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Background of the Study

The implementation of Senior High of K – 12 is a crucial issue but another issue that

needs deep analysis thus resulting to its finalization and proper implementation.

The Senior High School is the additional two (2) years in the High School Level. This

program consists of two distinct parts: a core curriculum that prepares students for college and

second a set of subjects termed “Career Pathways” that will prepare the students for their career

in the future.

The corecurriculum consists of the subjects: English, Filipino, Mathematics, and Science.

The Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) will be called “Contemporary Issues”. There are

subjects that will be taken for college namely Literature of the Philippines, Literature of the

World and Philosophy of the Human Person.

According to Isagani Cruz on his speech last 2012, the Career Pathways of various kinds

are that those that came from with National Certification Level 2 (NC2) on Technical Education

and Skills Development and Skills Authority. Example (Grade 7 – 10 will enable students to

obtain an National Certification 1) examples of this are Animal Production, Caregiving,

Computing in Internet Fundamental, Crop Production, Dress Making, Electrical Installation and

Maintenance, Food Processing Home Management Tailoring, Technical Drawing and Welding.

A school will most likely offer only one or two of these.

There are subjects that don’t come from National Certification (NC) but have equivalent

certificates from Government sectors, namely: Arts, Foreign Language, Journalism, Local

Language, Music, Security, Sport, and Theater. A career pathway that is related to arts may

assessed by the National Commission for Culture and Arts and those careers related to sports

may be assessed by the Philippine Sports Commission. Those related to Foreign Languages may

be assessed by (TESDA). In addition, for Entrepreneurship like Bookkeeping, Industrial Design,

Marketing, and Taxation, the Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) and with thebusiness

corporation. According to the law beginning SY 2016 – 2017, student recipients must go through

Grades 11 and 12 to graduate from Senior High School and continue studies in college.

The Government would give a subsidy called “VOUCHER” for the students enrolled in

the government subsidized schools who want to enroll in Private Institutes and Universities.

Through the Voucher Program, students, and their families are able to exercise greater choice in

deciding the Senior High School Program that is most relevant to their need and career goals. A

certain amount will be subsidized by the Department of Education to Private Senior High School

to lessen the cost of the tuition fees. However, Private Junior High School Completers who are

on Education Contracting grants will receive the full 80% Voucher value.

Let’s discuss the parents and the student basis in finding their preferred schools:

1. Standing of the School -this is based on the accreditation of the school chosen by the

enrollees for K – 12 usually approved by the Department of Education.

2. School Facilities – of course, the parents’ must first think the safety of their child in

terms of the inside and this calls for the Department of Education approved facilities for

K -12.

3. Offered Tracks - parents and students would think what the schools could offer. If the

school will offer their preferred tracks, and how Department of Education policies on

K – 12 will be implemented.

4. Location of the School – still this is the problem, for some parents cannot allow their

child to commute in going to school. In reason that there are many crimes that are going

on in the public vehicles, places which their child would see.

Still, the parents worrying about the voucher program for they want to know the status of

the government in sustaining the needs of the students for K – 12.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the students/respondents:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the adjustments of the students and parents for the Senior High School in terms


2.1 Finances

2.2 Time Management

3. What is the basis of the students and parents for choosing the Schools in Senior High


3.1 Standing of the School

3.2 School Facilities

3.3 Offered Tracks

3.4 Location of the School

Significance of the Study

Learning is the point of development that implies amodification of behavior, skills and

knowledge that results from practice and experience that require for quality education.

The generalization of this present study will be a great contribution to theknowledgein

relation to students’ achievements. The result of these researches could be beneficial to the


1. Students – They are the Grade 10 students from Caloocan City for Senior High School.

In this study, the findings of the research will benefit the students in Caloocan City to

study further.

2. Teacher – The professionals who are the instruments of the Government Educational


3. School Administration – Will be gaining more information or data, as to what measures

are suitable to help the teachers orient both the students and the teachers about Senior

High School.

4. Community – Being the stakeholder, the school is part of the community where the

beneficiary/student of K – 12 are into.

Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the preparation of the students in Caloocan for the coming Senior

HighSchool. The researchers will survey at Bagong Barrio National High School-Main, with

20 students per section in Grade 10.


Aims – refers to the goal of someone or something

Academic performance – refers to the achievements of the students of their classrooms

Analysis – brainstorming of ideas

Career Pathways –the students preferred track

Department of Education (DepEd) – branch of the government that holds the education of

every Filipinos

Government – the group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc.

Grade 10 – refers to the learners who are moving up as Senior High School on K – 12


K – 12 – the letter “K” refer to kindergarten and “12” refer to the additional in 2 years in

basic Educational, it is the additional 2 years after 4 years in secondary schooling.

School – the place where we study

Senior High School – the additional 2 years in High School

Skills –your ability to do achieve tasks

Teacher – the students guide in choosing their preferred tracks

Voucher – the given subsidy for the Grade 10 completers


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter must compose of related literature and related studies about The Preparation

of the Students for Senior High School.

The research reviewed several studies that are related to the present study. This chapter is

divided into two parts namely: the local literature and studies refer to the research, case studies

and dissertation made and published on the Philippines. The second part is the foreign literature

and studies which refer to the reseacrh , case studies and dissertation made outside the country or


Related Literature

This part is composed of the local and foreign literature about the topic. This will help the

researchers to further analyze the K-12 and Senior High School in local and different foreign


Foreign Literature

As stated in (2015), South Korea follows a 6-3-3 system in

education. It means 6 years of primary education (their term for the elementary level). Followed

by 3 years of lower secondary education (Middle school), Grades 7 – 9 are part of this, while

Grades 10 – 12 are what they called upper lower years (their term for high schools) and it lasts

for 3 years. South Korean schools follow a national curriculum that is created by the Ministry of

Education, Science and Technology (MEST).

Just like the K – 12, the South Korea has 12 years in their basic education.
According to ICEF Monitor, 2014, South Korea has been lauded for having an education

system that helped transform the country and rapidly grow its economy over the first 60 years.

Its high-performing students are the envy of many nations worldwide. But with graduate

unemployed on the rise, and increasing concerns about the human cost of performance pressure,

some are starting to question whether South Korea’s intense education system needs a rethink.

According to the ICEF Monitor, 2015, the outcome of the Education System in South Korea

can cause: High Investments, for the country, invested heavily in education during the half of

20th century. High Performance for this outcome of this huge investment in education has been

high academic performers. Challenging Economy for there are signs that it is increasingly

difficult for young South Koreans to attain any job in the current economic environment. High

Pressure for increased uncertainty about job prospects may do little to quell national anxiety

around a college entrance exam that is already regarded as having lasting consequences for one’s

career and life.

Dr. Patricia Fioriello (2015) said that the global economy exists today, and education is

high quality does not only provide opportunity. Since educational achievement and economic

progress are so tightly connected, through education that prepares every student in the United

States for a career and for higher education is great importance for the competitiveness of the


United States President Obama describes a goal for the U.S to be a world leader once again

in the completion of college by 2020. In order to build an economy that will have lasting

strength, we must give every child with a competitive and complete education that will provide

them with the tools to be successful in a progressively global economy that is based upon

invention and knowledge. The U.S President is urgent forward with reforms that are centre

around 4 primary objectives; Efforts to develop, prepare, and recruit teachers and administrators

that are effective, particularly in classrooms where they are needed the most; Improved

assessment and elevated standards to enhance student preparation for the workplace and higher

education; Improve instruction and student monitoring by the use of advanced computer systems;

Focus on improving the nation's worst performing schools.

Stacy Alleyne (2015) said that the current economy has negative effects on all aspects of

American society, but the American educational system and those who work in it were hit

especially hard. Students, teachers, administration, and support staff are affected in many ways,

mostly negative. A delay and show economy will have a domino effect, the ridge of which

extend to all areas of American life, including secondary and higher education.

Budget cuts, when states lose the income, they make cuts to government spending and

programs. The first cuts are in education. When a state cuts education budgets, it results in lower

teacher salaries, reduced hires and detention. Funding for different educational programs that

benefit students and the community are also greatly reduced which leads to a poorly educated

student body. The result of the economic crisis, higher education policy has entered a phase of

extreme explanation with an emphasis on cutting the excess fat and balancing the budget. When

states cut the budget, they usually cut the discretional spending first. This often includes money

for education and supplemental educational programs.

Teacher Layoffs, one of the most devastating effects of a poor economy on education is

the resulting teacher layoffs that fall out. Teachers are the backbone of a great educational

system and when good teachers are lost due to financial and budgetary cuts, it leaves schools


Hiring freezes in addition to layoffs, hiring freezes also stop the induction of fresh new

teachers supports stop into an already weakened system. Any organization is only as strong as

the workforce they hire and retain. When teachers retire or leave and there are no funds to hire

capable replacements the educational system suffers.

Salary Freezes, teachers don't get paid much compared to other professions, but when

there is a distinct economic downturn, many state public school systems freeze salaries. In the

country, Connecticut about 60% of the teacher signed during the past year includes salary


International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2014) Volume 16,

No 1, pp 1-14. Students cope by following their parents’ advice. They also have to cope with an

expectation of financially supporting the family upon completing their education. Studies from

other Asian countries also show parents’ impact in decision making of students when it comes to

students’ track preference. Another study highlighted that parental involvement has positive

impact on Hmong / Mong adolescents’ education and career choice. Furthermore, it is reported

that parents are deeply involved and influential to their high-achieving children’s Senior High

choices. The report also found open houses, dialogue with college friends, alumni, and admitted-

student programs are extremely influential to students. The report claimed these sources are not

well known, but very powerful to student’s decision making for the Senior High School. The

studies presented are important to the present study since the studies explain the importance of

taking parents’ advice and permission in choosing a track and school. Respect for family is one

of the most influential factors that impact Filipino students’ career decision. It is concurred that

“Out of respect and loyalty, it may not be appropriate to express personal desires; rather, one

may alter one’s interests to maintain harmony.” As a sign of respect, Filipino children want to do

well for the sake of the family, follow parents’ advice about choosing a track and lastly, make

sacrifices for the family. For practicality reasons, it is also reported that parents usually

encourage careers that will not cost much money, but at the same time, are stable sources of

income. Careers in nursing, accounting, and engineering are highly popular for Filipino families.

These writings discuss that the family decides in what track must the students should take is also

associated with the financial status of the family.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2014) Volume

16, No 1, pp 1-14 and intellectual abilities are equally of great importance. An aptitude is a

potential for success in an area after undergoing some training but a layman may define aptitude

as a flair for something. The context in which people live, their personal aptitudes, and

educational attainment are other things that do influence people’s career choice.

To add with, it is International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research

(IJSBAR) (2014) Volume 16, No 1, pp 1-14 emphasized that education and career planning from

a life-career perspective, with career development and planning encompassing education, work,

and leisure. Therefore, extracurricular activities, hobbies, civic participation, and cultural

experiences should be part of middle school students’ education and career planning.

Based on Ed Schmidt blog on Putnam County, Effective time management for high

school students is essential to accomplishing all they want to do. If they have a difficult time

doing all they want/need to do, is it because they truly don't have enough time? Or is it because

they don't manage their time very well?

And also, according to Thomas Edison, Many of life’s failures are people who did not

realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

According to Kayla Webler blog, 2016, it’s not all in the name. There is no colloquial

designation that guarantees quality. Just the word charter or private does not mean the school is

success. In fact, Tyre said, 1 in 5 charter schools perform better than the schools they replace.

“There is no uniformly great private school, no uniformly charter school, and no uniformly great

public school”, Tyre said. “There is no easy name that you can gravitate toward that will allow

you to suspend judgement”. So do your homework. The public school down the road could be as

good as the private school that costs $30,000 a year.

According to Linda Drummond, 2016, School Facilities should be added in “things to

consider” in choosing School in Senior High School.

According to Alison Elissa Cardy blog, 2014, there are 2 Biggest Reasons that You Can’t Decide

on a Career Destination, first is; you don’t know what you like, and second is; you know what

you like, but don’t think it’s okay.

According to Jill Barshay blog, 2014, that instead of transferring to the best four-year

college that they can get into, community college graduates tend to enroll in the four-year college

that is closest to home.

Career Planning

Although students have expressed interest in career planning and have been reported to

seek support from parents and friends, students have expressed dissatisfaction with the current

system of career counselling (Alexitch & Page 1997; Aluede & Imonikhe 2002; Hutchinson &

Bottorff 1986; Tomini & Page 1992). Alexitch and Page found that less than one-third of

students reported having received information concerning career preparation and opportunities

available in a specific field and general information about various universities and their programs

from their high school guidance counselors. A reason for this may be that ‘counselors usually

work in-depth with a small percentage of their caseload and see the other students only for

schedule changes and registration once a year’ (Lehmanowsky 1991, p 385).Alexitch and Page

also found that students reported being able to obtain career-related information from their high

school teachers and that this advice was significantly more useful than the advice they had

received from their high school guidance counselors. Other studies have found that students are

not satisfied with the types of services they receive from school guidance counselors (Alexitch&

Page 1997; Hutchinson &Bottorff 1986; Tomini& Page 1992). Hutchinson and Bottorff found

large discrepancies between the services students reported needing and the services they actually

received, of which the most significant was career counseling. Of the students who reported

having needed career counseling in high school (89%), 40% of students indicated that they had

received career counseling and 20% of students who required college information reported

having received it.

Factors in Choosing Track for Senior High School

Many factors can influence when it comes into play when Grade 10 students choice of career

path. Students will typically take into account the quality of life they want when they grow older.

Factors such as your interest, aptitude, values, money matters, time and practical considerations,

commitment, other people’s feedback, choices and spiritual consideration can all play a role in

the decision making of Grade 10 students. They are:

Your Interest. The most basic consideration in the choice of a track or specialization is, of

course, what you want. Is there something that you’ve always wanted to get into, something that

resonates within the very fiber of your being? If so, that may be where you’re meant to go. In the

event that you don’t know or don’t feel that siren song, fret not. You can always go for career

assessment care of your local guidance office. That would certainly make choosing a track and

specialization more systematic and easier.

Your Aptitude. Choosing a track and specialization also entails an assessment of your skills and

talents. You may know what you want, but do you know what you’re good at?

Interest and aptitude are two different things. Ideally, you should pursue a track or choose

a specialization that allows you to explore both. In this less than perfect world, however, this is

usually not possible for some people. In that case, you’d have to weigh your priorities: pick a

track that you will be good at or pick a college course that is in line with your interest? Better

yet, look for a track that you will be good at and has the potential of arousing your interest.

Your Values. Every career comes with non-quantifiable stuff: fulfillment, meaning and purpose,

pure altruism, you name it. They help determine what you’d like to get out of a career (and a

track and specialization) besides material compensation.

Money Matters. Money matters, in more ways than one. It will dictate what school, track and

specialization you can or cannot afford. It should therefore be part of your chosen track and


If it’s one thing you must always factor in, it’s reality. This can be broken down into a

number of sub-considerations. How much money does the track require you to invest? How

much money do you actually have on hand to invest? How much money will you

(approximately) make if you take up a career in line with that college major? How much money

would you like to earn after college?

Time and Practical Considerations. You should also be aware of what you’re getting into

when choosing a track and school. What will your chosen track require you to do? Are you

willing to take it? As a case in point, if you’re squeamish about the sight of blood, why should

you decide to go for a Tech – Voc tack? How much time are you willing to invest in your track

and specialization? If you want school to be over and done as soon as possible, then you should

probably not choose a college course that won’t be useful in your future.

Your Commitment. Choosing a track and specialization requires you to look inwards and assess

your commitment to your chosen path. Assuming that you have the issue of money and other

practical considerations settled, do you actually possess the skills and the patience to go the

distance? Moreover, do you actually want to do so? There’s also a chance that your parents may

be expecting you to tread a certain academic path; will you have the strength and the will to stick

it out against all odds?

The Time. Time is an important factor to consider in choosing a track. Why? An individual

should know, how many years he will take up the course. After the graduation, how long will he

wait to land a job?

Other People’s Feedback. Besides guidance counselors, family and friends, you may also want

to ask other people for their opinions regarding the matter. College alumni always make for

interesting interviews-been there, done that. Professors and classmates will also have a lot of

significant input to offer.

Your Choices. Also, do remember that there are some benefits to doing things by the book-or

more specifically, the college’s catalogue of courses. Take a peek and note the unit and credit

requirements for each course, along with whatever minors and electives you can take as part of

the package deal.

Spiritual Considerations. Finally, know this: you’ll most likely change track-even careers! -as

you go along, so don’t be overly fixated on any one’s chosen track. There are numerous

examples of people out there whose major in one thing and built a career or three out of another.

Picking a career is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. While in the past most

people’s career prospects were limited by economic or social factors, today one can choose

almost any career path. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the large number of career choices

available and the amount of information about those careers. While looking at job growth and

salary data is important, superficial factors such as prestige and income do not provide for career

satisfaction in the long-term. The most important factors in choosing a career have to do with

who you are as an individual. Carefully consider the following four factors when deciding on a

career path: (Dig prove 2011)

Local Literature

The Philippines is undergoing a major overtake to bring it in line with education systems

worldwide, starting with the K-12 sector. This change to domestic education policy had far

reaching consequences and is important for international educational institutions to consider

when looking for potential new student recruitment markets.

With the new 12-year curriculum in place, future Filipino students will be ready and better

equipped to join overseas universities at the undergraduate level. And with a K-12 student

population of 20.67 million, which will only increase over the next 20 years. The Philippines is

shaping up to be some attractive recruitment destinations when it comes to education.

The K-12 Basic Education Program aims to provide every Filipino child with the

education she/he needs to compete in a global context. Last May 15, 2013, the President of the

Philippines signed into law a basic education curriculum that will see mandatory Kindergarten

and 2 year additional Senior High School curriculum to make basic education 12 years. The

program has been adopted not only in schools in the Philippines but also in Filipino schools

abroad that follow the Department’s curriculum.

According to ICEF Monitor (2013), President Aquino said that the K-12 must prepare the

way for an ever brighter future for young Filipinos by in taking them with basic education up to

international standards.

The goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students enough time to master skills

and concepts so that they are ready for tertiary education when the time comes. Kindergarten was

previously optional, and advocates of the K-12 program, reason that students who went to

kindergarten are better prepared for primary education than those who did not. In addition, the

K-12 program provides for the use of the mother tongue language as the medium of instruction

for students in the basic years to facilitate and expedite learning.

This fabulous interactive map of all public schools in the country could be a useful tool in

planning a recruitment strategy. It contains data on the school’s budget, enrolment statistics,

education indicator, the number of teaching personnel, furniture, textbooks, classrooms, plus the

water and power supply of some 45,000 schools nationwide.

The move to the K-12 policy comes as part of the 10 Point Education Agenda which was

set out by the current government administration. The K-12 Basic Education Program, universal

kindergarten and instruction in mother-tongue languages are but three of the ten points Aquino’s

administration want to implement in order to improve the overall quality of education in Filipino


According to Montalbo(2012), the K to 12 simply means Kindergarten to Grade 12. In this

blog he states that before the K-12, the Philippines is implementing a 10-years basic education

system with 6 years in elementary education and 4 years in high school education but in the

new K to 12 implemented by the Department of Education, there will be a mandatory

Kindergarten, 6 years of elementary education, 4 years of junior high school, and 2 years

of senior high school before finishing high school education and before moving up on college.

The Asian Parents (2014), the K-12 curriculum is designed to enable graduates to join the

workforce right after high school, and suitably prepare those who want to go on to higher


The new curriculum will also support college graduates seeking work abroad. All in all, the

enhanced K 12 curriculum is designed to provide a holistic education for all. Now decongested,

it will give students ample time to master basic academic skills as well as to participate in co-

curricular and community activities.

According to Department of Education Philippines (DepEd), at present, over 10,000

students are enrolled in DepEd’s Senior High School Modelling Program for School Year 2013-


According to the speech given by Education Secretary Bro. Armin Luistro, the Senior High

School Program let the learners choose their own tracks depending on their life plans and that

after graduating from Senior High School, the learners will be equipped to either continue with

higher education or immediately be included in the work force, with the completion of the

revised K-10 and Senior High School curriculum, DepEd will continue to provide for the

educational needs of the learners, the first edition of the curriculum guides for Senior High

School is already available online. DepEd continues to strengthen its partnership with the

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED), the Local Government Units (LGU), and private partners for the further

expansion of the Senior High School Program.

Based to Richie Montalbo, 2012 blog, K-12 aims to make the Students will be free to pursue

their passion, the new curriculum will be learner-centered. Students will be allowed to choose

elective subjects and specializations which they really want, the students will love learning more

and will grow to their full potential. Students will learn more easily, with the improved

basic education curriculum is decongested and focused. Students will have more time learning

core academic areas thus ensuring better comprehension. Also, pupils from Grade 3 and below

will be thought in their mother tongue to ensure better understanding of basic concepts.

Students will be free to pursue their passion. The new curriculum will allow the students to

choose elective subjects and specializations which they really want. The students will love

learning more and will grow to their full potential. Whether the students want to be

professionals, businessmen, artists or athletes, their skills and talents will be honed and nurtured.

There will be savings on college tuition fees, Grade 11 and 12 take the form of a two-

year college education. In a public school, this is tuition-free. In effect, the number of year

of college courses will decrease because of redundancies. Those who will pursue college will

have fewer years to pay for. Graduates will also receive training certifications, which reduces the

need to study a vocational course. Thus, it will make a big effect to our economy Reduce

unemployment rate and improve the economy, with the increased competence and workmanship

due to TESDA-like training and college-like education included in the new curriculum, the

graduates will become highly employable, reducing the rate of unemployment in the Philippines.

Those who are passionate about starting businesses will be enabled to open more job

opportunities. Produce globally competitive graduate, the K to 12 program answers the need for

a 12-year education system which is at par with international standards such as the Washington

Accord and the Bologna Accord. Graduates of the K to 12 will be perceived with increased

competency and have better global opportunities.

According to Department Education, The Voucher Program is intended for Grade 10 (Junior

High School) completers who wish to pursue Senior High School (SHS) education in non-DepEd

Schools such as Private High Schools, Colleges, and Universities; Local Universities and

Colleges (LUC); State Universities and Colleges (SUCs); and Technical and Vocational Schools,

starting SY 2016-2017.

An interview conducted by Neil A. Alcober about the Pioneer graduates reap K-to-12

benefits, to these pioneers finishing Senior High School under the K-to-12 program improved

their chances for a better life.

Karen Castillo, one of the respondents said that Senior High School has really been a great

help. They were given a chance to help their families and they are thankful because now, they

were starting to realize their dreams. Castillo was one of the members of the pilot class at the

Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science and Technology’s Senior High School Program. Since 2012,

she took courses in Food and Beverage, Bread and Pastry, Bartending and Front Office in Grades

11 and 12. By 2014, she was equipped to work. She is now employed in a restaurant in Quezon

City, enough to save money to get a college diploma.

Another respondent Jomar Villas, said that he can now help his parents, they can’t help him

to go to college but because of Senior High School Program, he can now able to help his family.

Another respondent and graduate at the same school echoed the same sentiments, Judy Anne

Revallante said that her training on the fundamental art of effective communication was her

ticket to employment. Mary Grace Andrade, another graduate and also respondents said that she

is now earning P20,000 after she was hired as a financial adviser. It is true that the enhanced K-

to-12 curriculum provides students skills on Information, Media, and Technology; Learning and

Innovation; Communication and Life and Career.

Department of Education Philippines also conducted an interview about the Graduates reap

benefits of Senior High School Program prior to its full implementation in 2016. 54 schools

located in different parts of the country were selected to offer four main tracks Academic,

Technical-Vocational, Sports, and Arts and design. This pioneer batches this year and is now

reaping the benefits of the additional 2-year program.

Based on Mark Llego blog, 2015, the female enrolees are 662,661 while the male enrolees

are 598,247

Truly, that the 2-year program (Senior High School) is a great help to its beneficiaries not

just in their college life but also to have their dreams come true, to achieve the true essence of

education. All we have to do is to be present, learn and apply the lessons to guide our daily lives.


The K – 12 Curriculum Program was already implemented or used by the other countries

worldwide. As this happens, Department of Education in different countries observes if this

Curriculum Program will be effective to the students. The objective of this Program is to give or

to teach advance knowledge, so that, the students’ skills will be more trained to get ready for

their career.

The researchers analyzed that there’s a lot of process of preparation when it comes to

Senior High School. As the DepEd works on how they will help the students and parents to get

prepared for the coming Senior High School. They give different orientations, seminars,

activities, etc. just to let the students and parents understand deeper what Senior High is all


This article shows that some factors in choosing tracks and specialization in Senior High

School such as Interest, Aptitude, Values, Money Matters, Time and Practical Considerations,

Commitment, Times, Other People’s Feedback, Choices and Spiritual Considerations. Every

Grade 10 students descript their own capabilities and capacity, in demand courses and the topped

chosen tracks are Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Engineering, Math,

Arts and Design, Technical – Vocational and Accounting and Business Management.

Related Studies

In this part, it is composed of the local and foreign studies about the topic. This will help the

researchers to further analyze the K-12 and Senior High School in local and different parts of the


Foreign Studies

As stated by Charanya Raman, Vishal Gupta, 2015, Secondary education is perhaps, the

most important part of an individual’s education as it is during these years that a student decides

what she is going to take up for further education and how he is going to earn his daily bread.

The Research Paper presents how the secondary and higher education system in India. It focuses

on the vocational training that is imparted during the four years of secondary and higher

secondary education, the changing trend of vocational education at the secondary level of Indian

education system, examines the secondary and higher secondary education system in India and

discusses how it prepares the student for the world of work. In-depth analysis of the problems

faced and recommendations for the future are presented.

According to Howard and Illstressed out that whenever students are their high school

experience, they are the center of learning. In a traditional high school, the center of the system is

the content or subject, not student learning. Howard and Ill present a system to promote the shift

from the traditional content or subject-centered high schools to student-centered high schools

which is called as Collaborative Career Pathways – a system of organizing the student learning

interests and aptitudes around their career paths. It provides a structure for students to reference

their learning and comment each year of their high school experience. It allows students to plan

and practice their skills while creating a smooth and successful transition to a post-secondary


Goffredson's Developmental Theory of Occupational Aspirations describes how people

become attracted to certain occupations. Self-concept in vocational development is the key factor

to career selection and people want jobs that are compatible with their self-image. The key

determinations of self-concept are one's social class, the level of intelligence, and experiences

with sex-typing. Roe's need approach emphasized that early childhood experiences play an

important role in finding satisfaction in one's chosen field. the need structure of the individual,

according to Roe, would be greatly influenced by early childhood frustrations and satisfactions.

According to John Holland, individuals are attracted to a given career by their particular

personalities and numerous variables that constitute their backgrounds. First of all, career choice

is an expression of or an extension of personality into the world of work followed by subsequent

identification with specific occupational stereotypes. Accordingly, one chooses a career to satisfy

preferred modal personal orientation. Modal personal orientation is a development process

established through heredity and the individual’s life history of reacting to environmental

demands. If the individual has developed a strong dominant orientation, satisfaction is probable

in a corresponding occupational environment. If, however, the orientation is one in decision the

livelihood of satisfaction diminishes.

Tiedeman (2004) said stressed out why individual change their courses of action because of

external factors because of external forces (such as the call of the armed forces, an economics

crisis, the work setting itself) or by broad psychological drives (such as unmet needs, changing

aspirations, role diffusion). According to the order sequence, a new decision develops and must

be made, beginning with exploration and eventually reaching integration. If integration is not

reached once again, the individual may adapt to a career environment or may simply withdraw

and begin a new search for ultimate integration.

Sugar (2004) said that doubtfulness is a period in the developmental process when interests

have not been fully crystallized. Individuals lead to discriminate 2 or more choices of two or

more occupational objectives when uncertainty about future occurs. Tiedeman noted that as

individuals become more of the developing character of the career process itself, they are more

willing to make changes and to decelerate or specify a decision.

Local Studies

As the Philippine Institute for Development Studies said, the Philippine context, education

remains a top priority. Despite the various development plans and projects formulated by the

government and different sectors, the quality of Philippines education still leaves much room for

improvement. As part of the efforts of the present administration to respond to the perceived

needs of education sector, the Department of Education (DepEd) had pushed for the

implementation of the implementation of the "Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education Program".

Building classrooms and adding teachers; as mention, one of the ten points on the Education

direct to address the terrible situation in Philippine schools and the shortage of classrooms.

According to Armin A. Luistro The Philippine Education Secretary said that by doing so,

the classrooms would stand as a testament to Filipino capability and skillfulness.

An increase in student’s enrollment which caused the shortage of teachers was due to an

increase in kindergarten students a result of the new K-12 curriculum, as well as students who

were formerly enrolled in private school transferring to public school because of tuition fee

hikes. Increased focus on vocational education; a final point on the 10 points Education Agenda

calls for a re-introduction of vocational and technical education in high schools, which has been

designed to give Filipino students practical skills to gain employment after graduation.

According to The Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) they want to incorporate

Germany's system of dual technical-vocational education into the K-12 basic education program.

It is hoped that adopting the German model would help address the skills mismatch between

Filipino graduates and the jobs available.

Ramon del Rosario The chairman of the PBEd said this the time to implement the

apprenticeship system because this is the start of the K-12 curriculum.

According to Joel Villanueva, The TESDA Secretary said, Technical vocational education

and training (TVET) will play a central role in the new education model that prepares students

for ordinal education, middle-skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. Courses

include automotive servicing, horticulture welding, consumer electronics, dress making/tailoring,

carpentry, food processing and beauty care.

With such a strong focus on promoting technical-vocational education, foreign providers

who are looking to work in the Philippines might want to consider how they can contribute to

this development.

As Yee Y. Geronimo (2014) said in her article, the Department of Education (DepEd) urged

its regional offices to look at the economy in their areas to determine which Senior High School

(SHS) tracks they should focus.

According to Dilafruz Williams (2015) moving beyond the despair resulting from what

appears to be a tipping point of life systems due to climate change, this narrative presents a

possibility for regenerative hope. The article begins by discussing an emergent typology of hope

that includes hokey hope, resolute hope, mythical hope, patient hope, hope deferred, sound hope,

authentic hope, critical hope, and transformative hope. Drawing upon this typology, a model for

regenerative hope is developed with the following features: care and conviviality, experience and

engagement, imagination and joy, risk-taking and belief in possibilities, and critical sensibilities

and transformation. Series of photos and voices of youth from a low-income middle school

actively engaged in the learning gardens are presented as practical examples of pedagogy of

action and agency manifested as regenerative hope.

Learning is the point of development that implies a modification of behavior, skills and

knowledge that result from practice and experience that require for quality education. The

generalization of this present study will be a great contribution to the knowledge in relation to

students’ achievements.

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,

values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching,

training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators,

but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal

settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may

be considered educational.

What is the preparation make for Kto12? Why do we need to prepare?

The government lead by the President of the Philippines, President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino

III, and his Department of Education Secretary Armin Luistro is trying to connect education

from preschool through secondary so that more students are prepared for other study and work.

In October 5, 2010, the recent program on Philippine Education as part of President Benigno

“Noynoy” Aquino III’s Educational Reform Program was the instituting of the k-12 Education

Plan from his 10 points Educational agenda, he stated that 12-years Basic Educational Cycle,

will expand the basic educational cycle from a 10-year cycle to a globally comparable 12 years,

for our public school children. At present, those who can afford basic education get into the best

universities and the best jobs after graduation, a universal schooling for all public schools.

Children will have preschool as their introduction to formal schooling by 2016, and will make

this available to all children regardless of income.

The goal of the k-12 Basic Educational Program is to create a functional basic education

system that will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential

competencies and skills for both life-long learning and employment. This program will enhance

the basic education system to full functionality to fulfil the basic learning needs of the students.

This in line with the agenda of President Aquino of having quality education as solution to the

long–term problem− the poverty, in order to achieve these goals. The program has the following

objectives: To give every student as an opportunity to receive a quality education based on an

enhanced decongested a curriculum that is internationally recognized and comparable; Develop a

curriculum that is rational and focus on excellence; Produce a highly qualified and sufficiently

trained teachers; Achieve high academic standards, especially in Mathematics, Science and

English at all levels; Produce graduates who are globally competitive and whose certificate and

recognized internationally; To change public understanding that high school education is just a

preparation for college; rather, it should allow one to take advantage of opportunities for gainful

career or employment in a quickly changing and increasingly globalized environment; Produce

graduates who possess skills and competencies that will allow them to be a Reproductive

members of the society or pursue higher education; through coordination Between the academic

and business sectors, to change industry hiring practice into account the enhance skills and

competencies of k-to-12 graduates.

Factors in Career Choice

There are different factors that affect students’ choice of track in Senior High School.

One of this is family related factors. Study revealed that Filipino immigrants and non-immigrants

rely heavily on their family’s decision-making.

The importance of having effective career planning is emphasized by SREB. It was found

that students who receive help in exploring careers and planning programs of study related to

their career interest are more likely to see school as meaningful. High Schools that work

recommended that students as early as the eighth grade develop a six-year plan for all four years

of high school and two years after graduation. These students should work with their parents,

teachers, and school counselors to develop high school courses and future goals.

Students who see a direct link between school and the future are more definite in their

career and postsecondary goals. Middle schools lay the foundation for career choices by getting

students to explore career fields which interest them, and then in high school, parents, and

counselors help students align the curriculum to the academic and industry standards of those


The involvement of family, school administrators and guidance counselor to help

students make good career choice in the future is emphasized in the study who mentioned that

parents, teachers, and school counselors are all involved in students’ career decision-making

process. The researchers suggested that the “American education career development plan” is to

prepare students for the next formal learning experience with little opportunity in career

development activities, and students are simply encouraged to attend school until they can go no


Career development program should be continuous and progressive. In 2001 it was

mentioned that as early as the third grade, students are expected to acquire the skills to

investigate the world of work in relation to their knowledge of self and be informed with career

decisions. In the middle school grades of six through eight, school counselors help students

identify interests and abilities through self-assessment activities, comparing middle school with

high school, and then use assessment results in academic and career planning. When students

enter ninth grade, the school counseling and career guidance standards state that students should

be able to assess the relationship between aptitudes and interests to develop a six-year academic

plan, formulate long-term educational and career goals, and correlate courses of study to long-

term goals. Students are expected to research their future options and investigate the world of

work in relation to self-knowledge and use that information to make informed career decisions.

Then, in high school, students are expected to create strategies to achieve future career success

and satisfaction by modifying their educational plans to support their career goals, to evaluate

and update their career-planning portfolios, and to apply academic and employment readiness

skills through programs such as work-based learning.

Furthermore, it was emphasized that a comprehensive and developmental view of

education and career planning, especially in middle schools. Middle school counselors are

instrumental in implementing effective education and career planning systems to help students

with their educational and career development. Research shows that the choices middle school

students make have a strong bearing on their educational and career development for decades to

come, particularly academic choices. Furthermore, it is mentioned that school counselors and

school counseling programs play key roles in preparing students to successfully transition to the

next level, whether it is some type of postsecondary education or joining the workforce.


This study shows that career planning and the factors in career choice, the involvement of

family, school administrators and guidance counselor help students make good career choice in

the future. It is emphasized in the study who mentioned that parents, teachers, and school

counselors are all involved in students’ career decision-making process.

The first thing about Senior High School is that at the first place when K-12 was

implemented, the parent and student are complaining because they say that this program will be

just one of those expenses. But this research shows what the true goal of K−12 curriculum is.

Therefore, this chapter shows the different beliefs about the K–12 curriculum that is now

implemented here in the Philippines. The countries around the globe show that this curriculum

must have the true essence of learning and education. The study also shows that the curriculum

itself has an advantages and disadvantages all over the world where it is implemented. But, some

study shows that this curriculum can be a good curriculum better than the 10 year base

curriculum. This made the study that the Junior High School of students here in our country

should prepare for the Senior High School.

The study also tells the student of what must be consider in choosing a career pathway

where they can improve their given skills. The K–12 program promotes the students to be more

ready for college. The students must be serious on choosing the track so that it will not hard for

them take the course they wanted when they enter college. The Senior High School helps the

students to be more prepared and helps them to get a job even they weren’t able to go in college.

However, the first batch of the said curriculum realizes little by little the main goal of the

program by taking the different activities that our Department of Education conducted. Those

activities can make the first batch of Senior High School would be ready for the tracks that they

choose. Those activities also, make the students be aware and to know more information about

the track/s that they would choose.

Some study showed the effects of K−12 program to the students and how to make them

more productive as a citizen of our own country−the Philippines.



This Chapter presents the Research Design, Population and Sampling Research

Instrument and Data Gathering.

Research Design

This study utilized descriptive - survey in order to achieve the purpose of the study ---

which is to determine and describe how prepared students in Caloocan City for Senior High

School. A Descriptive Research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomena

being studied. A survey was administrated to a selected sample from a specific population. The

term “Survey” is commonly applied to a research methodology design to collect data from a

specific population or a sample from that population, typically utilizes a questionnaires as the

survey instrument. A descriptive survey was selected because it provides an accurate portrayal or

account of the characteristics. This design was chosen to meet the objectives of the study,

namely to determine preparation of the students in Caloocan City for Senior High School.

Population and Sampling

The respondents of this research are the Grade 10 students were 20 students will be

surveyed in Bagong Barrio National High School.

Research Instrument

The researchers carefully prepared a set or logically ordered questions. The researchers

will use the survey form as a research instrument. A survey will be served as the researcher’s

guide to conclude this research on how the students and parents prepare for Senior High School.

The survey for the students will consist of 4 parts. The first part is the personal

information of the respondents. For example, name, age, gender, and the name of school they

attended. The second part contains on how the respondents are ready financing senior high. The

third part contains statements that are telling on how the respondents are aware for their school

and career when they enter Senior High. The fourth or the last part contains statements on how

the respondents manage their time. The respondents should choose whether they are strongly

agree, moderately agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. For the researchers to know how

the respondents having their adjustments when it comes to finances, time management and how

they will choose a school when they enter Senior High School when it comes in terms of

standing of the school, school facilities, offered tracks and the location of the school.

Data Gathering Procedures

Obtaining permission from the School Principal will help us to pursue this research to

happen and when Grammarian and Statistician validate the questionnaire we presented, the

researchers will be able to conduct a survey that can help them to prove the presented research;

and when the transcribe responses is done, the researcher will interpret or analyze the survey for

them to be able to write up the results about the preparation of the students for the Senior High


Obtaining Permission

Validating Questionnaire

Conducting Survey

Transcribing Responses

Analyzing Responses

Interpreting Results


(For Student)

Name (Optional): ___________________________ Gender: ______ Age: _____

Name of School: ____________________________

Directions: As you answer the following questions, keep in mind that this questionnaire contains

of number of similar items about every topic covered. Each item reduces the chances of error.

Therefore, don’t try to recall your previous responses – just answer each questions as

spontaneously and naturally as you can, without spending a lot of time on any particular


Answer each question by checking one of the scale numbers.

5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Moderately Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

Financing Senior High

Statement 5 4 3 2 1

I have financial problem that is very distracting and


I have financial support for the Senior High

I’m financial position, and the pressure to earn extra

money will probably hinder my studies.

Time Management

Statement 5 4 3 2 1

I used to do a multi-tasking when I have a lot to things to


I used to organize my “things to do” to finish my tasks on


School/Career Awareness

Statement 5 4 3 2 1

I prefer choosing a school that is known in terms of good


I take the campus tour on every school I visit to see the

school facilities

I prefer to choose a school that offers all the tracks so that

I can choose properly

I have made my firm decision to enter a certain occupation

and have begun planning my life around that decision

I prefer to choose a school that is near from my place



This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered

through survey questionnaire. The tables provided the significant results of the study and

interpretation were made based on the specific questions of problem.

1.) What is the profile of the students/respondents


Table 1 Frequency and Distribution of Respondents according to Age


15 67 27.92
16 131 54.58
17 31 12.92
18 8 3.33
19 3 1.25
TOTAL 240 100

Table 1 shows the frequency and distribution of respondents according to age. As shown

on the table, age 16 has the highest with 131 or 54.58 as the total respondents while age 19 has

the lower with 3 or 1.25 as its total respondents.

It is the highest because age 16 is the usual grade for Grade 10 students.


Table 2 Frequency and Distribution of Respondents according to Gender

MALE 102 42.5
FEMALE 138 57.5
TOTAL 240 100

Table 2 presents the frequency and distribution of respondents according to gender. As

presented on the table, male have the largest number with the frequency of 138 or 57.5 while the

male have the lowest number with 102 or 42.5.

Based on Mark Llego blog, the female enrollees are 662,661 while the male enrolees are

598,247, this means that the population of Grade 10 female is larger than the Grade 10 male.

2.) What are the preparation of the students for Senior High School in terms of:

Financial Support

Table 3 Summary of Weighted Mean in terms of Financial Support


1.) I have financial
problem that is very
distracting and
2.) I have financial
support for the Senior 3.44 AGREE
3.) I’m in a financial
position, and the
pressure to earn extra 3.08 Moderately Agree
money will probably
hinder my studies.

The table 3 presents summary of weighted mean in terms of financial. As presented on

the table, Questions 1 and 3 interpreted as Moderately Agree. This means that students know that

they have financial support in terms of the Voucher program conducted by our government.

According to Department Education, The Voucher Program is intended for Grade 10

(Junior High School) completers who wish to pursue Senior High School (SHS) education in

non-DepEd Schools such as Private High Schools, Colleges, and Universities; Local Universities

and Colleges (LUC); State Universities and Colleges (SUCs); and Technical and Vocational

Schools, starting SY 2016-2017.

Time Management

Table 4 Summary of Weighted Mean in terms of Time Management


4.) I used to do
multitasking when I had 3.63 AGREE
lot things to do
5.) I used to organize my
“things to do” to finish 3.58 AGREE
my tasks on time.
The Table 4 interprets the summary of weighted mean in terms of time

management. As interpreted on the table, Question 4 and 5 has an interpretation of Agree.

This means that students manage their time properly.

Based on Ed Schmidt blog on Putnam County, Effective time management for

high school students is essential to accomplishing all they want to do. If they have a

difficult time doing all they want/need to do, is it because they truly don't have enough

time? Or is it because they don't manage their time very well?

And also, according to Thomas Edison, Many of life’s failures are people who did

not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Standing of the School

Table 5 Summary of the Weighted Mean in terms of Standing of the School


6.) I prefer choosing a
school that is known in 4.46 STRONGLY AGREE
terms of good education
The Table 5 shows the summary of weighted mean in terms of standing of the school. As

shows in the table, Question 6 has an interpretation as Agree. This means that students prefer to

choose schools that is either private or public that is known in terms of good education.

According to Kayla Webler blog, 2016, it’s not all in the name. There is no colloquial

designation that guarantees quality. Just the word charter or private does not mean the school is

success. In fact, Tyre said, 1 in 5 charter schools perform better than the schools they replace.

“There is no uniformly great private school, no uniformly charter school, and no uniformly great

public school”, Tyre said. “There is no easy name that you can gravitate toward that will allow

you to suspend judgement”. So do your homework. The public school down the road could be as

good as the private school that costs $30,000 a year.

School Facilities

Table 6 Summary of the Weighted Mean in terms of School Facilities


7.) I take the campus
tour on every school I
3.58 AGREE
visit to see the school

The Table 6 demonstrate the summary of weighted mean in terms of School Facilities. As

shown in the table, Question 7 has an interpretation of Agree. This means that the students

consider school facilities in choosing a school for Senior High School.

According to Linda Drummond, School Facilities should be added in “things to consider”

in choosing School in Senior High School.

Offered Tracks

Table 7 Summary of the Weighted Mean in terms of Offered Tracks


8.) I prefer to choose
a school that offers
all the tracks so that 3.81 AGREE
I can choose
9.) I have made my
firm decision to
enter a certain
occupation and 3.41 MODERATELY AGREE
begun planning my
life around that

The table presents the summary of the weighted mean in terms of offered tracks. As

presented on the table the students prefer to choose a school that offers all the tracks, it supports

the idea that students can’t decide immediately which tracks they should choose.

According to Alison Elissa Cardy in her blog at brazenblog, there are 2 Biggest Reasons

that You Can’t Decide on a Career Destination, first is; you don’t know what you like, and

second is; you know what you like, but don’t think it’s okay.

Location of the School

Table 8 Summary of the Weighted Mean in terms of Location of the School


10.) I prefer to
choose a school that 3.21 MODERATELY AGREE
is near to my place

Table 8 results the summary of weighted mean in terms of Location of the School. As

resulted in the table, Question 10 has an interpretation of Moderately Agree. This means that

students want a near school on their house.

According to Jill Barshay, that instead of transferring to the best four-year college that

they can get into, community college graduates tend to enrol in the four-year college that is

closest to home.



This chapter presents a brief overview of the study, the summary of findings, conclusions

drawn and the corresponding recommendation offered.


1. Profile of the Respondents

Age. Majority of 54.58 percent of the respondents aged 16 years old followed by the

least number of 1.25 percent of the respondents aged 19 years old.

Gender. There are more or 57.5 percent respondents who were female than the 42.5

percent of the respondents who were male.

2. What are the preparations of the students for the Senior High School in terms of:

Financial Support. Most of the respondents have financial support in Senior High

School for the interpretation stated that 6.21 percent answered Moderately Agree in financial


Time Management. Most of the students love the word “rush” for the percentage of

multitasking is 3.63 than the 3.58 percent of organizing their things to do.

Standing of the School. There are 4.46 percent of students which is interpreted as

strongly agree which means that they choose school that is known in terms of good education,

either it is private or public.

School Facilities. 3.58 percent of the students prefer considering the campus tour they

visit for them to see the school facilities and its capacities in feeling them safe and comfortable.

Offered Tracks. Most or 3.6 percent of the students prefer to choose schools that offer

all of the tracks than 3.41 percent who is firmly decided in which they would take.

Location of the School. 3.21 percent of the students which is interpreted as moderately

agree don’t want a far school.


Therefore, the researchers conclude the following:

 Most of the students are aged 16.

 High enrolees of female Junior High School can be seen.

 Most of the students go to private institutions because of the government subsidy,

the Voucher Program.

 The students have effective time management.

 They considering school facilities in choosing their school in Senior High School.

 The students choose a school that offers all the tracks.

 Students don’t want a far school.


The following recommendations were made to assist the students for their preparation in

senior high school. The following recommendations suggested are:

 It is suggested that students must be not conscious in their school in Senior High

School whether it’s in public nor private for them to don’t have problem in


 It is recommended to organize your things to do for the Senior High School must

be just like in college in terms of paper works etc.

 It is also commended that students must have a firm decision in life so that taking

Senior High School must not be that difficult and for them to have an advantage

in college in taking their desired course.


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