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History is the study of the past – DEFINE HISTORY CITE YOUR SOURCE?
specifically, the people, societies, events and
problems of the past – and our attempts to History is the study of the human past as it
understand them. It is a pursuit common to all is described in written documents left behind by
human societies. History can be a tremendous humans. The past, with all of its complicated
story, a rolling narrative filled with great choices and events, participants dead and history
personalities and tales of turmoil and triumph. Each told, is what the general public perceives to be the
passing generation adds its own chapters to our immutable bedrock on which historians
history while reinterpreting and finding new things and archaeologists stand.
in those chapters already written.
But as purveyors of the past, historians recognize
History gives us a sense of identity. By that the bedrock is really quicksand, that bits of
understanding where we have come from, we can each story are yet untold, and that what has been
better understand who we are. told is colored by the conditions of today. While
not untrue to say that history is the study of the
History provides a sense of context for our lives
past, here is a collection of much more clear and
and our existence. It helps us to understand the
accurate descriptions.
way things are and ways that we might approach
the future.
History teaches us what it means to be human,
highlighting the great achievements and disastrous
errors of the human race.
WHO IS THE HISTORIAN? HOW DOES HE the ability to hypothesize and predict human
WORK? behaviors according to the particular social
A historian is a person who studies and writes science lens that one is using, in this case,
about the past, and is regarded as an authority on History. In History, there are a number of ways
it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, that this is done: contextualization,
methodical narrative and research of past events periodization, causation, and many more. In
as relating to the human race; as well as the study contextualization, for example, we look at the
of all history in time. If the individual is concerned people, space, and place surrounding a particular
with events preceding written history, the event in order to explain why the event
individual is a historian of prehistory. Some happened. That way we can make comparisons of
historians are recognized by publications or the people, space, and place in another context
training and experience. "Historian" became a to say why something may or may not occur in the
professional occupation in the late nineteenth
same way. It goes back to the adage—history
century as research universities were emerging in
repeats itself—to say why that is true or not. As
Germany and elsewhere.
another example, a political historian looks at
WHY HISTORY IS SCIENCE? A SOCIAL what is happening today (war, population,
SCIENCE? globalization) as trends to determine the
outcome of the current election.
The social sciences include the study of how and
why people behave in a particular (a very
simplistic term). The “science” part comes from
WHAT IS THE HISTORICAL METHOD OF Step 6: Analyzing and Interpreting Sources and the
Topic's Significance in History Historians do more than
RESEARCH? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT describe events. They analyze and interpret information
STEPS INVOLVE? gathered from their sources to draw conclusions about a
topic's significance in history.
Step 1: Developing a paperwork management system
Organization is a key factor in successful research. Decide Step 7: Developing a thesis NHD projects should do more
where you are going to put papers you copy or notes you than just tell a story. Every exhibit, performance,
take. documentary, paper and web site should make a point about
its topic.
Step 2: Selecting a Topic Select a topic related to the
annual theme. Brainstorming ideas or looking through the Step 8: Finalizing an NHD research project When
history textbook are great ways to begin thinking about research is completed and ready to present to an audience,
potential topics. ask students to review whether their work includes:

Step 3: Background Reading for Historical Context No Analysis and interpretation

topic exists in a vacuum. Students need to understand the
context in which an issue took place in order to understand Significance and impact
why it took place.
In depth research
Step 4: Narrowing Your Topic Selecting a National
History Day topic is a process of gradually narrowing the Historical accuracy
area of history (period or event) that interests the students.
Historical context
Step 5: Gathering and Recording Information To be
responsible researchers, students must credit sources from Adherence to the theme
which they gathered information.

There are many different reasons to study

history, as it is a fantastic combination of all the
other school subjects.

History helps you develop critical thinking skills

to look beyond the headlines, to ask questions
properly, and to express your own opinions.

History helps you understand the origins of

modern political and social problems.

History inspires us through bravery and courage

of our forefathers. History teaches us that a
single individual with great convictions or a
committed group can change the world.

History is the analysis and interpretation of the

human past that enables us to study continuity
and change over time. It is an act of both
investigation and imagination that seeks to
explain how people have changed over time.
Historians use all forms of evidence to examine,
interpret, revisit, and reinterpret the past.

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