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It wasn't unusual for us to go to the school we were teaching, because we had to cross the lake just to get to
the school we were going too. There are times when we worry about our safety especially when the waves are
fast and big. But even then, our feelings of urgency to deliver education to the islanders were even more intense.
Even though the school we teach does not have electricity, fresh water to drink and far from town. The lives of
the people on the island are not luxurious, but we do feel the love they have for us. Our experience as a teacher
on the island is an experience that has always touched our hearts because we see the smiles, joys and willingness
to complete the education of the young islanders, who are giving us life to fulfill our sworn roles provide
education to Filipino youth, because we believe that education is the key to success and that is what we pray
for on the island.

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