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jaden andikara <andikarajaden@gmail.

Sel, 21 Jan 06.24 (21 jam yang lalu)
kepada msyosela.dcsjh

Wave, Vibration, and Sound

1. Time Interval
• Definisi: panjang waktu yang pasti ditandai oleh dua instance
• Example : mengukur kecepatan mobil selama perjalanan yang memakan waktu satu jam.
Anda dapat membagi jam menjadi interval waktu sepuluh menit. Anda merekam kecepatan
pada setiap interval sepuluh menit. Anda mungkin menemukan bahwa mobil itu melaju
dengan kecepatan konstan, atau mungkin melambat dan melaju kencang di perjalanannya
• Formula: s: seconds
• Links: dan

2. Wave transverse
• Definition: is a moving wave whose oscillations are perpendicular to the
direction of the wave.
• Exampe: given by the waves that can be created on a horizontal length of string
by anchoring one end and moving the other end up and down
• Formula: t= 1/4T t=1/2T t=3/4T t=T
• Link:

3. Transmission
• Definition: the act of sending something like a cold or a message, or the part of
a machine that transmits power from the engine to the moving parts.

• Example: when something is transfered through a cable wiring or when someone

spreads a virus.
• Link:

4. Reflection
• Definition: the change in direction of a waterfront at an interface between two
different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it
• Examples: Common examples include the reflection of light, sound ,and water
• Link:

5. Frequency
• Definition: the number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time; also, the
number of cycles or vibrations undergone during one unit of time by a body in
periodic motion.
• Example: a human heart can beat at 68 beats per minute.
• Links: and
• Formula: If the period, or time interval, required to complete one cycle or
vibration is 1/2 second, the frequency is 2 per second; if the period is 1/100 of
an hour, the frequency is 100 per hour.

6. Period
• Definition: the time taken for one complete cycle of vibration to pass a given
• Example: The period of a pendulum is the time it takes from one side to the other
and back.
• Links:
• Formula: T = 1/f or as: f = 1/T.

7. Crest
• Definition: the point on a wave with the maximum value of upward displacement
within a cycle. A crest is a point on a surface wave where the displacement of the
medium is at a maximum
• Examples: water reaching its highest level in stream
• Formula: It is equal to the velocity of the wave, divided by the frequency.
Wavelength is expressed in units of meters (m).
• Links:, , ›
crestCrest dictionary definition | crest defined - YourDictionary

8. Through
• Definition: the minimum or lowest point in a cycle.
• Examples: when a wave reaching its lowes level in a stream
• Links:

9. Amplitude
• Defintion: the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating
body or wave measured from its equilibrium position.
• Examples: when a wave reach its highest height.
• Formula: amplitude being proportional to the amplitude of the source.
• Links:

10. Vibrate
• Definition: periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or
medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is displaced from its
equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to restore
• Examples: the feeling of two cymbals being slammed together.
• Links: and ›
vibrationVibration dictionary definition | vibration defined - YourDictionary

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