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Dagani, Karen Grace M.

Education 4.0

Broadly speaking, education 4.0 is a school of thought that encourages non-

traditional thinking when it comes to imparting education. Education 4.0 essentially uses
technology-based tools and resources to drive education in non-traditional ways. This
means that students are no longer in traditional classrooms learning from teachers
using textbooks, pens and papers only. Instead, with Education 4.0, you can have
remote students that sign into their classrooms using the internet through modes like
massive online open courses or video chat or dialling in through voice calls, to learn
materials that are more dynamic in nature with peers who might or might not be learning
at the same pace as them.

Education 4.0 was developed as a response to Industry 4.0 that saw a marked
increase in the use of internet-based technology and communication tools across
industries. Many other industries responded to this change in the way of doing
business, resulting in Healthcare 4.0, Technology 4.0, etc. The educational ecosystem
was no different. Education 4.0 is developed as a response to Industry 4.0, in order to
create trained, qualified professionals who are ready for a highly globalised and digital-
driven world of work.

Why do we need education 4.0?

More and more modern research shows us that education must keep pace with the
world it is training students for, for them to have safe futures that are financially viable.
Education 4.0 ensures that the teaching experience is similar to the working experience
by creating a similar environment for both, through the use of technologies and tools
that are endemic to Education 4.0.

Education 4.0 is thus a more realistic and practical approach to learning, resulting in
great student learning outcomes. It is important to keep pace with the changing world,
and Education 4.0 being the approach implemented across educational institutions
ensures that.

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