compartive study of the Gulf Stream and KUROSHIO current tinder the
following heads:
(a) Origin (b) Characteristics (c) Course (d) Impact on economy
2001- What is meant by Ocean Currents? How the different types of Currents are caused?
Highlight the currents of Atlantic Ocean with the help of a sketch map.


2014-Which prominent ares experience Mediterranean type of climate? Give the characteristics
of this type along with associated economic activities?
2014-Enlist the various forms of precipitation and describe the circumstances which cause
2013-Discuss the silent features of monsoon type of climate.What impact does it have on
millions living in the South Asia.?
2012-Discuss salient features of Western European type of climate with its impact on
experiencing societies.
2011- Which prominent areas experience either of climate type? Give the characteristics of the
climate type along with the associated economic activities; Desert type OR Monsoon type.
2010- Discuss mediterranean climatic region with its dominating characteristics.
2009- In what way does the wet, monsoon-dominated climate of southern Asiatic coasts (Am)
differ from that close to the equator (aj). Discuss in detail.
2007- Which prominent areas experience either of the climate type? Give the characteristics of
the climate type along with the associated economic activities. Mediterranean type or Monsoon
2006- How do the climate factors of precipitation and temperature influence the distribution of
natural vegetation? Where can we find the tropical rainforest?
2004- Discuss Monsoon Climatic Region in detail.
2003- Discuss Mediterranean climate as under:
(a) Main characteristics (b) Regional variations.
2002- Examine the relation between the prevalent wind systems and ocean currents in either
North Atlantic or North Pacific Oceans. Also suggest effects of the oceanic circulation described.
2000- Confining your attention to the northern hemisphere contrast the Cool Temperate West
Marginal type of climate with the Cool Temperate East Marginal type and try to account for any
similarities and differences.

Maps & Projections

2014-What are weather Maps? Detail the features presented on these maps and bring out the
important of such maps.
2013-What is meant by Map projection.?Discuss different types of Conical Projection and tell us
about their merits and demerits.
2012-Illustrate and suggest merits of dot method while handling demographic data of Pakistan.
2011- What are topographical maps? Write in detail the feature presented on such maps.
2009- What is the distinction between large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale maps?
Explain by giving examples.
2007- What are topographical maps? Write in detail on the features presented on such maps.
2006- Describe Map characteristics in detail with example of map design geared either to:
(A) Data communication or (B) Data analysis objectives.
2005- What are the major types of Map Projections under any major type, discuss their
characteristics and uses.
2004- Explain the different methods of Thematic Maps. Discuss in detail any one method and its
merits and demerits.
2003- Discuss the various types of ‘quantitative aerial maps’ based on statistical data and show
how the use of colors adds to the clarity of distribution.
2003- Compare the usefulness of Simple Cylindrical, Cylindrical Equal Area and Cylindrical
Orthomorphic Projections.
2002- What are AERIAL photographs? How arc these different from Toptgraphical Maps?
Discuss their importance to map making.
2001- Differentiate the weather and topographical maps? Briefly express the various
terms/features which arc associated with these maps.

The Rocks

2012-Bring out scientific definition of rock and highlight the process and degree of
metamorphism with explicit examples.
2011- What are rocks? Classify rocks and discuss the formation and characteristics of any one
2010- Present the rock cycle in connection with its reincarnation.
2005- What is a rock? Classify rocks and discuss the formation and characteristics of any one
2004- What are Rocks? Discuss igneous rocks and compare and contrast the intrusive and
extrusive rocks.
2000- Summarize with specific examples classification of rocks and show how different mode of
origin affects the exploitation of mineral wealth.

The Earth

2013-How have earthquake waves helped the scientist to know about the interior of the
Earth.?Give a detailed description of the earth's interior with the help of diagrams.
2011- Discuss the significance of the “Dee Double Prime” layer in the view of the fact that the
Earth is a differential Planet.
2009- Describe the internal structure of the earth in detail giving dimentions, mineral
composition and physical properties. What type of evidence is used to obtain this information?
What tempratures and pressures may be expected at the earth's centre?
2008- The Earth is differential planet. Discuss critically.

Plate Tectonics

2013-Describe the young fold mountain building process with the help of moving Lithosphere
Plate Theory.
2008- The theiory of Pleate Tectonics is a Unifying Theory. Disscuss Critically.
2008- Describe the relief of ocean floor and disscuss the significance of continental shelf.
2000- What do you understand by the plate theory? What has it to do with:
(a) the formation of mountains (b) earth quakes (c) volcanoes

2008- Define Air masses. Give classification of Air Masses anf focus on the types which affect
the weather of Pakistan.
2006- Explain original concept of air masses and present principal air masses.


2009- Write an essay on earthquake.

2006- Describe the ways in which earthquake can be managed. Use examples to support your
2003- How are earthquakes caused? Describe the major earthquake zones.
2001- What are earthquakes? How closely are they connected with earth mo vements?
Elaborate their effects and distributions in fhe main regions of the world.

Waves & Tides

2007- What causes the rise and fall of tides? What celestial bodies are most important in
determining tides?
2003- How are tides caused? Describe the various types of tides.


2005-What are various types of local winds? Discuss in details the formation and characteristics
of the Mountain and Valley winds.
2002- What do you known about the distribution of atmospheric pressure and the resulting wind
system on the earth surface?
2001-There are certain winds which generated by terrestrial peculiarities and are named
accordingly. Pin point/explain such winds (world-wide) with their properties and effects in me
prevailing areas.


2004- Define Cyclones. How are the temperate Cyclones formed? Discuss the theory regarding
their formation.
2002- Give a detailed account of the origin, life history, weather type and distribution of
extra-tropical or frontal cyclone.

2013-Differentiate between weathering, mass wasting and erosion. Give a detailed classification
of mass wasting types and their areas of occurrence.
2012-Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its flows configuration as a unique phenomena.
2010- Define mass wasting and explain mass wasting in detail.
2010- Identify the geographic patterns of evapotranspiration.Examine the factors contributing to
expanding deserts around the globe.
2007- Write an essay on the heating and cooling of the surface of the earth.
2005- Describe in details the distribution of salinity in the Oceans.
2005- Define insulations, discuss the distribution of temperature on the surface of Earth and
reasons for its variation.
2005- What are various types of local winds? Discuss in details the formation and
characteristics of the Mountain and Valley winds.
2002- What do you known about the distribution of atmospheric pressure and the resulting wind
system on the earth surface?
2001- There are certain winds which generated by terrestrial peculiarities and are named
accordingly. Pin point/explain such winds (world-wide) with their properties and effects in me
prevailing areas.
2001- What are main characteristics of thunderstorm? How arc they classified? Also explain
their zonal distribution.
2000- Distinguish between rock weathering and erosion. Show how processes of weathering in
cool humid climate, differ from those in hot arid region. You may take examples from any part of
the world.

Geography Paper-2

Environmentalism and Possibilism

2011- Discuss man-environment relationship in the light of Determinism and Possibilism.

2009- What do you understand by the term possibilism? How far has man changed the
environment in his favour? Give examples.
2006- Suggest ways in which:
a. The natural environment affects human activities;
b. Human activities affect the natural environment.
2005- Discuss man-environmental relationship in the light of Physical Determinism and
2004- Give a lucid comparison between Environmental Determinism and Possibilism.
2003- Critically examine the concept of Environmental Determinism.

2014-Describe the factors that affect the density of population in any region. In the light of these
factors, discuss briefly the density of population if SOUTH ASIA.
2013-Which factors effect the distribution of population in the world? Elaborate
2012- A population map of Asia shows that most people live on or near the river basins and
coasts. Give reasons for this distribution.
2010- Present the spatial distribution of population over the globe.
2009- "South Asia has many places where people are few and few places where people are
very many". Discuss.
2008- Critically examine the Malthusian view of population growth. How does high rate of
population adversely effect the economic and social development of any country? Discuss with
special reference to India.
2008- To what extent can the major features of the world population distribution be understood
in term of physical environment? Discuss with special reference to South Asia.
2007- What is meant by “population growth”? Compare the pattern of population growth
between the more developed countries (MDC’S) and less developed countries (LDC’S) since
2005- The River basins and Coastal Plains of South Asia are reckoned as one of the densely
populated areas of the world. Discuss.
2003- Bring out the salient features of population of South Asia under the following heading:
(a) Population Distribution
(b) Population Growth
(c) Employment
2002- Explain process of demographic transition comparing the % areas and populations of
either Canada or the United States of America (USA).
2001- Divide the world into Population Resource regions and describe the major characteristics
of any one region.
2000- Enumerate the salient features of Population Distribution in “SOUTH EAST ASIA”.


2009- Write down the various kinds of migration and describe the effects of intra-urban
2007- “An age old phenomenon, forced migration across international borders has become
exceedingly widespread during the recent past”. Discuss?
2004- Discuss critically Types of Migration.

Culture and Diffusion

2009- What is meant by cultural diffusion? How is the culture of an area affected by landscape?


2009- How did settlements originate in the world? Describe the central place theory.
2004- Classify settlements on the basis of from and size.


2014- Discuus the major factors responsible for increasing urbanization? Highlight the main
problems from this increase facing by these urban centres at present.
2011- Define urbanization. Give a critical assessment of the process of urbanization in Pakistan.
2007- Define “urbanization”. Give a critical assessment of the process of urbanization in
Pakistan since its inception?
2000- What are the major factors responsible for increasing urbanization? Highlight the main
problems from this increase facing by these urban centers.
2001- Explain urbanization. Give a brief history and present pattern of world urbanization.

World Economies and Activities

2008- “Economic activities can be classified into five groups and highly developed economics
can be identified on the basis of their economic activities”. Discuss critically.
2007- Delineate the hierarchy of economic activities. Give a detailed account of any ONE of the
secondary activities in the world?
2006- Summarize Western Europe’s historic contribution to the development of the present
world economy.
2002- Write a comprehensive note on world economic activities, their geographic,'significance,
extent and recent globalizing trends
2001- Differentiate between various types of Economic Activities. Describe the world patterns of
any one activity with special reference to Pakistan.


2014-Briefly mention the types of FARMING, and discuss the role of HUMAN and ECONOMIC
factors influencing the agriculture.
2012-Certain Australian Farms are specialized in dairy farming and others in beef production.
Give a reasoned account of the distribution of these industries and illustrate by a sketch map.
2010- Discuss grain farming in South Asia. Did you notice agriculture change in the region
2003- How does subsistence farming effect differ from Extensive Herding? Make a Comparative
2000-Explain different farming types such as subsistence farming, dry farming, terrace farming
and mixed farming.

Crops (Cereal and non-cereal)

2014-Physical requirements for the Cultivation of rice. Discuss in detail its production in ASIA.
2012-Name the chief agricultural products of South Asia and indicate the chief producing areas
on a sketch map.
2010- Explain Geographical requirements, distribution and production of cotton in South Asia.
2007- Describe in detail the production and trade of rice in the world with specific reference to
south Asia?
2000- Write short Geographical notes on the production, trade and distribution of any TWO of
the following products; (a) Cotton, (b) Sugar cane, (c) Rubber, (d) Coffee.


2004- Explain the physical and economic factors which control the distribution of Fisheries in the


2008- Give an account of major forests types of Pakistan. What are the factors involved in
deforestation of Pakistan?
2004- Give a comparison between tropical forests and Temperate forests.


2014-write a comprehensive note on IRON and STEEL industry of GERMANY and JAPAN.
2013-What is the importance of iron and steel industry? How it plays a major role in the
development of any country?
2010- Describe Industrial Revoution. how far it has helped in economic development as well as
increasing economy disparity in the world?
2008- Explain the role of cotton textile industry in the economy of Pakistan.
2006- Bring out the importance of the manufacturing belt of USA. What effects does the
Appalachia area have on the rest of the country?
2005- Give an account of the major industries of South Asia based on Non-Metallic minerals.
2004- "Development of industries and agriculture depend on each other". Discuss with
reference to Pakistan.
2000- Analyze the location of Iron and Steel industry in the U.S.A and U.K.


2010- Define Resources. Give most workable classification of resources citing explicit examples
2009- "Economic geography is the study of location, distribution and use of scarce resources".
2002- Discuss ancient, river based regional structure of South Asia with special access to its
resource realm.

Water Resources

2013- Fresh water shortage is a future threat for Pakistan. Discuss

2011- To what extent are water resources likely to act as a limit to economic development in
Pakistan? Elaborate your answer with a futuristic outlook.
2011- “The twentieth century witnessed the war for oil. The twenty-first century will witness the
war for water”. Discuss the statement with special reference to Indo-Pak scenario.
2008- “The twentieth century witnessed the war for oil. The twenty-first century will witness the
war for water”. Discuss Critically.
2006- To what extent are water resources likely to act as a limit to economic development in
Pakistan? Elaborate your answer with optimistic outlook.
2001- Enumerate the Salient features of the "Indus Water Treaty".

Power Resources

2009-Assess the power resources of SOUTH ASIA

2009- Give an account of power resources of south asia with special reference to pakistan.
2001- Analyze the Power Resource of "SOUTH ASIA".

Oil Crises and Politics

2006- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of dependence on oil production by

countries of SW Asia and North Africa.
2005- Give an account of the Petroleum production in Middle East.’ Also throw light on its
economic and political importance.
Agriculture and its problems

2012- Account for the recent floods in the Indus basin and its impact on agricultural lands and
their productivity.
2011- “Agriculture is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia”. Discuss critically with special
reference to Pakistan.
2005- ‘Agriculture sector is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia.’ Discuss in detail with
special reference to Pakistan.
2003- Why is irrigation necessary in Pakistan? Describe the irrigational methods practiced in the
Western Highlands of Pakistan?
2000- Discuss the problems of “Water Logging” and “Salinity” especially in Pakistan. Explain the
important remedial measures to be taken to control this problem.

Transportation and Communication

2008- “Our Planet has shrunk as a result of modern “revolution” in transport and
communication”. Discuss with reference to South Asia and with special focus on Pakistan.
2005- Explain the importance of the means of transportation in the development of a region.
Also throw light on Pakistan’s transportation Network.

Relationship between MDC’S and LDC’S

2001- Enumerate the Politico-economic relationship between the developed countries and the
less developed countries.
2007- Write an analytical essay on the politico-economic relationship between MDC’S and

Environmental hazards

2000- Discuss the Environmental hazards facing at present to this World. What adverse affects
are being visualized from this problem?
2002- "Geographers have to rethink their approach to regional studies in the light of increasing
environmental stress from local to international levels." Assess this statement.

2014 -Development of industries and agriculture depends upon each other. Discuss with
reference to Pakistan.
2013 -Draw a map of Pakistan and show physical features in it.
2013 -Is there any relation between the 'Holy Quran and Geography? explain your ideas in
2012 -Describe the appearance and mode of living of the following African peoples and name
the regions where they live TODAY.
1. Bushmen 2. Berbers 3. Pigmies
2012-In what ways does the import and export trade of Pakistan differ from that of her western
2011- Discuss the Crises of numbers in South Asia with special reference to Dilemma in
2010- Bring out the importance of Pakistan in the current geo-polity pertinent to Global Affairs.
2006- Compare different urban and rural landscapes with which you are familiar.
2006- Compare the economic and social geographies of the Central Asian countries.
2004- Discuss how far climate relates to topography, with reference to Pakistan.
2003- Discuss the role of socio-economic and physical factors in the development of
2003- Describe the physiographic features of the following areas of Pakistan:
(a) Mountainous North
(b) Intermontane Plains
(c) Pleistocene terraces (bars)
2002- Bring out the importance of geographic differences within Western European region and
Eastern European, the Baikans and the former Soviet Union region.
2002- In what ways does regional knowledge actually lead to improve self and mutual
understanding of people and places in Pakistan?

Geologist Abbas

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