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Review of Related Literature

The research did some findings about the RFID utilization in education is student
attendance monitoring system, by using Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud technology, it will
produce a real time attendance monitoring system that can be accessed by various parties, such as
lecturer, campus administration and parents. With this monitoring system if there are students who
are not present can be immediately discovered and can be taken immediate action and the learning
process can run smoothly.

One of the factors that support the success of the learning system is the presence of
students, because if students are often absent then the material they received becomes less and
can’t understand the material that has been taught, one that causes the absence of students is they
ditch, so the attendance monitoring system becomes very important because with this process the
attendance of students can be monitored properly. Various kinds of presences can be used from
manual way to automatic way using electronic equipment, if the monitoring system attendance
using electronic equipment so the recording of attendance data becomes easier, fast and accurate.
In this research, attendance monitoring system using RFID technology and with the application of
Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud technology will be obtained a presence system that can run and
monitored in real time, so that all parties who need information such as lecturers, parents, and
energy the administration can immediately find out if there are students who skip classroom, it can
immediately be prevented so that the next meeting does not ditch again.

Most of the educational institutions' administrators are worried about student irregular
attendance. Absenteeism can affect student whole academic performance. The ordinary method of
taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is very time-taking and insecure, and also
this method is inefficient. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based attendance system is one
of the solutions to label this problem. This system can be used to take attendance for student in
school, university and college. It also can be used to take attendance of no. of workers present in
working places. Its ability to uniquely identify each person based on the code present for every
RFID tag type of ID card make the process of taking the attendance easier, faster and secure as
compared to ordinary or traditional method. Students or workers only need to place their ID card
on the reader and their attendance will be taken immediately. With actual time capability of the
system, no. of attendees taken will be more precise since the time for the attendance taken will be
RFID System is an abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification System. It is and
"Identification system using wireless communication" that enables transferring data between
"RF Tags (or Data Carriers)" that are held by men or attached to objects and "Antenna (or
Reader/Writers)". It is a kind of radio communication system. RFIDsystems are used in various
applications. Using an RFID system allows consolidated management of objects and information.
Purposes of using RFID in a production site mainly comprises the following applications. Work
instruction (destination instruction) History management (production history, work history,
inspection history, etc.)

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a standard term that is used to describe a system that
transmits the identity (in the form of a unique 12-digit series number) of an object or person
wirelessly. The identity is transmitted using radio waves. This comes under the wide category of
automatic identification technologies. RFID technology does not require contact or line of vision
for communication, unlike universal UPC bar-code technology. RFID data can be read through the
human body, clothing, utensils, toys, non-metallic materials, etc. RFID tag: RFID Tag is an
integrated circuit chip that has unique electronic unique code (EUC) contained in it. In a basic
RFID system, tags are attached to all items that are to be stalked. The microchip is present inside
RFID tags. The microchip includes minute circuitry and an integrated silicon chip. These tags are
connected to an antenna that can be built into many variety kinds of tags including apparel hang
tags, labels, and security tags, as well as a wide variety of industrial asset tags. The tag chip
contains memory which stores details of students and other information so that it can be scanned
and tracked by RFID readers anywhere.

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