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submission date: 9 JANUARY 2018



Implementation Phase Work

29 March 2019 – 30 September 2020

submission date: 29 May 2019

Andhiani Manik Kumalasari


(“Strengthening Coordination for Inclusive Workforce
Development in Indonesia”)
Implementation Phase Work Plan
29 March 2019 – 30 September 2020

Grant Title: Strengthening Coordination for

Inclusive Workforce Development in
Indonesia (SINERGI)

Sponsoring USAID Office: USAID/Indonesia

Grant Number: G-Jak-001

Project Implementers: Rajawali Foundation (lead)


Date of Publication: 27 May 2019


This document is made possible by the support of the American People through the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this
document are the sole responsibility of Rajawali Foundation and Transformasi and
do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. As
such, the contents of this report are the sole responsibility of the SINERGI Project
team and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States


Table of Contents


Acronyms and Abbreviations

APINDO Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia/Association of Indonesia
BLK Balai Latihan Kerja/Vocational Training Center
BAPPEDA Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
BAPPENAS Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
BAPERMASDES Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa
BDT Basis Data Terpadu Kemiskinan
CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting
CoAg Cooperative Agreement
COP Chief of Party
CSO Civil Society Organization
DCOP Deputy Chief of Party
DISNAKER Dinas Tenaga Kerja
DISPERINDAG Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan
DINSOS Dinas Sosial
DISDIK Dinas Pendidikan
DISKOMINFO Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika
GESI Gender Empowerment and Social Inclusion
GOI Government of Indonesia
ICA Institutional Capacity Assessment
J2SR Journey to Self-Reliance
KADIN Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia/Indonesia Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
KEMKOMINFO Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi
LKP Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan/Courses and Training
LMA Labor Market Assessment
LPK Lembaga Pelatihan Keterampilan/Skills Training Institution
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NGO Non-Governmental Organization


OPD Organisasi Perangkat Daerah

OFIM Opportunity Fund Implementation Manual
PI Project Implementer
PEMPROV Pemerintah Provinsi
PEMKAB Pemerintah Kabupaten
PEMKOT Pemerintah Desa
POKSI Kelompok Aksi
P&V Poor and Vulnerable
PYD Positive Youth Development
PHRM Paguyuban Human Resource Manager Jawa Tengah
RPJMD Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah
RPJMN Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional
RPJMDes Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa
RKPD Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah
RENJA Rencana Kerja
SAKERNAS Survei Ketenagakerjaan Nasional
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SDM Sumber Daya Manusia
SIKS-NG Sistem Informasi Kesejahteraan Sosial – Next Generation
SMK Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan / Vocational High School
STTA Short-term Technical Assistance
TVAT Technical and Vocational Education and Training
TGUPP Tim Gubernur Untuk Percepatan Pembangunan
TKPKD Tim Koordinasi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Daerah
USAID United States Agency for International Development
YSN Youth Support Network


Indonesia saat ini sedang menikmati bonus demografi, dimana jumlah
penduduk usia produktif lebih banyak dibandingkan penduduk usia non
produktif. Bila bonus demografi ini dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal, maka
akan berkontribusi secara signifikan untuk menurunkan angka kemiskinan
dan pengangguran. Merujuk RPJMD (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Menengah Daerah) Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2018-2023, diketahui bahwa
persoalan kemiskinan dan pengangguran menjadi salah satu isu strategis
pembangunan daerah. Pada bulan Maret, 2018, jumlah penduduk miskin di
Jawa Tengah sebanyak 3.897,20 jiwa (11,32 %), serta jumlah pengangguran
terbuka berjumlah 823.938 jiwa (Sakernas, 2017). Secara spesifik, jumlah
kaum muda miskin dan rentan di Kota Semarang, Kabupaten Semarang,
Demak, dan Boyolali mencapai 410.334 orang (SIKS-NG/BDT, Dinsos Prov
Jawa Tengah, 2018). Kondisi ini mencerminkan keberadaan kaum muda dari
golongan ekonomi kurang mampu dan rentan masih cukup besar, serta
memerlukan kehadiran pemerintah agar potensi dan energi positif kaum
muda ini bisa memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi pembangunan ekonomi
secara inklusif.
Pembangunan ekonomi inklusif merupakan salah satu agenda penting dalam
rangka pencapaian target SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Ketenagakerjaan merupakah salah satu aspek pembangunan di dalam SDGs
yang mendapatkan perhatian besar dari pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
Oleh karena itu, pada tanggal 8 Mei 2018, Badan Perencanaan
Pembangunan, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Daerah (Bappeda) Provinsi
Jawa Tengah menjalin kemitraan dengan Mitra Kunci-USAID untuk
melaksanakan Program SINERGI (Strengthening Coordination for Inclusive
Workforce Development in Indonesia). SINERGI bertujuan untuk memperbaiki
akses informasi kerja, pelatihan kerja, dan peluang/kesempatan kerja bagi
kaum muda kurang mampu secara ekonomi dan rentan, termasuk
penyandang disabilitas, melalui penguatan koordinasi pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif yang melibatkan Pilar 3P yakni: “Pemuda-
Perusahaan-Pemerintah Daerah”. Pilar 3P ini berhimpun di dalam suatu
forum koordinasi yang bernama POKSI (Kelompok Aksi) Ketenagakerjaan
Inklusif. POKSI memiliki tugas pokok untuk mendorong dan memfasilitasi
“Pemuda-Perusahaan-Pemerintah” guna menghasilkan Rencana Aksi Inovatif
Bersama dalam rangka pengurangan tingkat kemiskinan dan pengangguran
kaum muda dari golongan ekonomi kurang mampu dan rentan, berusia 18-
34 tahun, serta berpenghasilan kurang dari Rp 700.000/bulan, yang tersebar


di 4 kabupaten/kota mitra SINERGI, yakni Kota Semarang, Kabupaten Demak,

Kabupaten Semarang, dan Kabupaten Boyolali.
Selama fase 1 (Piloting), dari Januari 2018 s/d Februari 2019, SINERGI telah
melakukan 3 (tiga) kegiatan utama yang mendukung upaya Pemerintah
Provinsi Jawa Tengah mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan dan pengangguran
kaum muda, yaitu: Pertama, Perbaikan Akses Informasi Kerja,
Kesempatan Pelatihan Kerja, dan Peluang Kerja. Perbaikan akses
informasi kerja bagi kaum muda dilakukan melalui kegiatan: (1) Sinergi Youth
Career Festival, dimana sebanyak 5.753 orang terhubung dengan akses
informasi pasar kerja; dan (2) Dialog Nasional Ketenagakerjaan Inklusif,
POKSI Meeting, Pertemuan 3P, dan Kegiatan Konsorsia 3P yang melibatkan
lebih dari 750 orang. Pemberian kesempatan pelatihan kerja diberikan
melalui : (1) pelatihan kecakapan hidup (soft skills training) yang diikuti 423
orang; (2) penyelenggaraan 12 jenis pelatihan ketrampilan kerja teknis (hard
skills training) yang diikuti oleh 423 orang. Selain daripada itu, pemberian
peluang kerja juga diberikan melalui: (1) kegiatan pemagangan yang diikuti
oleh 423 orang di 18 jenis perusahaan; (2) coaching pendampingan
persiapan kerja dan pengembangan usaha, dimana sebanyak 69 orang
memiliki pekerjaan dan penghasilan lebih baik, dengan rincian sebanyak 45
orang bekerja di sektor formal, dan 24 orang memulai berwirausaha.

Kedua, Pembentukan Kelompok Aksi (POKSI) Ketenagakerjaan

Inklusif. POKSI merupakan suatu forum koordinasi antara “Pemuda-
Perusahaan-Pemerintah (Pilar 3P) guna memfasilitasi mereka berjejaring dan
bermitra menghasilkan rencana aksi inovatif bersama bagi perbaikan akses
informasi kerja, peluang pelatihan kerja, dan kesempatan kerja kaum muda
dari golongan ekonomi kurang mampu dan rentan. POKSI terbentuk pada 24
April 2018 di Semarang, beranggotakan 25 orang perwakilan dari unsur
pemuda, perusahaan, pemerintah daerah, serta perguruan tinggi dan media.
POKSI telah menghasilkan capaian sebagai berikut: (1) 15 MOU
penyelenggaraan pelatihan kerja, baik dengan Kementerian
Ketenagakerjaan, BBPLK Semarang, BLK Surakarta, dan BLK/LPK milik
Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten, dan swasta; (2) pembentukan 21 Konsorsia
3P (Pemuda-Perusahaan-Pemerintah); (3) 16 Rencana Aksi Inovatif Bersama
Konsorsia 3P didanai menggunakan Dana Sinergi (Opportunity Fund); (4) 18
MOU kegiatan pemagangan kerja dengan perusahaan; (5) asesmen terhadap
445 orang pemuda kelompok sasaran langsung Dana Sinergi bekerjasama
dengan Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Ketiga, Perbaikan Simpul Koordinasi Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan

Inklusif. POKSI bersama Konsorsia 3P telah berupaya untuk melibatkan para
pemangku kepentingan, baik di tingkat nasional, provinsi, kabupaten/kota,
dan desa, guna mempromosikan isu ketenagakerjaan inklusif sebagai salah
satu strategi untuk memperbaiki akses informasi kerja, kesempatan


pelatihan kerja, dan peluang kerja bagi kaum muda dari golongan ekonomi
kurang mampu dan rentan, termasuk penyandang disabilitas. Kegiatan-
kegiatan yang telah dilakukan yakni: (1) Dialog Nasional Ketenagakerjaan
Inklusif, dimana melibatkan sebanyak 106 institusi pemerintah maupun non-
pemerintah, baik di tingkat nasional dan daerah; (2) sinkronisasi 16 Rencana
Aksi Inovatif Bersama dari 16 Konsorsia 3P dengan RPJMDes dan RPJMD
Kabupaten/Kota; (3) mewujudkan “Link & Match” kegiatan pelatihan kerja
dengan pemagangan melalui upaya penyelarasan modul pelatihan kerja
dengan rencana pemagangan yang melibatkan 16 perusahaan dan 16
lembaga pelatihan kerja (BLK/LPK) yang menjadi mitra Konsorsia 3P.

Kesimpulan dan hasil pembelajaran yang diperoleh selama pelaksanaan

program SINERGI pada fase piloting (2018-2019) antara lain: (a) upaya
perbaikan akses informasi kerja, kesempatan pelatihan kerja, dan peluang
kerja bagi kaum muda dari golongan ekonomi kurang mampu dan rentan,
termasuk penyandang disabilitas, merupakan urusan bersama yang
membutuhkan kehadiran dan pelibatan secara aktif “Pemuda-Perusahaan-
Pemerintah”; (b) keberadaan forum koordinasi yang secara khusus berfungsi
untuk memfasilitasi “Rencana Aksi Bersama” (Join Action Plan) pengurangan
kemiskinan dan pengangguran kaum muda sangat dibutuhkan oleh pemuda,
perusahaan, dan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, keberadaan dan peran POKSI
dapat terus diperluas, diperkuat, dan dikembangkan guna mendukung
pencapaian sasaran strategis pembangunan Provinsi Jawa Tengah yaitu
“memperkuat kapasitas ekonomi rakyat dan membuka lapangan
kerja untuk mengurangi kemiskinan dan pengangguran”; (c) upaya
perbaikan kesenjangan dari simpul-simpul koordinasi pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif perlu terus dilakukan melalui upaya: (i) perbaikan
mutu sistem databased potensi, minat, dan bakat kaum muda yang
terkoneksi dengan program pelatihan kerja dan pemagangan yang ada di
OPD terkait atau BLK/LPK, serta peluang kerja yang tersedia di perusahaan
atau industri; (ii) konsep “Dana Sinergi” sebagai perwujudan prinsip
“perencanaan, penganggaran, dan pelaksanaan bersama” dapat
dikembangkan sehingga keberadaan sumber daya (anggaran, SDM,
peralatan, data/informasi) yang selama ini dimiliki oleh Organisasi Perangkat
Daerah (OPD), BLK, perusahaan, pemuda, dan pemerintah desa dapat
dimanfaakan secara efektif dan efisien.


Indonesia is currently enjoying a demographic bonus, which means the
number of its productive-age population is more than the non-productive
ones. If leveraged optimally, this bonus will significantly contribute in
reducing unemployment and poverty. According to the Local Mid-Term
Development Plan (RPJMD) of Central Java 2018-2023, these have become
two of the most strategic issues in local development. In March 2018, it is
recorded that the number of poor population in Central Java has reached
3,897.20 people (11,32 %), with an open unemployment rate of 823,938
people (Sakernas, 2017). Specifically, the number of collective poor and
vulnerable youth in Semarang City, Semarang District, Demak District, and
Boyolali District amounts to 410,334 people (SIKS-NG/BDT, Social Office of
Central Java, 2018). This condition is a reflection that poor and vulnerable
youth still hold a large proportion, and are in need of the government’s
intervention so that their potential and positive energy can be turned into
real contribution for development and can create inclusive economic growth
in Central Java.

Inclusive economic development is an important agenda in achieving SDG

(Sustainable Development Goals) targets. As such, The Central Java
Provincial Government is particularly paying special attention to workforce,
as one of the development aspects within SDGs, due to the large potential of
youth that can be utilized to support its economic growth. For this reason, on
May 8, 2018, the Local Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Central
Java engaged in a partnership with Mitra Kunci-USAID to implement the
SINERGI Program (Strengthening Coordination for Inclusive Workforce
Development in Indonesia). SINERGI aims to improve access to job
information, job training opportunity, and employment opportunity for poor
and vulnerable youth, including youth with disabilities, by strengthening the
coordination of inclusive workforce development, involving the components
of 3P, namely: “Youth (Pemuda) – Private Sector (Perusahaan) – Local
Government (Pemerintah Daerah)”. This 3P pillar convenes in a
coordination forum named Inclusive Workforce Action Group (Kelompok Aksi
– POKSI). POKSI has a primary duty to promote and facilitate “Youth-Private-
Government” to produce Co-Designed/Joint Innovation Action Plans in order
to reduce unemployment and poverty for poor and vulnerable youth aged
between 18-34 years old with income lower than IDR 700,000/month, spread
across four SINERGI partner districts/cities, namely Semarang City, Demak
District, Semarang District, and Boyolali District.


Throughout phase I (Piloting), from January 2018 to February 2019, SINERGI

has conducted 3 (three) core activities supporting the efforts of Central Java
Provincial Government in reducing youth unemployment and poverty,
namely: First, Improving Access to Job Information, Job Training
Opportunity, and Employment Opportunity. Improving access to job
information for youth was carried out through the following activities: (1)
SINERGI Youth Career Festival, where 5,753 people were connected to job
information; and (2) Inclusive Workforce Dialogues, 3P Meetings, and 3P
Consortia Activities, involving more than 750 people. Job training opportunity
was given through: (1) soft skill training, in which 423 youth participated; (2)
12 types of hard skill training, also participated by 423 youth. In addition,
employment opportunity was also provided through: (1) apprenticeship by
these 423 youth in 18 different companies; (2) coaching and mentorship on
job preparation and business development, where 69 people have
successfully attained better jobs and income, with 45 people working in the
formal sector, and 24 starting entrepreneurships.

Second, Establishing Inclusive Workforce Action Group (POKSI).

POKSI is a coordination forum between “Youth-Private Sector-Government
(3P Pillar)”, aiming to facilitate them to network and partner to produce joint
innovative action plans for the improvement of access to job information, job
training opportunity, and employment opportunity from poor and vulnerable
youth. POKSI was established on April 24, 2018, in Semarang, and consisted
of 25 members representing youth, private sector, local government,
university, and media. POKSI has produced the following achievements: (1)
15 MOUs on the implementation of job training with the Ministry of
Manpower, BBPLK Semarang, BLK Surakarta, and other training agencies
(BLK/LPK) under the Provincial/District Government, and private sector; (2)
establishment of 21 3P Consortia (Youth-Private-Government)l (3) 16 Joint
Innovative Action Plans in the form of 3P Consortia, funded using Opportunity
Fund); (4) 18 MOUs on apprenticeship with companies; (5) assessment on
445 youth who were the direct beneficiaries of Opportunity Fund,
cooperating with the Social Office of Central Java.

Third, Improving the Coordination Nodes for Inclusive Workforce

Development. POKSI, along with 3P Consortia, has made efforts to engage
stakeholders at the national, provincial, district/city, and village, to promote
inclusive workforce issues as a strategy to improve access to job information,
job training opportunity, and employment opportunity for poor and
vulnerable youth, including youth with disabilities. The following activities
have been conducted: (1) Inclusive Workforce Dialogue, involving 106
government and non-government institutions, both at the national and local
level; (2) synchronization of 16 Co-designed Innovative Action Plans from 16
3P Consortia with the Village Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMDes) and

District/City Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMD); (3) Achieving “Link &

Match” between job training and apprenticeship by aligning job training
modules with the apprenticeship plan involving 16 companies and 16
training agencies (BLK/LPK) that have partnered with 3P Consortia.

The conclusion and lessons that can be learned during the implementation of
pilot phase SINERGI program (2018-2019) are: (a) efforts to improve access
to job information, job training opportunity, and employment opportunity for
poor and vulnerable youth, including youth with disabilities, is a collective
matter that needs active intervention and engagement from “Youth-Private
Sector-Government”; (b) the establishment of a coordination forum
specifically dedicated to facilitate “Action Plan” to reduce youth
unemployment and poverty is crucially needed by youth, companies, and the
government. Therefore, the existence and role of POKSI can be extended,
strengthened, and developed to support the attainment of strategic
development goals of Central Java Provincial Government, namely
“strengthening the people’s economic capacity and opening jobs to
reduce unemployment and poverty”; (c) efforts to reduce the gap of
inclusive workforce development coordination nodes need to be continued
through the following: (i) improvement of the quality of the database system
for youth potential, interest, and talent, linking it with job training and
apprenticeship programs in relevant Local Work Units (OPDs) or BLK/LPK, as
well as vacancies in companies or industries; (ii) the concept of “Opportunity
Fund” as the translation of the principle of “mutual planning, budgeting, and
implementation” can be developed so that resources (budget, human
resources, equipment, data/information) under the ownership of OPDs, BLKs,
companies, youth, and village government can be used effectively and


1. Introduction
This document outlines SINERGI’s modified scope of work and budget as the
continuation of the initial 15-month pilot phase. In the full implementation phase,
expected to extend over 18-months starting on March 29, 2019, SINERGI will
continue its efforts to help Central Java close its skills gap, reduce unemployment
and reduce poverty through focused coordination and collaborative action
between workforce champions from government, the private sector, training
providers, and youth representatives. SINERGI will directly contribute to an
increase in the number of youth who obtain new or better employment and will
also build the foundations for program sustainability to ensure that activities are
continued by government, employers, schools, training centres and youth after
the life of the project. This proposal is guided by USAID instruction on indicators
for outcome-based results and the journey to self-reliance framework, the MESP
scalability assessment feedback and lessons learned from the pilot phase.

Expected Results

SINERGI will focus on achieving results that can be counted towards USAID’s
Standard F Indicators for Economic Growth as noted below in the section on
Targets section. SINERGI will strengthen the role of POKSI in facilitating
collaboration among 4P actors (government, private sector, TVET and youth) and
creating joint-action among 4P to ensure inclusive workforce development.
SINERGI will also support POKSI capacity to integrate inclusive workforce
development systems into provincial development plans, including the Local
Government Work Plan (RKPD), the OPD Work Plan, and the Local Mid-Term
Development Plan (RPJMD), thus becoming a part of the overarching workforce
development policy direction and strategy. SINERGI recognizes that by doing less
directly and working to build the capacity and coordination between local actors,
SINERGI has the potential to achieve longer-term, sustainable results linked to the
J2SR. SINERGI will achieve these results through:

 A demand-driven approach and direct involvement of the private sector

from the beginning and throughout the workforce development cycle to
strengthen the long-term sustainability of solutions designed and
implemented by Indonesian actors.
 A stronger focus on local leadership to identify and implement solutions to
strengthen the key components of a successful workforce development
system through POKSI: recruitment, assessment, work-preparedness and
job/internship placement to increase the likelihood that P&V youth will
achieve new or better employment.


 A streamlined POKSI structure comprised of specific industry clusters – with

government an endorser and facilitator that serves as a mechanism by
which barriers to employment are discussed and effective and sustainable
solutions designed, tested, refined and implemented.
 A targeted methodology that makes full use of the power of youth to
directly engage and/or use social media to share information, recruit and
support other youth, particularly P&V youth and women to advocate for
their needs and take advantage of quality training and employment
 An operational Matching Fund between SINERGI and key stakeholders to
stimulate and incentivize key workforce development actors (4P) to develop
innovative solutions that will be sustained after project completion.


SINERGI will work with and through youth groups and networks identified in the
pilot phase to share information on the labour market, available training and
employment opportunities and to help and encourage their peers to take
advantage of these opportunities. SINERGI anticipates that this kind of peer-to-
peer networking, information sharing and encouragement linked with youth
festivals will lead to at least 16,000 youth accessing information and being
recruited to participate in training programs of which 2,000 would be expected to
participate and complete a USG-assisted workforce development program and of
those, 1,600 would achieve new or better employment.

Table 1 –Targets for USAID Standard F Indicators

Indicator USAID Standard F Indicators TARGETS
Number of individuals who are informed about USG- 16,000
Assisted workforce development programs

EG 6.3 Number of individuals who complete USG-Assisted 2,000

workforce development programs

EG 6.2 Number of individuals with improved skills following 2,000

completion of USG-assisted workforce development

EG 6.1 Number of individuals with new and/or better 1,600

employment following completion of USG-assisted
workforce development programs

SINERGI will recruit at least 16,000 youth, but based on lessons learned from the
pilot phase, will more carefully assess and select a smaller number of youth who


are more likely to complete the training (EG 6-3) and be ready for work. SINERGI
expects that 100% of those who complete the program (2,000) will have
improved skills (EG 6-2). For EG 6-1, SINERGI’s estimates that the percentage of
youth who will complete the program and get new or better employment is 80%
(1,600 of 2,000) because the program will focus on assessing and recruiting
motivated youth, ensuring they are prepared to work in specific industries and for
specific employers, and matching them up with available opportunities with those


Indonesia faces an increasingly acute skills gap as employers struggle to recruit

and retain skilled workers despite persistently high rates of unemployment and
underemployment, particularly among poor and vulnerable youth. Presidential
Instruction 9/2016, which calls for the revitalization of vocational high schools and
improved coordination among government agencies, schools and employers,
signals the government’s intention to prioritize vocational education and training
as a means of closing the skills gap, and recognizes the central role of public-
private collaboration and coordination.

During the 15-month pilot phase ending on February 22, 2019, SINERGI
introduced an institutional innovation to improve coordination in the form of
POKSI (Action Group), a forum for action-oriented consultation among 3P
components (Government, Private Sector, and Youth) in Central Java. POKSI is
chaired by the Secretary of the Development Planning Agency of the Province of
Central Java, and consists of 25 members representing provincial and local
government, youth organizations, private sector, higher education institutions
(university and polytechnic), and media.

Conducting a total of nine meetings during the pilot phase, POKSI has fulfilled its
mandate of formulating 16 co-designed innovative solutions implemented by
youth-led 3P consortia. The Opportunity Fund, the ceiling of which did not exceed
$200,000, was allocated as the mechanism that helped move POKSI and the
consortia to action-oriented groups of champions with a direct interest in
promoting a more collaborative workforce ecosystem in Central Java. To oversee
and ensure successful implementation in compliance with the standards set by
USAID, POKSI developed and used the MK-approved Opportunity Fund
Implementation Manual (OFIM). As a result, the members of the 16 youth-led

consortia – around 423 Poor and Vulnerable Youth (inclusive of 53 youth with
disabilities) completed the soft skill, hard skill training and apprenticeship
programs – in collaboration with BPPLK/BLK and the private sector in Central Java.
As of January 2019, around 69 youth obtained new jobs or established their own
small enterprises.

More importantly, POKSI was successful as a forum for key government partners,
youth and the private sector to meet, learn from each other and discuss
workforce system challenges and solutions. In other words, the success of POKSI
was not the mechanism itself, but the collaboration and cooperation that occurred
between the 3P members as a result of POKSI. This collaboration and cooperation
is aligned with the Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR) and is the outcome that
SINERGI will seek to promote and institutionalize in the full implementation phase.

Another important lesson learned from the pilot phase was the integration of
Positive Youth Development (PYD) and Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI). Youth
were not just passive recipients of assistance or part of the problem to be solved,
but active participants and advocates for solutions that suited their needs. During
lessons learned meetings, POKSI members consistently reported that their
perceptions were changed about the abilities of P&V youth, particularly young
women and youth with disabilities. For many of these youth, this was their first
opportunity to participate in government-sponsored training and for the
government training centers, their first opportunity to host youth with disabilities.
The experience was overwhelmingly positive for all and demonstrated how
effective youth can when they are assigned a meaningful role. Another key lesson
learned was that youth groups, including Karang Taruna, also proved to be
powerful mechanisms for sharing information, recruiting, and supporting other
youth throughout their journey through the workforce development system.
SINERGI will build on these lessons learned in the next phase.

In addition to POKSI and the Opportunity Fund, during the pilot phase SINERGI
implemented three National Workforce Dialogues in Jakarta and Semarang that
involved high-ranking national level stakeholders such as the Minister of Industry,
Minister of Manpower, and Deputy Minister of National Development Planning
Agency/Bappenas as well as key provincial level stakeholders such as the
Governor of Central Java and the Governor’s Office Team (TGUPP). The Dialogues
served as a forum to share information about the project with key national
stakeholders and to gain buy-in and support from national level institutions.
SINERGI was successful in securing the buy-in and engagement of these key
Ministries and will build on this support in the full implementation phase to
continue to advocate for improved coordination and collaboration for new or
better employment in Central Java.


Another lesson learned from the pilot phase was how job fairs can be a
mechanism for sharing information, recruiting youth and linking job-ready youth
with employers. In the pilot phase, SINERGI successfully organized four major
events in Semarang including a Youth Festival and Job Fair in partnership with
BPPLK Semarang (Ministry of Manpower) which was opened by the Governor of
Central Java and attended by approximately 6,000 P&V youth (3,500 men and
2,500 women) and 75 recruiting companies. The Festival was the first job fair in
Central Java specifically designed to accommodate the needs of youth coming
from poor and vulnerable backgrounds and also youth with disabilities. Some
participating companies, particularly in sectors such as retail and garment,
actively recruited youth with disabilities at the Festival. SINERGI will build on the
success of the job fair by working with additional BLK to host and enhance the
outreach and effectiveness of the job fairs in Central Java.

SINERGI conducted the final POKSI meeting over a three-day period in early
January 2019 to gather feedback, lessons-learned and recommendations from
over 180 participants representing government, the private sector, training
providers, and most importantly the 16 youth-led consortia. In the final Workforce
Dialogue on February 2019, SINERGI secured and confirmed the continuing
support from both Provincial and National government for the full implementation
and gained valuable insights from the key stakeholders to design and implement
more effective, impactful solutions in the next phase.

Project Purpose:

Improved coordination and collaboration among government, employers, training

institutions and youth to prepare poor and vulnerable youth in Central Java for
employment and better jobs, and to create a support network for young people in
work and looking for work that increases their preparedness, resilience and
commitment to full-time employment, and that will continue after the life of the
Theory of Change:

Securing good jobs for poor and vulnerable youth requires the effective
engagement of and coordination among government agencies, employers, TVETs
and youth (4P).

Expected Outcomes:

1. Increased access for employers and youth to labor market information, and
training and employment opportunities;


2. An institutionalized, scalable, sustainable and replicable Kelompok Aksi

(POKSI) leads to improved inclusive and equitable economic growth;
3. Improved inter-institutional coordination at the national and local levels
enhance job opportunities for Poor and Vulnerable (P&V) youth participating
in the SINERGI project;
4. A functional Matching Fund accelerates and facilitates co-designed
innovative solutions promoting a more effective, collaborative workforce


The first phase of the project identified four components of an inclusive and
effective workforce development system necessary to maximize opportunities for
poor and vulnerable youth to achieve new or better employment. These steps are
recruitment, assessment, work preparedness and finally internship or job
placement. SINERGI will work with partners in each component to widen access
and improve performance to increase the number of poor and vulnerable youth
who obtain new or better employment. The following diagram depicts how
SINERGI will work within this workforce system.

Strengthening POKSI

POKSI has improved coordination among stakeholders and established goals and
objectives that have been translated into monitorable outputs. In the next phase,
POKSI goals and objectives will include an increased number of youth with new or
better employment, the integration of inclusive workforce development in the
policies, and the sustainability of program activities after the completion of the
project. To achieve these goals, POKSI needs to continue engaging Bappeda
(local planning development) Office, Manpower Office, Trade & Industry Office,


Social Affairs Office, and involve new government offices such as Cooperatives &
SMEs Office, and Village Empowerment Office. Bappeda has a coordinating
function at the provincial level to integrate the inclusive workforce development
program into the local annual work plan (RKPD). At the moment, Bappeda’s role is
to coordinate the program and budget planning of Manpower Office, Trade &
Industry Office, and Social Affairs Office. In the future, Bappeda aims to
implement the 4P-based coordination concept and model to accelerate the
reduction of unemployment rate among poor and vulnerable young people in
Central Java.

In the next phase, based on feedback from the MESP Scalability Assessment,
POKSI will be streamlined and consist of fewer members (around fifteen) but at a
higher level of decision-making authority. The core structure represents
government, the private sector, training providers, and youth representatives.
POKSI will have series of strategic meetings with two functions:
1. To develop 4P consortia and joint-action plan
2. To advocate government policy and HR policy on inclusive workforce

Previous pilot activities such as workforce dialogue engaging policy makers from
the national level, industry peer-learning, human resources best practices, etc.,
will be merged as part of POKSI meetings and no longer conducted as discrete

SINERGI has moved quickly to identify labour intensive industries that are
booming in Central Java and approached several key private sector companies
eager to attract P&V youth to join in partnership with SINERGI. Companies such as
Pan Brothers and Alfa-Mart, which are active in the garment and retail industries,
expect to hire about 25,000 new workers in 2019. Both Pan Brothers and Alfa-
Mart are already engaged with BLKs, but they are not necessarily targeting P&V
youth. SINERGI will work with POKSI to engage and advocate to industry about
the opportunities and benefits of hiring P&V youth. SINERGI has also made
contact with business associations such as APINDO both in Jakarta and Semarang
for broader engagement with the private sector.

To increase the impact of POKSI, two to four working groups or “strategic

consortia” will be created by POKSI based on identified industry sectors (for
example, garments, retail, entrepreneurship, and tourism). Public or private
sector training providers, including higher education institutions, will be invited to
participate in the strategic consortia. In each consortium, the POKSI will engage
local government and two or more leading companies in the sector as workforce
champions. Their requirements will be identified, aligned with government
development priorities, and translated into joint-action through partnership
agreements or MOUs that will identify the partners their roles, contributions and

expected results. Each consortium will work collaboratively, based on the real
workforce demand from the private sector, to achieve the results through a
partnership agreement signed jointly by SINERGI, the government, and the
private sector. Progress and issues will be brought up to the POKSI quarterly
steering meeting for resolution and follow up.

POKSI will focus on concrete actions that government, employers and training
centres can take to increase employment opportunities for poor and vulnerable
youth. For example, safe transportation for girls and young women is frequently
mentioned as an obstacle to employment that both government and employers
can help overcome. Government can find ways to widen participation among
young people under 18 in internship programs, some of which need special
permission from regulators to proceed. Employers can reduce entry level
qualifications for jobs that do not require upper-secondary level skills.

A key success indicator of POKSI and the strategic consortia is the willingness of
members to contribute resources to joint-action produced by POKSI. Resources
can be defined broadly as time, facilities, accommodation, and expertise and
funding. The specific contribution will encourage public and private sector
participation in POKSI-led activities with the specific aim of increasing the number
of poor and vulnerable youth in full-time employment. SINERGI may contribute
more time and resources in the beginning however the engagement will decrease
in the middle-to-later project period as contributions from the private sector (and
the government) increases. This will hopefully provide sufficient time for the
private sector to adjust and budget internally. By the end of the full
implementation phase, SINERGI expects that either the GOI will agree to adopt
the POKSI or will identify how the cooperation initiated by POKSI will be


The first step in increasing access to work is to share information about training
and job opportunities with poor and vulnerable youth, and to build a network of
young people who are ready and able to take advantage of training and
employment opportunities. From the pilot phase, SINERGI discovered that youth
groups and youth themselves were the greatest source of information and
support for other youth. To build on this, SINERGI will work with and through youth
organizations to reach out to their peers either directly or through existing social
media to share information about available training opportunities (SINERGI,
private sector and/or government-sponsored) available jobs and also access to
youth champions (mentors) and others who can help them throughout the
process of seeking employment


Another lesson learned from the pilot phase is that Youth Festivals—two-day job
fairs with an inclusive workforce theme—proved to be a successful method of
connecting young people, and especially poor and vulnerable youth, to training
and employment opportunities. In the full implementation phase, SINERGI will
work together with youth groups and champions to organize four additional Youth
Festivals. Two festivals will be organized in collaboration with MOM at BBPLK
Semarang and Surakarta, and the other two with Dinas Tenaga Kerja of Central
Java at two district level BLKs located between triangle area of Wonogiri,
Temanggung, and Pati.

SINERGI expects that at least 4,000 young people will attend each so that a
minimum of 16,000 young people will participate in the four youth festivals. Two
festivals will be held in June 2019 and two in November 2019 – a time period
when many young people enter the job market.

SINERGI will share information through various forms embraced by young people
such as social media and applications, word-of mouth, posters and leaflet at
activities centres. Information will include the festival agenda, participating
employers, available job openings, and location of the jobs. The festival offers not
only job opportunities but also training sessions on confidence building, resume
writing, interview skills, and career development. Youth groups/civil society
organizations with large numbers of members such as NU Fatayat, Pemuda
Anshor, Komunitas Sahabat Difabel, Yayasan Mahanani have partnered with
SINERGI since the pilot phase and will continue to work with SINERGI during the
full implementation phase.

An insight gained from the pilot phase of SINERGI is that young people, including
poor and vulnerable youth, are active on social media platforms, which are an
effective means of improving the flow of information among youth, training
centres and employers. SINERGI has already recorded and organized basic
information from 6,000 young people who attended the Youth Festival in
November 2018. To make better use of electronic media, SINERGI will work with
youth to utilize existing social media platforms to recruit, communicate with and
support youth looking for work or in work. SINERGI will engage youth in the use of
social media platforms that are already in use to support the recruitment and
engagement of young people which will also help ensure the sustainability of the
network as it will build on what’s already working.

SINERGI will directly involve employers in the recruitment process. For example,
employers could provide incentives for youth to sign up for the network by
offering small incentives (gift vouchers or mobile phone credits) and can use the
network to post job opportunities and to search for qualified candidates.


SINERGI will develop guidance for BLKs on hosting effective job fairs and explore
the potential for MOM and/or the private companies that participate to contribute
to fund or share the costs of the job fairs. SINERGI, through POKSI, can also seek
support for the continued engagement of youth in the recruitment and
information sharing with other youth. The end goal is improved mechanisms and
tools for informing and recruiting poor and vulnerable youth to participate in
government and private sector funded training programs that will be adopted and
implemented by workforce actors.


One of the main lessons learned from the pilot phase is the need for effective and
efficient youth employment assessment tools and methods. Training and work-
readiness programs often do not live up to expectations because young people
are directed to training or work-readiness programs that do not meet their needs,
or young people who are not interested in obtaining improved employment sign
up for programs for the wrong reasons (for example, to be with friends, to receive
allowances or on the recommendation of a respected adult or peer). Misidentified
youth typically fail to complete the training cycle or do not use the skills that they
have acquired on the job market.

Public and private sector training providers have a lot of experience in recruiting
and assessing youth. SINERGI will work with POKSI members to identify
challenges in the assessment of youth and work with selected industry, youth
and/or government partners to design and test possible solutions. SINERGI will
facilitate this process by monitoring the solutions and offering technical
assistance where needed. Each partner will agree to contribute something –
time/expertise, facilities, etc. This will be formalized in a MOU documenting the
partners, their roles, contributions and expected results

For example, SINERGI will explore using an expert in youth psychological profiling
in partnership with BLK and the private sector as the end-user to design a
questionnaire that can be used to interview and evaluate motivation,
commitment and employment potential. The questionnaire can then be
integrated in to a web-based application so that the young people can access the
test as a pre-requisite for training. The advantage of using the web-based test for
large number of young people is the significant reduction of cost and time.
Interviews will be organized for a sub-sample of youth to calibrate the accuracy of
the assessment tools. If this is successful, it can be used to assess 16,000 young
people registered in the festival database and to vet around 2,000 young people
eligible to enrol in the work preparedness workshop.


SINERGI will work within POKSI to not only test and implement solutions, but to
identify sustainable sources of funding and support for these solutions in line with
J2SR through a jointly-developed term of references for partnership agreement.
POKSI members can play a role in advocating for these solutions within their
institutions. The end goal is that government and private sector training providers
will have improved tools for recruiting and assessing youth and will utilize these
tools to improve the quality of those selected for training. In addition, better
motivated and prepared youth will be more likely to complete training and go on
to get new employment.

Work Preparedness

Another important lesson and feedback from employers during the pilot phase
was that the single most important soft skill or training that could be provided to
youth was work preparedness or job readiness. Private companies often provide
their own hard-skills or job-specific training and are foremost looking for young
people who are informed, ready and motivated to work. Employers also stressed
the importance of work preparedness to the performance of youth on the job and
the reduction of attrition, a significant issue for many industries who recruit and
hire youth. Therefore, SINERGI will work with selected 4P members in the POKSI
to identify ways to improve existing work preparedness curricula tailored to the
needs of employers and youth in Central Java. This could involve, for example,
industry trainers working with BLK trainers to improve the quality of their training
so that it is more relevant to their industry.

Industry partners will invite youth to attend further training in work readiness and
specific occupational skills relevant to their prospective employment. The
Matching Fund scheme will stimulate interest in the development of new training
and “school to work transition” programs designed and implemented by
employers, schools and government. Selection will be based in part on the
potential for these activities to be continued after the life of the project.

Youth who are members of the network will have the opportunity to attend
employment readiness training, which will prepare them to enter the specific
industry of their choice. SINERGI will work in collaboration with our partners to
adapt or develop new curricula based on proven methodologies used in Indonesia
and abroad. The Ministry of Manpower has agreed to cooperate with SINERGI
through its main training centres in Central Java (BBPLK Semarang and BBPLK
Solo). These training centres will collaborate with SINERGI and private sector
employers to increase the number of poor and vulnerable youth who are ready for
work. SINERGI expects that as many as 2,000 youth will be trained using new or
adapted training curricula or methods.


SINERGI will train “youth champions” to support the network and provide peer-to-
peer encouragement and information. The training will equip youth champions to
help young people seek out information job opportunities, navigate challenges
and remain in employment. Youth champions will provide a bridge between
employers and young people, engendering a two-way flow of information to help
employers address issues and constraints faced by young people.

SINERGI will work closely with POKSI members and particularly, the Ministry of
Manpower, to advocate for the adoption of improved work preparedness training
and resources in other BLKs in Central Java as well as other provinces, if agreed.
This directly contributes to J2SR and sustainability. The end goal is that
government and private sector training providers have improved soft skills
curricula and training in work preparedness that is linked closely with the actual
context and needs of the job providers, thus improving the likelihood that youth
trained will achieve new employment.

Job Placement/ Internship

Job placement and internships are the final step in the process for the youth who
require additional work experience. Some who are job-ready may seek and obtain
employment directly after receiving training. Working closely with POKSI, SINERGI
will liaise with private sector employers to identify internship opportunities and
job openings suited to youth in the network. With the participation of youth
organizations and youth ambassadors, SINERGI will work to create a support
network for young people in work and internships to help them manage
challenges and to encourage them to remain in work. POKSI will ensure that
training centres are linked to private sector partners interested in hosting interns
so that the placement of youth can be sustained after the project is complete.

Whereas traditional Labor Market Information Services provide a channel of

information from employers to job candidates, POKSI will work with youth
organizations and training providers to close the information loop and provide
feedback to employers and government on the obstacles that young people face
in accessing and retaining better employment. This may be as simple as safe
transportation services for women and girls, or may involve more complex issues
of social/cultural adjustment and contrasting expectations of employers and
employees. Youth organizations are instrumental in collecting this information but
goverhment and employers must be ready to receive and process it, and respond

Furthermore, POKSI plays a strategic role to ensure that job placement services at
BLKs (such as Kiosk3in1) work more effectively and communicate more

intensively with the employers with regard to the job vacancy, job status, data
tracking, etc. Partnership agreements produced through 4P sector-based
consortia interaction is an important mechanism to encourage regular update and
sharing of information.

Strategy towards Project Objective:

(1) Stronger POKSI – Restructure POKSI streamline and raise the level of
participation to increase efficiency and effectiveness;
(2) Increase preparedness for work, facilitate school-work transitions and
support young people in work through the development of a youth network
mobilizing the power of social media and a limited number of Youth
(3) Selected industries partner – garment, retail, banking (micro lending retail
bank), pharmacy – these industries have shown willingness to work
together with SINERGI in the full implementation phase;
(4) To roll out Partnership Agreements– bring the sustainability of the
coordination and the core program upfront.
(5) Operationally – SINERGI in the full implementation phase will focus on the
greater areas (surrounding) of the previous areas in pilot phase


2. Activities to Achieve Intermediate Results

SINERGI Objective:

“Strengthened multi-stakeholder coordination at national and

sub-national levels enhances opportunities for Poor and
Vulnerable (P&V) youth to enter the labor market”
SINERGI Intermediate Results to achieve objective:

IR 1 - Coordination between national and provincial levels improved;

IR 2 – Kelompok Aksi (POKSI) functioned to develop co-designed innovative

solutions related to inclusive workforce

IR 3 - Access for P&V Youth to labor market information, training and employment
opportunities Improved

(Please refer to Annex #1 to see SINERGI Result Framework - showing relation

between Objectives, Intermediate Results and Main Indicators)

SINERGI will contribute to the achievement of Mitra Kunci’s intermediate


Bringing stakeholder’s champions into Kelompok Aksi (POKSI) will contribute to

the achievement of Mitra Kunci’s Initiative Result Framework:

N Program MK Initiative Result Framework

1 Strengthening POKSI  3.1. Amount of resources leveraged from
public or private sector partners for Kunci
workforce development programs
 3.2. Number of workforce development
partnership implemented
2 Core Process:  1.1. Number of individuals accessing the
Recruitment Kunci program activities increased
 1.2. Number of individuals who participated
in a relevant USG-Assisted workforce
development programs


 4.2. Number of individuals registered in

inclusive Workforce Development Program
Information System
3 Core Process:  4.2. Number of individuals registered in
Assesmen inclusive Workforce Development Program
Information System


N Program MK Initiative Result Framework

4 Core Process:  2.1. Number of Inclusive training providers
Work Preparedness to P&V youth (facilities, inclusive ready
Program trainers)
 6.1. Number of youth reporting increased
self-efficacy at the conclusion of USG-
assisted training/programming (Youth
5 Core Process:  5.2. Number of new or reformed TVET
Technical Training programs developed
 6.1. Number of youth reporting increased
self-efficacy at the conclusion of USG-
assisted training/programming (Youth
 6.2. Number of employer with inclusive HR
 1.1. Number of individuals accessing the
Kunci program activities increased
 1.2. Number of individuals who participated
in a relevant USG-Assisted workforce
development programs
6 Core Process:  6.1. Number of youth reporting increased
Paid Apprenticeship & self-efficacy at the conclusion of USG-
Job Placement assisted training/programming (Youth
 6.2. Number of employer with inclusive HR
 1.1. Number of individuals accessing the
Kunci program activities increased
 1.2. Number of individuals who participated
in a relevant USG-Assisted workforce
development programs
 4.1. Number of employer engaged in
workforce system to provide
apprenticeship and/or job opportunities
7 Communication  4.1. Number of employer engaged in
workforce system to provide
apprenticeship and/or job opportunities
 4.2. Number of individuals registered in
inclusive Workforce Development Program
Information System


 1.1. Number of individuals accessing the

Kunci program activities increased
 1.2. Number of individuals who participated
in a relevant USG-Assisted workforce
development programs

SINERGI Activities to achieve Intermediate Results:

1. To improve coordination between national and provincial level to

support POKSI, following activities will be conducted:

1.1. Preliminary Coordination Meeting – Meeting with Key Partner

(Hearing) with Ketua POKSI and existing POKSI members on New
objectives, roles, means of coordination, draft strcuture & member
requirement. SINERGI will conduct the coordination meeting with Head of
BAPPEDA, TGUPP, and former POKSI members to report the Pilot Phase
results and to present the evaluation and recommendation for Phase 2.
The coordination in three weeks (May-June 2019) will touch on subjects
such as the next POKSI revisited structure, members’ role and
responsibilities, the new demand-driven approach, and joint-resources
mechanism. The coordination also serves to confirm the appointment of
POKSI new members who are the identified champions during the Pilot
Phase. This information will also form the basis for the POKSI TOR.

Output/Outcome: 15 POKSI members consisting of 4P/Capacity of POKSI

increased to focus mainstream Youth (especially P&V Youth) into labor
market in Central Java.

1.2. Training on PYD, GESI to Stakeholders & Workshop for OPD –

Workshop to empower POKSI members, and local government institutions
(Organisasi Perangkat Daerah/OPD) on PYD (Positive Youth Development),
Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) and sustainability. A two-day workshop
to empower 15 members of POKSI and also related OPDs will be held in May
2019. The topics to be delivered are the Positive Youth Development,
Gender Equality & Social Inclusion and Sustainability of the POKSI program
in the future .

The participants of the workshop are as follows: (a) members of POKSI; (b)
local government institutions sucah as Bappeda, Disnaker, Dinas Sosial,
Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Dinas Koperasi dan UKM, Dinas


Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa

(Bapermasdes), and Dinas Pendidikan.

Output/Outcomes: Improved capacity of POKSI members and relevant OPD

in Central Java to integrate GESI, PYD and the theme of IWD into policy and
OPD programs – supporting IWD coordination under POKSI in long run /
Capacity of POKSI increased to focus mainstream Youth (especially P&V
Youth) into labor market in Central Java.

1.3. POKSI Meeting #1. Within 2 months of the award, in May 2019, POKSI will
prepare for and conduct the first of a series of five POKSI meetings. This first
meeting is intended as a POKSI kick-off meeting, held for 2 days in
Semarang, with the main agenda: to launch the restructured POKSI. The
meeting will also discuss how to develop the TOR, to agree on the youth
recruitment based on BDT/SIKS NG, and to hand over the further refinement
of the Partnership Agreements for POKSI. The discussion on Youth Festivals
and Youth Support Network will also be initiated in this meeting .
Announcement of Restructured POKSI; Discussion on CORE PROCESS
includes Recruitment, Assessment System, Blended Work Preparadness
Program into Technical Skills Training, Job Placement,"Strategic Consortia",
"Match-Fund Scheme" and "Youth Support Network”.

Output/Outcome: (a) POKSI work plan for 18 months; (b) agreed concept of
Strategic Consortia, (c) Match-Fund Scheme, and (d) Youth Support Network /
Capacity of POKSI increased to focus mainstream Youth (especially P&V
Youth) into labor market in Central Java.

1.4. POKSI Meeting #2. Two months after the first meeting, in July 2019, POKSI
will prepare for and conduct the second meeting to establish the strategic
consortia. POKSI targets to manage between two to four private sector-led
consortia based on specific industry sector (garment, retail, services, etc.).
The consortia will be driven by the industry real demand, engage related
TVETs, and reach out young people with the help of youth champions and
youth groups. The target in this meeting is the agreement on co-designed 4P
innovative solution in the form of Partnership Agreements or MOUs that will
specify resource sharing between parties. By this time, Youth Festival
preparation will be finalized and the TORs established . Industries Partnership:
Establish Strategic Consortia, agreed on 4P joint-action plan & Match-Fund
Scheme, Strategic Consortia MoU sigining ceremony; Discussion on
recruitment Youth based on BDT and Youth assessment method.


Output/Outcome: (a) 4 strategic consortia concept based on industrial

sectors; (b) 500 P&V Youth identified by BDT/SIKS-NG; (c) 4 matching fund
schemes; (d) 4 MOUs on workforce development partnership between 4P are
established and implemented. / POKSI 4P Joint-Action established and

1.5. POKSI Meeting #3. Two months after the second meeting, in September
2019, POKSI will prepare for and conduct the third meeting that is meant as a
policy dialogue forum to build commitment to integrate inclusive workforce
development into RENJA / RKPD / RPJMD of the Province of Central Java. The
dialogue may include topics such as work coordination and budget
collaboration scheme between governmental units, updating HR policy, etc .
Policy Dialogue: Mainstreaming Inclusive Workforce Development (IWD) into
Work Plan of OPD/Dinas (RENJA) or Provincial Government Annual Work Plan
(Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah/RKPD Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2020 or
Provincial Government Midterm Development Plan/ RPJMD 2018-2023.

Output/Outcome: Policy note on mainstreaming IWD into national and

provincial development plan/Konsep dan model koordinasi pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif yg diinisiasi POKSI terintegrasi ke dalam Rencana
Pembangunan Daerah.

1.6. POKSI Meeting #4. POKSI will prepare for and conduct the fourth meeting
in February 2020 with an objective to share progress report and evaluation of
the 4P strategic consortia co-designed implementation. The meeting will also
serve as a forum to discuss about how to maintain the platform of sharing
resources for inclusive workforce development between 4PMonitoring,
Evaluation & Learning : Share Progress Report & Evaluation of Strategic
Consortia Implementation, also discuss about platform of sharing resources.

Output/Outcome: Review on 4P Joint Action under Strategic Consortia and

draft of platform of sharing resources moving forward / Improved
coordination among 4P on IWD.

1.7. POKSI Meeting #5. POKSI conducts the second policy dialogue in Marchd
2020 which is now focusing on how to integrate effectively the Inclusive
Workforce Development essence into Human Capital policy in respective
industries in Central Java. This means to improve companies’ culture that is
supportive to create working environment that enable youth employees to
grow together with companies. APINDO and KADIN in Central Java will be
involved to envoy the spirit together with the 4P key stakeholders.
Integrating Inclusive Workforce Development (IWD) into Human Resource

(HR) Policy - creating supportive working environment for youth to grow

together with company.

Output/Outcome: Proposed improvement on HR Policy to create working

environment that support IWD / Improved coordination among 4P on IWD.

1.8. POKSI Meeting #6. POKSI will prepare for and conduct the sixth and final
meeting in March 2020 as the final forum for policy dialogue to build
commitment to integrate inclusive workforce development into national
RPJMN with the Ministries of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS .
Integrating Inclusive Workforce Development (IWD) into the National Midterm
Delopment Plan (RPJMN) 2019-2024

Output/Outcome: Concept note accepted by Bappenas to be considered into

RPJMN 2020-2024 / Konsep dan model koordinasi pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif yg diinisiasi POKSI terintegrasi ke dalam Rencana
Pembangunan Nasional.

1.9 Core POKSI Members Follow Up Meetings. In addition to the six

scheduled POKSI Meetings, POKSI also plans to have some follow-up
meetings to discuss and detail out the next steps. The meetings are intended
to be attended by the core members (with related key stakeholders) and can
be held in the meeting room at SINERGI office or at partner private sector
and government office. Core POKSI Members Follow-Up Meetings will be held
for 15 months, from May 2019 to July 2020 . Serial pertemuan teknis untuk
menindaklanjuti hasil dan kesepakatan dari POKSI Meeting #1 s/d #6 yang
hanya melibatkan 15 orang anggota POKSI.

15 monthly Core POKSI Coordination Meeting (can be at SINERGI Office, OPD

Office, or in the field meeting

Output/Outcome: Continues coordination to address issues, POKSI

operational, MoNev on POKSI and 4P Coordination challenges / Improved
coordination among 4P on IWD

2. Kelompok Aksi (POKSI) functions to develop co-design inovative

solutions for inclusive workforce, following activities will be conducted:

2.1. Development of Youth Data Application. A proper database

system is needed to manage an enormous amount of data (SINERGI target
to capture a total data of approximately 16,000 young people). The
technology development is web-based, tailored to the young people
preference, and enable them to self-update their data and status. The

development of youth data applications is also scheduled in May and June

2019. This application for youth web-based database tracking system.

Output/Outcome: 1 Youth Data Application. Youth Data Applications

available / Berkurangnya ketimpangan akses informasi kerja dari kaum
muda (P&V Youth).

2.2. Development of Self Assesment Tools and Instruments.

A self-assessment instrument will be developed and embedded in an

online/electronic mechanism for the young people to take the test by
themselves. SINERGI hopes that the online self-assessment method can
reduce the logistic cost to vetting thousands of young people recruited into
the youth database. The development of self-assessment tools &
instruments is scheduled in May and June 2019.

Output/Outcome: 1 (one) Youth Self-Assessment Tools & Instruments. Self-

Assessment Tools & Instruments available / Ketimpangan akses informasi
kerja dari kaum muda (P&V Youth) menjadi semakin berkurang

2.3. Youth Self Assesment Through Application

It is assumed that at least 25% of the young people attending the Youth
Festivals will do self-assessment through themechanism SINERGI builds.
Youth Support Network Team will help to provide assistance and guidance
in doing self-assessment through tools & instruments.

Output/Outcome: 4,000 Youth to do Self-Assesment. 20 YSN provide

assistance to 500 P&V Youth. Youth able to use the instruments &
applications / Ketimpangan akses informasi kerja dari kaum muda (P&V
Youth) menjadi semakin berkurang

2.4. Development of Work Preparedness Modules

SINERGI will provide an expert to work together with BPPLK and private
sector to assess and adapt existing or develop new work preparedness
modulesThe idea is to combine the work preparedness with the soft-skill
modules and to blend them into the technical training provided by the


private sector or TVETs. The development of work preparedness modules is

scheduled in May and June 2019.

Output/Outcome: 4 type of Work Preparadness Module to be used under 4

different Strategic Consortia partnership. Customized Soft Skills modules
to be blended into technical skills training / TVEs and Private Sectors to
adopt the new training model

2.5. Work Preparedness Modules Development – Workshop

Output/Outcome: 4 type of Work Preparadness Module to be used under 4

different Strategic Consortia partnership. Soft Skills modules to be blended
into technical skills training / TVEs and Private Sectors to adopt the new
training model

2.6. Blended Work Preparedness Modules into Technical Skill


SINERGI will implement work preparedness program by blending the

module with the existing technical training. The objective is to prepare
young people with contextual industry requirements both technical and
social-emotional traits. The series of blended training are planned to be
conducted in Sep-Oct 2019 and Feb-Mar 2020. SINERGI expects to have
2,000 youth continue to this stage.

Output/Outcome: 2,000 Youth (12.5% from job fair participants) have

improved skills. 1,000 go through work preparadness training program.
1,000 go through work preparadness training program. Total = 2,000
complete the training & apprenticeship program.
/ Youth self-eficacy improved

2.7. Technical Skill Training.

will be held at either participating private sector partners or TVETs

facilities. The cost associated at this stage of training is fully covered by
parties who host technical training and apprenticeship program as agreed
under MoU which had been signed off by all ‘4P’ parties. Eventually at this
stage, SINERGI is looking at number of youth who reach indicator of EG 6-
1: number of individuals with new or better employment following

completion of USG-assisted workforce development program. Technical

skills training which is already blended / customized with work
preparadness program.

Output/Outcome: 2,000 Youth (12.5% from job fair participants) have

improved skills
/ Youth self-eficacy improved

2.8. Apprenticeship Program at Industries

Output/Outcome: 2,000 complete programs; 1,600 with new or better

employment. Youth able to demonstrate skills at the workplace / Youth self-
eficacy improved.

3. To have access to labor market information, training and employment

opportunities for Poor & Vulnerable Youth improved, following activities
will be conducted:

3.1. Youth Festival – Youth Career Festival” ini dirancang untuk

menggabungkan 4 (empat) jenis kegiatan ketenagakerjaan sekaligus,
yakni: (a) bursa kerja (job fair); (b) edukasi ketenagakerjaan; (c) konsultasi
karir kerja; dan (d) hiburan. Kegiatan ini sengaja dikemas sedemikian rupa
untuk memberikan atmosfer yang menyenangkan dan menginspirasi bagi
kaum muda dengan menggunakan pendekatan Positive Youth
Development (PYD) dan Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE).

POKSI and SINERGI will hold 4 Youth Festivals during the Full
Implementation Phase, two in August and September 2019 and two in
January and February 2020 in collaboration with MOM and Dinas Tenaga
Kerja Province of Central Java.

Tahun ke-1, akan diselenggarakan 2 (dua) kali job fair, dengan target @
4000 orang, jadi total terdapat 8.000 orang/kaum muda. Sebanyak 2000
orang di antaranya, akan mengikuti fase asesmen pelatihan kerja dan
penempatan kerja.

Tahun ke-2, akan diselenggarakan 2 (dua) kali job fair, dengan target @
4000 orang, jadi total terdapat 8.000 orang/kaum muda. Sebanyak 2000
orang di antaranya, akan mengikuti fase asesmen pelatihan kerja dan
penempatan kerja

Output/Outcome: (a) 16.000 youth 40% girls, 1% youth with disabilities

participate in youth festivals; (b) 1/4 (25%) of job fair participants are
registered in partner companies for further assessment. / Ketimpangan
akses informasi kerja dari kaum muda (P&V Youth) menjadi semakin

3.2. Youth Support Network – Motivate Youth, Re-activate Buddy

System. Youth Support Network consists of 20 identified youth champions
from the 16 youth consortia in the Pilot Phase and “Karang Taruna” at the
province and district level. The function is to identify and recruit young
people. They also motivate the young people during the training and
employment. TOT (one in 2019 and the other one in 2020) will prepare the
youth support network representatives to motivate others, uphold work
ethics, and creating safe space for other young people . Training of Trainer
(TOT) 20 selected Youth Support Network from existing lokal konsorsia /
youth champions/ Youth Associations.

Output/Outcome: 20 youth champions (10 are women, 2 people with

disabilities) recruited and well trained to be mentor / Tersedianya Coach /
Mentor untuk memberikan pendampingan sebagai Supporting System bagi
targeted beneficiaries.

3.3. Functioning Youth Support Network

Output/Outcome: 500 targeted youth beneficiaries are recruited and

assisted by 20 youth champions (10 are women, 2 people with
disabilities) / Targeted youth beneficiaries have work readiness skills.

3.4. Mentoring and Coaching by 20 Youth Support Network –

Mentoring & Coaching by SINERGI Youth Officer & 20 YSN to youth


Output/Outcome: 20 YSN mendapatkan coaching tentang pendampingan

pasca pelatihan / Tersedianya Coach / Mentor untuk memberikan
pendampingan sebagai Supporting System bagi targeted beneficiaries.


20 YSN mendapatkan coaching tentang pendampingan saat pemagangan

kerja / Tersedianya Coach / Mentor untuk memberikan pendampingan
sebagai Supporting System bagi targeted beneficiaries.

3.5. Data Collection, MEL, and Lesson Learned

Output/Outcome: Tersedianya data hasil pelatihan kerja dan lesson learned

/ Sistem Monev pelatihan kerja improved.

Tersedianya data hasil pemagangan dan lesson learned untuk pemagangan

yang lebih inklusif / Sistem Monev pemagangan improved.

Satu set database dan lesson learned bagi perusahaan yang berguna untuk
meningkatkan kualitas pemagangan yang lebih inklusif. Satu set database
dan lesson learned bagi TVETs.

3.6. Strategic Communication and Branding

Output/Outcome: Exposure dari POKSI dan Koordinasi 4P untuk IWD dalam

bentuk video, informasi di dunia maya national-wide, dan tulisan2 yang
dibaca oleh pengambil keputusan / koordinasi 4P untuk IWD dipahami dan
didukung oleh key stakeholders.

Human Interest Video dari POKSI dan Strategic Consortia; berfungsi

baiknya sosial media dan website untuk IWD; Tulisan advokasi IWD dan
koordinasi 4P untuk konsumsi public dan pengambil keputusan; Media
Engagement yan berkelanjutan.

3.7. Campaign and Outreach

Output/Outcome: Target beneficiaries mendapatkan informasi dengan

cepat mengenai program IWD, mengerti mengenai POKSI, dan terjaring
dalam program IWD / Target Beneficiaries paham mengenai IWD dan
mengikuti rangkaian program IWD.

Komunikasi dan Koordinasi dengan key actor dari Koordinasi 4P; Tulisan
advokasi IWD dan koordinasi 4P untuk konsumsi public dan pengambil
keputusan di tingkat local; Continues Media Engagement di tingkat local.

(Detail technical activities can be seen in Annex #2).


In parallel with technical activities, there are operational activities conducted

within the first three months of operations:

1. SINERGI Consortium Internal Coordination Meeting- Within 10 days of

grant award, Mitra Kunci will coordinate with SINERGI consortium members
in organizing an internal coordination meeting to review all details of the
award, including requirements, objectives, activities and timelines.

2. Grant Award Kick-off Event. Within one month of award, and with the full
cooperation of Mitra Kunci, a Grant Award Kick-off event will occur formally
and publicly launching SINERGI.

3. Work Plan. On 29 May, 2019, SINERGI will draft and submit to Mitra Kunci
for review a comprehensive Pilot Project Work Plan for all contracted
activities, including timelines, milestones, tools to assess outputs and
impacts, methods to ensure accountability and transparency for each
activity and associated expenditure; and a Branding Implementation and
Marking Plan. The Pilot Project Work Plan will be designed in the context of
the objectives stated in the Grant Award that are consistent with the Mitra
Kunci Results Framework. The Pilot Project Plan will include a list of all key
project staff, including short biographies and Scopes of Work. The Plan will
be approved by Mitra Kunci prior to implementation.

4. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ME&L) Plan. Within two months

of grant award draft and submit to Mitra Kunci for review an ME&L Plan that
presents a coherent monitoring system that objectively assesses the overall
progress and impact of SINERGI. The ME&L Plan will be consistent with the
Pilot Project Work Plan and include a Results Framework aligned with the
USAID/Indonesia Kunci Results Framework. The Plan must also present
baseline values and targets, a table summarizing the key output-level and
outcome-level performance monitoring information—including YouthPower
and gender indicators—and Performance Indicator Reference Sheets for
each indicator that must include:

 Detailed description of performance indicators to be tracked;

 Source, method, and schedule of data collection;
 Known data limitations; and
 Planned actions to address the limitations.

The Plan will be developed in close consultation with and will be approved
by Mitra Kunci prior to implementation.


5. Positive Youth Development (PYD) Strategy. Pada April dan Mei 2019,
SINERGI akan melakukan penyusunan PYD Strategi sebagai konsep dan
panduan dasar penerapan pendekatan PYD dalam keseluuruhan kegiatan
POKSI/SINERGI. SINERGI akan melakukan konsultasi intensif dengan Tim
Mitra Kunci dalam rangka finalisasi dokumen PYD Strategy, serta melakukan
konsultasi dan diskusi dengan pemerintah provinsi Jawa Tengah, khususnya
OPD yang memiliki keterkaitan misi dan program/kegiatan dengan tujuan
SINERGI. Pada akhir Mei 2019, SINERGI akan mensubmit dokumen PYD
Strategy ke Mitra Kunci.

6. Gender Empowerment and Social Inclusion (GESI) Strategy. On April

to May 2019, SINERGI will develop the GESI Strategy. SINERGI will work
closely with Mitra Kunci to complete a GESI Strategy, and the approaches
and activities of SINERGI as they relate to gender-sensitive programming
and mainstreaming. The Assessment will inform development of a Gender
Action Plan to be drafted by Mitra Kunci and implemented by SINERGI. Mitra
Kunci will conduct periodic assessments and a final grant performance
review of progress towards achieving Gender Action Plan objectives.

Note that Mitra Kunci will be responsible for all aspects of the Gender
Assessment and development, monitoring and evaluation of progress of the
Gender Action Plan. SINERGI will be responsible for adhering to tasks and
achieving progress towards objectives detailed in the Gender Action Plan.

Note also that it is important to conduct this activity for the Rajawali
Foundation because they are the prime Grantee and for Transformasi
because they are responsible for all field.

SINERGI Selected Locations:

SINERGI full implementation project areas are:

Geographical Scope: Province of Central Java in districts included in and

adjacent to locations from the pilot phase (District of Semarang, Demak, Boyolali
and City of Semarang), and the poorest districts in Central Java (13 districts),
such as Wonosobo, Kebumen, Brebes, Purbalingga, Rembang, Pemalang,
Banjarnegara, Banyumas, Klaten, Sragen, Purworejo, Grobogan, dan Blora


3. Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning Plan

In response to the MESP Scalability Assessment, SINERGI will develop a more
rigorous monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system to measure all program
elements, including the results of improved coordination through POKSI. As noted
in the section on strengthening POKSI, partnerships between the 4P partners will
be identified, aligned with government development priorities, and translated into
joint-action through partnership agreements or MOUs that will identify the
partners their roles, contributions and expected results. These partnership
agreements will allow SINERGI to track agreed upon actions and results coming
from POKSI. POKSI meeting minutes will document decisions made and
agreements reached to develop solutions aligned with J2SR.

As SINERGI-supported youth networks will be sharing information with other

youth, recruiting them for training and other events, and support the assessment
and job placement process, SINERGI will develop a web-based database system to
be able to track the youth who access information, who are recruited, who attend
training, who get internships or apprenticeships and finally, gain new or better
employment. This system will be developed so that it collects data and allow
SINERGI to report out on the standard F and YouthPower indicators and is linked to
Mitra Kunci’s M&E system and indicators.

SINERGI will contribute, in close coordination with Mitra Kunci, to Beneficiary

Tracking System (BTS) to enable effective tracking of beneficiaries. The system
will facilitate project management decisions based on real-time data regarding
beneficiary data patterns and other Kunci data outputs. The tracking system will
allow for geospatial mapping of beneficiaries and activities and will include
beneficiary profile pages that dissagregate required information such as sex, age,
institution and geographical location. SINERGI will upload information to BTS
regularly to support project reporting as required as ell as conduct regular
tracking mechanism by direct observation or by phone to ensure the data
accuracy. SINERGI will be consult and working together with Mitra Kunci to identify
the suitable method. In addition to this, SINERGI will develop tool using the
Microsoft excel to record and monitor the data.

In the previous phase, SINERGI had been developed its own MEL Plan completed
with Performance Indicators Reference Sheets (PIRS) that unfortunatelly could not
explicitely mentioned the SINERGI indocators with Mitra Kunci Indicators. This
have been created challenges in program reporting. Hence, in this full
implementation phase, SINERGI will follow and use Mitra Kunci MEL Plan,
particularly in capturing two types of indicators to measure progress against
output and outcome indicator targets as well as collection of learning in this full


implementation phase. The quantitative and qualitative data will be collected to

inform analysis of program management, delivery, and relevancy.

SINERGI grant proposal supports the achievement of KUNCI specifically:

1. Number of individuals with new or better employment following completion of

USG-assisted workforce development programs (EG 6-1)
2. Number of individuals with improved skills following completion of USG-
assisted workforce development programs (EG 6-2)
3. Number of individuals who complete USG-assisted workforce development
programs (EG 6-3)

SINERGI recognizes the importance of monitoring activities and assessing the

results, particularly as they relate to women and girls, persons with disabilities
and P&V youth, generally. In pilot phase, SINERGI will design and implement a
comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan. This plan
will illustrate how SINERGI intends to integrate quantitative and qualitative data
to inform analysis of program management, delivery, and relevancy. Activities
under this plan will help SINERGI propose indicators that capture quantitative and
qualitative output and outcome information and review these indicators with
Mitra Kunci to ensure they satisfy not only program requirements for monitoring
and evaluation but broader reporting requirement within USAID.

As noted above, tracking results of activities on target populations is critical. To

this end, SINERGI will disaggregate all indicator data by gender, age and other
cohorts representing P&V populations. SINERGI will collect data against
YouthPower, gender-specific, and USAID standard indicators, including:
 Number of individuals with improved skills following completion of USG-
assisted workforce development programs (F.EG.6-2);
 Percentage of female participants with increased access to Kunci workforce
development programs (Custom indicator)
 Number of youth reporting increased self-efficacy at the conclusion of USG-
assisted training/programming (YouthPower).
 Number of host country tertiary education institutions receiving capacity
development support with USG assistance
 Number of individuals with new or better employment following completion
of USG-assisted workforce development programs
 Number of individuals who complete USG-assisted workforce development


SINERGI will contribute to Mitra Kunci Result Framework and indicators. Data
collected from these indicators will be complemented by qualitative information
captured through interviews, observations, surveys and other collection methods.

SINERGI will work closely with Mitra Kunci to develop ME and L. Regular meetings
will orient all SINERGI staff to Monitoring and Evaluation Data Quality
Assurance on the intent and proper use of the forms. Forms will include all
necessary and appropriate disaggregation of indicator data, and provide clear
instructions on when and how the data should be collected, stored, and reported.

Data Collection Mechanism will be conducted in training on PYD, GESI to

Stakeholders & Workshop for OPD, POKSI Meetings, youth assessment, youth
festival, technical skills training, apprenticeship program, youth support network
and job placement.

In doing data collection, SINERGI will use the data from web-based database
system. The involvement of youth as numerators will also be considered if

(Gantt Chart detailing all activities and time frames are presented in Annex #3).

External Financial Audit will be conducted at the end of pilot phase by

appointed and approved Independent Fianncial Auditor. They will audit SINERGI
(Rajawali Foundation and Transformasi) together with Opportuntiy Fund
implementing partners.

The objective of financial audit is to ensure SINERGI project’s financial recording

and supporting documents are appropriated disclosed.


4. Integration of Cross-cutting Issues

4.1 Gender and Social Inclusion

Gender Equality approach – there are at least three criteria of program

quality in relation with how gender equality issues integrated in the

a. Gender unaware – program does not recognize kind of issue and

tend to widen the gender gap. For instance: gender is not mentioned
in the program, gender is not integrated in the youth workforce
analysis, program is not segregated based on sex, there is no
resource allocation to address specifically gender issues,

b. Gender aware – program tries to fix current situation to provide

better environment equally for men and women in relation with
working environment but nor specifically fix the relation between men
and women. For instance: gender is specifically mentioned in all
program documents, gender equality issues addressed in the youth
workforce analysis, program segregated based on sex, there is
allocation for resources to address specifically gender issues but not
to fix the relation between men and women.

c. Gender Transformative – program tries to fix current situation to

provide better environment for men and women, program tries to fix
current relation between men and women, and program try to fix
stigma or perceived value of men and women based on social
construction. SINERGI

SINERGI will attempt to increase the participation of women in the labour

market in Central Java by partnering with other key stakeholders to
overcome the barriers to their participation. From the pilot phase, SINERGI
learned that there are many factors hindering women to participate in the
labour force such as safety, travel-to-work distance, culture, family
considerations. To ensure P&V Youth including women and youth with
disabilities and their family are informed and consent to join the program,
there will be campaign and socialization materials distributed through
youth association and civil society organizations that understand local


From the pilot phase, all 423 youth beneficiaries were categorized as poor
and vulnerable according to poverty database (BDT/SIKS-NG – Basis Data
Terpadu / Sistem Informasi Kesejahteraan Sosial – Next Generation), 34%
were women and 10% were youth with disabilities. In the full phase,
SINERGI set a target that at least 30% of the participants will be P&V
Youth, 40% women and 1% youth with disabilities. SINERGI will ensure
POKSI involve youth women organizations or local organization who work
with women and young people with disabilities to ensure their participation
in the project. To engage P&V Youth, POKSI will use poverty database
(BDT/SIKS-NG) as the basis to identify, assess and recruit P&V Youth.
SINERGI will continue using beneficiaries tracking table developed
together with Mitra Kunci to monitoring beneficiaries based on gender,
age, education level and income. Thus, the data will be segregated.

SINERGI will partner with BPPLK to incorporate training approaches that

are more suitable for youth with disabilities in the material, instruction
method, facilities and infrastructure. The same partnership will also apply
with the private sector to provide environment and/or policy that are more
welcoming and friendly for the youth with disabilities.

4.2 Positive Youth Development

Positive Youth Development approach – to ensure SINERGI project

activities to adopt and integrate positive youth development approach
into the program activities. Activities should involve these following

a. Capacity & Skill Building – equip youth with both academic or

technical skills and soft or life skills, giving them opportunity to
explore interest and develop their own competencies (domain: asset
& agency);

b. Youth Engagement & Contribution – giving youth opportunity to

be involved in the collective decision-making process, to have
opportunity to lead one or some activities under SINERGI, giving
opportunity for youth champion to have equal voice to talk to
government, private sectors and other stakeholders during POKSI
meetings (domain: contribution);

c. Healthy Relationships & Bonding – connect youth with adult

mentors, to have healthy friendship, and provide opportunity for cross
generation dialogues (domain: enabling environment);


d. Belonging & Membership – To have activities which can reach out

poor and vulnerable youth, to nurture sense of belonging (domain:
enabling environment);

e. Positive Norms, Expectations, Perceptions – to provide clear

rules and consequences, consistently uphold certain norms and
expectations, opportunity to increase sense of responsibility (domain:
enabling environment);

f. Safe spaces – designed for youth, can be physical or virtual where

youth could gather, freely act, learn and collaborate (domain:
enabling environment);

g. Access to Youth – friendly Integrated Services – provide

information to youth and their family by disseminating information in
where they usually gathered, connect & integrate social & health
services, train adult to deliver information with a friendly way of
communication, having SINERGI activities are inclusive for youth
(domain: enabling environment).

SINERGI will work with MK to incorporate Positive Youth Development (PYD)

framework of adaptation and measurement in the project activities. SINERGI
hopes to engage youth along with their families, communities, and the
governments so that youth are empowered to reach their full potential.

SINERGI articulates PYD approach into capacity building of youth (skill building for
both soft and technical), empower youth to participate and advocate for their
needs in the POKSI forum / meeting (youth engagement & contribution), and
provides enabling environment for youth, which are:

 Healthy engagement & contribution - through POKSI and Strategic Consortia

Working Group;
 Belonging & Membership – prioritize on openness, accommodative gesture,
listening more to youth aspiration and acceptance youth as equal
contributor to decision making process;
 Positive norms, expectations & perception – nurture leadership through
project cultures and values, and provide youth chance to lead POKSI and
SINERGI activities.
 Safe Spaces – Both SINERGI office and Youth Support Network place (virtual
and physical) are the safe spaces for youth to talk, give feedbacks to the
project, to collaborate among themselves, and nurture buddy-support
system to keep each other’s motivated.
 Access to Youth-friendly integrated services – information and opportunity
are open and accessible to all stakeholders, especially youth. There are at

least 5 (five) places of information dissemination: SINERGI Office, TVETs

partners, POKSI & Strategic Consortia Working Group events, Youth Support
System and Private Sectors partners

4.3 Learning and Adapting

SINERGI will identify a variety of mechanisms to ensure learning takes place as

an iterative process within all activities for improved SINERGI implementation.

For learning, SINERGI will:

 Conduct constructive dialogue among consortium member, Mitra Kunci,
USAID/Indonesia and P&V youth representative to improve the quality and
substance of discourse, and to validate project plans or elicit suggestions for
changes to project plan;

 Periodic /iterative consultations and collective analysis with various


 Improve the M&E process (from data collection and analysis to the use of M&E
findings to improve program implementation);

 Work with consortium member, Mitra Kunci, P&V youth and other key
stakeholders to capture and share knowledge based on experiences and

 Work with Mitra Kunci to measure the quality of youth engagement as part of
the learning process.

To facilitate adaptation of program efforts to new learning and changing

conditions, SINERGI will:
 Engage Mitra Kunci, P&V youth and other stakeholders in periodic, big picture
reflection on SINERGI to validate strategy and implementation; jointly define a
pathway to change and each actors’/activities role in it; analyze unanticipated
results and articulate necessary correction;

 Conduct frequent strategic reviews to discuss questions during the learning

process such as:
- Which activities from the previous period were successful and why?
- Which activities from the previous period were not successful and why not?
- What activities were planned but did not occur and why?


- For activities planned but that did not occur, when will they be re-
- Are performance indicator targets for key performance indicators being
achieved? If we are not, why? What do we need to be done differently?
- Are target assumptions still valid? If not, why not?
- Have strategic approaches changed? If so, how? How does this influence
our activities?
- What, if anything, in the macro environment has changed that is impacting
implementation and results?
- Are assumptions for implementing activities and meeting performance
indicators targets still valid? If not, what has changed?
- What effect do(es) these changed assumption(s) have on SINERGI?
- What is the strategy to address any changed assumption(s)?
- Are there any “red-flags” if so, are there any corrective actions that need to
be taken?

4.4 Sustainability Mechanisms (including scaling-up plan)

Achieving sustainability of POKSI can be measured by how champions could work

on issues systematically over 15 months pilot phase. POKSI should not be driven
only by one or two individuals, who stand out. Innovative ideas should be
nurtured among champions members instead. On top of action plan POKSI has,
champions need to have characters and attitude to lead POKSI sustained in a long
run – which could maintain level of spirit to bring innovation to the discussion and
focus on addressing challenges how POKSI could help mainstreaming P&V Youth
into labor market.

Over time, POKSI needs to improve their management performance internally -

reduce activities which are conducted on ad-hoc basis. Action Plan for next year
needs to be well prepared. This to also include how to align programs with RENJA
without doing duplication, and redundancy. POKSI needs also to avoid any conflict
of interest of their champions. They should not drive POKSI to support particular
business to enrich themselves.

POKSI is built on the basis of multi-stakeholders platform, co-designing spirit to

achieve innovative break through. The need to be firmed with their own code of
conduct to let the process is well managed. On the other hand, POKSI should not
be rigid in handling issues. They need to be able to work flexible yet focus
answering challenges and address salient issues currently happening.


Alignment with RPJMN and/or RPJMD, RKPD, RENJA and RPJMDesa will create
access of funding to POKSI. Aligning to RKPD and RENJA will channel to major
annual operational funding. Having said this, POKSI needs to gain external
support from third party on activities they are planning to have. Collaboration
with third party will create credibility and reputation thus strengthen POKSI value
going forward.

Gaining support from National Policy key actors at Ministries is also crucial. In a
long run (over 5 years), SINERGI expects there is policy reformed or strengthening
policy to boost collaboration at sub-national level, POKSI model in this case, to
make it able to be scaled up to other areas more strategically and relevant to
national plan addressing workforce issues.


SINERGI activities scale up will be done by expanding POKSI work in

strengthening the coordination of inclusive workforce development. Additional 13
districts will be included in the scale up phase. Combined with pilot phase districts
of Demak, and the poorest districts in Central Java such as Wonosobo, Kebumen,
Brebes, Purbalingga, Rembang, Pemalang, Banjarnegara, Banyumas, Klaten,
Sragen, Purworejo, Grobogan, and Blora, there will be a total of 14 districts/cities
in the scale up phase. This number represents 50% of the whole districts/cities in
Central Java (35 districts/cities). At this scale, SINERGI believes that POKSI
approach will significantly contribute to the achievement of Central Java
government objective in poverty and unemployment reduction through inclusive
workforce development.

SINERGI scale up strategy will include the following actions: (1) identification,
criteria design, and selection of 13 new districts in consultation with Tim
Gubernur Untuk Percepatan Pembangunan (TGUPP), TKPKD (Tim Koordinasi
Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Daerah or the Coordination Team for Local Poverty
Eradication), Bappeda Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dan Mitra Kunci; (2) formulation of
action plan to include the new districts by POKSI together with TGUPP; (3)
assessment of the commitment and capacity through workforce champions
mapping by POKSI, TGUPP and SINERGI in the new districts; (4) establishment of
extended POKSI; (5) development of new co-design innovative actions; (6)
implementation of co-design innovative actions funded by SINERGI through
Opportunity Fund; and (7) implementation of the major events and awareness


Scale out to other areas is required to test the concept whether it is reliable and
relevant to address challenges in other provinces with different workforce issues.
Geographical situation for instance will affect significantly to the decision making
mindset of local leaders. Archipelago landscape in eastern Indonesia have certain
challenges for local economic growth which impacts to the workforce
development – for instance; workforce issues in marine and fisheries sector.

It is obvious that we need to address workforce issue, especially related to youth

(P&V Youth) case-by-case in different unique areas, but we need to try to find
basic requirement for the model can be leveraged / repicated in other areas
across the board. It is when we could have a dashboard of how this model
compared between one to another.

4.5 Communication Strategy

SINERGI communication strategy focuses on getting the word out about the
project; communicating with young people through social media; video and photo
documentation; info-graphics, and human interest stories.
All communication activities will lead to the contribution of:

 the number of young people recruited

 the number of employers involved
 the "journey to self-reliance" (getting government excited about taking over
project activities)
 the number of times the project appears in the newspaper, on TV, in social

The two main components of communication:

a) Strategic Communication & Branding

This component strategically exposes the critical role of POKSI in coordinating

the key players (4P) in strategic consortia to contribute and work
collaboratively in an innovative joint-design action plan in developing inclusive
workforce ecosystem. The human interest video, social media, web site, info-
graphics combined with advocacy deliverables are not only for the
consumption of policy makers nationwide but also for continuous media

b) Communication Campaign & Outreach


Target beneficiaries must have adequate and real time information not only
about the project, POKSI, and strategic consortia but also about what and how
they can benefit from the activities in the project such as the youth festivals
and the opportunity for internship or job placement. These young people are
reached out and provided access for empowerment and employment
opportunity through information and communication campaigns at the
provincial and local level

5. Management and Operations

SINERGI will maintain its consortium of experienced partners in the full
implementation which includes the Rajawali Foundation, a private Indonesian
foundation, and the Centre for Public Policy Transformation (Transformasi), an
Indonesian public policy training and research centre. SINERGI will be led by the
Rajawali Foundation based in Jakarta and Transformasi through a field office in
Semarang City, Central Java.

The Rajawali Foundation, the lead organization for the consortium and
proposed grantee, is a philanthropic organization established in 2010 to promote
education as a driver of development and social change in Indonesia. Public
policy research and education are central foci of the Foundation’s work because
of the belief that even small improvements to the design and implementation of
public policies can have a positive effect on the lives of millions of people. The
Foundation provides selected scholarships for bright students with financial
disadvantages, supports school improvements including schools for children with
disabilities, and provides humanitarian assistance to communities affected by
natural disasters such as earthquake and tsunami. The Rajawali Foundation
maintains an extensive network of partnerships with global and national
institutions, government and private sector.

The responsibility of the Rajawali Foundation is to lead the project and manage
the award so as to ensure all milestones, deliverables, and results are achieved
within scope, time, and budget. The Rajawali Foundation will also work to link the
project with the private sector and with the key government stakeholders at
national and sub-national level, including managing the Matching Fund scheme.

The Centre for Public Policy Transformation (or Transformasi) is a

“networked think tank” established in 2013 that works closely with policymakers,
scholars, and CSOs to achieve better policymaking processes in Indonesia.
Transformasi has a strong network with local governments and a record of


accomplishment of policy dialogue at the national and local levels. Transformasi

has identified three core programmatic areas based on careful study of
Indonesia’s need: i) job creation and economic growth; ii) marine fisheries and
coastal ecosystems, and; iii) urbanization.

Transformasi will lead grant implementation in Central Java including managing

POKSI and strategic consortia activities, conducting policy analysis, and
facilitating dialogue with policymakers.

Transformasi will also manage the gender and social inclusion aspect of the
project unlocking the potential of women and youth with disabilities to enter the
job market.

SINERGI team is now built based to support the core process of “Recruitment
/Assessment/Work Preparedness/ Internships/Job Placement”. Therefore, there
are several changes or adjustments in how the project is managed from the
previous pilot phase. Rajawali Foundation staff, based in Jakarta, will be more
limited and focus more on management and oversight functions including
financial and grants management, communications and reporting and national
level government engagement and advocacy. Most of the SINERGI staff will be
based in in Semarang under Transformasi and will be responsible for day-to-day
project management, provincial and local government engagement, coordination
and advocacy, implementation of PYD and GESI and monitoring, evaluation and

SINERGI will place more emphasis in the next phase on rigorous Monitoring,
Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in order to document achievements and progress
towards outcome indicators and J2SR. To support this, SINERGI will have a
dedicated MEL Specialist as well as short-term knowledge management specialist
who will be mobilized based on specific events and needs. SINERGI will also
enhance communications managed and coordinated from the Rajawali Office in
Jakarta and supported by a dedicated, full-time communication specialist based in

(SINERGI organizational structure can be seen in Annex #4).

Rajawali Foundation Personnel

The Project Director - is responsible for the implementation of SINERGI project

activities under the Rajawali Foundation and Transformasi.


The Project Director will also take responsibility for SINERGI national scope
objectives in close coordination with the SINERGI Project Manager

The Project Director is supported by Deputy Project Director, Project Leader based
in Semarang, and Finance & Accounting Manager.

The Deputy Project Director - will assist the SINERGI Project Director to
achieve national scope objectives and activities, oversee Monitoring & Evaluation
with the SINERGI Project Manager, oversee the process of soliciting proposals,
selection of partners for opportunity fund implementation project with Grant
Officer and oversee SINERGI’s overall communication program in coordination
with the SINERGI Communication Manager.

Project Manager - will assist Deputy Project Director to oversee overall SINERGI
programs implementation and fully in charge for national level activities, to
include workforce dialogues and national level champion engagement.

Communication Manager – will be responsible for overall communication

planning and strategy of SINERGI during pilot phase. He or she will collaborate
with Communication Specialist based in Semarang. Comunication Manager will
set tones of message, responsible for SINERGI press release, public
communication strategy through website, social media, radios, newspapers,
brochures, and bulletin. Specifically for local content in Semarang will be fed by
Communication Specialist.

Team Assistant - is the contact point for corporate services support that SINERGI
team requires from Rajawali related to working space, meetings plan and
documentations, travel arrangements, accommodations, and other requirements.
RF Team assistant will also responsible of any procurement related to national
scope activities (IR 1).

Finance & Administration Manager - will assist the SINERGI Project Director
and will take responsibility for ensuring that the SINERGI consortium complies
with regulations mandated by Mitra Kunci. He or she will be responsible for fund
transfers from RF to Transformasi and verifying that all the presence and accuracy
of all supporting documents associated with reports required by Mitra Kunci.

Finance & Administration Assistant - will assist Finance & Administration

Manager to ensure segregation of duties to process transfer payment and act as
cashier for the consortium.

Compliance with Finance & Accounting Policies and Procedures – The Finance &
Adminsitration Manager will work on the basis of Rajawali Foundation Finance &
Accounting Policies and Procedure and will comply with the Grant Manual as

mandated by Mitra Kunci. The Finance & Adminsitration Manager will conduct
briefing sessions for all Finance & Adminsitration persons-in-charge of sub-
grantee (Transformasi) to familiarize them with the Grant Implementation Manual.
Adherence to RF policies and procedures will be required for all processes related
to funds transfer or financial reporting.

Segregation of functions– Finance & Adminsitration Assistant will act as cashier, to

process bank/ fund transfers supported by the required documents. The Finance &
Adminsitration Manager will be responsible for checking and verification of
documents on the basis of which funds transfers are made. Funds transfer
approvals must go through the Deputy Project Director and Project Director
according to RF approvals regulations and acknowledged by the RF CFO.

In the case of re-current expenses of remuneration and office supplies and utilities
RC Support Function of Human Capital and Corporate Services will check payment
order documents before they are submitted to the Finance & Adminsitration
Manager for further processing.

Dedicated Bank Account – Rajawali Foundation and Transformasi will use a

dedicated bank account for SINERGI project.

Financial Reporting – The Finance & Adminsitration Manager will require financial
reports from sub-grantees. Sub-grantees will periodically submit financial and
activity reports to RF. Report terms and guidelines will be established in
collaboration with Mitra Kunci.

Transformasi Personnel

Project Leader - The Project Leader base in Semarang will report to the Project
Director and will be responsible for the implementation of SINERGI objective (IR 2
& IR 3). He or she will collaborate with other SINERGI team members to
implement activities described in this proposal.

Transformasi Finance and Administration Manager - The Financial and

Administration Manager will report to Project Leader and will be responsible for


office operations in Jakarta and Semarang as well as the financial, administrative,

procurement, HR, IT and legal matters.

Transformasi Finance Assistant – will work together with Transformasi Finance

and Administration Manager.

Communication Specialist - will report to the Project Leader and take

responsibility for leading the project’s communication and campaign activities. He
or she will design the communication and campaign strategy, coordinate
implementation of activities, manage the internal media platform, and engage
external media to ensure effective and efficient dissemination of project
messages to targeted audiences in Central Java.

He or she will also collaborate with RF Communication Manager.

Youth Officer - Youth officer will base in Semarang, in charge to coordinate

activities of; strategic consortia (4P Consortia) “Pemerintah-Perusahaan-Pemuda-
BLK”; Core Process: recruitment and assessmen, Youth Festival; and conduct
necessary monitoring together with Youth Support Network on the
implementation of co-design innovation solutions.

Partnership Officer – will be based in Semarang. Partnership Officer will

coordinate activities of POKSI Strengthening in Semarang; POKSI meetings, do
monitoring together with Youth Officer and Government Liaison on the
implementation of the Core Process, as well as to develop network with potential
partners in Central Java province.

Government Liaison – will be based in Semarang. Government Liaison will

coordinate POKSI activities with the development priorities agenda of district/city
government. He/she will do monitoring together with Partnership Officer on the
implementation of POKSI Meetings dan Core Process, as well as to develop
network with potential partners in district/city level.

Finance Officer – will be based in Semarang. Finance officer will be in charge to

provide support related to financial administration in daily operations. He or she
will work together with Deputy Project Leader, Communication Specialist,
Partnership Officer, and Youth Officer.

Operation Officer – will be based in Semarang. Operation officer will be in

charge to provide support related to office administration, logistics, human
resource management for SINERGI team in Semarang.


Office Helper – will be based in Semarang. Office helper will provide operational
support related to office security, cleanliness, and other matters for SINERGI team
in Semarang working comfortably in the office.

Start Up

Prior to fully operations, start-up will be conducted within the first two months.
Start-Up process includes:

1. Sub-Grant Agreement – between Rajawali Foundation and Transformasi

within one month of award;
2. Office Set-Up - in Kota Semarang and Kota Jakarta (Head Quarter) within two
months of award. Head Quarter will use Rajawali Foundation office at Menara
Rajawali 21st floor, Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Lot 5.1, Lingkar Mega
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950;
3. Finance & Accounting System alignment – between Rajawali Foundation
and Transformasi within two months of award, also between Rajawali
Foundation and Mitra Kunci;
4. Recruitment of Personnel – within two months of award.


Reporting includes activity and financial reports on monthly basis. For each
monthly reports submitted to Mitra Kunci will be followed by monthly fund request
from SINERGI to Mitra Kunci. Rajawali Foundation will receive reports from
Transformasi not later than the 15th of each month to be verified by Rajawali
Foundation. Consolidated reports will be submitted to Mitra Kunci not later than
25th of each month by Rajawali Foundation.

Communication to Public & Stakeholders

Communication Manager will lead overall communication and campaign strategy,

planning and execution. Over 15 months pilot phase, SINERGI will use platform of
website, social media, website, radios, newspapers, brochures and bulletin.
Communication Manager shall seek approval from Mitra Kunci Communication
Specialist for every publication and press release materials.

(Information about branding & marking strategy of SINERGI can be seen in

Annex #5).



Project Director will lead monthly internal coordination meeting to invite at least
Deputy Project Director, Project Leader and Managers Level.

Coordination between Mitra Kunci and SINERGI will be led by SINERGI Project
Director and Mitra Kunci Chief of Party or Deputy Chief of Party.

For any specific coordination, communication should refer to following table:

Area of Position in charge - Mitra

Position in charge - SINERGI
coordination Kunci
Grant Implementers Manager Deputy Project Director

M&E Learning M&E Specialist Project Manager

Project Director at national level

Government and Regional Partnership &
Stakeholder Relation Coordination Manager Project Leader at Provincial Level
(assisted by Partnership Officer &
Government Liaison)
Knowledge Management Specialist MEL Specialist

Communication Specialist Communication Manager
Branding & Marking

Gender & Social Gender & Social Inclusion Project Leader (assisted by
Inclusion Specialist Communication Specialist)

Youth (P&V Y)
Youth Economic Empowerment & Project Leader (assisted by Youth
Engagement &
Skills Specialist Officer)

Finance & Finance & Administration Manager

Finance & Administration Manager
Administration (both RF & Transformasi)

Project Director, Deputy Project

Chief of Party and Grant
Final Grant Report Director and Finance &
Implementers Manager
Administration Manager


Scale Up Evaluation M&E Specialist and Knowledge Deputy Project Director and Project
& Preparation Management Specialist Manager

Project Director, Deputy Project

Finance & Administration Manager
Financial Audit Director and Finance &
and Grant Implementers Manager
Administration Manager


Annex 1 – Result Framework

Mitra Kunci Initiative Result


1. Improved Leadership of Workforce 2. Innovative Training Program

Development Institutions Strengthened


Improved coordination and collaboration among government,

employers, training institutions and youth to prepare poor and
vulnerable youth in Central Java for employment and better jobs.

Expected Result:
To integrate inclusive workforce development system into provincial development
A demand-driven approach and direct involvement of the private sector,
A stronger focus on local leadership to identify and implement solutions to
strengthen the key components of a successful workforce development system
through POKSI,
A streamlined POKSI structure comprised of specific industry clusters – with
government an endorser and facilitator,
A targeted methodology that makes full use of the power of youth to directly
engage and/or use social media to share information, recruit and support other
youth, particularly P&V youth and women to advocate for their needs and take
advantage of quality training and employment opportunities,
An operational Matching Fund between SINERGI and key stakeholders to stimulate
and incentivize key workforce development actors (4P) to develop innovative
solutions that will be sustained after project completion.

IR 1 IR 2 IR 3
To improve coordination between POKSI functions to develop co To have access to labor market
national and provincial level to design innovative solutions for information, training & employment
support POKSI inclusive workforce opportunities for P&V youth

1.1. Preliminary Coordination 2.1. Development of Youth Data 3.1. Youth Festival
Meeting Application
1.2. Capacity Building Workshop 2.2. Development of Self 3.2. Youth Support Network (YSN) –
Assesmen Tools & Instruments ToT
1.3. POKSI Meeting #1 3.3. Functioning Youth Support
2.3. Youth Self Assesmen Through Network
1.4. POKSI Meeting #2 Application 3.4. Mentoring & Coaching by YSN
2.4. Development of Work
1.5. POKSI Meeting #3 Preparedness Module 3.5. Data Collection, MEL, & Lesson
2.5. Work Preparedness Module Learned
1.6. POKSI Meeting #4 Development - Workshop 3.6. Strategic Communication &
1.7. POKSI Meeting #5 2.6. Blended Work Preparedness 3.7. Campaign & Outreach
Module into Technical Skill Training
1.8. POKSI Meeting #6
2.7. Technical Skill Training
1.9. Core POKSI Members Follow
Up Meetings 2.8. Apprenticeship Program at

Annex 2 – Technical Activities

Activity Number 1.1 (IR 1)

Name of Activity Priliminary Coordination Meeting

Objective Rapat ini memiliki 3 (tiga) tujuan, yaitu: (1)menyampaikan laporan

hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan SINERGI fase 1 (piloting); (2)
melakukan koordinasi awal dan konsolidasi dengan para calon
anggota POKSI ketenagakerjaan inklusif dan para pemangku
kepentingan provinsi Jawa Tengah terkait rencana kerja, tujuan,
target/sasaran kerja, strategi kegiatan POKSI dalam rangka
memperkokoh koordinasi pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif
(2019-2020); dan (3) menjaring aspirasi dan masukan dari para
anggota POKSI, TGUPP, BLK Cilacap, dan para pemangku
kepentingan terkait strategi dan pendekatan koordinasi
pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif.

Kegiatan : (1) Priliminary Coordination Meeting; (2) Visitasi ke BLK

Cilacap sebagai BLK mitra rekomendasi dari Disnaker Prov Jawa

Output kegiatan ini yaitu: (1) Panduan kerja POKSI; (2) Rencana
Induk (Grand Desain) Penguatan Koordinasi Pembangunan
Ketenagakerjaan Inklusif Untuk Pengurangan Pengangguran Kaum
Muda di Jawa Tengah; (3) Laporan kunjungan lapangan ke BLK

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Tim Gubernur Untuk Percepatan Pembangunan (TGUPP) – 3

2. POKSI Members – 15 people
3. Youth Associations & Youth Champions – 4 people
4. Women Associations / Disabilities Centers – 2 people
5. Industries – 4 people
6. TVET/BLK – 2 people
7. TKPKD Jateng (Tim Koordinasi Penanggulagnan Kemiskinan
Daerah) –
2 people

Total : 32 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration Two days event (including one day preparation)
Timeframe 20 June 2019
Venue Wisma Perdamaian Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR 29,200,000,-


1.2 (IR 1)
Activity Number Training on PYD, GESI to Stakeholders & Workshop for OPD
Name of Activity
Workshop ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan,
Objective pemahaman, dan kapasitas para anggota POKSI dan kepala/staf
OPD terkait tentang penerapan konsep Positive Youth Development
(PYD) dan Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) untuk memperkuat
koordinasi pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif.

Output kegiatan ini yaitu: (1) Rencana Aksi Inovatif Bersama (Join
Innovative Action Plan) Penggunaan PYD & GESI Strategy Dalam
Kegiatan POKSI dan Konsorsia 4P

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
3. TKPKD 14 Kabupaten Termiskin di Jateng – 28 people
(Wonosobo, Kebumen, Brebes, Purbalingga, Rembang,
Pemalang, Banjarnegara, Banyumas, Klaten, Sragen, Demak,
Purworejo, Grobogan, dan Blora.
4. Kabid Program OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker,
Disperindag, Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas
Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat Desa, Dinas Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
5. HR Manajer Perusahaan/Industri & PHRM Jateng – 5 people
6. Youth Associations (Karang Taruna, LSM, dll) – 5 people
7. TVET (BLK, SMK) - 5 people

Total : 70 people

Narasumber/resource persons: (1) TGUPP, 3 orang; (2) Tim Mitra

Kunci; (3) Praktisi: HR Manajer Perusahaan; (4) Fasilitator

Implementation Provincial level

Duration Two days event
Timeframe 26-27 June 2019
Venue Surakarta, Jawa Tengah

Estimated Budget IDR 149,400,000,-


Activity Number 1.3 (IR 1)

Name of Activity POKSI Meeting #1

Objective POKSI Meeting ini bertujuan untuk melakukan “kick-off” kegiatan

SINERGI phase 2, sekaligus mendiskusikan kerangka teknis
pelaksanaan kegiatan POKSI, restrukturisasi POKSI, proses
rekrutmen kaum muda berbasis BDT/SIKS-NG, konsep Youth
Festival, Youth Support Network, Skema Match-Fund, CORE Process,
dan exit strategy hasil kegiatan POKSI.

Kegiatan : (1) Visitasi anggota POKSI ke desa miskin di kab Sragen

dan kab Demak membahas skema rekrutmen dan asesmen kaum
muda dengan pemdes dan asosiasi pemuda lokal; (2) Visitasi
anggota POKSI ke Pemkab Tegal membahas skema Match-Fund
dengan industri otomotif dan Disnaker Kab Tegal; (3) POKSI Meeting

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) Workplan POKSI; (b) Konsep
Strategic Consortia; (c) Skema Match-Fund; (d) Youth Support

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Staf OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker, Disperindag,
Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Dinas
Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
3. TVET (BLK, SMK) – 5 people
4. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
5. Perusahaan/Industri & PHRI – 5 people
6. Youth Associations – 5 people
7. Youth Support Network (YSN) - 8 people

Total : 50 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 5 days event
Timeframe 4 July 2019 (POKSI Meetings #1)
Venue Grandhika hotel, Semarang (POKSI Meeting #1)

Estimated Budget IDR 68,950,000,-


Activity Number 1.4 (IR 1)

Name of Activity POKSI Meeting #2

Objective POKSI Meeting ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pembentukan

strategic consortia dan penandatanganan MOU/Agreement
Konsorsia 4P yang berisi: (a) 4P Join Action Plan; (b) Skema Match-

Kegiatannya : (1) Lokakarya kesepakatan listing pemuda penerima

manfaat berbasis BDT dengan Dinsos Prov Jateng bersama Dinsos
kab Boyolali, Demak, Kab Semarang, Sragen, Jepara, Blora,
Grobogan, Tegal; (2) 2x Technical meeting penyusunan draft
MOU/Agreement Konsorsia 4P; (3) POKSI Meeting #2

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 4 Konsorsia 4P terbentuk; (b) 4

MOU/Agreement tentang 4P Join Action Plan ditandatangani; (c) 4
Skema Match-Fund disepakati; (d) 2.500 P&V youth teridentifikasi
dari BDT.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Staf OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker, Disperindag,
Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Dinas
Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
3. TVET (BLK, SMK) – 5 people
4. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
5. Perusahaan/Industri & PHRI – 5 people
6. Youth Associations – 5 people
7. Youth Support Network (YSN) - 8 people

Total : 50 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 6 days event
Timeframe 31 July 2019
Venue Hotel Grandhika, Semarang (POKSI Meeting #2)

Estimated Budget IDR 76,450,000,-


Activity Number 1.5. (IR 1)

Name of Activity POKSI Meeting #3

Objective POKSI Meeting ini bertujuan untuk menyelenggarakan dialog

kebijakan untuk memperkuat komitmen pemerintah dareah dalam
rangka pengintegrasian isu ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke dalam
dokumen rencana pembangunan daerah pemprov Jawa Tengah,
yakni RPJMD atau RKPD atau Renja OPD.

Topik atau tema yang dibahas dalam dialog kebijakan ini yaitu: (a)
strategi koordinasi pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif; (b)
kolaborasi anggaran ketenagakerjaan inklusif antara OPD dengan
perusahaan, BLK, pemerintah desa, dan asosiasi kaum muda; (c)
proses pengintegrasian ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke dalam dokumen
perencanaan pembangunan daerah.

Kegiatan : (1) 4x technical meetings with Bappeda Prov,

Disperindag Prov, TKPKD Prov, Disnaker Prov, Diskominfo; (2) POKSI
Meetings #3

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) Policy Note tentang

pengintegrasian ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke dalam dokumen
perencanaan pembangunan daerah.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Staf OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker, Disperindag,
Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Dinas
Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
3. TVET (BLK, SMK) – 5 people
4. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
5. Perusahaan/Industri & PHRI – 5 people
6. Youth Associations – 5 people
7. Youth Support Network (YSN) - 8 people

Total : 50 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration One day event
Timeframe 15 Januari 2020
Venue Bappeda Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR 40,900,000,-

Activity Number 1.6. (IR 1)

Name of Activity POKSI Meeting #4


Objective POKSI Meeting ini bertujuan untuk membahas laporan kemajuan

kegiatan dan evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan rencana aksi inovatif
bersama dari Konsorsia 4P. pada pertemuan ini dibahas pula terkait
bagaimana mengembangkan platform “sharing resources” seperti
anggaran, SDM, peralatan, sarana prasarana, dsb, diantara para
anggota Konsorsia 4P guna melaksanakan rencana aksi inovatif
bersama perbaikan akses informasi kerja, pelatihan kerja, dan
kesempatan kerja bagi kaum muda.

Topik atau tema yang dibahas dalam pertemuan ini yaitu: (a)
evaluasi ‘sharing resources” untuk ketenagakerjaan inklusif; (b)
evaluasi dan pembelajaran pelaksanaan rencana aksi konsorsia 4P;
(c) dampak perubahan terkait akses informasi kerja dan
penempatan kerja kaum muda.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) dokumen laporan evaluasi

pelaksanaan rencana aksi inovatif bersama Konsorsia 4P direview
oleh POKSI; (b) dokumen usulan skema kontribusi risorsis Konsorsia
4P untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif di
masa mendatang.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Staf OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker, Disperindag,
Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Dinas
Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
3. TVET (BLK, SMK) – 5 people
4. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
5. Perusahaan/Industri & PHRI – 5 people
6. Youth Associations – 5 people
7. Youth Support Network (YSN) - 8 people

Total : 50 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration One day event
Timeframe 12 Februari 2020
Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR 44,150,000,-

Activity Number 1.7. (IR 1)

Name of Activity POKSI Meeting #5

Objective POKSI Meeting ini bertujuan untuk menyelenggarakan dialog

kebijakan (policy dialogue) guna pengintegrasian ketenagakerjaan
inklusif ke dalam regulasi/kebijakan sumber daya manusia (human
capital policy) di perusahaan/industri. Dialog ini untuk mendorong


perusahaan-perusahaan di Jawa Tengah agar dapat menciptakan

budaya kerja yang mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
bersama antara kaum muda dan perusahaan dalam rangka
mempromosikan ekosisten ketenagakerjaan inklusif.

Topik atau tema yang dibahas dalam pertemuan ini yaitu: (a)
strategi pengintegrasian konsep ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke dalam
kebijakan SDM perusahaan/industri; (b) penciptaan lingkungan
kerja dan budaya kerja yang mendukung perkembangan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif di kalangan kaum muda dan perusahaan.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) Concept note tentang strategi
pengintegrasian ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke dalam kebijakan SDM
perusahaan/industri; (b) 4 kebijakan SDM di perusahaan mitra
Konsorsia 4P telah mengadopsi prinsip dasar dan perspektif
ketenagakerjaan inklusif.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Staf OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker, Disperindag,
Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Dinas
Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
3. TVET (BLK, SMK) – 5 people
4. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
5. Perusahaan/Industri & PHRI – 5 people
6. Youth Associations – 5 people
7. Youth Support Network (YSN) - 8 people

Total : 50 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration One day event
Timeframe 18 Februari 2020
Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR 37,150,000,-


Activity Number 1.8. (IR 1)

Name of Activity POKSI Meeting #6

Objective POKSI Meeting ini merupakan serial pertemuan POKSI terakhir yang
bertujuan untuk melakukan policy dialogue guna membahas
komitmen dan strategi pemerintah pusat, yakni Bappenas, terkait
proses pengintegrasian konsep kooordinasi ketenagakerjaan inklusif
ke dalam rencana pembangunan jangka menengah nasional
(RPJMN) 2020-2024..

Topik atau tema yang dibahas dalam pertemuan ini yaitu: (a)
konsep koordinasi ketenagakerjaan inklusif; (b) komitmen dan
strategi pengintegrasian pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke
dalam RPJMN

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) Concept note tentang strategi
pengintegrasian ketenagakerjaan inklusif ke dalam RPJMN diterima
oleh Bappenas guna dipertimbangkan dalam rancangan RPJMN

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Staf OPD/Dinas provinsi (Bappeda, Disnaker, Disperindag,
Dinsos, Disdik, Diskop UMKM, Dinas Pemberdayaan
Perempuan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Dinas
Kominfo, Setdaprov – 10 people
3. TVET (BLK, SMK) – 5 people
4. TKPKD Jateng – 2 people
5. Perusahaan/Industri & PHRI – 5 people
6. Youth Associations – 5 people
7. Youth Support Network (YSN) - 8 people

Total : 50 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration One day event
Timeframe 25 Februari 2020
Venue Bappeda Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR 37,150,000,-


Activity Number 1.9. (IR 1)


Objective Pertemuan POKSI tindak lanjut ini sebagai pertemuan tambahan

yangi dilakukan untuk membahas rincian kegiatan atau aspek-
aspek teknis kegiatan yang dihasilkan dari 6 (enam) pertemuan
POKSI terjadwal sebelumnya. Pertemuan POKSI tindak lanjut ini
diikuti hanya oleh anggota inti POKSI dan/atau beserta mitra kerja
POKSI secara terbatas. Pertemuan ini dilakukan di kantor SINERGI di

Pertemuan “Core POKSI Members Follow Up Meetings” ini akan

dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 15 bulan pelaksanaan proyek
SINERGI, yakni pada bulan Mei 2019 s/d Juli 2020. Adapun jumlah
pertemuan dan alokasi waktunya bergantung dari kesepakatan
bersama antar anggota POKSI dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan
di lapangan.

Topik atau tema yang dibahas dalam pertemuan ini yaitu: (a)
penyusunan detail rencana tindak lanjut kegiatan atau teknis
kegiatan POKSI dan Konsorsia 4P; (b) koordinasi teknis internal
POKSI dengan OPD provinsi/kabupaten/kota dan TKPD
provinsi/kabupaten terkait teknis pelaksanaan kegiatan POKSI dan
Konsorsia 4P bersama pihak pemerintah daerah, perusahaan, dan
kaum muda.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) dokumen rincian rencana tindak
lanjut kegiatan atau teknis kegiatan POKSI/Konsorsia 4P

Peserta kegiatan ini yakni:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. TGUPP members – 3 people
3. Stakeholders (BLK, TKPKD, Youth Associations, OPD, others)

Total : 18 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration One to two days meeting
Timeframe Juni 2019 s/d Juli 2020
Venue Kantor SINERGI, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR 172,200,000,-

Activity Number 2.1. (IR 2)



Objective Suatu sistem databased yang memadai dibutuhkan guna mengelola

data dan informasi SINERGI yang sangat besar, terutama data dari
16.000 kaum muda penerima manfaat SINERGI. Oleh karena it,
pengembangan teknologi berbasis laman (web-based) yang
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kaum muda terkait akses informasi
kerja, serta dapat memberikan informasi pembaharuan data secara
real time dan mandiri (self-updated) sangat diperlukan oleh POKSI
dan Konsorsia 3P.

Tujuan pengembangan sistem aplikasi data kaum muda ini adalah:

(1) membantu melakukan profiling dan asesmen kaum muda yang
siap latih dan siap kerja; (2) mempercepat proses updating status
kaum muda pencari kerja dari Basis Data Terpadu (BDT); (3)
membantu mempercepat proses updating status kerja dari para
kaum muda pencari kerja di BLK melalui Kios 3 in 1.

Aplikasi data kaum muda tersebut sekaligus akan dipergunakan

sebagai sistem ketelusuran data (databased tracking system) yang
dapat memonitor status dan perkembangan terkini kaum muda
yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan kerja dan penempatan kerja dari

Fitur atau menu yang akan dikembangkan dalam aplikasi data

kaum muda ini mencakup: (a) Self-Input, untuk proses rekrutmen
kaum muda siap latih dan siap kerja; (b) Assesmen by System,
untuk keperluan profiling minat bakat dan kesiapan kerja; (c)
Match-Maker, untuk keperluan mencocokkan antara minat bakat
kaum muda pencari kerja dengan kebutuhan pasar/industri atau
perusahaan pemberi kerja; (d) Self-Updaing Status, untuk keperluan
pemberian informasi terkait status bekerja oleh kaum muda.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 1 (satu) aplikasi data kaum muda

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Tim Pengembangan Aplikasi Databased

Total : 20 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 45 days
Timeframe Mei s/d Juni 2019 – 20 Juni 2019 dipaparkan di POKSI
Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR – (RF Cost Share)

Activity Number 2.2. (IR 2)



Objective Perangkat atau instrumen asesmen mandiri adalah alat bantu untuk
menganalisis hasul asesmen minat bakat dan kesiapan kerja kaum
muda calon penerima manfaat kegiatan pelatihan kerja dan
penempatan kerja yang diselenggarakan oleh POKSI/Konsorsia 4P
bersama SINERGI.

Tujuan penyusunan perangkat/instrumen asesmen mandiri ini

untuk: (a) membantu kaum muda melakukan asesmen mandiri
terkait kesiapan kerja yang bersangkutan; (b) membantu POKSI dan
Konsorsia 4P untuk mengetahui minat bakat dan kesiapan kaum
muda untuk mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan kerja, pemagangan,
dan/atau penempatan kerja di perusahaan; (c) memberikan
informasi dasar kepada para Youth Support Network (YSN) dalam
rangka proses pendampingan atau mentoring kaum muda
dampingan selama mengikuti pelatihan kerja,
pemagangan/penempatan kerja di perusahaan..

Perangkat/instrumen asesmen mandiri ini dirancang berdasarkan

mekanisme elektronik dan daring (online) sehingga memudahkan
kaum muda untuk menggunakan perangkat ini guna kepentingan
asesmen mandiri kesiapan kerja, serta mengetahui hasil analisa
kesiapan kerja dirinya sebelum mengikuti pelatihan kerja,
pemagangan, dan penempatan kerja.

Perangkat/instrumen asesmen mandiri ini akan memiliki beberapa

fitur atau menu sebagai berikut: (a) informasi dasar demografi; (b)
kondisi sosial dan ekonomi; (c) pengalaman pendidikan dan
pelatihan kerja sebelumnya; (d) minat dan motivasi kerja; (e)
bidang/sektor kerja yang diinginkan; (d) kendala akses informasi
kerja yang dihadapi; (e) kendala dari aspek kesetaraan gender yang

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 1 (satu) perangkat/instrumen

asesmen mandiri kaum muda untuk siap latih dan siap kerja yang
telah dujicobakan dan siap dipergunakan.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Tim Konsultan, terdiri dari ahli pemberdayaan kaum muda,
ahli ketenagakerjaan, ahli pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja,
praktisi SDM dari perusahaan/industri, instruktur dari BLK,
psikolog, youth champions, youth associations

Total : 20-30 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 35 days
Timeframe Mei s/d Juli 2019 - 2 Juli 2019 dibahas di POKSI


Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR – (RF Cost Share)

Activity Number 2.3. (IR 2)


Objective Perangkat atau instrumen asesmen mandiri yang telah selesai

dibuat akan dipergunakan oleh kaum muda yang menghadiri
Sinergi Youth Festival untuk melakukan asesmen mandiri secara
online. Ditargetnya sebanayk 25% kaum muda peserta Youth
Festival akan mempergunakan perangkat/instrumen asesmen
mandiri siap latih dan siap kerja dengan didampingi oleh para Youth
Support Network (YSN) atau pendamping/mentor kaum muda.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi kaum

muda calon peserta pelatihan kerja, pemagangan/penempatan
kerja melakukan asesmen kesiapan kerja secara mandiri dengan
menggunakan perangkat/instrumen asesmen mandiri.

Dari hasil kegiatan asesmen mandiri kesiapan kerja ini diharapkan

akan dapat menghasilkan data dan informasi asesmen siap latih
dan siap kerja dari kaum muda sebelum mereka mengikuti
pelatihan kerja, pemagangan, dan penempatan kerja. Informasi ini
akan dipergunakan oleh Konsorsia 4P untuk menentukan proses
pemilihan kaum muda yang sesuai dengan kriteria peserta
pelatihan kerja, pemagangan, dan/atau penempatan kerja yang
ditentukan oleh perusahaan/industri.

Selama proses asesmen mandiri kesiapan kerja ini, sebanayk 20

orang Youth Support Network (YSN) akan secara intensif dan
kontinyu memberikan pendampingan atau mentoring pada kaum
muda mengenai tatacara atau teknis penggunaan
perangkat/instrumen asesmen mandiri kesiapan kerja..

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) sebanyak 4000 kaum muda
melakukan asesmen mandiri siap latih dan siap kerja; (b) 500 kaum
muda dampingan para Youth Support Network melakukan asesmen
mandiri dengan menggunakan perangkat/instrumen ini.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Para anggota Konsorsia 4P
3. 20 Youth Support Network

Total : 40 people


Implementation Provincial level

Duration 10 days
Timeframe 5-10 Agustus 2019
Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR – (RF Cost Share)

Activity Number 2.4. (IR 2)


Objective Modul pelatihan siap kerja adalah materi-materi pelatihan

ketrampilan kerja, baik dari aspek soft skills maupun hard skills,
yang diperuntukkan bagi kaum muda yang siap latih dan siap kerja
sesuai dengan kriteria kaum muda penerima manfaat yang
ditetapkan oleh POKSI dan Konsorsia 4P. Pembuatan dan/atau
pengembangan modul pelatihan siap kerja ini dikembangkan dari
modul pelatihan kerja yang telah ada atau telah dipergunakan oleh
BLK/LPK dan atau perusahaan/industri mitra Konsorsia 4P. Jadi,
kegiatan ini bukan membuat modul pelatihan siap kerja baru atau
dari awal, melainkan akan memodifikasi dari modul pelatihan siap
kerja yang telah dimiliki oleh BLK dan/atau perusahaan/industri
yang disesuaikan dengan minat bakat dan kebutuhan kaum muda..

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk mengembangkan modul pelatihan siap

kerja yang mempunyai keterkaitan dan kesesuaian (link and match)
dengan minat bakat dan kesiapan kaum muda sekaligus kebutuhan
perusahaan/industri sebagai pemberi kerja atau berorientasi pada
market driven..

Pengembangan modul pelatihan siap kerja ini akan melibatkan para

ahli/pakar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Konsorsia 4P, para
trainer/instruktur dari BLK serta perusahaan/industri untuk
menelaah dan menyesuaikan modul pelatihan kerja yang telah ada
sebelumnya atau telah dimiliki dengan kebutuhan pengembangan
atau penyesuaian modul yang baru. Modul pelatihan siap kerja ini
diharapkan telah disesuaikan (customized) dengan kebutuhan BLK
dan industri/perusahaan.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 4 (empat) modul pelatihan siap
kerja hasil kombinasi aspek sofk skills dan ketrampilan kerja teknis
(hard skills) yakni untuk bidang industri garmen, industri ritel,
kewirausahaan muda, dan pengolahan makanan (food processing)
yang telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kaum muda, BLK, dan

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Para anggota Konsorsia 4P
3. 20 Youth Support Network


Total : 40 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 35 days
Timeframe June s/d July 2019 – Pada 1-2 Agustus 2019 dibahas di POKSI
Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR – 50.500,000

Activity Number 2.5. (IR 2)

Workshop pengembangan modul pelatihan siap kerja adalah proses
uji publik modul pelatihan siap kerja yang telah dihasilkan atau
disusun oleh Tim Pakar bersama BLK dan perusahaan/industri mitra
konsorsia 4P. Workshop ini akan mengundang dan melibatkan
unsur-unsur asosiasi kaum muda, Youth Support Network, BLK/LPK,
perusahaan/industri, dan POKSI.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk mendapatkan masukan dan saran

perbaikan dari para pemangku kepentingan ketenagakerjaan
inklusif terkait materi/subtansi dan metodologi yang terdapat di
dalam modul pelatihan siap kerja.

Workshop ini akan dilakukan secara serial sebanyak 4 (empat) kali,

yakni untuk: (a) modul pelatihan siap kerja industri garmen; (b)
industri ritel; (c) kewirausahaan muda; (d) pengolahan makanan..

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 4 (empat) modul pelatihan siap
kerja hasil yang telah direvisi berdasarkan masukan/saran
perbaikan dari para peserta workshop, baik dari aspek subtansi sofk
skills dan ketrampilan kerja teknis (hard skills), serta metodologi,
yakni untuk bidang industri garmen, industri ritel, kewirausahaan
muda, dan pengolahan makanan (food processing) yang telah
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kaum muda, BLK, dan

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI members – 15 people

2. Para anggota Konsorsia 4P – 20 people
3. Youth Support Network – 20 people
4. Tim Pakar – 5 people
5. Trainer/Instruktur BLK – 10 people
6. Youth Associations – 10 people

Total : 90 people


Implementation Provincial level

Duration 4 days
Timeframe 14-15 Agustus 2019
Venue Disnaker Prov Jateng, Semarang

Estimated Budget IDR – 102.300,000


Activity Number 2.6. (IR 2)

SINERGI akan mengimplementasikan program kesiapan kerja kaum
muda melalui bauran (blended) modul pelatihan kerja soft skill
dengan modul pelatihan kerja yang telah ada di BLK dan/atau
perusahaan/industri. Bauran modul pelatihan siap kerja merupakan
materi-materi pelatihan kerja aspek soft skill yang dipadukan
dengan materi pelatihan soft skill yang telah ada di modul pelatihan
kerja eksisting di BLK/perusahaan/industri. Materi soft skill ini
kemudian dipadukan, disesuaikan, atau dikombinasikan dengan
materi pelatihan soft skill yang eksisting sehingga diharapkan dapat
memberikan nilai tambah bagi modul pelatihan soft skill yang
dimiliki oleh perusahaan/industri dan BLK.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan kerja dan

kesiapan kerja kaum muda dari aspek soft skill yang disesuaikan
dengan konteks kebutuhan, minat dan bakat kaum muda dan

Bauran atau perpaduan modul pelatihan soft skill ini mencakup

elemen-elemen subtantif sebagai berikut: (a) pengenalan inklusi
sosial dan kesetaraan genderl; (b) penerapan Positive Youth
Development (PYD) di dunia kerja; (c) mentoring atau
pendampingan selama proses pelatihan kerja; (d) mentoring atau
pendampingan selama di tempat kerja; (e) pengenalan budaya
kerja perusahaan atau budaya wirausaha;

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 2000 orang pemuda (12,5%
peserta Job Fair atau Sinergi Youth Festival) meningkat ketrampilan
soft skill nya sehingga siap untuk penempatan kerja di
perusahaan/industri atau berwirausaha; (b) 4 (empat) modul
pelatihan soft skill hasil bauran atau perpaduan yang dipergunakan
untuk pelatihan kerja teknis di bidang industri garmen, industri ritel,
kewirausahaan muda, dan pengolahan makanan (food processing)
yang dipergunakan oleh BLK, dan/atau perusahaan/industri.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 2000 pemuda dari BDT (Basis Data Terpadu
Kemiskinan), dimana sebanyak 40% perempuan, dan 2%
kaum muda penyandang disabilitas
2. Youth Associations – 20 people (berperan sebagai
pendamping atau mentoring)

Total : 2.020 people


Implementation Provincial level

Duration 6 months
Timeframe September, Oktober, November 2019 & April, Mei, Juni, 2020
Venue BBPTAK Disperindag Prov Jawa Tengah, BBPLK Semarang, BLK
Surakarta), PT Pan Brothers, & TBD
Estimated Budget
IDR – 762.187,500 (25% dari total cost)

Activity Number 2.7. (IR 2)


Objective Pelatihan ketrampilan kerja teknis adalah penyelenggaraan

pelatihan ketrampilan kerja teknis (hard skill) yang dilakukan oleh
pihak perusahaan/industri atau BLK mitra Konsorsia 4P. Pelaksanaan
pelatihan ketrampilan kerja teknis ini dilakukan berdasarkan
kebutuhan tiap-tiap Konsorsia 4P yaitu industri garmen, industri
ritel, industri pengolahan makanan, dan kewirausahaan muda.

Pembiayaan kegiatan pelatihan ketrampilan kerja teknis (hard skill)

ini sepenuhnya ditanggung pihak perusahaan/industri atau BLK
sesuai dengan MOU yang ditandatangani oleh para anggota
Konsorsia 4P.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan kerja teknis

(hard skill) kaum muda dalam rangka penempatan kerja yang
sesuai dengan minat bakat kaum muda serta kebutuhan

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 2000 orang pemuda (12,5%
peserta Job Fair atau Sinergi Youth Festival) meningkat ketrampilan
kerja teknisnya (hard skill) sehingga siap untuk penempatan kerja
di perusahaan/industri atau berwirausaha di bidang industri
garmen, industri ritel, kewirausahaan muda, dan pengolahan
makanan (food processing).

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 2000 pemuda dari BDT (Basis Data Terpadu
Kemiskinan), dimana sebanyak 40% perempuan, dan 2%
kaum muda penyandang disabilitas
2. Youth Associations – 20 people (berperan sebagai
pendamping atau mentoring)


Total : 2.020 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 6 months
Timeframe September, Oktober, November 2019 & April, Mei, Juni, 2020
Venue BBPTAK Disperindag Prov Jawa Tengah, BBPLK Semarang, BLK
Surakarta, PT Pan Brothers, & TBD
Estimated Budget
IDR – 100% Private Cost Sharing


Activity Number 2.8. (IR 2)


Objective Pemagangan kerja teknis adalah penyelenggaraan kegiatan

pemagangan yang merupakan bagian dari pelatihan kerja dalam
rangka memperoleh ketrampilan kerja pada aspek tertentu di
perusahaan/industri yang menjadi mitra Konsorsia 4P.

Pembiayaan kegiatan pemagangan kerja ini sepenuhnya

ditanggung pihak perusahaan/industri atau BLK sesuai dengan MOU
yang ditandatangani oleh para anggota Konsorsia 4P.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan kerja teknis

(hard skill), pengenalan sistem, nilai, dan budaya kerja
perusahaan/industri, serta menimba pengalaman kerja bagi kaum
muda dalam rangka penempatan kerja yang sesuai dengan minat
bakat kaum muda serta kebutuhan perusahaan/industri.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 2000 orang pemuda (12,5%
peserta Job Fair atau Sinergi Youth Festival) meningkat
pemahamannya terkait aspek budaya dan sistem kerja di
perusahaan/industri sehingga mereka siap untuk penempatan kerja
di perusahaan/industri atau berwirausaha di bidang industri
garmen, industri ritel, kewirausahaan muda, dan pengolahan
makanan (food processing).

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 1.600 pemuda mendapatkan pekerjaan baru

atau penghasilan yang lebih baik (better employment),
dimana mereka berasal dari BDT (Basis Data Terpadu
Kemiskinan), sebanyak 40% perempuan, dan 2% kaum
muda penyandang disabilitas
2. Youth Associations – 20 people (berperan sebagai
pendamping atau mentoring)

Total : 2.020 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 6 months
Timeframe September, Oktober, November 2019 & April, Mei, Juni, 2020
Venue PT Alfmart, PT Pan Brothers, & TBD

Estimated Budget IDR – 100% Private Cost Sharing

Activity Number 3.1. (IR 3)

Name of Activity YOUTH FESTIVAL


Objective Youth festival adalah penyelenggaraan kegiatan bursa kerja inovatif

dimana menggabungkan kegiatan rekrutmen kerja, pemberian
akses informasi kerja, pelatihan kerja singkat, konsultasi kesiapan
kerja, hiburan, pameran/bursa kerja, dan talkshow kesiapan kerja.

Sinergi Youth Festival yang membedakannya dengan bursa-bursa

kerja lainnya adalah kegiatan ini dirancang dengan
menggabungkan 4 (empat) jenis kegiatan ketenagakerjaan
sekaligus, yakni: (a) bursa kerja (job fair); (b) edukasi
ketenagakerjaan; (c) konsultasi karir kerja; dan (d) hiburan.
Kegiatan ini sengaja dikemas sedemikian rupa untuk memberikan
atmosfer yang menyenangkan dan menginspirasi bagi kaum muda
dengan menggunakan pendekatan Positive Youth Development
(PYD) dan Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE)..

POKSI dan SINERGI bekerjasama dengan Disnaker Prov Jawa Tengah

dan Event Organizer (EO) direncanakan akan menyelenggarakan
kegiatan Youth Festival ini sebanyak 4 (empat) kali, yakni : (a) bulan
Agustus dan September 2019; dan (b) Januari dan Februari 2020.
Kegiatan ini akan bekerjasama dengan Disnaker Provinsi Jawa

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan akses informasi kerja bagi

kaum muda di Jawa Tengah, khususnya bagi para lulusan SMK,
kaum muda dari keluarga kurang mampu dan rentan, termasuk
penyandang disabilitas dan kelompok perempuan.

Pada tahun ke-1 (2019), akan diselenggarakan 2 (dua) kali job fair,
dengan target @ 4000 orang, jadi total terdapat 8.000 orang/kaum
muda. Sebanyak 2000 orang di antaranya, akan mengikuti fase
asesmen pelatihan kerja dan penempatan kerja.

Pada tahun ke-2 (2020), akan diselenggarakan 2 (dua) kali job fair,
dengan target @ 4000 orang, jadi total terdapat 8.000 orang/kaum
muda. Sebanyak 2000 orang di antaranya, akan mengikuti fase
asesmen pelatihan kerja dan penempatan kerja.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 16.000 orang pemuda, dimana
40% diantaranya perempuan, dan 1% penyandang disabilitas
berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan Youth Festival; (b) 25% (4000 orang)
dari total peserta Youth Festival mendaftar (register) di perusahaan-
perusahaan mitra Konsorsia untuk mengikuti proses asesmen siap
latih siap kerja.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 16.000 orang, dimana setidaknya 75% berasal

dari keluarga miskin dan rentan berdasarkan data BDT
(Basis Data Terpadu Kemiskinan) provinsi Jawa Tengah,
sebanyak 40% perempuan, dan 1% kaum muda penyandang
2. 4000 pemuda mengikuti proses asesmen siap latih dan siap



Total : 16.000 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 2 days @ (4 kali events
Timeframe Youth Festival #1 (5-6 Agust 2019); Youth Festival #2 (17-18 Des
Youth Festival #3 (5-6 Feb 2020); Youth Festival #4 (4-5 Maret 2020)
Venue Tentatif - (Semarang, Rembang/Blora, Wonogiri, Solo)

Estimated Budget IDR – 1,092,000,00

Activity Number 3.2. (IR 3)

Youth Support Network (YSN) adalah suatu jaringan kaum muda
yang memberikan motivasi, akses informasi, mentoring dan/atau
pendampingan bagi para pemuda yang mengikuti pelatihan kerja
dan penempatan kerja baik di perusahaan/industri ataupun

Youth Support Network terdiri dari 20 (dua puluh) orang

pemuda/pemudi “champions” yang berasal dari perwakilan 16
Konsorsia 3P pada fase piloting, yaitu karang taruna, Forum
Komunikasi Difabel, asosiasi kepemudaan berbasis keagamaan,
sosial kemasyarakatan, dan mahasiswa. Selain itu, anggota YSN
dapat direkrut dari berbagai asosiasi kepemudaan, organisasi
perempuan atau youth champions lainnya.

Tujuan adanya Youth Support Network untuk mengidentifikasi dan

merekrut kaum muda calon peserta pelatihan kerja atau
pemagangan kerja dan penempatan kerja. Selain itu, tugas YSN
untuk memotiviasi, mendampingi, memberikan konsultasi atau
mentoring kepada para kaum muda selama mereka mengikuti
kegiatan pelatihan kerja atau pemagangan dan penempatan kerja
di perusahaan atau berwirausaha. Keberadaan YSN diharapkan
dapat memberikan dukungan berupa informasi, pengalaman kerja,
dan motivasi sehingga membentuk ‘jaringan pertemanan’ dengan
kaum muda peserta pelatihan kerja/pemagangan dan selama
mereka bekerja di perusahaan/industri..


Para YSN akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan guna

mendukung tugas dan fungsi mereka selama mendampingi atau
melakukan mentoring kepada kaum muda. Oleh karena itu, akan
diselenggarakan Training on Trainer (ToT) kepada para YSN yakni:
(1) ToT ke-1 (2019) dan (2) ToT ke-2 (2020).

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 20 orang Youth Support Network
terekrut dan mendapatkan pelatihan. Mereka beasal dari
perwakilan 16 Konsorsia 3P atau asosiasi kepemudaan, organisasi
perempuan, dan organisasi penyandang disabilitas.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 20 people, terdiri dari 10 orang perempuan,

dan 2 orang penyandang disabilitas
2. POKSI Members – 15 people

Total : 35 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 2 days @ event
Timeframe 19 Juni 2019 (status terekrut semuanya)
Venue Disnaker Prov Jawa Tengah

Estimated Budget IDR – 143,,000,000,00


Activity Number 3.3. (IR 3)


Objective Youth Support Network (YSN) berfungsi secara efektif bila 20 YSN
yang telah direkurt dan diberikan pelatihan memiliki kemampuan
untuk menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya yakni: (a) memberikan
mentoring dan konsultasi kepada kaum muda selama mereka
mengikuti pelatihan kerja/pemagangan dan penempatan kerja di
perusahaan atau berwirausaha; (b) mencegah atau mengurangi
potensi terjadinya ‘turn-over’ atau berhentinya para peserta dari
kegiatan pelatihan kerja/pemagangan atau keluar dari
perusahaan/industri setelah mereka diterima bekerja.

Tujuan kegiatan ini agar para YSN mampu memberikan mentoring

dan pendampingan kepada kaum muda dampingannya masing-
masing selama kegiatan pelatihan kerja/pemagangan dan
penempatan kerja di perusahaan atau berwirausaha.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 500 kaum muda diidentifikasi dan
direkrut oleh para YSN, selanjutnya mereka diberikan
pendampingan/mentoring selama kegiatan pelatihan
kerja/pemagangan dan penempatan kerja.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 500 people, terdiri dari 40% perempuan, dan
1% kaum muda penyandang disabilitas dampingan YSN

Total : 500 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 10 bulan
Timeframe Juli 2019 s/d April 2020; ToT (21-22 Agust 2019)
Venue BLK dan Perusahaan/Industri mitra Konsorsia 4P

Estimated Budget IDR – 150,000,000,00


Activity Number 3.4. (IR 3)

Mentoring dan coaching yang dilakukan oleh 20 YSN merupakan
kegiatan untuk menyediakan atau memberikan pendampingan,
konsultasi, atau mentoring kepada 500 kaum muda dampingan YSN
selama proses pelatihan kerja/pemagangan dan penempatan kerja
di perusahaan atau berwirausaha..

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan rasa kepercayaan diri dan

motivasi para kaum muda selama mereka mengikuti kegiatan
pelatihan kerja/pemagangan dan penempatan kerja. Dengan
demikian tingkat kesiapan kerja kaum muda menjadi lebih baik
sehingga dapat menekan atau mengurangi ‘turn over’ peserta
pelatihan kerja atau pemagangan atau pekerja di perusahaan.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) 500 kaum muda didampingi,
diberikan coaching atau mentoring oleh 20 YSN selama proses
persiapan, pelatihan kerja/pemagangan dan penempatan kerja..

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. Kaum muda – 500 people, terdiri dari 40% perempuan, dan
1% kaum muda penyandang disabilitas
2. Youth Support Network – 20 people

Total : 500 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 12 bulan
Timeframe Sept 2019 s/d Agust 2020
Venue BLK dan Perusahaan/Industri mitra Konsorsia 4P

Estimated Budget IDR – Biaya menjadi bagian dari ToT YSN


Activity Number 3.5. (IR 3)

Data Collection merupakan proses pengumpulan data dan informasi
terkait keseluruhan kegiatan rapat POKSI, Core Process dan
komunikasi untuk keperluan dokumentasi dan analisis data capaian
kinerja atau target SINERGI.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk melakukan pengumpulan, pengolahan

data, analisis data, dan pelaporan seluruh kegiatan yang tercantum
dalam Workplan SINERGI, termasuk semua kegiatan POKSI dan
Konsorsia 4P.

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) seperangkat instrumen/tools

pengumpulan data dan informasi; (b) instrumen pengolahan data
dan informasi, baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif; (c) draf
buku lesson learned hasil pelatihan kerja, pemagangan, dan
penempatan kerja.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI – 15 people

2. Youth Support Network – 20 people

Total : 35 people

Implementation Provincial level

Duration 15 bulan
Timeframe Juni 2019 s/d Agust 2020
Venue SINERGI Office

Estimated Budget IDR – 100% berasal dari kontribusi perusahaan mitra Konsorsia 4P.


Activity Number 3.6. (IR 3)


Objective Strategi komunikasi dan branding adalah serangkaian kegiatan

sistematis yang dilakukan dalam rangka sosialisasi, internalisasi,
penyebaran informasi dan/atau pengetahuan terkait tujuan dan
kegiatan SINERGI, POKSI dan Konsorsia kepada publik dan para
pemangku kepentingan baik di tingkat nasional maupun daerah.

Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk membangun sistem dan mekanisme

komunikasi dalam rangka mengenalkan pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif kepada media massa, kaum muda, POKSI,
pemda, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya sehingga dapat
meningkatkan akses informasi dan kepedulian mereka terhadap
desain dan tujuan kegiatan SINERGI.

Tujuan khusus kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) menyiarkan atau

menyebarluaskan kegiatan-kegiatan POKSI dan Konsorsia 4P
kepada publik melalui penggunaan saluran-saluran media
komunikasi, baik cetak, elektronik maupun media sosial, baik di
lingkup nasional maupun lokal (Jawa Tengah); (b) membangun
pemahaman dan melakukan edukasi kepada kaum muda dan para
pemangku kepentingan ketenagakerjaan inklusif melalui materi-
materi komunikasi, seperti video human interest story, human
interest story article, USAID SINERGI Learning Book; (c)
mengembangkan kemitraan dengan Diskominfo
provinsi/kabupaten/kota dan Kementerian Kominfo dalam rangka
penyebarluasakan informasi kegiatan-kegiatan pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif yang diinisasi oleh POKSI Ketenagakerjaan
Inklusif Jawa Tengah

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) press conference; (b) media visit
di tingkat nasional; (c) media gathering di tingkat nasional; (d)
tersedianya material kampanye publik ketenagakerjaan inklusif,
seperti video human interest story, infographics, foto dokumentasi,
leaflet, pamflet, brosur, dan flyer tentang POKSI/SINERGI; (e)
terselenggaranya kegiatan penggalangan anak muda melalui media
sosial atau social media quiz;

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI – 15 people

2. Youth Support Network – 20 people
3. Kementerian Kominfo – 4 people
4. Diskominfo Prov Jateng dan Kabupaten/Kota – 10 people
5. Media (pimpinan redaksi, wartawan) – 15 people

Total : 55 people


Implementation National level (Jakarta) dan Jawa Tengah (Semarang)

Duration 15 bulan
Timeframe Juni s/d Des 2019 & Januari s/d Agust 2020
Venue SINERGI Office

Estimated Budget IDR – 150,268,000,-

Activity Number 3.7. (IR 3)

Name of Activity CAMPAIGN & OUTREACH

Objective Kampanye dan outreach merupakah serangkaian kegiatan

sistematis dalam rangka pengembangan saluran dan akses
informasi kerja kepada para kaum muda, insan media,
pemda/Kominfo, dan POKSI, dan para pemangku kepentingan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif lainnya di Jawa Tengah.

Tujuan umum kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan

kesadaran masyarakat, khususnya kaum muda, perusahaan, OPD,
dan lembaga pendidikan – pelatihan kerja akan arti pentingnya
kemitraan dan koordinasi pembangunan ketenagakerjaan inklusif,
baik pada proses rekrutmen, sosialisasi, asesmen, pelatihan kerja,
pemagangan, dan penempatan kerja.

Tujuan khusus kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) menyiarkan atau

menyebarluaskan kegiatan-kegiatan POKSI dan Konsorsia 4P
kepada publik melalui penggunaan saluran-saluran media
komunikasi, baik cetak, elektronik maupun media sosial, baik di
lingkup nasional maupun lokal (Jawa Tengah); (b) membangun
pemahaman dan melakukan edukasi kepada kaum muda dan para
pemangku kepentingan ketenagakerjaan inklusif melalui materi-
materi komunikasi, seperti video human interest story, human
interest story article, USAID SINERGI Learning Book; (c)
mengembangkan kemitraan dengan Diskominfo
provinsi/kabupaten/kota dan Kementerian Kominfo dalam rangka
penyebarluasakan informasi kegiatan-kegiatan pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan inklusif yang diinisasi oleh POKSI Ketenagakerjaan
Inklusif Jawa Tengah

Output dari kegiatan ini yaitu: (a) ) panduan branding pelaksanan

kegiatan proyek antara lain: communication messages, key words
untuk publikasi di media massa dan hastag media social termasuk
integrasi isu GESI dan PYD approach untuk setiap materi
komunikasi, publikasi dan kegiatan; (b) kegiatan kampanye
peningkatan akses dan kesempatan perempuan mengikuti
pelatihan kerja dan penempatan kerja di tingkat desa bersama
kaum muda, orang tua, tokoh masyarakat, dan pemerintah desa;
(c) kegiatan outreach perbaikan akses informasi
peluang/kesempatan pelatihan kerja dan penempatan kerja
bersama siswa/siswi SMK; (d) outreach perbaikan mindset kaum


muda terkait arti penting updating data pemuda miskin dan rentan
untuk peningkatan program pemberdayaan pemuda dan partisipasi
kaum muda dalam pembangunan bersama karang taruna dan
pemerintah desa; (e) 300 exemplar SINERGI Learning Book

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah:

Participants 1. POKSI – 15 people

2. Youth Support Network – 20 people

Total : 35 people

Implementation Provincial level (Semarang, dan Kabupaten/Kota)

Duration 15 bulan
Timeframe Juni s/d Des 2019 & Januari s/d Agust 2020
Venue SINERGI Office

Estimated Budget IDR – 190,268,000,-

Annex 3 – Timeline of Activities

Bulan ke- (2019)

No Aktivitas
Mei Jun Jul Ags Sep Okt Nov Des
1 Submitted Workplan, GESI & 29
PYD Strategy
2 Preliminary Coordination 17
3 Strategi Komunikasi dan
4 Rekrutmen Youth Support 19
Network (YSN)
5 Pembuatan Aplikasi Data 20
6 Pembuatan Instrumen/Tools 2
Asesmen Mandiri Siap Kerja
7 Training GESI – PYD for 26-
8 POKSI Meeting #1 – Kick Off 4
9 Presentasi & Uji Coba 4
Aplikasi Data Pemuda
10 POKSI Meeting #2 – MOU 31
Konsorsia 4P
11 Pengembangan Modul 1-2
Pelatihan Siap Kerja
12 Komunikasi, Branding,
Kampanye & Outreach
13 Youth Festival #1 5-6


14 Asesmen Mandiri Pemuda 5-6

via Aplikasi
15 Workshop Finalisasi Modul 14-
Pelatihan Siap Kerja 15
16 Aktivasi/Functioning YSN 21-
(ToT) 22
17 Integrasi Modul Pelatihan
Siap Kerja ke dalam
pelatihan ketrampilan kerja
18 Pemagangan kerja di
19 Mentoring & Coaching oleh
20 Pengumpulan Data Monev
21 Youth Festival #2 17-


Bulan ke- (2020)

No Aktivitas
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Ags
1 Komunikasi, Branding,
Kampanye & Outreach
2 POKSI Meeting #3 – Integrasi 15
3 Youth Festival #3 5-6
4 POKSI Meeting #4 – Monev 12
Rencana Aksi Konsorsia
5 POKSI Meeting #5 – Integrasi 18
KI ke HR Policy perusahaan
6 POKSI Meeting #6 – Integrasi 25
KI ke RPJMN 2020-2024
7 Youth Festival #4 4-5
8 Pengumpulan & Pengolahan
Data Monev
9 Pelatihan Siap Kerja #2
10 Pemagangan kerja di
11 Mentoring & Coaching oleh
12 Pelaporan


Annex 4 – Organizational Structure & Consortium Members Information



Consortium Members Information

Rajawali Foundation

As a private foundation, Rajawali Foundation since its establishment in 2004

has supported policy research and education including work with local
government and national ministries. The Foundation supported cohorts of
Mayors and Regents capacity building with the Harvard Kennedy School and
Northwestern University. The Foundation commissioned research studies, such
as “From Reformasi to Institutional Transformation: A Strategic Assessment of
Indonesia’s Prospects for Growth, Equity, and Democratic Governance” in 2011
and “The Economic Choices Facing the Next President: Business As Usual or
Tough Reforms?” in 2014. RF implemented an AUSAID project with the
government on social protection by organizing policy dialogue events at the
national level in 2013. In this project, The Foundation will act as SINERGI
Leader who is responsible for the overall project accomplishment and will lead
the coordination work at the national level.


The Center for Public Policy Transformation (“Transformasi”) is a “networked

think tank” that works closely with policymakers, academics, private sector
and civil society to achieve better policymaking process in Indonesia.
Transformasi has a strong network with local government and a track record of
policy dialogue at the national and local levels. Transformasi will lead the
overall implementation process at the Provincial level.



Annex 5 – Branding & Marking

1. Introduction

Branding & Marking of SINERGI project needs to be regulated with the reference
to USAID and Mitra Kunci guidance. Communication to public and targeted
stakehoderls need to be clear. We should be clear in conveying message to
targeted beneficiaries, showing project identity, and USAID & strategic partners

There are several documents publicly available we can refer to:

1. ADS Chapter 320 (effective date January 2015);
2. 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 700.16 (Marking);
3. ADS 558 Use of Social Media for Public Engagement; and
4. USAID Graphic Standard Manual (effective date March 2016);

2. Program Name and Branding


The consortium selects the name of SINERGI as a word and abbreviation for
“Strengthening Coordination for Inclusive Workforce Development in
Indonesia”. The word SINERGI or synergize; meaning that the consortium is
striving to improve coordination among key stake holders to address issue of
inclusive workforce development for poor & vulnerable youth.

According to Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Habit 6:

Synergize): “Synergize” is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork,
open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems.
But it doesn't just happen on its own. It's a process, and through that process,
people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table. Together,
they can produce far better results that they could individually.

This spirit is translated into SINERGI project design which will nurture effective
and break through coordination among key stake holder champions both at
national and sub-national level to help answering challenges how to
mainstream Poor and Vulnerable Youth into labor market in Indonesia,
especially Central Java.

This reflects in POKSI (Kelompok Aksi) – naming POKSI instead of POKJA

(Kelompok Kerja) will orient people of its focus on action. Action to produce co-
designed innovative solutions which will affect in providing more access for


poor and vulnerable youth to employment opportunity. This includes improved

coordination mechanism between Government-Private sectors-youth-and other
enablers; improved policy - both government and company’s HR policies;
improved access information to training and employment; and other
coordination which will emphasize how to involve people with disabilities and
women into labor market with equal pay and equal opportunity to grow.


Rajawali Foundation and our consortium partner, Transformasi, will brand the
program using the USAID identity – comprised of the USAID logo and brand,
with the tagline “from the American People” – as found on the USAID branding

SINERGI will use logos for the following organizations:

2. Rajawali Foundation;
3. Transformasi;
4. Government of Indonesia – related Ministries, Central Java Provincial
Government, and Districts Government identities;

5. University partners, as applicable

Note: Mitra Kunci - DAI logo is not applicable to any branding purpose of
SINERGI project.

The size of the USAID logo will be equal to other logos of the other
organizations noted above. SINERGI will comply with ADS 320.3.3 and the
updated USAID Graphic Standards Manual and Partner Co-Branding Guide
regarding the placement and language of the USAID brandmark.

All public printed, video, and audio materials will also include a disclaimer to
identify parties responsible for their contents. All public printed, video and
audio materials subject to approval from Mitra Kunci.

SINERGI itself doesn’t have logo. It will be identified by bold and capital letters -
Gill Sans MT font.

3. Audiences


Subject to Mitra Kunci approval, SINERGI has identified target audiences to

whom it will promote and publicize USAID sponsorship of the program.

Primary audiences will include:

 Government officials from related Ministries;
 Governor of Central Java;
 SKPD from main Dinas champions;
 TGUPP – Tim Gubernur untuk Percepatan Pembangunan;
 Regents and Mayors;
 Private sectors – labor intensive industries;
 Industry Associations;
 Youth – SINERGI selected champions;
 Youth – representatives of Pesantren, Karang Taruna and TKSK DinSos;
 Poor & Vulnerable Youth 18-34 y.o. – SINERGI selected champions.

Secondary audiences will include:

 University Partners;
 Media – local and national level media;
 CSOs and NGOs;
 Public.

Target of beneficiaries as audiences:

 Poor & Vulnerable Youth 18-34 y.o.


Poor - means earn less than USD 2 per day or those who are at the bottom of
low income group with seasonal income where they could trapped into income
less than USD 2 per day any time.

Vulnerable - means people with disabilities or particular gender who have social
constructed value in community thus limits their mobility, access for
employment & career, as well as potential income.

4. Program Communications & Publicity



The SINERGI project will acknowledge USAID support at all facilitated events,
and all program materials will include the USAID Identity and message “From
the American People.”

We will design project messaging to increase awareness of USAID support for

collaborative achievement in strengthening coordination among stakeholders
and co-designing innovative solutions for inclusive workforce development.

The co-designing at least from three components of Government – Private

Sectors – Youth. The project will be beneficial to poor and vulnerable youth age
between 18-34 years old.

Keywords of SINERGI: Coordination, Co-designing, and Innovative solutions.


Tools Objective(s) Audience Distribution Plan

Brochure & Inform key stake holders Government At the 5 series of

Bulletin about SINERGI concept, oficials, private Workforce Dialogue
(working plan, progress updates sectors events.
progress and lesson learned. champions, other
updates) targetted During champions
Information type : info partners, and mapping and key
graphic, policy brief, targetted media stake holders
progress updates brief engagement
report, Brief
recommendation based During media visit to
on lesson learned opinion leaders
(evidence base).
Materials shall be
cleared by Mitra
Kunci. Distributed in
hardcopy during the
events, otherwise
the material is
available to
download in
softcopy on the


Project Improve public Public Internet – host :

Website awareness about Rajawali Foundation
SINERGI project, relevant website
policy brief and articles,
POKSI progress updates Materials shall be
cleared by Mitra

Press Inform Media about : Media The draft shall be

Releases  Workforce Dialogues ; organizations and cleared by Mitra
 POKSI establishment ; project stake Kunci, distributed in
 Opportunity Fund holders hardcopy during the
awards ; events, otherwise
 The 4 discrete major the material is
events available to
download in
softcopy on the
website. Materials
will also be shared
via social media,
and emailed to
project list-serve

Media Engage media in Media The draft shall be

Interviews discussions on relevant organizations and cleared by Mitra
/ Media issues, talk with opinion project stake Kunci, and then
Visit leaders, holders posted on the
project website,
shared via social
media, and emailed
to project list-serve

Workforce Share information / Government Proceedings will be

Dialogues – progress (e.g. POKSI oficials, private shared via project
National upodates) and facilitate sectors website, through
conference dialogue on technical champions, other social media, and
/ forum approcahes, key issues, targetted highlighted in
etc. partners, and progress reporting.
targetted media


Branding and
marking on the
backdrop and
proceedings and
other materials shall
be cleared by Mitra

E- Invite stake holders to Intended Through email and

invitations project events participants online invitation
platforms, including
social media

Other Communicate Defined groups of Email list-serve

emails sent information about the stake holders
to group project or an event to a
lists, blast specific group of stake
emails holders

SMS Blast Support communication Poor & Vulnerable SMS and/or Radio
and/or and outreach regarding Youth campaigns
Radio project events,

Beneficiary Give beneficiaries a All stake holders Posted on the

testimonial voice in sharing how the project website and
s project has equipped social media,
them - how they can included in bulletin,
access information to and shared via an
employment opportunity email list-serve

Professiona Capture the impact of All stake holders Highlighted in

l the project in bulletin, brochures,
Photograp professional images reports, toolkits,
hy posted on the
project website,
shared via social


Videos and Capture the project All stake holders Posted on the
webcasts success stories in video project website and
form shared via social

5. Marking Plan

The table below outlines the types of materials that may be produced under
SINERGI. Any materials that are not anticipated below, but are produced under
the project will also be subject to branding and marking guidelines and Mitra
Kunci approval. Marking is not required on rented vehicles, offices, and office
supplies or other commodities used solely for administration of the USAID-funded
program. The goal is to mark activities not implementing partners. Thus,
leterhead, nametags, business cards, office space, equipment, and supplies are
not subject to branding and marking.


Category Type of Marking


Stationery products
business) ; pertains
USAID Standard graphic identity will not be used
to letterhead,
envelopes, and
mailing labels

Stationery products
(project related) ;
USAID standard graphic identity will be used
pertains to letters
that accompany
project materials

Business Cards USAID Standard graphic identity will not be used. SINERGI
will have project business cards – with line :


a USAID project to mainstream poor & vulnerable youth
into labor market in Indonesia

USAID Standard graphic identity will not be used. SINERGI

will have email signiture – with line :

SINERGI – [position title]
Email Signatures
a USAID project to mainstream poor & vulnerable
into labor market in Indonesia

[Office addres and other information]

Office signs USAID Standard graphic identity will not be used to mark
project offices

Project Deliverables Follow USAID Graphic Standards Manual Guidelines for full

Follow USAID Graphic Standards Manual Guidelines for full

Project Website


Technical and The USAID Identity will be printed on the cover of

Research Reports documents ; design will follow guidelines for full branding
unless co-branding is acceptable or an execmption is
provided for no branding.

Policy brief, bulletin, The USAID identity will be printed on the cover of
recommendations documents ; design will follow guidelines for full branding
unless co-branding is acceptable or an exemption is
provided for no branding.


Government Policies. Government partners logo shall appear instead of USAID

Strategies (RENJA), logo.

Conference / dalogue The USAID identity will be printed on the cover of

forums materials documents ; design will follow guidelines for full branding
unless co-branding is acceptable or an exemption is
provided for no branding.

Conference & Press The USAID identity will be printed on the cover of
Conference Backdrop documents ; design will follow guidelines for full branding
unless co-branding is acceptable or an exemption is
provided for no branding.

In the case of Government logo / identity : upon Mitra

Kunci approval, it will be positioned in equal size with
USAID identity, as appropriate.

CD-ROMs The USAID identity will be printed on the CD label , splash

screen/menu, and packaging ; design will follow
guidelines for full branding unless co-branding is
acceptable or an exemption is provided for no branding.

Power Points The USAID identity will appear on title breaker slides ;
presentations design will follow guidelines for full branding unless co-
branding is acceptable or an exemption is provided for no

Conference posters The USAID identity will be printed on the poster or

and presentations presentations ; design will follow guidelines for full
branding unless co-branding is acceptable or an
exemption is provided for no branding.

Videos The USAID identity will be shown on the screen ; design

will follow guidelines for full branding unless co-branding
is acceptable or an exemption is provided for no branding.

Project Materials The USAID identity will be printed on all materials; design


will follow guidelines for full branding unless co-branding

is acceptable or an exemption is provided for no branding.


Event signs, banners, The USAID identity will appear on the materials ; design
and exhibition booth will follow guidelines for full branding unless co-branding
materials is acceptable or an exemption is provided for no branding.

Project promotional The USAID identity will appear on the materials ; design
materials will follow guidelines for full branding unless co-branding
is acceptable or an exemption is provided for no branding.


Annex 6 – Budget (detail budget presented in separate document)

Budget Summary :


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