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Anti-platelet drugs prevent blood cells caused platelet clumping together forming a blood clot. There are
six groups who might need an anti-platelet drugs, these are the 1) people who have risk factors that
make them high risk but not diagnosed heart disease, 2) people who have heart disease with angina that
is “stable”, 3) people who have heart disease with angina that is “unstable” or who are having a heart
attack, 4) people who have had angioplasty, 5) people who have ministroke and 6) people who have
peripheral artery disease. So in short, our drug is made available to all people who are at risk of all
mentioned above at a reasonable price.

Market Segmentation

 Mainly patients younger than 75 years
 Male and Female
 Income: low, middle, high
 Social class: lower class, working class, middle class, upper class
 Life Style: bachelors, young married, empty nesters, elders

 International appeal
 Focuses on developed areas
 Focuses on rural areas

 Customers who like innovations
 Those who value healthcare

 Customers segmented by loyalty

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