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The Kingdom of Morocco

The Ministry of Employment and Professional Training

Vocational training sector
Maryam Institute for Informatics Education "Private
establishment". TETOUAN
No.: T0222 / 2008/29
 Based on Law No. 13.00 as the basic statute for private vocational training
promulgated by Al- Azhir al-Sharif No. 1.00.207 of 15 Safar 1421 (May 19,
 And on Decree No. 2.00.18 of 28 Rabi` al-Awwal 1422 (June 21, 2001) to
implement Law No. 13.00 as the statute for private vocational training;
 And on the Minister of Employment, Vocational Training and Social
Development and Solidarity Decision No. 73-02 of Dhul-Qi'dah 1422 (January
16, 2002) related to the accreditation of private vocational training
 And on the license to open a Muslim establishment on
26/09/2002 in accordance with No. 4/02/2002
 And the Institution Accreditation Decision No. 07 / CAB /
T0222 / 451 dated 23/10/2007
 And on the minutes of the Examination Committee dated
Born on: 13/10/1985 in TETOUAN
National identification card number: L 436220 Nationality: Moroccan
Registered in the corporation by number: T34 / 2006 dated: 01/10/2006
has successfully passed the diploma tests:
Technical in information management
Class: 2007/2008
Accordingly, this diploma was delivered to him for submission in accordance with the
Done in TETOUAN on 16/09/2008
The government authority The Chairman of the
visa in charge of vocational Examination Committee
training signed
signed The director of the
Visa No. 0393/08
Date: 03/03/2009

Note: A copy of this diploma can be delivered Serial No. .: T0222 / T / 2008/29/35

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