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Site Planning is the allocation of functions in a piece of land to derive efficient utilization of resources at
disposal. Useful spaces with respect to functions are being created in the process and the character of site
is accentuated
Site Analysis is an inventory completed as a preparatory step to site planning, a form of urban planning
which involves research, analysis and synthesis. It primarily deals with basic data as it relates to a specific
site. The topic itself branches into the boundaries of architecture, landscape, engineering, real estate
development, economics and urban planning disciplines. Site analysis is an element in site planning and


• To learn and practice a logical method of fitting design programs and sites harmoniously
• To understand interaction of various factors in design process
• Natural factors (Landscape)
• Socio-economic factors (Planning)
• Technological functions (Architecture and Engineering)
• To understand the site development process by observing natural and human factors affecting the form
and appearance of the environment
• To collect information and data concerning planning or design issue
• To classify and analyse the data
• To make recommendations for issues at hand
• To draw up guidelines for planning, architecture and landscape disciplines


• The site design process is divided into three phases:
• Research
• Analysis
• Synthesis

 Research Phase:
The first step is defining the problem and its definition. Usually done by the architect
 Analysis phase:
This involves site and use functions. Numerous site elements related to site viz. Access, Shape,
surroundings etc are studies and analysed
 Synthesis phase:
After analysis, a program is developed as a solution to problem at hand. This phase deals with
schematic design of a site plan.
What happens after synthesis?
a. Developed designs and a detailed cost estimate
b. Preparation of construction documents for the plan
c. Bidding and contracting for the project
d. Construction
e. Occupation and management of the site

It is the art and science of arranging the uses of portions of land. It involves selection and analysis of site,
formation of land use, organization of vehicular and pedestrian circulation, development of visual and
material concepts, adjustments of site factors for the proposed use (surface drainage, grading etc) arriving
at proper construction details.
It may be considered as a compromise between adaptation of the site to fit the programme and adaptation
of the programme to suit site condition. Site planning is the process in which programme requirement is
provided, located and connected to each other with minimum destruction of land along with imagination
And Sensitivity based on site analysis.
Site planning involves diagrammatic connection between building and outdoor space along with allocation
of areas for variety of spaces and functions. This results in development or change. This can be further
defined as conflicts i.e. the two factors in opposition

All architectural projects involves two major components ie the ‘site’ and the ‘building’. As already indicated
site planning is concerned with the medium size projects such as campuses, housing colony, resorts etc.
The building component is purely architectural and based on the functional requirement. But to develop the
building the site character influences very much.

The site component cannot be seen as a blank space just to fit the building. Hence its character must be
studied understood, analysed and exploited. Thus what is known about site, how well understood about it
and how both these two are utilized is very much important in site planning.

This understanding and analysing of site along with surroundings, access etc influences the building
component to achieve a successful architectural composition

The site character may be briefed as below to do the analysis:

1. What is happening on the site like topography, vegetation, existing landscape elements, surface
drainage etc
2. What is happening below the land ie geology, hydrology, soil bearing capacity, type of soil, water table
level etc
3. What happens around the land ie the interesting visual features within and outside the site, the
immediate surroundings to provide linkage, the approach etc
Thus the site shall be exploited keeping in mind its commercial value, its ecological value and picturesque
value. If all these are taken care the project development over the site will be a success

Most of the site planning projects is basically developed by two ways.

1. A building programme already proposed over an existing site. In this case under the principles of site
planning the designer can think how best the site can be exploited to fit the proposal. This case is
common in most of the architectural projects like campuses, housing etc
2. In this case the site is studied and analysed to determine to what purpose it is suited for. Normally we
will come across such situations in town planning, landscape planning etc. the examples may be for
zoological parks, national parks, observatories, water front developments etc

Site Analysis is an inventory completed as a preparatory step to site planning, a form of urban planning
which involves research, analysis and synthesis
It primarily deals with basic data as it relates to a specific site. The topic itself branches into the boundaries
of architecture, landscape, engineering, real estate development, economics and urban planning
disciplines Site analysis is an element in site planning and design


• To achieve a successful design, site analysis is a must & should be done carefully
• Site Analysis involves taking an inventory of site elements and analyzing these factors relative to the
clients needs & aims
• Gather relevant information about the properties of the site, from topography to climate to wind pattern
and vegetation
• Analyze these features and incorporate them into the design
• Analyzing the conditions, ideal location for building can be established
• Highest points on site might be best suited for building & lowest for a water body
• For prevailing hot winds, trees would act as buffer
• Openings in building could be placed to absorb cooler winds.
• Geology: Geological history of the area, Bedrock type & depth etc
• Hydrology: Underground water table, aquifers, springs etc
• Soil Genesis: Erosion Susceptibility, Moisture (pf), Reaction (Ph) Organic Content, Bearing Capacity etc


• Vegetation: Type, Size, Location, Shade Pattern, Aesthetics, Ecology etc
• Slopes: Gradient, Landforms, Elevations, Drainage Patterns
• Wild Life: Ecology, Species etc.
• Climate: Precipitation, Annual Rain/Snow, Humidity, Wind Direction, Solar Intensity & Orientation,
Average/Highest/Lowest Temperature


• Utilities: Sanitary, Water Supply, Gas, Electrical etc
• Land use: Usage of site, Adjacent Use, Zoning Restrictions, Easement etc
• Historic notes: Archeological Sites, Landmarks, Building Type, Size, Condition
• Circulation: Linkages and Transit Roads, Auto & Pedestrian Access, Mass Transit Routes etc.
• Social Factors: Population, Intensity, Educational Level, Economic & Political Factors, Ethnicity, Cultural
Typology etc

• Perceptual: From an Auto, by Pedestrian, by Bike etc
• Spatial Pattern: Views Of The Site, Views From The Site, Spaces Existing, Potential For New Areas,
Sequential Relationship
• Natural Features: Significant Natural Features Of The Site, Water Elements, Rock Formations, Plant

• This is the first thing that one needs to look at Where is the site located?
• Is the site approachable?
• What is the name of the street, the road etc
• On which side the site is located?
• How far away is the major junction?

• The orientation of the site plays a very important role in sighting of the building.
• This, when combined with the wind direction and sun path, would give a good idea e as to how the
should be oriented so as to optimize the design.
• The orientation along with the sunpath will also determine the placement of rooms inside buildings.
• For instance, in a warm tropical climate, the bedrooms will be placed such that they are not facing the
west or the south.


• The average temperature of the area
• The monthly average temperature to be studied to determine the temperature range and the
fluctuations, which will impact the design.
• The sun path direction tells one which will be the side from which the maximum heat will be coming,
especially in the afternoons.
• In warmer climates, the design will try to reduce the amount of incident sunlight so as to reduce the
heat intake to a minimum. The lesser surface area of the building which is exposed to the sun, lesser will
be the conductive heating.
• In colder climates, the design will try to maximize the amount of sunlight incident on the building so as
to have maximum warmth as possible.
• Most of the locations will have a major direction from which the wind comes in general.
• If we are to design a climatologically responsive building, it will be important to consider the direction of
the wind so that it can be channelized through the interiors.
• This will play a major role in placement & size of openings.


• Soils vary from place to place. Their properties also vary according to the type of soil. Sandy soil, clayey
soil, laterite etc, all have different properties, which affect the design of the building.
• This is very important from a structural point of view while designing buildings. The safe load bearing
capacity of the soil is to be found out after which the structural system and the foundations will be designed
• Some soils have peculiar properties. The Black cotton soil for example, is perfectly normal when in a dry
state. However, as soon as it comes in contact with water, it starts to expand, which will have a very
adverse effect on any building designed on it. Thus, it is important to be aware of these characteristics to
avoid problems in future.

• Topography refers to the slope and level of the land – whether the land is flat and plain, or whether it is
• From a design point of view, a sloping site will be more challenging. If a site is sloping, the exact slope
can be interpreted from a detailed Contour map.
• The contour locations and spacing of contours will play a big role in the siting of the building. It is always
better to design buildings along with the contours, integrating it into the design to reduce unnecessary
cutting and filling of soil.
• Also, during the site visit, it is important to check out the stability of the slope whether the slopes are
solid enough to permit construction on it.
Various ground shapes as represented by contour lines and site sections.

• Contour lines spaced far apart indicate a flat surface

• Contour lines spaced evenly describe a constant slope
• Contour lines spaced close together designate a steep rise/fall in elevation
• The amount of rainfall that the site receives and also the time period during which the rainfall occurs are
to be found out.
• The average annual rainfall, often measured in mm, gives you an idea about the precipitation happening
throughout the year.
• It is also important to study the water drainage pattern in the site - whether it stagnates, or if it flows
following the natural slope, this has to be analyzed to incorporate in the design.
• The Relative Humidity of the place also has to be found out to determine the moisture content in the
atmosphere. A higher relative humidity suggests a humid climate, for which cross circulation of wind at the
body level is a must for comfort. A lower relative humidity will suggest a dry climate.

• Hydrology, as the name suggests, refers to things related to water. During the site visit, we need to
identify water bodies present in and around the site like ponds, lakes, rivers etc.
• The location and size of these water bodies should be studied so that they can be integrated into the
design scheme. The presence of water can lead to reduction in the overall temperatures. It will also
affect the moisture content in the atmosphere.
• The water table is another very important feature in any site study. This refers to the level below the soil
at which water is present. For areas close to water bodies, the water table may be very shallow. A
shallow water table will affect the stability of foundations and additional precautions will have to be taken.


• The natural vegetation present on the site is very important. Any good design will integrate it into the
design, highlight & accentuate it to create a harmonious whole. The vegetation will consist of all the trees,
flora and fauna present on the site.
• These should me marked onto the site plan so that it will assist during the design stage. Along with the
location, the type of trees, the size of the trees, diameter or spread of the branches, heights etc are to be
• Different trees have different characteristics – the spread of leaves, the speed of growth, the spread of
roots, falling of leaves, water requirement, soil nourishment etc. All these features will vary from tree to tree
and will also play a major role in the design.
• Along with trees and vegetation, other natural features like rock formations, swamps, marshes etc. are
also to be identified.
• This refers to the services present in the location.
• The major things to be considered are the water supply, drainage connection, waste disposal,
electricity supply etc.
• These are important while planning the zoning in the site.
• Affecting the flow of air and also sunlight.


• One also needs to pay attention to the surrounding landuses and building around the site. If the landuses
are incompatible, it may lead to creation of issues in the design.
• For example, if there is a school right next to the site, the noise disturbance will have to be factored in
while designing. Also, the height and setbacks of adjacent buildings are important in affecting the flow of air
and also sunlight.


This becomes a very important element in the design process. The views to the site as well as the views
from the site are to be carefully considered while designing.


One also needs to find out what the locally available resources are. What materials are available in and
around the site, which can be used in the design? This is especially relevant today when the design has to
be as sustainable as possible, by reducing the transportation energy & costs.

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