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january book report 

Parents and Guardians, 

Each month your child will be responsible for completing a book 
report. This book report will accompany the daily reading they should be 
completing for homework. Although there is no reading log or signature 
form required as proof of your student’s 20 minutes of daily reading, it is 
expected and assumed they are doing so. Reading each night helps to 
strengthen the reading skills they are learning in the classroom. It also 
helps your child to practice a routine, Monday through Thursday, of 
reading and practicing their comprehension.  
Your child will be given instructions for their monthly book report 
during the first week of that month. The book report will be due towards 
the end of that month. Included with the instructions will be a timeline to 
help students stay on track. The dates of this timeline are flexible, but it is 
a guideline to help those students who need deadlines for completing 
certain steps.  
The January book report will be a ​diorama book report​ on a ​fiction 
book. ​Remember, fiction stories are not real, and include story elements 
like characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution. The fiction book your 
child chooses should be appropriate for the fourth grade and your child’s 
reading ability. This diorama book report will be due on ​Wednesday, 
February 5th. 
For this book report, students will be required to get additional 
materials that will not be provided to them by the teacher. If you need 
help with getting a shoebox, please let me know. Students should be 
referring to the rubric as they work on their reports to make sure they are 
completing all requirements. ​Please send back this folder on the due date 
of each book report.​ This folder will be then used to send home the next 
month’s book report instructions.  
Please contact me with any questions or concerns! Happy reading :) 
Thank you, 
Ms. Marszalek 

Timeline to stay on track 
Monday,   ● Make sure you have read through and 
Jan. 6th  understand the book report instructions 
Friday,   ● Have a fiction book chosen for your book 
Jan. 10th  report 
Friday,   ● Left Side and Right Side should be finished 
Jan. 24th  or near completion 
Monday,  ● Reading of the book should be finished or 
Jan. 27th  near completion 
Friday  ● Back of Box should be finished or near 
Jan. 31st  completion 
Tuesday,  ● Inside of Box should be completed 
Feb. 4th 
Wednesday,  ● Book report due 
Feb. 5th 

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