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2nd AEMC international chamber music competition


Art. 1. The Associazione Europea di Musica e Comunicazione (AEMC), based in

Montecassiano, Italy, organizes the 2nd AEMC INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER MUSIC

Art. 2. Objective of the Competition is to promote chamber music and foster the networks
between musicians and music organizers.

Art. 3. Musicians of all nationalities may take part in this competition in all ensemble
formations (max. 8 players). There is no age limit.

Art. 4. The Competition consists in a single Round, on the basis of which the Jury will choose
the winners.

Art. 5. The prizes consist in 1st Prize (300€ + one concert), 2nd Prize (200€ + one concert) and
3rd Prize (100€ + one concert).

Art. 6. Participants apply by sending with their application the link to a video to be uploaded
by the registered candidates on YouTube. On the basis of these videos, the Jury will decide
the winners of the three prizes. The results will be communicated to the applicants by e-mail
and will also be published on the competition’s website.

Art. 7. The repertoire is free. The video, of min. 15 minutes and max. 30 minutes, needs not
be of professional quality, should preferably be a one sequence shot, and must have been
filmed and uploaded on Youtube after March 1, 2019.

Art. 8. The Competition results will be announced by March 31, 2020. The decision of the
Jury is final and incontestable.

Art. 9. With their registration, the candidates agree to all the rules and regulations of the
competition. Furthermore, with their registration, participants authorize the Associazione
Europea di Musica e Comunicazione to use all photo, video and audio material of the
competition at its discretion.

Art. 10. Registration Deadline: February 29th, 2020. The registration fee is 40€ (per person).
Until November 30th, 2019, a reduced fee of 30€ (per person) is applied. The registration fee
is nonrefundable.

IMPORTANT: This form must be filled in, signed under all pages and scanned in full by
every member of the ensemble. It must be sent as a PDF attachment by email to within the deadlines, together with the proof of the
payment done on the bank account of the AEMC: UBI Branch of Montecassiano; Iban:
IT 38F0311168970000000000463; Bic/Swift: BLOPIT22. The email must contain a
working weblink to the applicants’ videos.
REGISTRATION FORM to the 2nd AEMC international chamber music competition

Surname: ……………………………………………………..

Name: …………………………………………………………

Address: ………………………………………………………

Cell. and email …………………………………

Born in: ……………………………..… on: ………





REPERTOIRE (min. 15 minute – max. 30 minutes):




Signature and date: Signature of a parent and date (for minors):

reduced fee (until 30 November 2019): 30€ per person

full fee: 40€ per person

IMPORTANT: This form must be filled in, signed under all pages and scanned in full by
every member of the ensemble. It must be sent as a PDF attachment by email to within the deadlines, together with the proof of the
payment done on the bank account of the AEMC: UBI Branch of Montecassiano; Iban:
IT 38F0311168970000000000463; Bic/Swift: BLOPIT22. The email must contain a
working weblink to the applicants’ videos.

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