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An Abysmal Sight: The Groundwork for a New Existence

Darren Ramon C. Avestruz

AB Political Science 3

Ask yourself. Who are you? Do you really know yourself? Or do you even care to know
yourself? Man, indeed has started questioning the world, simultaneously with the time of his
existence. He has been curious and fascinated about the world and even the things which are beyond
empiricism. However, such curiosity always comes with limitations. The curiosity of man is always
bounded with various extrinsic factors – culture, tradition, whatever. The point is, once man is
pushed to these ‘limits’ of his curiosity, he never does something most of the time. He will just be
contented of whatever these ‘limits’ may present to them, and will just stop and shut up.

Ask yourself. Where did you come from? Where are you now? Where shall you go next?
Man has been hounded by questions of his origin and destination throughout his existence. Man has
provided different answers for these questions yet, no one was ever satisfied with those. No one has
ever agreed with his fellow man about such conversations and perhaps, the entire humanity never

Ask yourself. Why have you become the person that you are right now? Have you designed
the plot which led you to become who you are right now? I do not know. Yes. No. Perhaps, yes.
Maybe. No one knows. An infinite number of responses to these questions, added with the
confusion and uncertainties of man, equal the great tragic of man being lost in the voyage of life.

Ask yourself. Have you already asked? When will you stop asking? When will you continue
to ascertain the enigmatics of life? How will you continue to live now? Man has tried. Man has
failed. Man has stopped. Can you start all over again? Can you still face the miseries offered by fate
along the way? After all, would you still have the courage to breathe life?

I have literally tons of questions in my mind and I am anxious for not being able to answer
most of them. I feel lost. I feel the nothingness given by life. But I am able to smile until now. This
is because I still have the courage to ask. I still have the willingness to be corrected by anyone, by
everyone, and even by Him. I still have the courage to question the details of life. I still have the will
to continue living, and this I am doing with great purpose. The purpose of finding the significance
of me standing on this earth with the certainty of losing my breath anytime. This, I found as a
framework of how I can shape my future through asking.

I am uncertain. I am confused. I am afraid. I am pressured. I am threatened. I am anxious.

Above all, I am ready. I am prepared to fully hold on to this new chapter of my life. Things shall
eventually change; people will be having different reactions and treatments; opportunities might
suddenly close – whatever it may come – will to power lang yan.

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