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A. Background

In the learning process, each student must have the goals to be achieved in it.

Whether it's short-term goals or long-term goals that can make themselves have

changes that occur after they follow the educational process provided by their

teacher. In an effort to achieve change or learning objectives, the teacher and

students have a very important role. However, frequently there are many obstacles

that hinder the achievement of these learning objectives, especially in English


Based on observations conducted by the researcher when implementing PPL

in SMA 1 Majene, the quality of English mastery of students is very low. Most of

the researchers' instructions using the most basic English are difficult for most

students to understand, including difficulties in developing language skills

competency in reading, listening, speaking and writing at the elementary level. In

fact, they have studied English for over 3 years in junior high school. Based on this

phenomenon the researcher analyzes the difficulties of students in learning English,

which can then be used as a basis for improving the quality of learning.

In a journal entitled Comparison of E-learning and Traditional Learning

Methods written by Mariana Setiawati (2014), it was found that students tend to be

more motivated in learning when using E-Learning methods than when using

traditional methods.
Based on the results of research conducted by Rakhmat Wahyudin Sagala in

his research entitled Factors Affecting Difficulties in Learning English Language

Guidance Counseling Study Program Students. Research findings are caused by

internal factors and external factors include: (1) Student learning motivation tends

to be low, (2) There is no understanding of the material to the importance of learning

English, (3) English learning opportunities are relatively lacking, (4) There is a

'forget' factor 'which is caused by the accumulation of memorized power because

the entry of various other languages that are in violation of the grammatical rules

of language that absorbs the formation of brain nerves. (5) Lack of support from the

surrounding environment such as parents, friends, and neighborhoods.

Based on the facts that cause difficulties for students in learning, now many

scientists are developing technology to overcome these problems. Nowadays the

development of technology in everyday life has grown rapidly and even

technological developments have also entered the realm of education and until now

we know the term E-Learning (electronic learning). E-Learning is a system or

concept of education that utilizes information technology in the teaching and

learning process. According to Michael Allen (2013: 27), E-Learning is learning

that prepared with the aim of using an electronic system or computer to support the

learning process.

If we digest more deeply the purpose of creating E-Learning is to support or

facilitate the teaching and learning process. The development of Information

Communication Technology (ICT) makes it easier for teachers to realize the

mandate of PP No. 19 of 2005 concerning Education National Standards Article 1

paragraph 8 concerning standards for facilities and infrastructure needed including

the use of information and communication technology. The form of realization of

the use of information communication technology includes implementing E-

Learning in the world of education. E-Learning in Indonesia itself is now growing

very rapidly, and even almost all teachers and students take advantage of

technological developments as the main learning resource. Even though there are

still many universities and schools that are still using the old method because of

constraints on costs and the lack of experts in the field of technology, we still have

to be prepared to face technological developments in the future.

Students' motivation in learning is very important. According to Mc. Donald

(in Sardiman 1986), motivation is energy that is characterized by motivation

"feeling" and is preceded by a goal response. Based on the opinions issued by Mc

Donald, it can be concluded that there are three basic characteristics that are

motivated to initiate energy changes, characterized by feelings, and stimulated to


Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the world today

cannot be separated from technology which until now has developed very rapidly

specifically in the world of education or learning and also no less important in

learning we must continue to have motivation because we will be more motivated

actively to improve the knowledge that we have and therefore researchers will

conduct a study entitled "The Influence of E-Learning on Students' Motivation in

Learning English".
B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the problem statement

as follows:

1. Does E-Learning have an influence on students’ motivation in learning


2. To what extent does the influence of E-Learning towards students’ motivation

in learning English?

C. The Objectives of The Research

Based on the problem statement above, the objective of this study is:

1. To find out whether E-Learning has an influence on student motivation in

learning English.

2. To determine to what extent the influence E-Learning and student motivation

in learning English.

D. The Significant of The Research

1. Theoretical Significance

a. For students, this research is expected to solve their motivation problem in

learning English.

b. For teachers, the study is expected to be able to supplement their teaching


2. Practical Significance

The outcomes of this research will be helpful in developing countries

for educational thinkers to better comprehend the effects of e-learning on

students' motivation.


A. Theoretical Framework

1. E-Learning

1.1 E-Learning Definition

a. The basic perception of e-learning

The development of computer systems through networks is

increasingly increasing. Internet is a public network. Its existence very

necessary both as a medium of information and communication did freely.

One of the uses of the internet is on the distance learning system through

learning electronic or better known as E-Learning.

In generally there are two basic perceptions about E-Learning that


1. Electronic-based e-learning is learning to utilize information and

communication technology, especially in the form of electronics. That is,

not only the internet, but rather all electronic devices such as film, video,

cassette, OHP, Slides, LCDs, projectors, and others.

2. Internet-Based is learning that uses internet facilities that are online as the

main instrument. That is, having the perception that e-learning must use

the internet that is online, that is, computer facilities connected to the

internet. This means that learners in accessing learning materials are not
limited to distance, space and time, bias anywhere and anytime

(anywhere and anytime).

Both perceptions are supported by various opinions of different

experts. Some experts who support the opinion of e-learning as electronic-

based include Elliott Masie, Cisco and Comellia (2000) explaining, e-

learning is learning where learning materials are delivered through

electronic media such as the internet, intranet, satellite, TV, CD-ROM, and

others other, so it does not have to be internet because of the internet is one

part of e-learning. This opinion is supported by Martin Jenkins and Janet

Hanson, Generic center (2003) that e-learning is a learning process that is

facilitated and supported through the use of communication information


Experts who support the understanding of e-learning as a medium

that uses the internet include e-learning is "the use of internet technology to

send a series of solutions that can increase knowledge and skills."

(Rosenberg (2001) E-learning or internet enable learning uses teaching

methods and technology as a means of learning (Dr. Jo Hamilton-Jones).

b. E-learning Understanding

E-learning is composed of two parts, namely 'e' which stands for

'electronica' and 'learning' which means 'learning'. So e-learning means

learning by using electronic device assistance services. So in its

implementation, e-learning uses audio, video or computer devices or a

combination of the three. In other words e-learning is learning which in its

implementation is supported by technology services such as telephone,

audio, videotape, satellite transmission or computer (Tafiardi, 2005) In line

with that, Onno W. Purbo (in Amin, 2004) explains that the term " e "in e-

learning are all technologies used to support teaching efforts through

internet electronic technology. Internet, satellite, audio/video tape,

interactive tv, and CD-ROM are some of the electronic media used.

Teaching can be delivered at the same time (synchronously) or at different

times (asynchronously).

In short, William Horton argues that (in Sembel, 2004) e-learning is

a web-based learning activity (which can be accessed from the internet). Not

much different from that Brown, 2000 and Feasey, 2001 (in siahaan, 2002)

simply say that e-learning is a learning activity that utilizes networks

(internet, LAN, WAN) as a method of delivery, interaction, and facilities

supported by various other forms of learning services.

In addition, there is a description of the meaning of e-learning more

broadly. Actually e-learning material does not have to be distributed on-line

either through local networks or the internet. Interaction using the internet

can be run online and real-time or off-line or archived. Offline distribution

using CD / DVD media includes e-learning patterns. In this case, the

application and learning material is developed as needed and distributed

through CD / DVD media, then the learner can use the CD / DVD and learn

in the place where he is (Lukmana, 2006).

1.2 Characteristics, Benefits, and Functions of E-learning

a. The characteristics of e-learning include:

1. Utilizing electronic technology services. So that it can obtain information

and make the communication easily and quickly, both between

instructors and learners, or learners with learners.

2. Utilizing computer media, such as computer competition (computer

networks) or (digital media).

3. Using learning materials for self-learning materials.

4. Learning material can be stored on a computer so that it can be accessed

by teachers and students anytime and anywhere if the person concerned

needs it

5. Using computers for the learning process and also to find out the results

of learning progress, or educational administration and to obtain a lot of

information from various sources of information.

b. Benefits of E-learning

E-learning facilitates interaction between students with the

material/subject matter. Learners can share information or opinions on

various matters concerning students' learning or personal development

needs. In addition, the teacher can place learning materials and tasks that

must be done by students in certain places on the web for access by students.

In accordance with the needs, the teacher can also provide opportunities for

students to access certain learning materials as well as exam questions which

can only be accessed by students once and in a certain time span (Website

Kudos, 2002, in Siahaan).

In more detail, the benefits of e-learning can be seen from 2 (two)

angles, namely from the angle of students and teachers:

1) Angle of students

With e-learning activities, it is possible to develop high learning

flexibility. According to Brown, 2000 (in Siahaan) this can overcome

students who:

a) Studying in small schools in poor areas to follow certain subjects that

cannot be given by the school,

b) Following a family education program at home (homeschoolers) to

study material that cannot be taught by parents, such as foreign

languages and computer skills,

c) Feeling phobia with school or students who are treated in hospitals

or at home, who drop out of school but are interested in continuing

their education, as well as students who are in various regions or

even those who are abroad, and

d) Not accommodated in conventional schools to get an education.

2) Teacher

According to Soekartawi (in Siahaan) some of the benefits obtained

by the teacher are that the teacher can:

a) It is easier to update the materials that are the responsibility according

to the demands of scientific development that occur,

b) Develop themselves or do research in order to increase their insight

because there is relatively more free time,

c) Controlling the learning activities of students. Even the teacher can

also know when the students learn, what topics are learned, how long

a topic is studied, and how many times a particular topic is learned,

d) Check whether students have worked on practice questions after

studying a particular topic, and

e) Check the answers of students and notify the results to students.

In addition, the benefits of e-learning with internet use, especially in

distance learning include:

1. Teachers and students can communicate easily and quickly through

internet facilities without being limited by place, distance and time.

Regularly or whenever communication activities can be done.

2. Teachers and students can use learning materials whose scope

and sequence have been systematically scheduled through the


3. With e-learning can explain difficult and complicated learning

material to be easy and simple. In addition, learning material can

be stored on a computer, so students can re-learn or repeat the

learning material they have learned at any time and anywhere

according to their needs.

4. Simplify and accelerate access or obtain a lot of information

relating to learning material learned from various sources of

information by accessing the internet.

5. The internet can be used as a medium for conducting discussions

between teachers and students, whether for a learner or in a

limited number of learners, even for example.

6. The role of students becoming more active in learning materials,

obtaining knowledge or information independently, not relying

on gifts from teachers, adjusted to their desires and interests in

learning materials.

7. Relatively more efficient in terms of time, place and cost.

8. For learners who have worked and are busy with their activities

so they do not have time to come to an educational institution

then they can access the internet at any time according to their

free time.

9. In terms of costs, the provision of internet services is less

expensive than having to build a room or class at an educational

institution while maintaining it, as well as paying employees.

10. Providing an interesting and meaningful experience for

students because they can interact directly, so that

understanding of the material will be more meaningful, easy to

understand, remember and also easy to express.

11. Cooperation in an online community that facilitates the transfer

of information and conducts communication so that there will

be no shortage of learning resources or material.

12. Centralized administration and management to make it easier

to access or operate.

13. Make the center of attention in learning.

c. E-Learning Function

At least there are 3 (three) electronic learning functions of

classroom learning activities (classroom instruction), namely (in Diahann,

1. Supplements (additional

It is said to function as a supplement if students have the freedom

to choose, whether to use electronic learning material or not. In this

case, there is no obligation/obligation for students to access electronic

learning material. Even though it is optional, students who use it will

certainly have additional knowledge or insight.

2. Complement (complement)

It is said to function as a compliment if e-learning material is

programmed to complement the learning material that students perceive

in the classroom (Lewis, 2002). As a compliment, it means that e-

learning material is programmed to become enrichment or remedial

material for students in participating in conventional learning activities.

as an enrichment, if students can quickly master/understand student

material delivered by the teacher face-to-face is given the opportunity

to access e-learning material that is specifically developed for them.

The aim is to further strengthen the level of mastery of the students

on the plaque material presented by the teacher in the classroom.

As a remedial, if students experience difficulties in understanding

the lesson material delivered by the teacher face to face in class. The

goal is for students to more easily understand the subject matter

presented by the teacher in the class.

3. Substitution (substitute)

The purpose of e-learning as a substitute for conventional classes

is so that students can flexibly manage lecture activities according to

the time and other activities of the day. There are 3 (three) alternative

models of learning activities that can be followed by students:

1) Fully face to face (conventional),

2) Some face to face and some through the internet, or even

3) Completely through the internet

1. Motivation

Motivation stems from the Latin word "movere" which means to move.

There is some expert who defines the word motivation. According to Krause,

Bocherner, and Duchesne (2003) state that the word motivation refers to getting

someone moving. When we motivate ourselves or someone else, we develop

incentives or we set up conditions that start or stop the behavior. Moreover, David

(1996) states that motivation as a need or desire that serves to energize behavior

and to direct it towards a goal. Additionally, Hamer (1988) states that motivation is

some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do some things in order to

achieve something or to reach the goal. According to Jennifer George (2000),

motivation is the psychological force that determines the direction of a person's

behavior, a person's level of effort and a person's level of persistence in the face

of obstacles.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that motivation is a desire

that consciously drives someone doing a particular action in order to achieve a goal.

In short, motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work

towards that goal

1. Kinds of Motivation

According to Gardner and Lambert (1996), there are two kinds of

motivation based on the purpose namely instrumental, and integrative motivation.

a. Instrumental motivation

Instrumental motivation suggests and implies that a learner learns the language in

support of a purpose relating to occupation or further useful motive. Instrumental

goals, such as career promotion or furthering a career, reading technical material,

translation, good job, position, and status.

b. Integrative motivation

Integrative motivation means learning the language intention of participating in the

culture of its people. Culture is to identify with and to make learners become a part

of that society. In the integrative motivation, students need the culture of the target

language community. Harmer (2001) added that integrative motivation refers

desire to integrate into the target language and in the strong of integrative

motivation. They wish to integrate themselves into that culture. There is also
another in the field of motivation introduced by Ryan & Deci (2000) as self-

determination. that self-determination theory categorizes and with the different

rationales, causes, or targets which strengthen a deed or an achievement. They

divide motivation into two kinds based on the source of motivation, intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation.

a.) Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is the eagerness and interest to do and take part in some certain

activities because an that they are attractive and pleasant. According to Brown

(1994), intrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent

reward except the activity itself. People seem to engage in the activities for their

own sake and not because they lead to an extrinsic reward. Intrinsically motivation

behaviors are bringing about certain internal rewards, consequences, namely,

feeling of competence and determination. Another psychologist, Dorney (2001:27)

state that intrinsic motivation deals with the behavior performed for its own sake in

order to experience pleasure and satisfaction, the joy of doing a particular activity

or satisfying one’s curiosity.

b.) Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is the propensity to in activities because of the reasons which

do not link to the activity. These reasons can be the anticipation of reward or

punishment, like being successful in the exam or getting a good score mark (Ryan

& Deci, 2000). Maisto (2002) stated that extrinsic motivation is obtained not from

the activity but as an activity. extrinsic motivation to stimulate learning or

encourage students to perform in a particular way. It is one of the most powerful

motivations. It is operative when an individual is motivated by an outcome that is

external or somehow related to the activity in which she or he is engaged.

B. Previous Study

In recent years E-Learning has been the subjects of many types of research,

Keller & Suzuki (2004) studied on Learner motivation and E-Learning design; the

results of their studies have approved the validity of their model for the systematic

design of motivationally enhanced instruction in E-Learning settings with regard to

diminishing drop-out rates and other positive motivational results.

Rovai, Ponton, Wighting, & Baker, (2007) studied on student Motivation in

Traditional Classroom and E-Learning Courses, Their study results give evidence

that students who are taught by e-learning are more intrinsically motivated than

students who go to Traditional Classroom, They found that there were no

differences in three extrinsic motivation measures or a motivation. And also, the

outcomes showed that graduate students were more intrinsically motivated than

undergraduate students in e-learning and traditional education.

Paechter & Maier (2010) studied Austrian students' favorite aspects of e-

Learning courses that enable them for learning and about the time students choose

online or face-to-face learning, the result of their study showed that Students chose

online learning because of providing an obvious structure of learning material and

they chose face-to-face learning for communication goals in which a shared

comprehension has to be extracted.

Lawa, Lee, Yu (2010) believed that computer programming skills create one

of the main proficiencies. Their research showed that improving well programming

skills usually need students to do a lot of training, which cannot stand if they aren't

sufficiently motivated. A research model is adopted relating numerous motivating

factors, self-efficacy, and also the influence as a result of the e-learning system.

Moreover, the results indicate that a well-assisted learning situation increases

learning motivation.

Mateo et al. (2010) believed Technologies and especially information and

communication technologies (ICT) are obstacle breaking in the existing social

scenario and their use is becoming crucial for any skilled person, and their scope of

use is becoming especially widespread in education due to the existence of

communication out of the class through e-learning devices.

Students in the study group were pleased with the e-learning program as a

teaching method, but they did not want to take another e-learning program except

if they had computer and Internet at home (Abdelaziz, Kamel, Karam, &

Abdelrahman, 2011).

Kim & W. Frick (2011) focused on changes in student Motivation during

Online Learning, The results of their study showed that motivation during self-

directed e-learning (SDEL) was the best forecaster of positive change in motivation,

which forecasts learner agreement with SDEL.

Bhuasiri, Xaymoungkhoun, Zo, Rho, & Ciganek, (2012) believe that

essentials for implementing effective e-learning in developing countries are

technology awareness, motivation, and changing learners’ behavior. Personalized

Learning Course Planner with E-learning indicates that the offered system

improved learning efficiency and student contentment.

Based on some of the results of previous studies above that E-Learning has

an influence and also an important role in the learning process of students which

can be seen from some of the results of researches that has been done in the past

shows that E-Learning can have a good influence on student learning motivation

especially in English subjects.

Based on the previous explanation, the researcher wants to conduct research

on the same topic but difference between this research and other research that has

been done before is that this research is interested in finding out the influence of

E-Learning on student learning motivation in English while the other researcher

investigates the influence of E-Learning on motivation generally.

C. Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

E-Learning (X) Students’ Motivation


In this research, there are two variables, consisting of one independent variable with

the X symbol which is E-Learning and one dependent variable with the Y symbol

which is students' motivation.

D. Hypothesis

2. Hypothesis (H0): E-Learning has no influence on students’ learning


3. Hypothesis (Ha): E-Learning has an influence on students' learning



A. The Research Design

The research design used in this research is the sequential explanatory

design. According to Creswell (2009) state that Explanatory strategy in mixed

methods a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in sequence,

wherein the first stage the research is carried out with quantitative methods and in

the second stage carried out by qualitative methods.

B. Population and Sampling

The population of this research 317 students of 11th grade that divided into

five classes of science class and six classes of social class.

The researcher will use convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is

sampling based on the availability of elements and the ease of getting them.

Samples are taken/selected because the sample is in the right place and time.

Sugiarto, et al (2001: 38-40). Based on the previous explanation about convenience

sampling the researcher will choose one class that will be used as a sample is going

to be MIA 3 of 11th grade because from all of the 11th grade MIA 3 is the class

with the majority of student that have good achievement.

C. Research Instrument

The researcher will use the questionnaire, observation sheet, and tape

recorder as an instrument. According to Craswell (2012) state that the use of the
instrument is to measure achievement, assessment of individual ability, observation

of behavior, development of a psychological profile of an individual, or interview

a person. The questionnaire will be used to collect the data on students' motivation

in the learning process. Tape recorder and observation sheet used to collect data of

teacher and students' interaction during the teaching-learning process.

D. The procedure of Collecting Data

in conducting this research the researcher will do some ways to collect data,

such as give a questionnaire, doing observation and interview.

1. Questionnaire

In order to collect quantitative data, the researcher will use questionnaires.

The reason for using a questionnaire is that the opinions of respondents can be

obtained in a structured manner. According to Van Dyk (1991) questionnaires are

the most common method applied to diagnose the functioning of institutions. kind

of questionnaires that will use in this research is a structured questionnaire.

Structured questionnaires collect quantitative data. The questionnaire is planned

and designed to collect very specific information. type of question that will be used

is closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are questions that can only be

answered by selecting from a limited number of options.

2. Observation

According to Gay and Mills (2012) state that observation is watching the

participants with an emphasis to understand the natural environment as lived by

them, without altering or manipulating. The researcher will do the observation of

the interaction between teacher and students in the teaching-learning process.

3. Interview

According to Esterberg (in Sugiyono 2002) Interview is a meeting of two

persons to exchange information and idea through question and responses, resulting

in communication and joint construction of meaning about a particular topic. The

researcher, in this case, is an interviewer, give the question, give the mark, for the

answer, ask for an explanation, take note and provide prodding (dig for the deeper

information). In the other side, the interview answer question, explain to the

interviewer. The interview is doing to get information about the interaction between

teacher and students during the teaching-learning process.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Quantitative

The data that have collected by using questionnaire will be statistically

computed through the statistical package for social science (SPSS)

2. Qualitative

Miles and Huberman (1994: 12) explain three methods of data analysis.

Those three types of data analysis can be explained as follows:

a. Data Reduction

According to Miles and Huberman (1994) state that the data reduction or data

condensation process is varied in several ways, such as through selection, summary

or paraphrase and being subsumed in the larger pattern. After collecting the data of

teachers utterances, the researcher continued the study by selecting and simplifying

the data of the English teachers utterances.

b. Data Display

The next point of data analysis is the data display. After collect and reduces

the data, the researcher will display the amassed data in organized and compressed

information that will lead to a conclusion.

2. Conclusion drawing and verification.

After the data displayed in the form of a table, then the researcher would

able to interpret it and reach conclusions and verifications.

In short, the steps in analyzing the data are: (1) the researcher collects the

data through observation and interview. Then, the researcher selects, identify, and

focuses on the data by referring to the formulation of the research problem; (2) after

selecting the data, the researcher displays those data into table form; (3) after

displaying the data, the conclusion is drawn.

F. Place and Time of the Research

1. Place of the research

The research will conduct this research SMAN 1 Tinambung. This school

is located in Tinambung, Polewali Mandar. This school was founded in 1981. The

quality of this school has grown year by year. It can be seen from the number of
students that choose this school. This year the total number of the student is 1048

students and is still possible that number will grow from time to time.

2. Time of the research

The time of research in ELT. The research is expected to be conducted in

July 2019.

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