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Internship Report

Host company: - WOW underground natural mineral water bottling

Duration: - four months

Project title: - design of PLC based automatic water level controller

Done by Abebe Haile ID No. ENGR 028/08

Submission date: - Submitted to: -

18/05/2012 E.C Electrical and computer engineering
WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

This is to certify that the project entitled, Design of PLC based Automatic water level controller
System using PLC and internship report submitted by Abebe Haile in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of internship report for electrical and computer engineering at Wolkite university, is
an authentic work carried out by him under my advice during his internship time on hosting
company of WOW underground mineral water.

Name of advisor: signature______ _ date____/____/

Name of advisor: signature______ _ date____/____/

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

I declare that the internship report is one of the ways of improving the theoretical knowledge into
practical knowledge as well as to upgrading the practical skills, which are gained in the hosting
company. I want to approve that this internship report about wow mineral water factory have
been prepared within myself. I have been working my internship experience in wow natural
mineral water factory from September 15, 2012 to January 15, 2012 under the guidance of
Mr.Amare. and Mr. Meseret (campus advisor).
Generally, the internship report has the aims of providing concise report about the company’s
product, customers, organization structures, overall production process and the problems which
are found in the company and how to solve these problems, one who wants to read this internship
report, can get the general information of the company.

Name of student: Abebe Haile signature ________date____/____/_____

First of all, I would like to express I heartfelt gratitude to my almighty God for his unrestricted
power and for making everything possible. secondly, I would like to express great gratitude to

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

my advisor Mr. Amare and Mr. Meseret for their great effort and contribution to help me to
done my report and gave guidelines on the way how to write report and design a project.
Thirdly, I would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement from a number of people
those are all department operators, labor workers, managements of the company in their effort
and knowledge especially Mr. Efrem, Mr. Henok and Mr. Markose. Many individuals contribute
their ideas for the accomplishment of this internship practice final report.

This internship paper includes three chapters for the report and five chapter for the project which
are explained briefly based on the previous four-month internship experience in my hosting

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

company. The contents of all chapters are broadly explained are written from the practical basis
of company work.

The first chapter of the report explains in detail about the hosting company’s profile. It includes
the company’s background, its mission and vision, organizational structure, main products of the
company, main customer of the company. It also includes all the tasks that are worked and are to
be done by the company. This chapter is written so that anyone can easily know the company.

The second chapter of report explains overall internship familiarities, experiences, duties and
tasks that I have performed during I stay on the hosting company. In this chapter I have seen that
all departments or machine rooms with operating system. This chapter gives highlights of what
we have been doing and which types of activity are performed.

The third chapter of report explains briefly about overall benefit gained during internship in
terms of improving practical skills, terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge, in terms of
improving leadership skills interpersonal, in terms of entrepreneurship skills and so on.

The first chapter of the project explains about the project includes bag round and introduction,
objective of the project, statement of the problem, scope of the project and justification.
The third chapter of the project describe methodology and system component of the project
which include block diagram of the system.
The fourth chapter of the project includes result and simulation of the project.
The fifth chapter include conclusion and recommendation
The sixth chapter of the project is the reference.

Table of Content


WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

EXECUTIVE SUMMERY.............................................................................................................................iv
Figure and table....................................................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Objective of the company...........................................................................................................1
1.1.3 Vision of the company................................................................................................................1
1.1.4 Mission of the company..............................................................................................................1
1.1.5 Values.........................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Main products and services of the company.................................................................................2
1.2.1 water standard of WOW natural mineral water..............................................................................3
1.2.2 Distribution.................................................................................................................................3
1.3 organizational structure of the company...........................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................6
2.0 OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE....................................................................................................6
2.1 General objectives of the internship..................................................................................................6
2.2 Specific objective...............................................................................................................................6
2.1 How did I get into the company.........................................................................................................6
2.2 Section of the company I have been working in................................................................................6
2.2.1 Power sources.............................................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Water filtration...........................................................................................................................7
2.2.3 Sand filtration.............................................................................................................................8
2.2.4 Carbon filtration..........................................................................................................................9
2.2.4 Micro filtration............................................................................................................................9
2.2.5 Nano filter.................................................................................................................................10
2.2.6 Titanium filtration.....................................................................................................................10
2.2.7 Flow chart of filtration..................................................................................................................11
2.2.8 Objective of filtration................................................................................................................11
2.2.9 Disinfection...............................................................................................................................11
2.2.10 Ozone disinfection..................................................................................................................12
2.2.11 Ozone generator.....................................................................................................................12
2.2.12 chlorine disinfection...............................................................................................................12
2.2.13 Blower machine......................................................................................................................13

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

2.2.14 Flow chart in blower machine.................................................................................................15

2.2.16 Filler machine.........................................................................................................................15
2.2.18 Printer machine..........................................................................................................................16
2.2.19 Labeling machine....................................................................................................................17
2.2.20 Packing machine.........................................................................................................................17
2.2.21 Air Compressor...........................................................................................................................17
2.2.22 Air compressor working principles..........................................................................................18
2.2.23 Programmable logic controller (PLC).......................................................................................18
2.2.24 Motor......................................................................................................................................19
2.3 Over all work flow............................................................................................................................20
2.4 Challenge and solutions given during task fulfillment......................................................................20
2.5 Measurement to solve these challenges..........................................................................................20
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................22
3.0 OVERALL BENEFIT OF THE INTERNSHIP............................................................................................22
3.1. In terms of developing practical skill..............................................................................................22
3.2. Improving theoretical knowledge..................................................................................................22
3.2 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skills..............................................................23
3.4. In terms of team work skill.............................................................................................................23
3.3 In terms of improving leadership skills............................................................................................24
3.4 In terms of improving work ethics...................................................................................................24
3.7. In terms of entrepreneurship skill..................................................................................................25
DESIGN OF PLC BASED AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER..........................................................26
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................................27
1. Introduction and Background............................................................................................................27
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................27
1.2 Background..................................................................................................................................28
1.3 Statement of the problem...........................................................................................................28
1.4 Objectives of the project..............................................................................................................29
1.4.1 General objectives....................................................................................................................29
1.4.2 Specific objectives.....................................................................................................................29
1.5 Significance of the project...........................................................................................................29
1.6 Scope of the project.....................................................................................................................30

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4.8 Justification..................................................................................................................................30
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................31
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................32
3. METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................................32
3.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................32
3.2 System diagram...............................................................................................................................33
3.3 System component..........................................................................................................................34
3.3.1 Float level sensor......................................................................................................................34
3.3.2 Relay.........................................................................................................................................35
3.4 Flow chart for software simulation..................................................................................................39
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................40
RESULT AND DISCUSSION......................................................................................................................40
4.1 Software simulation and discussion.............................................................................................40
4.2 Ladder diagram............................................................................................................................41
4.2 Simulation Result.............................................................................................................................42
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................48
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................48
5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................48
5.2 Recommendation............................................................................................................................49
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................................50
6. Reference...........................................................................................................................................50

Figure and table

Fig 1.1 WOW bottled water -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Fig 1.2 Water standard of WOW mineral water---------------------------------------------------------4
Fig 2.1 Treatment room --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Fig 2.2 Micro filtering --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

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Fig 2.3 Blower machine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Fig 2.4 Printing machine -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
Fig 2.5 Labeling machine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
Fig 2.6 High pressure compressor ------------------------------------------------------------------------19
Fig 2.7 Working principle of PLC ------------------------------------------------------------------------20
Fig 2.8 Induction motor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
Fig 3.1 Block diagram of the system ---------------------------------------------------------------------34
Fig 3.2 conductive level sensor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------35
Fig Illustration of PLC scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------38
Fig 4.1 Ladder diagram
Table 4.1 Different result of the s/m for source tank --------------------------------------------------43
Table 4.1 Different result of the s/m for treatment tank ----------------------------------------------43
Fig 4.3 Motor pump 1 & valve V1 on logic ------------------------------------------------------------44
Fig 4.4 High level sensor of source tank active --------------------------------------------------------45
Fig 4.5 Low level sensor of source tank active --------------------------------------------------------46
Fig 4.4 High level sensor of treatment tank active ---------------------------------------------------47
Fig 4.4 Low level sensor of treatment tank active ---------------------------------------------------48

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1 The yakabdi agro processing wow mineral water company is newly established
in Ethiopia. It was built in 2008 E.C, in Gurage zone, located at the place of
Amora Meda rural area which is 8 km far away from gubrye town and 20 km
from Wolkite town and finally 178km from Addis Ababa. Facility was built in
42,000 M2 Area land; this company was Yekabdi Agro processing established as a
private local manufacturing company in Ethiopia by its mother company Tenkir Bekele
plastic shoes manufacturing PLC with the starting capital of 50 million birr. The company
entered in the country’s Fast-Moving consumer Goods (FMCG) industry through
manufacturing and supplying of “WOW” underground natural purified bottled water. The
company has 141 permanent employees for factory and 61 permanent employees for head
office and also, more than 28 other labor workers (2012 E.C); the water is near the company
because of its underground natural water its depth is 185 meter as 15-liter discharge per
second. The reason that differs from other company is the use of underground natural water
due to the water free from any debris, sludge or contaminates. Here is this factory there are
modernized filters unit operation for instance sand filter tank, activated carbon tank,
precious filter, ozone tank chemistry lab and micro biology lab which co-operate with WHO
and Ethiopian standard agency rule. Additionally, the factory established new kombi
machine officially and the only difference for previous conveyor machine is having high
speed and use star as a conveyor, but the old machine uses pneumatic conveyor to transport
bottle from blower machine to the filler machine.

1.1.2 Objective of the company

The general objective of wow mineral water is to produce and deliver consistent high quality of
wow mineral water at national markets and entrepreneur for local people.

1.1.3 Vision of the company

The company has a vision to fulfill the customers demand and become the chosen best bottled
water supplier in the country with the manufacturing and supplying of clean, mineral reach and
quenching natural water from the chained mountain of Gurage Zone.

1.1.4 Mission of the company

The Company committed to marking its products to all groups, treating or customers with
respect, sensitivity and fairness.
Its mission is to be the most excellent facility in Ethiopia, will ongoing or constant to become
better responsiveness to the needs and concerns of customers, employees, partners, and

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

communities in which serve. This will be accomplished through the development of employees,
an emphasis on cost efficiency, market expansion and profitability. Will expand marketing areas
to both protect and improve positions by placing emphasis on innovations and technological
improvement to keep always ahead competition.

1.1.5 Values
wow mineral water Company is those that are designed to be strictly followed and always
practiced by all members of the corporation. These are values ought to be inherited values which
will always lead the day to day activities of every employee; all managers and management
members of WOW have to respect them and use them as contractors, they and their employees
have to inherit these values. To highlight the major ones:
• Loyalty

• Problem solving

• Respecting customers and stake holders

• Capacity building, efficiency and Team work

1.2 Main products and services of the company

Currently the company is producing ‘WOW’ natural purified water with 5 sizes; 5000ml,
2000ml, 1500ml, 1000ml and 500ml. the product are being distributed to many part of the
country with different sales agent or distributers.

Fig 1.1 wow bottled water

1.2.1 water standard of WOW natural mineral water

WOW water mineral content WHO standard mineral content

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Fig 1.2 water standard of WOW natural mineral water

1.2.2 Distribution
Currently distribute the brand to market via two different methods. Those are
1. Direct Distribution: there are 6 vans that distribute the water directly to
consumer in Addis Abeba and Wolkite.
2. Indirect Distribution: involved 34 distribution agent that get in to
distribution agreement with the company to supply the water to their
specific distribution territories.
In general the end users of wow natural spring bottle water are the people living in

• Most parts of Gurage zone

• Some parts of Amhara region

• Some parts of Oromia region

• Some parts of Addis Ababa

• Most parts of SNNPR

• Some parts of Harari and afar regions

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

1.3 organizational structure of the company

Wow natural mineral water Company has three main categories to precede its work. These are
general manager, quality manager and technical manager. General Manager follows the general
work the quality manager manages production quality and the technical manager manages
technical work.

Plant manager

Production Production Technician Finance Quality control

Human & and food safety Sale
resource store Manager Manager Manager
Supply Manager
Manager Manager

Production Electrical Quality control Fleet

Production & S.V maintenance and food safety S.V
store S.V
Shift for maintenance
man 1 S.V
Shift for man 2 account
Person General Medical
nel Service service and & Cost budget
safety S.V S.V

Sales Up country Ware

promotion S.V sales S.V house

The C.E.O (plant manager) has the power to;

 Direct, plan, coordinate, organize control and administer the overall operation of the
 Hire and fire personal directly through his delegated management team.
 Represent the company in all fields of activities.
 Approve annual budget justify to the board chairman.
 Keep and maintain proper booking of the company accounts.

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 Hierarchically the C.E.O is accountable to chairman of the board.

Currently the company has work divisions to facilitate the production of the company.these work
division activities are grouped in to the following functions. These are
 finance division
 human resource division
 marketing division
 technical service division
 audit and inspection service division
 legal service division
 plans at different location

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2.1 General objectives of the internship

The general objectives of the internship are to improve practical knowledge beside develop an
experience and understanding of the production process in the industry and to know the
professional role of the industry.

2.2 Specific objective

• Describing the overall organization and work flow of the company.

• Studying the process of water production
• Identifying problems and offering recommendations.

2.1 How did I get into the company

First, I have chosen the hosting company that I could get good practical exposure. I choose
WOW mineral natural water factory, and directly I went to company’s human resource office. I
told to the administration secretary from where and why I came to the company and I gave her
my letter of application. She told the technical manager so accepted my letter happily and record
my names.
In the first work day we welcomed by engineer and technician manager Mr. Efrem and Mr. Markos
respectively, and Mr. Markos give us some orientation about the company.

2.2 Section of the company I have been working in

Currently yakabdi agro processing industry is a growing company and it has five main sections
in order to maximize profit and satisfy customer demands or need. The different sections in the
company are listed as follows:
• Manufacturing section

• Compressor section

• Laboratory section

• Store section

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

We have been working in different subsections of the company those are used for different
purpose those are:
 Power source
• Sand filtration

• Carbon filtration

• Micro filter

• Nano filter

• Titanium filtration

• Ozone disinfection

• Chlorine disinfection

• Blower machine

• Filler machine

• Printer machine

• Labeling machine

• Packing machine and

 Air compressors are the main machines of the company.

2.2.1 Power sources

The company has two power sources which are 33 KVA and 15 KVA and one generator which
standby when the two-power source not working. The 33 KVA power source used for the
machine which need high power but the 15 KVA power source used for machine which need
lower power.

2.2.2 Water filtration

The purposes of filtration are to remove contaminants in the water and to make it safe to drink or
any process that makes water more acceptable for a specific end-use. End-use may be drinking;
industrial water supply, irrigation, river flow maintenance or many other uses including being
safely returned to the environment but in the facility the end-use is only for drinking purpose.
Widely varied techniques are available to remove these constituents in my host company like:

• Sand filtration,

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

• Carbon filtration,

• Micro filtration

• Nano filtration
• Titanium filtration.
The choice of these unit operations is depending on the quality of raw water available, the cost of
treatment process and the quality standard expected of the processed water: with capturing particulate
matter, inorganic and organic compounds.

Fig 2.1 treatment room

2.2.3 Sand filtration

75% of the tanker filled by sand to separate dust and the small sand. Sand filters are
used as a step in the water treatment process of purification. There are three main types; rapid
(gravity) sand filters, upward flow sand filters and slow sand filters. All three methods are
extensively in the industry used throughout the world. But in wow industry there is a slow sand
filter can produce very high quality water free from pathogens, taste and odor without the need
for chemical aids. Sand filters can, apart from being used in water treatment plants, be used for
water purification in singular households as they use materials which are available for most
people. A raw water tank or reservoir tanker it pulled to sand filter tank by means of two parallel
arranged pumps. Sand filtration is a type of water filtration equipment which works by
providing the particulate (suspended) solids with many opportunities to be captured on the
surface of a sand grain
• Direct collision

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• Van deer Waals or London force attraction

• Surface charge attraction

• Diffusion

This sand filter may become clogged with a suspended particle after a period of use; but can be
removed by back wash once per day with high pressurized raw water for 20 minutes.

2.2.4 Carbon filtration

. In this tank 75% of the tanker filled by small solid carbon to separate dust. Activated carbon,
also called activated charcoal, is a form of carbon processed to have small, low volume pores
that increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions. The first recorded
use of a carbon filter to purity potable water on a large scale occurred 19th century in England.
Currently, carbon filters are used in individual homes as point-of use water filters, ground water
remediation, land fill leach ate, individual waste water and occasionally, in municipal water
treatment facilities. Activated carbon works via a process called adsorption where by pollutant
molecules in the fluid to be treated are trapped inside the pore structure of the carbon substrate.
They are not effective at removing minerals, salts and dissolved inorganic compounds. Typical
particles size that can be removed by carbon filters range from 0.5to50 micrometer. The
efficiency of a carbon filter is also based up on the flow rate regulation. When the water is
allowed to flow through the filter at slower rate, the contaminants are exposed to the filter media
for along amount of time

2.2.4 Micro filtration

Company which is series arranged termed as 1 and 5 micrometers. Micro filtration is pressure
dependent process which remove dissolved solid and other substance from water to lesser extent
than nano filtration. Membrane with pore size of 0.1 – 10 micrometers perform a micro
filtration. Microfiltration membrane remove all bacteria.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

Figure 2.2 micro filtration

2.2.5 Nano filter

Nanofiltration membrane also called direct nanofiltration (dNF), are the next
generation polymer membrane have got better and better over the last 50 years. the
principle of these membranes that they can block all kind micro-pollutant and above
all that easier to clean. This is modern type of filter that uses to regulate the standards
of the water mineral came from the ground that set by the company. And also

2.2.6 Titanium filtration

Titanium filtration is one type of water purification technologies that can able to filter up to
0.0005micrometer pore sizes particles and as its name implies it is embedded with 19 titanium
rods. Since it is found next to ozone disinfection tanker in position; it uses to filter disinfected
micro-organism and the retained particles within water that cannot filtered by previous filtrations
system such as sand and carbon.

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2.2.7 Flow chart of filtration

Carbon filter Sand filter Softener filter Micro one filter

Water tank

Ozonation Titanium filter Nano filter Micro five filter


2.2.8 Objective of filtration

• To eliminate contaminants from water

• To prevent hardness

• To remove dust particle

• To kill bacteria and another microorganism

• To check turbidity

• To remove different impurities in the raw water

• To get pure/safe water from hard water

2.2.9 Disinfection
Disinfection is accomplished both by filtering out micro-organism and also by adding disinfected
chemicals. Water is disinfected to kill any pathogens which pass through the filters and to
provide a residual doze of disinfectant to kill or inactivate potentially harmful micro-organisms
in the storage and distribution systems. Possible pathogens include: Viruses, Bacteria, including
Salmonella saps, Cholera, Campylobacter and Shigella, and Protozoa, including Giardia lamblia
and other Cryptosporidium saps. Following the introduction of any chemical disinfectant agent,
the water is usually held in temporary storage –often called a contact tank or clear well to allow
the disinfectant action to complete.
Types of disinfectant:

• Ozone disinfection

• Chlorine disinfection

• Hydrogen peroxide disinfection

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2.2.10 Ozone disinfection

It is obvious that ozone is an unstable molecule which readily gives up one atom of oxygen
providing a powerful oxidizing agent which is toxic to most water borne organisms.
Qualitatively, it is very strong, broad spectrum disinfectant. That is widely used in Europe. It is
an effective method to inactivate harmful bacteria, viruses, Guardia, and protozoa that form
cysts. It also works well against almost at other pathogens. In this company ozone is made by
passing oxygen through electrical discharge. To use ozone as disinfectant, it must be created on-
site and added to water by bubble contact this is occur as water drop from the top gravitationally,
then ozone flow upwards in ozone tanker. Some of the advantages of ozone include the absence
of tastes and odor problems (in comparison to chlorine). Another advantage of ozone is that it
leaves no residual disinfectant in the water; means, the bottled water allowed to drink after 24
hours it produced. Ozone has been used in drinking water plants since 1996 where the first industrial
Ozonation plant was built in Nice France.

2.2.11 Ozone generator

Ozone generator is used to manufacture ozone out of the most readily-available
substances on earth oxygen in the air. In fact, ozone has been called Enhanced
oxygen for the simple reason that oxygen can be converted to ozone. In order for
oxygen to form into ozone, oxygen molecules must be pulled apart and reformed.
This takes energy in the form of electrical excitation of oxygen which pulls apart
oxygen molecules. This is occasionally accomplished with high voltage (corona
discharge) ozone generators. Once pulled apart, most revert back to the stable form of
oxygen. However, some of oxygen is converted into ozone in this process. Ozone is
colorless gas with a typically antiseptic smell. Ozone must be treated with respect as
it is a very powerful oxidizing agent. So, the name ozone is derived from the Greek
word ozeim which means to smell.

2.2.12 chlorine disinfection

Chlorine is a strong oxidant that rapidly kills many harmful micro-organisms.
Because chlorine is a toxic gas, it is limited to 0-0.5mg/L for drinking purpose; if not
there is a danger of a release associated with its use. This problem is avoided by the
use of sodium hypochlorite, which is a relatively inexpensive solution used in

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household bleach that releases free chlorine when dissolved in water. Chlorine
solutions can be generated on site by electrolyzing common salt solutions. A solid
form, calcium hypochlorite, releases chlorine on contact with water. The generation
of liquid sodium hypochlorite is both inexpensive and safer than the use of gas or
solid chlorine. All forms of chlorine are widely used, despite their respective
drawbacks. One drawback is that chlorine from any source reacts with natural organic
compounds or ozone in the water to form potentially harmful chemical by-products.
Although chlorine is effective in killing bacteria, it has limited effectiveness against
protozoa that form cysts in water (giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium, both of
which are pathogenic). But, in this factory it uses only to clean raw water tank.

2.2.13 Blower machine

Blower machine is a machine where a melted preform is inflated with a high pressure
to form a desired bottles shape with a help of molder equipment as stretcher extended
to limited length. In wow natural spring water, the blower has eight molder which can
produces 8 bottles at a time. the blower machine production speed is given as
produces, 0.5 -liter 12000bph, 1 liter 10000 bottle per hour, 1.5,2 liters 80000 bottle
per hour. The operation of whole machine adopts high definition TFT touch screen. The
production speed, output count, process and other parameters can all be shown on
different levels of menus, with easy operation, adjustment and friendly interface on TFT
touch screen technology. To assure the security, the machine is equipped with reliable
safety door system, alarming device to provide maximum ensure the safety of the
operators. When the door opens during production the alarm will be on. There are
sensors at each mold to control the opening and closing of the mold. The sensor also
detects the presence of the preform if preform is inserted to the molder the molder
shutdown and the nozzle will stretch the preform.

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Figure 2.3 blower machine

Before the preform enters into the blower it passes through three steps namely:

Preform Hopper-It is a place where the purchased preform immersed or entered to

make comfortable for blower.
Trim-As preform comes from preform hopper through inclined belt conveyor the
trim arranges the preform to proper order or position.
Feeder-This is used only to feed the arranged preform to blower by reading sensor

Also, in blower machine there are four sections termed as:

Star-In this machine there are two stars that feed preform to oven chain and use to
exhaust inflated bottle from grip out to air conveyor.
Oven chain- This used to heat the preform by using lamp the number of lamps
depend on the length of the preform.
Grip-Here there are two grips; grip in, that take the melted preform from oven chain
and provide to molder, and grip out that send the molded bottle to air conveyor
through exhaust star.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

Oven-The preform that comes from feeder through star melted in this tool with
300kv electrical charge.
Molder-The melted preform enter into molder through grip in to inflated with high
pressure by extending stretcher into melted preform and cover with a seal to

2.2.14 Flow chart in blower machine

Preform Star Grip Oven Molder bottle


2.2.16 Filler machine

Filler machine is machine where filtered water is poured into designed bottle as it
rotates with a desired speed. This machine has four sections which drive with single

Stars- use to timing empty bottle& filler nozzles there three stars that leads from the
blower machine to the filler machine.

Filler nozzles-use to pour filter water into rinsed bottles.

Heading cap-used to capping to filled bottle with a cap.

2.2.17 Flow diagram of compartment in filler machine

Filler Heading
Stars nozzles water
Bottle cap

The capacity of production also measured on the board of filler machine control
which is varying based on the type of bottle produced. That is 0.5 -liter 12000 bottle
pre hours, 1 liter 10000 bottle per hour, 1.5,2 liters 80000 bottle per hour.

This machine is working synchronously with the blower machine this is done by
using the stars there are three stars before the filler that used to keep the timing of the
two machines. The stars will adjust the timing to rotate the two machine

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

synchronously the filler machine has 32 nozzles to fill the incoming bottle from the
blower machine and which means it can fill 32 bottle at a time and the blower
machine has 8 nozzles to blow the bottle so that to keep the timing of the two
machine when the filler rotates one times the blower machine will rotates 4 times the
filler machine. The filler machine has a sensor that sense the presence of bottle and
activate the nozzle to fill the bottle. The capping machine is next to the filler machine
the capping machine that used to Cap 10 bottle at a time there are a sensor that sense
if there is bottle and give information to capping machine to be activated.

2.2.18 Printer machine

Printer machine is a computerized machine where expire date and production time is
printed. This helps the company for two purposes:
1) Production time to give responsibilities for each employer for their product.

2) Expire date to give responsible for the company on its product.

Fig 2.4 printing machine

2.2.19 Labeling machine

Labeling machine is a machine use to attach a paper to filled bottles that identify the
content of quality and quantity of filtered water. At this machine there is brasher that

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put this paper on specific level and screw conveyor that make convenient order to

Figure 2.5 labeling machine

2.2.20 Packing machine

Packing machine is use to pack the bottled water and it is the end process of
production in the wow spring water industry.

2.2.21 Air Compressor

Air compressor is used to produce high and low pressurized air used for different
operation. In this company high pressure used for the blower machine and the low
pressure used for filler and packing machine.

2.2.22 Air compressor working principles

Air compressor finally wow natural spring Water Company is classified in to two.

A. High pressure air compressor

B. Low pressure air compressor

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

In this company there are 14 high pressure types air compressors uses to inflate the
melted preform with high pressure around 40bar in blower machine, which is cannot
work below 25 bar air pressure. But there are 2 low pressure air compressor type
produces only for 7bar-16bar which is not enough to use in blower machine; so, it
serves for filler and packing machine. Air compressor is used to up and down of stock
of the piston to allow air in, and pressurize the air with in storage.

Figure 2.6 high pressure air compressor

2.2.23 Programmable logic controller (PLC)

A programmable logic controller is an industrial digital computer which has been
ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, that require high
reliability control and ease of programming and process. In WOW natural mineral
water factory all machine controlled by PLC and SCADA system. SCADA system is
computer monitoring and control system.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

Fig 2.7 working principle of PLC

2.2.24 Motor
Electrical motor is an electrical machine that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
There are two type of motor i.e. DC and AC motor. WOW natural mineral water factory there are
many motors for different purpose and all the motor are three phase induction motor or
synchronousness motor.

Fig 2.8 induction motor

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

2.3 Over all work flow

disinfection placement

Reservoir Carbon filter Micro filtration Nanofiltratio

Sand filter n
tanker tanker

Packing Labeling Printer Filler ozination Pure
machine water

Blower Ozone
machine generator

2.4 Challenge and solutions given during task fulfillment

As a beginner internship student without any work experience there were so many
challenges. We have been faced while performing our work tasks i.e.:
• There was also a challenge to prepare report because there is no
documented file for the company

• Even there was challenge to use the internet because the company has
no Wi-Fi.
• There is no library to refer about the company

• I have no chance to enter or to see during machine maintenance time.

2.5 Measurement to solve these challenges

Taken measures to overcome this challenge include:

• The first thing is asking my supervisor whatever we want because

since we assigned with him, we must ask him first but within a great
respect manner and also politely
• Reading different books

• Collecting information from the internet

• Asking the workers who have good knowledge for our question

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

• Asking important and necessary information from the workers

• Sharing the work load

• Practice and work hard

• Sharing ideas with each other and with different peoples, create good
awareness for every activity
• Careful observation and writing my tasks to follow up day to day

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The internship has so many benefits. It improves an awareness of the theoretical knowledge in to
practical knowledge. A skill refers the ability of using that information and applying in a context.
The four-month internship practice was very good in terms of solving problems, gaining working
knowledge and besides knowing about how to plan for the future. The internship provided the
chance to see how the working world would be like and what challenges would be faced after
graduating in my field of study and thus I have got a great deal of knowledge and experience.

3.1. In terms of developing practical skill

In terms of practical skill, I have seen that learning theoretically is more difficult than leaning
practically, but I realize learning is useful for every work, and that make me understand things
easily. Moreover, the internship improves practical skills which are gained in the workshop
as well as theoretical knowledge which is learning in my lesson. But when I start practicing it
a little bit difficult and after some time I passed it with the real and joyful.

3.2. Improving theoretical knowledge

When people decide that they truly to learn and master a new skill they need a book that is
to the subject matter with details of materials, illustrations of techniques and explicit patterns to
follow or design source books with examples. This internship has benefit for me to upgrade my
theoretical knowledge. In order to improve my theoretical knowledge, I have referred some
using internet access and other sources. In this internship program, I found much theoretical
knowledge familiar with as before.
For example:
 Sensors
 Diode
 Solenoid valves
WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

 motor
Sensors: - are device to provide information on the presence or absence of an object. One type of
feedback frequently needed by industrial control system is the position of one or more
of the operation being controlled.
In this plant, almost all sensors are:
 Photo voltaic sensors
 Pressure sensors
 Temperature sensors
 Security sensors
 Electrical sensors (proximity switch)
Diode: - is a PN-junction semi-conductor device which functions as just like an ordinary switch
or used as a switch. The diode also used to change an Ac source to Dc source.
Example: - When the indicator light needs Dc source, the diode gives Dc source to the indicator
light by changing Ac to Dc.

3.2 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skills

I have seen that without effective communication skills, an employee cannot succeed in the
workplace. If communication can fail or if a message can be understood in different ways, it will
be understood in the way which does the most harm. Generally, I have gained the following
interpersonal communication skills I have been developed.
 Forwarding precise messages or instructions,
 Providing positive reinforcement to subordinates.
 Listening skill,
 I do not dictate or criticize a person's work in front of others and understanding

3.4. In terms of team work skill

When we work in team, we forget ourselves and work for the common goal. Each member of the
team to cooperate with the other each one has dependent on the other. The member of the team
have no self-interest. From this team work the team sprit brines unity, oneness, success, harmony

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

and cooperation. During my team work the member of the team encourages me to work hard
together, and I close collaboration, mutual understanding and respect for each other. It strives for
the promotion of the cause giving each member of the team full scope to make once contribution
according to one’s talent and ability.
 mutual understanding
 respect for each other
 inspire and motivate team members to do their best
 Work hard together
 Listen the ideas and problems and solving the problems.
 Helping each other

3.3 In terms of improving leadership skills

A leadership skill is a critical management skill which is the ability to motivate a group of people
towards a common goal. Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a
group of people toward a common goal. The leadership skill which I develop during internship
period is by observing senior managers, supervisors and each section of the employers of the
major task which they do and I gained from
them. These items will help me to develop my skills as a leader;
 Getting and giving information.
 Understanding group needs and characteristics.
 Knowing and understanding group resources.
 Managing the group.

3.4 In terms of improving work ethics

Work ethics is a belief that hard work and diligence have amoral benefit and an inherent ability
or value to strengthen character and individual ability. These statements of intended conduct are
expected of every member (permanent members, Daily worker) associate members, contract
members and student members) of WOW mineral water factory.
 Respect moral imperatives of society and human well-being.
 Avoid harm to others.
 Be honest and trustworthy.

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 Respect the privacy of others.

 Achieve the highest quality in the processes and products of our work.
 Know and respect existing law pertaining to our professional work
Generally, the internship training program helps to improve the work ethics, such as honesty,
respect, loyalty, punctuality, accountability and to promote a strong team work.

3.7. In terms of entrepreneurship skill

An entrepreneur is a person who start and build a successful business and an individual who
organizes, manages and operates any enterprise, specifically a business, usually with
considerable initiative and taking on financial risk. There are many skills that entrepreneurs
develop over time, but they are a few skills that every entrepreneur must have before opening
“the door” for business. Successful entrepreneurs have skill which increases productivity of the
organization products. These skills are:
 Self-motivation
 Self confidence
 Ethics and moralities
 Time management
 Sales
 Finance
Generally, this entrepreneurship skill has done practically in the company. So that the internship
program has a great role to improve this entrepreneurship skills.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C


WOW natural mineral water factory has some problems. This project is done in order to solve
the manual problems of the factory. The water from the tank to the treatment class is controlled
by manual system so, this project intended to solve this manual system to automatic system using
PLC. The project “Automatic water level control with an automatic pump control system “is
designed to monitor the level of liquid in the tank .The system has an automatic pumping
system attached to it so as to refill the tank once the liquid gets to the lower threshold, while
offing the pump once the liquid gets to the higher threshold. Sustainability of available water
resources in many reasons of the world is known dominant issue. This problem is quietly related
to poor water allocation, inefficient use lack of adequate and integrated water management.
Water is commonly used for agriculture, industry and domestic consumption. Therefore,
efficient use and water monitoring are potential constraint for industrial water management
system. This water level control, controls monitor and maintained the water level in the that
come from the underground to the tank and to the treatment class ensures the continuous
flow of water around the clock without the stress of going to switch the pump on or off thereby
saving time, energy, water and prevent the pump from over working besides this, the liquid
level control system are widely used for monitoring of liquid levels in reservoirs. Proper
monitoring is needed to ensure water sustainability is actually being reached with displacement
linked to sensing and automation, such a programmatic approach entails PLC based automated
water level sensing and controlling.

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1. Introduction and Background

1.1 Introduction
In this Project the Controlling of fluid level tank is crucial mechanism in our day to day activity.
In WOW Factory it is common to observe that plentiful fluid is wasted from the tank and
energy and time also wasted.

The project “Automatic fluid level control with an automatic pump control system “is designed
to monitor the level of liquid in the tank. The system has an automatic pumping system attached
to it so as to refill the tank once the liquid gets to the lower threshold, while offing the pump
once the liquid gets to the higher threshold. Sustainability of available water resources in many
reasons of the of the world is known dominant issue. This problem is quietly related to poor
water allocation, inefficient use lack of adequate and integrated water management. Water is
commonly used for agriculture, industry and domestic consumption. Therefore, efficient use and
water monitoring are potential constraint for home or office water management system. More
over the common method of level control for home appliance is simply to start the feed pump at
a low level and allow it to run until a higher water level is reached in the water tank. In order to
ensure safety in production and quality of products, effectively and timely control of liquid level
is necessarily in the previous industry people control liquid level through a fixed liquid level
switch When liquid level is up to certain height, the switch is automatically closed or
disconnected to control water level. I am controlling the liquid level automatically by using PLC,
sensor, motor and valves. The water level is control using different components like PLC,
sensors, motor and valves. The sensors sense the presence of water and give indication to the
PLC. The PLC produce control signal to drive the motor pump. If there is no water content the
PLC give signal to start the motor and if there is sufficient water in the tank the PLC give signal
to stop the motor. A PLC or programming logic controller is a digital computer used for
automation of the electromechanical process. It is used to convert the previously used relay logic
or wired logic for automation of an industrial process into ladder logic.

1.2 Background
In the past centuries, tanks were filling using manual system, so filling tank were energy
consuming and time consuming. Now we are going to design water level controller that uses
WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

single motor and PLC. In many industrial processes, control of liquid level is required. It was
reported that emergency shut-downs in the nuclear power plant are caused by poor control of the
steam generator water level. Such shutdowns greatly decrease the plant availability and must be
minimized. The project "automatic water level control system" is designed to monitor the level
of liquid in the tank. The system has an automatic pumping system attached to it so as to refill
the tank once the liquid gets to the lower threshold, while offing the pump once the liquid gets to
the higher threshold. Sustainability of available water resource in many reasons of the word is
now a dominant issue. The water level control system automatically maintains the desired level
of water in series of tanks, when source tank water empty the sensor send signal to the PLC the
alarm is on and the PLC automatically stop the pump. It switches ON the pump when the water
level in the tanks goes below a predetermined minimum set level and switches it OFF as soon as
the water level reaches the predetermined maximum level in the tanks to prevent them from
overflowing, thus maintains the water at five fixed levels. User has the flexibility to decide the
water level set points for the operations of pump. It ensures no overflows there by saving energy
and water. Moreover, the system consumes very little energy for continuous operation.

1.3 Statement of the problem

In WOW natural mineral water factory uses process manual for water pumping. An operator has
to arrive at a particular interval of time and made the motor on for pumping; regardless of the
water level if they are unable to monitor continuously, there will be loss of energy sources for
pumping water as well as loss of natural resources due to overflowing of water from tank. Even
if the automatic water level controller that applied in most industries does not consider the level
of source tank. And also, it is time and energy consuming when we control the pump manually.
The water level controller designed in this project can be used to control water flow. However,
there is no way of knowing whether the source of water, actually has water or not. If no water
source is present, then the submersible pump would start running unnecessarily and overheat
itself. This could be taken care by implementing another sensor.

This problem can be reduced by designing an automatic control system which checks the
condition both top and source water tank and display the present status. The PLC reads the status
of system using the two sensor (upper and lower sensor) and gives desired output by switching
motor and switch on the alarm. The Automatic Water Pump Controller system monitors the water

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levels and controls the pump as necessary to prevent breakdown and maximize water storage
without overfilling of the tank and wasting water, the water level digital control system
automatically maintains the desired level of water in a tank.

1.4 Objectives of the project

1.4.1 General objectives
Design PLC based automatic water level controller

1.4.2 Specific objectives

 To be familiar with PLC for industrial applications.
 To monitor tank over filling
 To prevent an industrial accident by over filling an open container
 To design an automatic water monitoring system
 To develop controller using PLC as programming
 To prevent over Laboure of the pumping machine and prevent it from getting bad
 To incorporate an interactive medium between the end user and the machine
 To avoid wastage of water
 Since the demand of electricity is very high, automatic water level control saves energy
 Implementing the system by simulating with proper software

1.5 Significance of the project

 Automatic water level controller save time
 It will reduce human power.
 There will be no overflow of the tank.

1.6 Scope of the project

 Design and simulate automatic water level controller by using sematic manager software
 Construction of design for the driver
 Sizing and selection of water pump and discharge
 Selecting sensor and CPU type.

4.8 Justification
Automatic water level monitor came into existence because of human error and inconsistence
that is associated with manually operated water pumping machine. This is because it takes time
for individual who is manually operating the water pump to turn off the pumping machine and

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this may cause water spillage and at times the individual might not know that the water level has
drop so low until the tank is completely empty. This was the problem that leads to the
development of the ideal of an automatic water level control.



1. Automation of tank level by using PLC and establish of HMI by SCADA by Rishabh das
(2013). He analyzed the level control of single tank and implemented control strategy. From his
paper I get knowledge about PLC automation that can be used in controlling water level in
different tanks. Also came to know the process of interfacing the PLC to the HMI by using
SCADA. Understood input and output components that are required to connect with PLC

2. “Programmable Logic Controller “article by Kelvin Ericson (associate professor of electrical

engineering at university of Missouri) This article gives guidelines about basic knowledge of
PLC and the ladder logic operations

3. “CosminaIlles” in his research paper “Water level control system using PLC and Wireless
Sensors” in 2013 described water level control system using Siemens 24RL PLC and a pump
controlled by electric motor. They have used wireless sensor for level monitoring.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

4. Design and Development of Automatic Water Flow Meter (International Journal of Computer
Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol.3, No.3, June2013)

5. Automatic Water Level Control System (International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR))
This analysis paper by Asaad Ahmed MohammedahmedEltaieb, Zhang Jian Min involves
coming up with and development of automatic water level system had exposed to the higher
method of software system and hardware design that blends along for the interfacing functions.
The system employs the utilization of advance sensing technology to observe the water level. It
uses Arduino and uses relay to manage motor. Once we pour water within the beaker, the water
comes in-tuned with the wire and tells the extent of water within the tank. Consequently, they
need showed the extent of water on LCD display and uses relay to show ON and OFF the



There are many methods of designing an automatic fluid level control with switching device but
all this methodology requires human assistance. In this project an Automatic fluid level control
for reserve tank, overhead and underground tank with switching device is designed using
electronics control to refill the water without human intervention the system design was carefully
arranged to refill the water tank any time water get low to a certain level finally the system
automatically shut down the water pump by putting the electric pump off when the tank is full.
The tank is to be filled by a pump. The pump will automatically start when the water level the
overhead tank reaches below the low level and stop when the level reaches high level. Provision
of manual start or stop switch is incorporated which will totally override the automatic system.
The following procedures are used to do this project

First, you need to select an instrument or a system that you wish to control. Automated system
can be a machine or a process and can also be called a process control system. Function of a

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

process control system is constantly watched by input devices (sensors) that give signals to a
PLC controller. In response to this, PLC controller sends a signal to external output devices
(operative instruments) that actually control how system functions in an assigned manner (for
simplification it is recommended that you draw a block diagram of operations’ flow)

Secondly, you need to specify all input and output instruments that will be connected to a PLC
controller. Input devices are various switches, sensors and such. Output devices can be
solenoids, electromagnetic valves, motors and relays. Following an identification of all input
and output instruments, corresponding designations are assigned to input and output lines of a
PLC controller.

Third, make a ladder diagram for a program by following the sequence of operations that was
determined in the first step.

Finally, program is entered into the PLC controller memory. When finished with programming,
checkup is done for any existing errors in a program code (using functions for diagnostics) and,
if possible, an entire operation is simulated. Before this system is started, you need to check once
again whether all input and output instruments are connected to correct inputs or outputs. By
bringing supply in, system starts working. The mounting position of the sensor is at two position
the high-level sensor is mounted at the position of ¾ of the tank level and the low-level sensor
mounted at the position of ¼ of the level of the tank.

3.2 System diagram


Main switch

Relay 1 Pump 1
Up sensor
Relay 2 Pump 2
Down sensor
WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

Treatment class
Up sensor
Treatment class
Treatment class
down sensor Alarm

Fig 3.1 block diagram of the system

3.3 System component

3.3.1 Float level sensor

Principle of Operation: A liquid level control system by using a float sensor works on the
principle of buoyancy, which states, “A float immersed in a liquid is buoyed towards upward
direction by an applied equal force to the weight of the displaced liquid”. As a result, the body
drives partially and gets submerged upon the liquid surface and covers the same distance the
liquid level moves.

Construction: A level measurement float system consists of a float, a sensor stem, a magnet, a
reed switch and a weight suspended on the outside of the open tank. A scale is fixed on the
outside of the tank, and the contents of the tank’s level are indicated by the position of the weight
along the scale.

Working: Level detection of liquids is often done with a float-type liquid level switch. The float
transfers on a mechanical arm or sliding pole and activates a switch when the level moves
towards upward direction. Sometimes the float itself contains a small magnet that varies the state
of a switch when the liquid level gets moving up and moves into the original position. This type
of level sensor comes with many advantages like it is very simple, highly accurate, and best
suitable for various products.

The Disadvantages of this sensor are that it requires various mechanical equipment, especially
the pressure vessels.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

Fig 3.2 conductive level sensor

3.3.2 Relay
Relays control current flow in a circuit based on signals obtained from an information source. A
relay is the device that open or closes the contacts to cause the operation of the other electric
control. It detects the intolerable or undesirable condition with an assigned area and gives the
commands to the circuit breaker to disconnect the affected area. Thus, protects the system from

3.3.3 Operating principle of relay

It works on the principle of an electromagnetic attraction. This magnetic field

moves the relay armature for opening or closing the connections.

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Fig 3.3 relay

3.3.4 Start push button

It is a normally open switch which is used to start the control system.

6.3.4 Stop push button

It is a normally closed switch which used to stop the control system.

3.3.5 Solenoid valve

Solenoid valve is an electrically actuated on/off valve. The solenoid part of the valve is always
in one of two possible states, it’s either energized or de-energized.

3.3.6 Breaker and fuse

breaker is a switching device which can be operated manually as well as

automatically for controlling and protection of electrical power system respectively, whereas a

fuse is a type of low resistance resistor that acts as a sacrificial device to provide over current

protection, of either the load or source circuit.

3.3.7 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Programmable logic controllers, also called programmable controllers or PLCs, are solid-state members
of the computer family, using integrated circuits instead of electromechanical devices to implement

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control functions. They are capable of storing instructions, such as sequencing, timing, counting,
arithmetic, data manipulation, and communication, to control industrial machines and processes.

Programmable logic controllers’ function by interpreting data coming through their inputs and

depending upon their state, turning on/off their outputs. They are programmable via software
interfaced standard computer interfaces, proprietary languages and network options. PLCs
function using relay ladder logic programming. Ladder logic allows programmable logic
controllers to perform any command within the loop at any time.

1. Detect incoming signals

2. Process the signal

3. Generate outputs to control various devices; it achieves machine control as a result of;

a. Program written in to its memory

b. The power of its CPU

During its operation, the CPU completes three processes: (1) it reads, or accepts, the input data
from the field devices via the input interfaces, (2) it executes, or performs, the control program
stored in the memory system, and (3) it writes, or updates, the output devices via the output
interfaces. This process of sequentially reading the inputs, executing the program in memory, and
updating the outputs is known as scanning. Figure below illustrates a graphic representation of a


Fig 3.4 Illustration of PLC scan.

3.3.7 Tanks

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The thanks that we used for this specific project are different in size and are connected in a
cascaded or interacting way so that they filled water at the same time. There are four tanks in
WOW natural mineral water factory they are all 25000 liters. The sensor is connected to the first

3.3.8 Centrifugal pump

A centrifugal pump is also known as a hydrodynamic pump or dynamic pressure pump. it works
on the principle of centrifugal force, which is usually quick to install and easy to repair. In WOW
company they use centrifugal pump to pump the water from the source tank to the treatment
class tank which is 1.5KW, 2850R.P.M single phase which have the ability to pump 200 liters per
minutes or 12000 liters per hours.

3.3.9 Saber submersible pump

Saber pumps are a range of submersible pump and horizontal multistage pumps. They are

versatile, robust pumps in wide range of application include building service, commercial,

domestic, municipal, rural, industrial and rainwater re-use. The saber submersible pump are

heavily duty pumps for pumping underground water sewage, stormwater and trade waste. The

rating of the pump that used for this project is as follow: -

HP Range: 5HP/3.7KW, Rated speed: 3450rpm, pumps 1211 liters per minutes or 72662 liters

per hour.

3.3.10 Power supply

The automatic water level controlling system has three major parts; level sensing part, control
section and the output section. 230v from the mains supply is step down by the transformer to
24v and is fed to the PLC. Line voltage is step down with transformer, rectified to convert it to
dc, filtered with capacitor. This DC voltage is used to power the rest of the PLC and component

Transformer Rectifier Filter Regulator
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Fig Block diagram of regulated power supply system

3.4 Flow chart for software simulation

Sensor 1
and 2 treatment

detect Sensor 1 and


Low High
Low no
Level=1 Level=1 High
Level=1 level

Valve V1
Motor 2, V2 Motor 2, V2

on off

Motor 1 on Motor 1

Motor 2 off off

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C




4.1 Software simulation and discussion

In this project design, the components we have used are sematic manager step 7 PLC, relays,
conductivity sensor and alarm and battery source. In this section those components are
interconnected to show the procedure and method of the real design in sematic manager step 7
PLC. These components are connected and exhibits as they are connected practically. The PLC
drown by using ladder diagram. First the normally open start push button in energized to start the
PLC. There are two conductivity sensor which sense the high level and the low level of the water
source tank and treatment tank. When the level sensor senses and the PLC take signal to take an
action. At the source tank when the low-level sensor is senses the water level or active the PLC
start the motor pump and valve V1 is open secondly when the high-level sensor senses PLC turn
off the motor pump and valve V2 open. At the treatment tank when the low-level sensor is
senses the water level or active the PLC start the motor pump 2 and valve V2 and when the high-
level sensor senses PLC turn off the motor pump 2 and valve V2 open.

For the source tank the step is as follow: -

 Energize the normally open contactor to start.

 Low level sensor on Pump 1 start and valve V1 on.
 High level sensor on Pump off and valve V2 and alarm on.

For the treatment tank the step is as follow: -

 Low level sensor on Pump 2 start and valve V2 on.

 High level sensor on Pump 2 and valve V2 off and alarm on.

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4.2 Ladder diagram

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Fig 4.1 ladder diagram

Table 4.1 Different Result of the System for source tank

Input Output
Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Motor Valve Valve Alarm

(Low) (High) Pump 1 V1 V2

1 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0

Table 4.2 Different Result of the System for treatment tank

Input Output

Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Motor Valve Alarm

(Low) (High) Pump 2 V2

1 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0

4.2 Simulation Result

The aforementioned control design illustrated by the system’s truth table was
simulated using the design parameters described in the previous Chapter (The
Methodology). The control parameters were integrated into one common electronic
circuit design to function as one whole controlling circuit for the entire control

4.2.1 Start and Stop pushbutton

Main switch (I0.0) is an electrical switch connected from power source to run performs the
overall operation. When the system switch I0.0 is ON the overall system is ready (on mode)
however if I0.0 is off and other input are off mode then the overall operation is off mode.

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Fig start and stop PB

4.2.2 Motor pump 1 and Valve V1 on

When start push button active the pump and the valve V1 is on so that the source tank begin to

Fig 4.3 motor pump 1 and valve V1 on logic

4.2.3 When high level sensor of source tank active

When the up sensor senses the pump and valve 1 will be off and valve 2 and alarm on.

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Fig 4.4 high level sensor of source tank active

4.2.4 When low level sensor of source tank active

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When the low-level sensor is active and send signal to the PLC, the motor pump will

automatically start to fill the tank.

Fig 4.5 Low level sensor of source tank

When high level sensor of treatment tank active

When the up sensor of treatment tank senses the pump 2 and valve 2 will be off and alarm on.
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Fig 4.6 high level sensor of treatment tank active

When low level sensor of treatment tank active

When the down sensor of treatment tank senses the pump 2 and valve 2 will be on and alarm off.

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Fig 4.7 treatment tank down sensor active

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5.1 Conclusion
It has been a great pleasure to work on practice and progress of PLC based fluid level control

system. It provides information about many topics relevant to controlling. This project is

specifically designed for the transfer of accurate amount of water desired in any process or

system that involves the measurement of a certain amount of water. The adaptability in WOW

mineral water industry is due to its automatic process. It is more probable that this project is easy

to use and very low cost. In today’s world industries can only grow by making themselves

advance in technology and by upgrading their machineries and plants. I have proposed an idea of

making an automatic water level plant which is normally manual in WOW natural mineral water

industry which consumes energy end time this automatic system of water controller control the

water level without the interference of human by using the sensor upper and lower sensor.

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C

5.2 Recommendation

I recommended that the company must give a great attention to the power system for this they
should use power factor correction for the safety of the machines. And also, they bottle rejection
and picking is manual system so I recommend they should use automatic system of bottle
picking and rejection system because the automatic system is very good for saving time and

WKU Internship Final Report and project work 2012 E.C


6. Reference

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