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Question 1:

When distance between the stops is 200m ⟹ average walking distance to stops is 100m.
When the spacing is doubled ⟹ average walking distance to stops is 200m.

Access Time: 𝑡𝑎1 = 4.8×0.278 = 75 𝑠
𝑡𝑎2 = 4.8×0.278 = 150 𝑠

Therefore ta=75 s (ta increases by 75 s).

1 1
Bus travel time per km for 200m spacing: = 30 × 3600 + 0.2 × 20 = 220 𝑠
1 1
Bus travel time per km for 400m spacing: = 30 × 3600 + 0.4 × 20 = 170 𝑠

Therefore tr =50 s/km

a) For 4km, the change in a passenger’s total travel time= 754×50= -125 s

b) For 6km, the change in a passenger’s total travel time= 756×50= -225 s

c) For 8km, the change in a passenger’s total travel time= 758×50= -325 s

d) Find Lp for which the total travel time will remain the same:

100 𝐿𝑝 200 𝐿𝑝
+ × 20 = + × 20
4.8 × 0.278 0.2 4.8 × 0.278 0.4

50 Lp =75

Lp =1.5 km
Question 2:
Given that:
L = 12 km, tt1 = 9 min, tt2 = 9 min, h = 5 min, Lp = 4.8 km, Vr= 34 km/h, Sp= 75 m/min
Dwell time (200 m) = 20+15 = 35 s
Dwell time (400 m) = 20+25 = 45 s
1) Additional walking distance = 100 m/prs

2) Access/egress time= (100/75)×60 = 80 s/prs or 1.33 min/prs

3) Travel time (200 m)

4.8 4.8
[ × 3600 + × 35] ÷ 60 = 22.4 𝑚𝑖𝑛
34 0.2

Travel time (400 m)

4.8 4.8
[ × 3600 + × 45] ÷ 60 = 17.4 𝑚𝑖𝑛
34 0.4
Therefore tr =5 min/prs
4) The change in a passenger’s total travel time= 51.331.33= 2.33 min/prs

5) Break-even passenger trip length 𝐿𝑎

𝐿𝑎 35 𝐿𝑎 45
× = × + 1.33 × 2
0.2 60 0.4 60
𝐿𝑎 = 2.42 𝑘𝑚
6) Find T1 & T2
24 24 35
𝑇1 = × 60 + × + 2 × 9 = 130 𝑚𝑖𝑛
34 0.2 60
24 24 45
𝑇2 = × 60 + × + 2 × 9 = 105 𝑚𝑖𝑛
34 0.4 60

N1= 130/5 = 26
N2= 105/5 = 21
Therefore N =5 buses
Question 3:
Given that:
L = 8 km, tt1 = 6 min, tt2 = 6 min, Vo= 16 km/h, h= 12 min
𝑇= × 60 + 2 × 6 = 72 𝑚𝑖𝑛
NTU=72/12= 6 buses
If NTU is reduced by 1  5 buses
Tnew = 5×12 = 60 min
𝑇𝑛𝑒𝑤 = × 60 + 0.15 × 60 = 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Solving for Vo  Vo = 18.82 km/h
Question 5:
Given that:
L = 14 km, tt1 = 6 min, tt2 = 6 min, Vo= 12 km/h
a) If h=10 min, find NTU & VC
𝑇= × 60 + 2 × 6 = 152 𝑚𝑖𝑛
NTU=[152/10]+= 16 buses, update T to 160 min.
2 × 14 𝐿
𝑉𝑐 = = 120 = 10.5 𝑘𝑚/ℎ
160/60 𝑇
b) What new operating speed Vo’ should be achieved in order to reduce the number of
trolleybuses by two, while maintaining the same headway and increasing the minimum
required terminal time at one terminal to 8 min. Find the new cycle time.
N = 14
T = 14×10 = 140 min
𝑇= × 60 + 6 + 8 = 140 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Solving for 𝑉𝑜′  𝑉𝑜′= 13.33 km/h
𝑉𝑐 = = 12 𝑘𝑚/ℎ
c) CL= 80×1×6= 480 prs/h 𝑐𝑙 = 𝑐𝑣 ∗ 𝑛 ∗ 𝑓

𝛼𝑚𝑎𝑥 = × 100% = 62.5%
Question 8:

Line Headway Frequency Cv

1 2 30 68×30= 2040
2 5 12 68×12= 816
3 7.5 8 68×8= 544
4 15 4 68×4= 272
5 20 3 68×3= 204
 = 57 = 3876

Sum of buses over the shared section per hour: 57 buses per hour

havg= 60/57 = 1.05 min or 63 s

= × 100% = 64%

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