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In this present generation, technological devices are more advance

and more convenient. One of these technological devices is very popular

because it’s easy to carry out wherever you are, this device is called

smartphone. Smartphone is a handheld personal computer that has

extensive computing capabilities including high-speed access to the

internet that uses both Wi-fi and mobile broadband. It has its software

components known as “apps”, some apps are already installed with the

system while others are available for download from official sources like

Google Play or Apple Play Store.

A lot of people are now having a smartphone, the popularity of

smartphone has been increasing rapidly in recent years. In most of

developed countries, the rate of smartphone adoption exceeded 50% in the

first half of 2012. Thus, smartphone have now become an integral part of

the daily lives of many individuals. (Uichin Lee et. al. 2013)

Most of the smartphone users are the students because it is really

such a big help for their academic purposes due to its fast networking

systems, attractive and powerful applications, and internet access.

Although, smartphone also has its negative side, it has an application for

communication, gaming, and social media that really attracts the students

and may distract them from their school obligations like assignments,

projects, listening to the teacher and etc. These attractions and distractions

may lead to overuse of smartphone that may affect the student’s academic



This study focuses on the overuse of smartphone that affects the

academic performance of Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy. The

concept shows the independent and dependent variables. The independent

variable is the classification of overusing smartphone by the grade 12

students in St. Joseph Academy; (1) long term use of social media, (2) using

smartphone for communication and (3) spending more time in gaming apps.

The dependent variable is the academic performance of Grade 12 students

during the first semester of school year 2018-2019.

The researcher came up with this concept because almost all of the

grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy are having smartphone and they

are usually using it for a couple of hours a day, they’re using it sometimes

for academic-related purposes but most of the time, they’re using it for

social media and gaming apps especially online games which can connect

to the other friends. With this habit of the students, their academic

performance is at risk because students are engage in social media for a

couple of hours and tend to sleep late at night due to the entertainment of

the videos and photos, the excitement and pleasure feeling when receiving

a notifications like a friend commenting on your post, friends reacting on a

photo you uploaded and etc. When a student sleep late at night, less hours

of sleep and less energy in school on the next day resulting to lack of

cooperation in class. While on the other hand, some of the students are fan

of playing gaming apps offline or online, and because of that they will also

spend a couple of hours on it due to the hype and intense of the game like

clash of clan, league of legends, and mobile legends. With this kind of

activity, assignments and projects are less focused and it might be forgotten

to do it before the deadline of passing. A schematic diagram of independent

variable and dependent variable are shown below.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Classification of Overusing
Smartphone by the Grade 12
Students in St. Joseph
Academic Performance of
Grade 12 students during the
first semester of S.Y 2018-
1. Long term use of social
 Excellent – 95% and
2. Using smartphone for
 Very Good – 86%-94%
 Good – 75%-85%
3. Spending more time in
gaming apps  Poor – 74% and below

Figure 1. A schematic diagram that shows the relationship between the

independent and the dependent variable.


1. What are the classification of overusing smartphone by the Grade 12

students in St. Joseph Academy?

2. What is the academic performance of Grade 12 students during the

first semester of school year 2018-2019?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the classification of

overusing smartphone and the academic performance of Grade 12

students during the first semester of school year 2018-2019?


The problem 1 and 2 are hypothesis free. The following hypothesis

is stated in null form as follows:

H1 :

There is no significant relationship between the classification of

overusing smartphone by the Ggrade 12 students and the academic

performance of Grade 12 students during the first semester of school year



The importance of this study is to let the Grade 12 students in St.

Joseph Academy be aware on how the smartphone will affect their

academic performances if they abuse their-selves spending more time

facing smartphone that leads to overuse of smartphone. The result of the

study will also help the future researcher which they can rely and serve as

basis in their study.


This study conducts a research about overusing of smartphone that

affects the academic performance of Grade12 students in St. Joseph

Academy. The study will only focus on the Grade 12 students in St. Joseph




Smartphones have become a vital part of our lives and without it

we feel like our day is not complete. A lot of people are using it every day

especially students who are fan of social medias and gaming. There is a

phobia called nomophobia ”no-mobile-phone phobia”, the fear of being

without a mobile device or beyond mobile phone contact (Tim Elmore,

2014), this phobia could link to overuse of smartphone that can affect

students’ academic performance. Overuse of smartphone may refer to as

long term use of social media, using smartphone for communication, and

spending more time in gaming apps. Those students who were

experiencing these classification of overusing smartphone are likely to

sleep late at night, focus less on assignments and projects, feel laziness

when it comes to studying, don’t usually listen very well to the lecturer or

reporter, and don’t finish activities on time.

Related Literature in Local Setting:

Since students are highly motivated to using social media sites, the

majority of them use these to satisfy their social needs more than their

academic needs. They have the freedom to do whatever they want – they

can upload or download data, they can make new friends and comment on

other peoples’ lives, and they can even create other online identities that

the real world does not allow. It has been observed too that majority of the

students nowadays, particularly those in the secondary level spend most of

their time chatting with their acquaintances, playing online games, and

watching videos instead of reading their lessons, making assignments, and

other academic requirements (R. Astodello, 2016).

A study conducted by Josan D. Tamayo & Giselle Sacha G. Dela

Cruz (2014) about the Relationship of Social Media with the Academic

Performance of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students of

Centro Escolar University-Malolos concluded that seventy one (71) or

51.4% of the respondents have reached below satisfactory grade average

and only sixty seven (67) or 48.6% students have successfully reached the

satisfactory academic performance. That more than 50% of the

respondents performed below satisfactory at school. Student diversion from

school activities to social media usage largely affect their academic


There is a result of a study concluded that the BSMarE II students

choose generation-trending online games, as the MMORPG’s, on themes,

as survival, teamwork, adventure, and competition, with levels of addiction,

as not so serious being class C and D levels only, reflecting that their

academic responsibility was being affected by the level of their online

gaming addiction in meeting daily attendance of classes, doing

assignments, engaging in daily review of studies, though, not on project (Iris

L. Gulbe et. al, 2016).

Related Literature in Foreign Setting:

Students who spend more time on social media are likely to perform

poorly in their academics. This is because, instead of reading books, they

spend their time chatting and making friends via the social media and this

will definitely have negative effect on their academic performance, because

when you do not read, there is no way you can perform well academically

(Ezekiel S. Asemah et. al., 2013).

According to the study of Sandra Okyeadie Mensah and Dr. Ismail

Nizam (2016), it is concluded that social media platforms has a significant

impact on students’ academic performance in Malaysia tertiary institution.

The average user in the US spends around five hours a day on

functional smartphone activities such as texting, social media use, internet

searchers, phone calls. Half that time is spent on social media, including

texting. The specific functional use of our smartphone is what we need to

look more closely at. Social media rewards user via “like”, emoji use and

social engagement with a large audience. The more people respond to a

post, the more we gain a sense of enjoyment that people are validating our

thoughts or interest (Campbell, 2018).

Let’s face it, social media is changing us, it is shaping our genetics.

Social media sites are now being used by one-third of the entire world. Ten

percent of us are allegedly unable to actively log off after surfing the web.

Brain scans show that the regions of the brain that correlate with substance

addiction are at play with internet dependence. Both addictions cause

conflict within the social regions of the brain that control emotional

processing, attention span and decision making. Humans are curios by

nature and because social media give us information within seconds, our

brains have begun to rewire themselves; we’re becoming biologically

dependent on the stimulations given from accessed information. The more

information we obtain through social media, the more neurological elation

we crave. Social media time releases the feel-good chemical

dopamine(Katie Basey, 2018).

Social media is still a relatively new phenomenon, yet it already

dominates significant chunks of our life. Just us with any of our other habits,

we ought to examine the extent to which this habit helps or harms us. The

key to keeping this part of our lives under control is, as with most things,

moderation (Nicola Brown, 2017).

In the current study, university students reporting experience with

sending and receiving text messages were randomly assigned to one of two

conditions: a lecture during which participants received and responded to a

series of text messages or the same lecture but without the text messaging

activity who engaged in text messages during a classroom presentation.

Those students engaging in text messaging during the presentation

demonstrated poorer performance on a test of the content of a 30-minute

class presentation immediately afterwards. Of interest, students judged to

be more proficient at sending and receiving text messages as evidenced by

their faster text messaging speed, demonstrated poorer recall of the

classroom lessons’ content (Amanda Barks, et. al, 2013)

Smartphone addicts spend most of their time on their smartphone

for social purposes. In relation to gaming, one study reported that the use

of a smartphone for gaming and the use of multiple apps for gaming were

potential risk factors for smartphone addiction, because, in smartphone

gaming, it is easy to interact with other players through other social

networking apps. Smartphone gaming, with or without the use of multiple

apps, increases the risk of smartphone addiction (Seong-Soo Cha & Bo-

Kyung Seo, 2018).

A study result shows that online games, specifically MMOG could

effect on students’ studying time. The enormous time spend on playing

MMOG alleviate the time for students to do their assignments, preparing for

test and classes and any activity related to academic (Rubijesmin Abdul

Latif et. al, 2017).

Many students often check their smartphones before getting out of

bed in the morning. They also do so while in bed at night before they fall

asleep. Smartphone became one of the most important thing in student life

and without this device, it can arise emotional problem among students.

According to Bulck (2013) report that addictive mobile usage could be

disturbance in students’ sleeping, so, from that, we can see smartphone

has influence time to bed and still lead to interrupted sleep.

“When we looked at smartphone use around the time when

participants reported they went to bed, more smartphone use around that

time in particular was associated with a longer time to fall asleep and worse

sleep quality during the night.” said Dr. Gregory Marcus, author of the study

and an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San

Francisco. Also, according to Shusuke Murai (2015), students who spend

several hours each day staring into mobile phones or smartphones tend to

change their sleeping habits and stay up late to use the device.

Excessive smartphone use at night could keep one awake till late,

thus impairing sleep and influencing stress and depression (Lemola, et. al,

2015). Screen time and internet usage were found to affect sleep (Brunborg,, 2011: Vollmer, et. al, 2012), and SNS addicts were reported to show

poorer sleep quality than non-SNS addicts did (Wolniczak, et. al, 2013).

Addictive mobile usage could be disturbance in student sleeping. So, from

that, we can see smartphone has influence time to bed and still lead to

interrupted sleep (Joanes J. & Abdullah A.S., 2015).

Teens who spent more time online and social media were more

likely to sleep less. Their smartphones were the last thing they looked at

before they went to sleep at night. That’s a problem, because answering

texts and scrolling through social media is mentally and emotionally

stimulating, which leads to disrupted sleep. Others told me that they also

regularly reached for their phones, often just out of habit, when they woke

up in the middle of the night (Jean Twenge, 2017).

Using the smartphone in lecture, where it become distracted there

are plenty of application in smartphone where student spend their time for.

There is some word, “polluting classroom with disruption” meaning the

constant texting and receiving messages and calls (or voice call) not only

disrupts the lecture but it also interrupts the whole class. Use of smartphone

by students in the classroom is a major challenge to most lecturer and so

professors. Students become less focus on their assignments, assessment

and tutorial for study (Joanes J. & Abdullah A.S, 2015).

The presence of smartphone alerts is disrupting our already weak

ability to focus on the task at hand. Moreover, excessive use of cellphones

also causes headaches impaired concentration and memory, and fatigue

(Anthony Metivier, 2018), “this is why most of the students feel laziness

when it comes to studying”.

According to Michael Jenks (2016), the students ignored their

teachers and pulled out their phones. From our observations, we have

determined this is not a good situation because it was obvious that using

smartphones during classes is a big issue and is clearly a distraction that

leads many of us to not focus on study. True, some students think

smartphones can support their assignments, but it occurs to us, again

based on what we saw, if you are using your phone all through class then

you will not, cannot focus on what the teacher is saying.




The researcher uses descriptive method of research for this study in

determining the classification of overusing smartphone by the Grade 12

students and the academic performance of Grade 12 students during the

first semester of school year 2018-2019. A descriptive survey attempts to

establish the range and distribution of some social characteristics, such as

education or training, occupation, and location, and to discover how these

characteristics may be related to certain behaviour patterns or attitudes

(Marilyn Zurmuehlin Working Papers in Art Education, 1981)


The research setting of this study was at Saint Joseph Academy, El

Salvador City Misamis Oriental. Saint Joseph Academy of El Salvador is a

private catholic school founded on 1948 by Pedro D. Maano and first

named as Saint Joseph High School. Now, it was headed by Rev. Fr.

Macky V. Ceballos, SSJV as school director and Mrs. Rosita A. Daya the

school principal. The school offers level of education from Kindergarten to

Senior High School. As of school year 2018 - 2019, the department of

Senior High School offers three strands for Grade 11 which are General

Academic Strand (GAS), Technical- Vocational Livelihood (TVL), and

Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) while there are two

strands in Grade 12 which are GAS and TVL. The total population of

students of the said school year were 928.


The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 students in St.

Joseph Academy of El Salvador City. Random sampling method was used

in this study. In random sampling, the researcher selected randomly among

the Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy. A total of 20 respondents

from the students in St. Joseph Academy were the target respondents of

the study.


In order for the researcher to determine the classification of

overusing smartphone by the Grade 12 students and the academic

performance of Grade 12 students during the first semester of school year

2018-2019, this study will have to use a survey questionnaire. The

questionnaire is originally created by the researcher. The statistical tools

used were mean, standard deviation.

In gathering of data on classification of overusing smartphone by the

Grade 12 students and the academic performance of Grade 12 students

during the first semester of school year 2018-2019, a survey questionnaire

was used. The data were gathered using the questionnaire created by the

researcher himself. The questionnaire was composed of two parts. Part one

was the classification of overusing smartphone and the part two was the

academic performance of Grade 12 students during the first semester of

school year 2018-2019.


The researcher created a questionnaire for a survey. The researcher

then asked permission to all the 20 respondents which are the Grade 12

students in St. Joseph Academy to conduct a survey for a research paper

entitled: Overuse of Smartphone and The Academic Performance of Grade

12 Students. The researcher told them that the survey was about

classification of overusing smartphone and the academic performance of

Grade 12 students during the first semester of school year 2018-2019.

The gathered data were then subjected to the statistical

analysis and interpretation.



This chapter focused on the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data. The presentation of the data follows the sequence of

the problems mentioned in chapter 1.

Problem 1. What are the classification of overusing smartphone by the

Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy?


Classification Overusing Smartphone by Weighted Verbal

the Grade 12 Students Mean Description
Long Term Use of Social Media

1. I use my smartphone for facebook for a 6.22 Most of the

couple of hours a day. time
2. I use my smartphone for twitter for a 4.76 Never
couple of hours a day.
3. I use my smartphone for instagram for a 5.29 Never
couple of hours a day.
4. I use my smartphone for youtube for a 5.72 Sometimes
couple of hours a day.
Using Smartphone for Communication

1. I use my smartphone for chatting in 3.74 Most of the

messenger for a couple of hours a day. time
2. I use my smartphone for video calling for 4.97 Sometimes
a couple of hours a day.
3. I use my smartphone for texting for a 3.56 Sometimes
couple of hours a day.
4. I use my smartphone for calling for a 2.71 Sometimes
couple of hours a day.
Spending More Time in Gaming Apps

1. I use my smartphone for playing offline 4.40 Sometimes

games for a couple of hours a day.
2. I use my smartphone for playing online 3.92 Sometimes
games for a couple of hours a day.
Over all 4.53 Sometimes

Table 1 presents the classification of overusing smartphone by the

grade 12 students. The overall mean (4.53) verbally described as


The highest mean is 6.22 that falls in item number 1 in Long Term

Use of Social Media which states ‘’ I use my smartphone for facebook for a

couple of hours a day” verbally describe as Most of the time. On the other

hand, the lowest mean is 2.71 that falls in item number 4 in Using

Smartphone for Communication which states “I use my smartphone for

calling for a couple of hours a day” is verbally describe as Sometimes.

The data in the highest mean imply that the Grade 12 students in St.

Joseph Academy are often using smartphone for facebook for a couple of

hours a day. This means that Grade 12 students are fan of using facebook

because of the updates and posts of their friends they don’t want to miss

and also to the notifications they received. On the other hand, the data in

the lowest mean revealed that the Grade 12 students are not really using

smartphone for calling for a couple of hours a day. This might be due to the

fact that they don’t have someone else to call to or they don’t have enough

money to pay for a load.

Problem 2. What is the academic performance of Grade 12 students

during the first semester of school year 2018-2019.




Excellent – 95% and above 2 10%

Very Good – 86%-94% 13 65%

Good – 75%-85% 5 25%

Poor – 74% and below 0 0%

Total 20 100%

Table 2 presents the distribution of the academic performance of

Grade 12 students during the first semester of school year 2018-2019. As

presented, the majority (13 or 65%) are those students who had an average

of 86% to 94% (Very Good) grade during the first semester of school year

2018-2019 and a very few (5 or 25%) are those students who had an

average of 75% to 85% (Good). The data revealed that most of the

respondents are performing well in class.

Classification of overusing smartphone by the grade 12 students

and the academic performance of Grade 12 students during the first

semester of school year 2018-2019 revealed there’s no significant

relationship. The classification of overusing smartphone by the Grade 12

students and the academic performance of Grade 12 students during the

first semester of school year 2018-2019 are unlikely to be related to each

other because most of the Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy are

performing well in class even if they are overusing their smartphone by

using facebook most of the time.



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusion, and



This research study was conducted to assess the academic

performance of Grade 12 students during the first semester of school year

2018-2019 and classification of overusing smartphone by the Grade 12

students at St. Joseph Academy.

The respondents were composed of 20 selected Grade 12 students

in 12 St. Joseph Academy, using the random sampling technique.

The data were obtained using the questionnaire created by the

researcher himself. The statistical tools used were mean and standard



Based on the result gathered, the data are thereby presented:

1. Among the 20 respondents the highest mean of 6.22 falls in item

number 1 in Long Term Use of Social Media which sates “I use my

smartphone for facebook for a couple of hours a day”, verbally

describe as Most of the time. On the other hand, the lowest mean of

2.71 falls in item number 4 in Using Smartphone for Communication

which states “I use my smartphone for calling for a couple of hours a

day” is verbally described as Sometimes. The data in the highest

mean imply that the students are always using smartphone for

facebook. This means that students are addicted in using facebook.

2. Majority of the students had an average of 86% to 94% (Very Good)

grade during the first semester of school year 2018-2019.

3. Classification of overusing smartphone by the Grade 12 students

and the academic performance of Grade 12 students during the first

semester of school year 2018-2019 revealed there’s no significant

relationship. The classification of overusing smartphone by the

Grade 12 students and the academic performance of Grade 12

students during the first semester of school year 2018-2019 are

unlikely to be related to each other because most of the Grade 12

students in St. Joseph Academy are performing well in class even if

they are overusing their smartphone by using facebook most of the

time.. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted (not rejected).


Based on the findings of the study;

1. The Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy are always

using facebook most of the time which is not good for them

to get so attached to facebook.

2. Grade 12 students in St. Joseph are not really using

smartphone for calling this means that most of the grade

12 students in St. Joseph Academy are not fan of using

this type of communication.

3. Majority of the Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy

are performing well in class.

4. Classification of overusing smartphone and the academic

performance of Grade 12 students during the first

semester of school year 2018-2019 are two variables that

is not related to each other.

5. The academic performance of Grade 12 students during

the first semester of school year 2018-2019 does not

depend on the classification of overusing smartphone.


On the basis of the findings and conclusions, the researchers would

like to recommend the following:

1. The St. Joseph Academy through their teachers should

implement this rule inside the classroom of not using smartphone

during class hours so that they could focus to their school works.

2. The teacher of the subject should confiscate the smartphone for

those who violate the rule and return it back at the end of the

semester so that this will serve as a lesson to all the students.

3. For some of the Grade 12 students in St. Joseph Academy, do

not tolerate yourself in using facebook most of the time, avoid

getting obsess of this social media platform so that your academic

performance will be maintain well.



 Ezekiel S. Asemah, Ruth A. Okpanachi, Leo O.N. Edegoh (2013) -

Influence of Social Media on the Academic Performance of the

Undergraduate Students of Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria


 Jean Twenge (2017) - Has the smartphone destroyed a generation?


 Joanes, J. &Abdullah , A.S (2015) - The Impact of Smartphone

Among University Students


 Michael Jenks (2016) - The Advantages and Disadvantages of

Smartphones for Students


 Rubijesmin Abdul Latif, (2017) - IMPACT OF ONLINE GAMES



 Shusuke Murai (2015) - Overuse of mobile gadgets hampers

students' ability to study, sleep




 Uichin Lee, (2013) - Hooked on Smartphones: An Exploratory

Study on Smartphone Overuse among College Students http://iis-


 Amanda Barks, (2013) - Effects of Text Messaging on

Academic Performance

 Andrew Campbell (2018) - No, you’re probably not ‘addicted’ to your

smartphone – but you might use it too much

 Katie Basey (2018) - Social Media and The Long Term Impact On

Being Human

 Nicola Brown (2017) - How To Prevent Social Media Depression

 Sandra Okyeadie Mensah and Dr. Ismail Nizam (2016) - THE




 Seong-Soo Cha, Bo-Kyung Seo (2018) - Smartphone use and

smartphone addiction in middle school students in Korea:

Prevalence, social networking service, and game use

A survey for a research paper entitled:

Overuse of Smartphone Affecting the Academic Performance of
Grade 12 Students in St. Joseph Academy


Put a check in each column (Never, Sometimes, Most of the time, and
Always) that corresponds to your answer.
“Classification of Overusing Smartphone by the Grade 12 Students in St. Joseph


Put check on the box that corresponds to what is your general average
during first semester of school year 2018-2019.

Long Term Use of Social Media Never Sometimes Most of Always

the time
1. I use my smartphone for facebook for
a couple of hours a day.
2. I use my smartphone for twitter for a
couple of hours a day.
3. I use my smartphone for instagram for
a couple of hours a day.
4. I use my smartphone for youtube for
a couple of hours a day.
Using Smartphone for Communication
1. I use my smartphone for chatting in
messenger for a couple of hours a day.
2. I use my smartphone for video calling
for a couple of hours a day.
3. I use my smartphone for texting for a
couple of hours a day.
4. I use my smartphone for calling for a
couple of hours a day.
Spending More Time in Gaming Apps
1. I use my smartphone for playing
offline games for a couple of hours a
2. I use my smartphone for playing
online games for a couple of hours a
“The academic performance of grade 12 students during the first semester
of school year 2018-2019”

General Average During First Semester Of
School Year 2018-2019

95% and above



74% and below


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