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Section 1 Introduction to Science and Technology

Science refers to systematic and methodological activity of building and organizing knowledge about
how the universe behaves through observation, experimentation or both.

Technology is a part of scientific knowledge, laws and principles to produce services, materials, tools and
machines aimed at solving real world problems.

STS Important Quotes to Remember:

John Heilbron -" Modern science is a discovery as well as invention.“

Carl Sagan- “We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have clearly
arranged things to that almost no one understands science and technology. That’s a clear prescription for
a disaster.”

Mark Zuckerberg -“What defines a technological tool — one historical definition — is something that
takes a human’s sense or ability and augments it and makes it more powerful. So, for example, I wear
contact lenses or glasses; that is a technology that enhances my human ability of vision and makes it

John Reilley-“Human beings are by no means perfect – we struggle with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis
and fail in doing what we think or believe to be the right thing more often than we’d like to admit.
Unfortunately, these failings are also articulated in our technology.”

“Wolpert- “The reliable scientific knowledge has no moral and ethical values.”

STS Ethical Dilemmas

1.Helix/ DNA Tests- reading of genomes

2. BlessU-2 Pepper- robot priest

3. Emotion Sensing and Facial Recognition- assess reaction

4. Ransom ware- hacking of data

5. Textalyzer- using phones while driving

6 Social Credit system- scoring citizens through actions

7. Google clips- camera that captures every moment

8. Sentencing software- aid courts in decisions

9. Friendbot- deceased digital footprints

10.Citizen app- notifies ongoing crimes or major events in the area.

Section 2 Historical antecedents of Science and Technology

Ancient Period

The rise of ancient civilizations that paved the way on means of communication, transportation, self-
organization and of living in general.

Ancient period

Ancient wheel



Antikythera mechanism


Middle Period

This period marks major advances in science and technology. There is a radical change in the rate of new
inventions, innovations in the ways of managing traditional means of production and economic growth.

Heavy Plough

Paper money

Mechanical lock

Spinning wheel

Modern ages is the period of increasing the efficiency of transportation, communication and

Industrialization took place as scientific and technological progress unfolded at unimaginable speed.

Compound Microscope


Engine powered airplane

Inventions of Filipino Scientists

Electronic jeepney- Green Renewable Independent Power Producers,Inc. in partnership with Robert
Puckett, President of Solar Electric Company in the Philipines

Erythromycin- Abelardo Aguilar

Medical Incubator- Dr. Fe Del Mundo

Mole Remover- Rolando dela Cruz

Banana Ketchup- Maria Orosa

Section 3 Intellectual Revolutions and Society

Nicolaus Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of the universe in 1543. The idea that the sun is
at the center of the universe instead of the earth proved to be unsettling to many especially from the

Charles Darwin was credited for stirring another important intellectual revolution in the mid 19th

The science of evolution on the origin of species established in 1859, began a revolution that brought
humanity to new era of intellectual discovery.

The Darwinian revolution benefitted from earlier intellectual revolution because it guided by confidence
in human’s reason ability to explain phenomena in nature.

Natural selection served as evidence to evolutionary process by which organisms including humans,
inherit, develop, and adapt traits that favored survival and reproduction.

Sigmund Freud is credited for stirring 20th –century intellectual revolution.

He and unconscious conflicts embedded within one’s personality, derived from association of dreams
and fantasies of the individual.

Scientist working on biological approach in studying human behavior criticized psychoanalysis for lack of
vitality and bordering on being unscientific as a theory.

Oedipus and Electra complexes appeared to be controversial and criticized by many.

Psychodynamic therapies that treat myriad of psychological disorders still remain largely informed by
Freud’s work on psychoanalysis.

Section 4 Science and Technology and Nation Building

This situates STS in the context of Philippine nation building. It initially surveys contributions of Filipino
scientists to science and technology. It also traces historical developments and impact of science and
technology on the various segments of society.
Precolonial period

Herbal medicine to treat diseases

Numerical, measurement and calendar system

Farming, fishing and weaving

Spanish colonial period

Establishment of formal education institution

4 R’s were taught

Medicine and Biology were taught

Agriculture was introduced

Building of bridges, roads, churches

American Period

Science and technology were reorganized.

Development of Bureau of Government Laboratories

National Research Council



STS and the Environment

The mechanization of farming

The use of water pumps and sprinklers

Production of genetically modified crops


Internet and rise of social media

Learning management systems

On line learning

The Impact of Science and Technology to the environment

The impact of Science and Technology depletes the earth’s natural resources. Wastes are also generated
as these technologies are developed.

People became too dependent on Science and technology, making them disregard its consequences that
may be damaging to the environment.
Importance of Studying Science and Technology

ST are very important because they made our life simpler, faster and more secure.

Impact of Technology to the Society

Technology influences society through its products and processes. Technological changes are often
accompanied by social, political and economic changes that can be beneficial or detrimental to
individuals and society.

Ethical Implications of Technology

Ethical issues such as trust, knowledge, privacy, transmission of diseases and individual autonomy.
Ethical dilemmas arise when there are competing goods and competing evils.

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