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Key Learnings and areas that could have been improved

1) Language was a major barrier for most of us. The audience was mostly comfortable in Malayali
and we needed a translator more often

2) Conducting a pre-survey before the session would have been helpful to judge the audience

3) Making WhatsApp group with the participants was really impactful for communication. We not
only counselled a lot of students personally but also shared regional language videos regarding
entrepreneurship and leadership.

4) Our programme should have been more driven towards sports business rather than regular

5) The project had lot of scope to engage local and influential business personnel of Koduvally.

6) Koduvally has significant population of youth who are engaged in sports and are willing to start
ventures in such fields ranging from renting sports equipments, event management company for
sports and coaching (professional) for sports enthusiasts.

7) Online content and motivational videos played a significant role in exposing and making them
aware of opportunities that are present in entrepreneurship.

8) There are many wealthy business personnel, who are willing to fund a lot of youth
entrepreneurship activities and making the youth aware of such kind of local opportunities played a
significant role in refining the motivation and entrepreneurship of the youth.

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