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heat transfer


1. Ghozy Izza Mahendra (15030184009)

2. Dyah Menik Kurniawati (15030184014)
3. Shofilia Branchais (15030184025)
4. Azkia Nurin Nisa ' (15030184041)


Education units : High School

Subjects : Physics
Class / Semester : X / II
Subject matter : Temperature and Heat (Heat Transfer)
Time Allocation : 3 x 40 minutes (1 x face to face)

A. Core Competencies

KI 1: Appreciate and practice the teachings of religion.

KI 2: Appreciate and practice the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(helping each other, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive
and displayed as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively
with the social and natural environment as well as in putting themselves as a
reflection of the people in the association world.
KI 3: Understand, implement, analyze the factual knowledge, conceptual,
procedural by curiosity about science, technology, art, culture and humoniora with
human insight, national, state and civilization-related causes of phenomena and
events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in a specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve the problem.

B. Basic competencies

1.1 Recognizing the greatness of God who created and governs the universe through
observations of natural phenomena and physical measurements.
2.1 Shows the behavior of scientific (curiosity; objective; honest; careful; meticulous;
diligent; careful; be responsible; open; critical; creative; innovative and caring
environment) in their daily activities as a form of implementation of the attitude in
the trials, report and discuss.
3.7 Analyze the effects of heat and heat transfer in everyday life.

C. Indicator
1.1.1 Show an interest in the events related to the way of heat transfer which was
described by teachers.
2.1.1 Show an attitude of curiosity towards the concept of heat transfer (conduction,
convection, and radiation).
2.1.2 Show a critical attitude and meticulous currently holding discussions in class.
2.1.3 Show discipline and responsibility while working and collecting duties in
accordance with the specified time.
3.7.1 Identify the characteristics of each method of heat transfer (conduction,
convection, radiation).
3.7.2 Categorize some examples of heat transfer events on daily life in accordance with
the concept of conduction, convection, and radiation.
3.7.3 Mention a few examples of applications that use the principle tool heat transfer.

D. Learning Objectives
1.1.1 With demonstrated some phenomena in everyday life related to heat transfer
events, learners have a sense of interest and enthusiastic following in the classroom.
2.1.1 Given a few examples of the events of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and
radiation in daily life, learners have the curiosity to ask questions to the teacher
about the concept of the heat transfer.
2.1.2 Through class discussion, learners can develop a critical attitude and careful in
categorizing examples of heat transfer events in everyday life in accordance with
the concept of conduction, convection, and radiation.
2.1.3 Given STUDENT WORKSHEET and handouts, learners can demonstrate
discipline and responsibility while working and collecting duties in accordance
with the specified time.
3.7.1 With some examples of events changes in heat conduction, convection, and
radiation in daily life, learners are able to identify the characteristics of each
method of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation).
3.7.2 Given a few other examples of heat transfer events in everyday life, learners are
able to categorize some examples of events in accordance with the concept of heat
transfer conduction, convection, and radiation.
3.7.3 Once learners know the characteristics of conduction, convection, and radiation
along with examples of its events, learners are able to cite examples of tool
application that uses the principle of heat transfer.
E. Learning Materials

conduction metals

heat transfer

Heat is a form of energy that can move from objects at high temperature to low temperature
object if the two bodies touched each other. Because heat is a form of energy, then the heat
in the SI unit is the Joule and the CGS is erg. 1 joule = 107 ergs. Before people know that
heat is a form of energy, then the person already has a unit for heat iscalorie, 1 calorie =
4.18 joules or 1 Joule = 0.24 cal.

Figure 1 Three kinds of heat energy perpinahan way

Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

Conduction is heat conductivity that is not accompanied by the movement of particles
intermediary. In conducting this heat energy that moves only, without involving a
middleman particles, such as heat conduction to the heated metal from one end to the
other. When the end of B is heated, the end of A, over time will have a warming too, it
is because of heat energy that vibrate the molecules at the end of B helped vibrating
molecules beside him to the point A.

Convection is heat conductivity that is accompanied by the movement of particles
intermediary. Examples of such events are convection heat transfer to the liquid is
heated, ventilated room, chimney, setting the air valve on the stove, and a fan. Generally
convection occurs in the gas and liquid.
Convection in liquids
When water is heated, the water expands so that its density decreases. Because of its
density is reduced, the water becomes lighter and rises to the top. His place was then
replaced by cooler water from above, coming down because its density is greater.
Movement or water circulation is called convection currents.
Application of convection in this liquid can be encountered when we heat water in a
kettle, then there is heat transfer by conduction and convection. Besides the application
of convection heat flow in the system contained in the hot water and cold water in

Figure 2 Application of Convection in Fluid

Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

Convection in the air

Convection currents in the air or gas occurs when hot air rises and cooler air down. Air
convection can be seen in the image below. If the candle is lit will occur hot air flow in
the device. By using the smoke from the burned mosquito coils, air flow visible. Hot
air rises and cold air falls.

Applications in everyday life such as onshore wind, the sea breeze and manufacture

Figure 3 Application of Convection in Air

Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

Radiation is the heat conduction medium that does not require an intermediary, such as
heat from the sun that reaches the earth, heat bonfire to the people around him, the
cooling (heating) of the house, the drying of coffee, burning oven and the greenhouse
Figure 4 Application of Radiation
Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

F. Approaches, Models, and Learning Methods

Approach Model Method

Concept Discussion, assignment,

Attainment Model presentation

G. Media, Tools and Resources to learn

Media Tool Source


Printed and BSE, handouts,

electronic Whiteboard, Markers materials
(LCD, Laptop) Festive, Internet
H. Learning Activities

Syntax Concept
Attainment Details of activities Time

Teacher activity Students Activity 5
1. Teacher entered the classroom 1. Learners sit neatly on each
and then say hello. table and answered greetings
2. Teachers instruct one student from teachers.
participants to lead the prayer 2. Learners follow the activities
activities in accordance of praying together
preliminary confidence and trust of each. 3. Learners put their hands up
Then the class president to lead when the teacher mentioned
a prayer before starting their name.
3. Teachers then check the
attendance of learners in the
1. When displaying this image, 1. Learners pay attention to the
teacher gives an illustration as illustrations provided by the
follows: "If you try to make teacher and try to answer
your hand on a distance of questions related to the
2. Learners who was appointed to
convey its observations to the
second image.
3. Learners answer the questions
the teacher until they are able
about 10 cm from the coals, to mention learning objectives.
what would you feel? of
course, your hands will feel
the heat, is not? How can it
happens? " 15
motivation and
2. Then it displays the following minutes
learning objectives
Figure 2. The sun reaches the
Then the teacher point at one
student to submit its
observations on the second

3. Then the teacher gives

feedback on the answers to
learners who have been
designated. After the teacher
provoke learners with
questions that led them to
mention the purpose of
learning "The transfer of
Core activities
1. Teachers then make three 1. Learners pay attention to the
columns on the board, titled teacher wrote on the
"Concept A" in the first blackboard that reads "Concept
column, then "Concept B" in A", "Concept B" and "Concept
the second column, and C".
"Concept C" in the third
column. The first column
represents the concept of
conduction, the second
column represents the concept
phase 1 of convection, and the third
Presentation of column represents the concept
data and of radiation.
identification of 20
concepts minutes
2. Then the teacher gives two 2. Learners pay attention to video
examples of events in Column shown by teacher.
A with the video on:
 the butter will melt if
placed on a frying pan
being heated
 spoon feels hot to the
touch when making coffee
then the teacher mentions two
examples of events in Column
B to display videos on:
 Events onshore wind and
sea breeze
 Home ventilation system
then the teacher mentions two
examples of events in Column
C to display videos on:
 sun to the earth
 warm themselves around a

1. The teacher asks what 1. Learners think why these

characteristics that makes an events are grouped in columns.
example of each concept are Learners were in discussions
included in one column. While about the similarities of what
learners discussing with his/her makes the events of butter will
friends, teachers share melt if placed on the pan being
STUDENT WORKSHEET and heated and spoon feels hot to
handouts for each learner, to the touch when making coffee,
help learners acquire the desired in the same group, the
concept. "Concept A" last events
2. After dividing STUDENT onshore winds and sea breezes,
WORKSHEET, students were the ventilation system home in
asked to read the order listed, the "concept B" then the sun to
phase 2 and working. the earth and warming
Achievement exam 3. For the next example (written in themselves around the fire are
concept STUDENT WORKSHEET), in the same group, namely
teachers participated guiding "concept C"
learners to put it in the "Concept 2. Learners receive STUDENT
A", "Concept B", or "Concept WORKSHEET and then do it.
C". Teacher gives some 3. Learners work on the next
examples of events section to include new
 iron the clothes examples provided by the
 drying clothes during the teacher in columns A, B, or C.
day 4. Learners cite examples of other
 holding a hot pot and hand events that can be considered
will blister and the reasons why grouping
 chocolate candy will melt into each column and write in
when used in hand STUDENT WORKSHEET
 air balloon slowly flying up 5. Learners tried to advance the
and down in the sky discussion results of the
 grilling sausages on equation which is owned on an
campfire example in each maisng
 Smoke on chimney moves column, namely:
up  "Concept A":heat transfer
 ice cube will melt if the is not accompanied by
long-held particle displacement
4. Then the teacher asks students intermediary.
to cite examples of other  "Concept B": heat transfer
events that can be categorized that accompanied by the
along with reason into each movement of particles
column, and write on intermediary.
STUDENT WORKSHEET  "Concept C": heat transfer
available. medium without the need
5. After that, the teacher asked for intermediaries.
the students about the 6. Learners then replied that the
characteristics in the concept of A is an event of
"Concept A", "Concept B", conduction, convection B is a
and "Concept C" based on the concept, the concept C is a
examples given. radiation event.
6. The teacher then asked about
the concept of whether the
concept of A, B, and C are
1. Teachers convey to learners 1. Learners pay attention to what
that what they have learned the teacher.
today, which is about three 2. Learners convey the way in
ways of heat transfer, namely finding the concept A, B
conduction, convection, and concept, and the concept C.
2. Teacher asks experience the
thought process experienced
phase 3 by learners so that learners are
Analysis of able to determine their own
strategy thinking way of thinking. The teacher
asks the students "How you
had been able to classify these
objects into the" Concept A
"," Concept B ", and" Concept
C "?". "Are there any specific
criteria so you can include
them in a column - the
1. Teachers give a review about 1. Learners pay attention to what
the learning that has been done the teacher.
to provide questions to learners 2. Learners work on the
(What understanding of heat evaluation sheet
transfer by conduction,
convection and radiation; 3. Participants of the students
Citing examples conduction of collect evaluation sheets
events in daily life; etc.). Then 4. Learners who was appointed
summarize the results of teacher leads a prayer and then
learning today about the pray together
temperature and the heat, 5. Learners answer greeting the
especially on heat transfer by teacher then learning ends.
2. Teachers provide an evaluation
sheet then instructed the
students to do it.
3. Teachers instruct learners to
collect evaluation sheets.
4. Teachers end the learning
activities then appoints one
learner leading a prayer to
close the learning
5. Teacher closing

H. Assessment
A. Assessment of Attitude (Attached)
B. Cognitive Assessment (Attached)
Appendix 1


Subjects : PHYSICS

Class / Program :X

Semester : Even

School year : 2016/2017

No. Aspects Attitude rated Score Criteria

1. Want to know
2. Critical
3. careful
4. Discipline
5. Responsible

 Attitudes Assessment Rubric Want to Know

Criteria Score Indicator
Very Good 4 Always trying to understand the subject matter by reading
(SB) books and asks
Good (B) 3 Often try to understand the subject matter by reading
books and asks
Enough (C) 2 Sometimes trying to understand the subject matter by
reading books and asks
Less (K) 1 Never tried to understand the subject matter by reading
books and asks

 Attitudes Assessment Rubric Discipline

Criteria Score Indicator
Very Good 4 Always discipline in following the learning process
Good (B) 3 Often discipline in following the learning process
Enough (C) 2 Sometimes discipline in following the learning process
Less (K) 1 Never discipline in following the learning process

 Attitudes Assessment Rubric Responsibility

Criteria Score Indicator
Very Good 4 Always be responsible in attitude and action against
(SB) teachers and friends as well as the completion of the task
Good (B) 3 Often responsible for the act and act against teachers and
friends as well as the completion of the task
Enough (C) 2 Sometimes responsible for the act and act against teachers
and friends as well as the completion of the task
Criteria Score Indicator
Less (K) 1 Never responsible in attitude and action against teachers
and friends as well as the completion of the task

 Meticulously Attitudes Assessment Rubric

Criteria Score Indicator
Very Good 4 Always careful in categorizing the phenomenon examples
(SB) are given, in accordance with the concept
Good (B) 3 Often careful in categorizing the phenomenon examples
are given, in accordance with the concept
Enough (C) 2 Sometimes meticulously categorizing the phenomenon
examples are given, in accordance with the concept
Less (K) 1 Never careful in categorizing the phenomenon examples
are given, in accordance with the concept

 Critical Attitudes Assessment Rubric

Criteria Score Indicator
Very Good 4 Always critical in responding to the questions asked
(SB) teachers and friends
Good (B) 3 Often critical in responding to the questions asked
teachers and friends
Enough (C) 2 Sometimes critical in responding to the questions asked
teachers and friends
Less (K) 1 Never critical in responding to the questions asked
teachers and friends
Appendix 2


Subjects : PHYSICS
Class / Program :X
Semester : Even
School year : 2016/2017


3.7.1 Suggests the How do the characteristics of the way C3  conduction: heat transfer is not 30
characteristics of of heat transfer by conduction, accompanied by particle displacement
each method of convection, and radiation? intermediary.
heat transfer  Convection: transfer of heat
(conduction, accompanied by the movement of
convection, particles intermediary.
radiation).  Radiation heat transfer medium
without the need for intermediaries.

3.7.1 Categorize some List 3 examples of events in everyday C2  The butter will melt if placed on a 15
examples of heat frying pan being heated
life that apply heat transfer by
transfer events on  Spoon feels hot to the touch when
daily life in conduction prinsp!
making coffee
accordance with  When iron the clothes
the concept of
conduction,  Events onshore wind and sea breeze 15
C2  Home ventilation system
convection, and List 3 examples of events in everyday  heat water
life that apply heat transfer by
convection prinsp!

C2  Sunlight reaches the earth 15

List 3 examples of events in everyday  Warming themselves around bonfires
life that apply prinsp heat transfer by  Drying clothes

3.7.1 Just a few

examples of List 3 examples of tool application that C2  Electric irons 25
applications that uses the principle of heat transfer!  Refridgerator
use the principle  fireplace home
tool perpindaha

 Rubric Assessment Indicators 3.7.1

Score Indicator
30 Mention all the answers in accordance with the format of
cognitive assessment
20 Mention two of the three answers that correspond to
cognitive assessment format
10 Mention one of three answers in accordance with the
format of cognitive assessment
5 Mention the answers that are not in accordance with the
format cognitive assessment
0 Not to mention the answers

 Rubric Assessment Indicators 3.7.2

Score Indicator
15 Mention the whole answer similar with the format of
cognitive assessment
10 Mentions 2 of 3 a similar answer with the format of
cognitive assessment
5 Mention 1 of 3 a similar answer format cognitive
2 Mention the answers that are not similar to the format of
cognitive assessment
0 Not to mention the answers

 Rubric Assessment Indicators 3.7.3

Score Indicator
25 Mention the whole answer similar with the format of
cognitive assessment
20 Mention 2 of 3 a similar answer with the format of
cognitive assessment
10 Mention 1 of 3 a similar answer with the format of
cognitive assessment
5 Mention the answers that are not similar to the format of
cognitive assessment
0 Not to mention the answers
Handout Heat Transfer

conduction metals

heat transfer

Heat is a form of energy that can move from objects at high temperature to low temperature
object if the two bodies touched each other. Because heat is a form of energy, then the heat
in the SI unit is the Joule and the CGS is erg. 1 joule = 107 ergs. Before people know that
heat is a form of energy, then the person already has a unit for heat iscalorie, 1 calorie =
4.18 joules or 1 Joule = .24 cal.

Figure 1 Three kinds of heat energy perpinahan way

Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

Conduction is heat conductivity that is not accompanied by the movement of particles
intermediary. In conducting this heat energy that moves only, without involving a
middleman particles, such as heat conduction to the heated metal from one end to the
other. When the end B is heated, the ends A, over time will have a warming too, it is
because of heat energy that vibrate the molecules at the end of B helped vibrating
molecules beside him to the point A.

Convection is heat conductivity that is accompanied by the movement of particles
intermediary. Examples of such events are convection heat transfer to the liquid is
heated, ventilated room, chimney, setting the air valve on the stove, and a fan. Generally
convection occurs in the gas and liquid.
Convection in liquids
When water is heated, the water expands so that its density decreases. Because of its
density is reduced, the water becomes lighter and rises to the top. His place was then
replaced by cooler water from above, coming down because its density is greater.
Movement or water circulation is called convection currents.
Application of convection in this liquid can be encountered when we heat water in a
kettle, then there is heat transfer by conduction and convection. Besides the application
of convection heat flow in the system contained in the hot water and cold water in

Figure 2 Application of Convection in Fluid

Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

Convection in the air

Convection currents in the air or gas occurs when hot air rises and cooler air down. Air
convection can be seen in the image below. If the candle is lit will occur hot air flow in
the device. By using the smoke from the burned mosquito coils, air flow visible. Hot
air rises and cold air falls.

Applications in everyday life such as onshore wind, the sea breeze and manufacture

Figure 3 Application of Convection in Air

Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X

Radiation is the heat conduction medium that does not require an intermediary, such as
heat from the sun that reaches the earth, heat bonfire to the people around him, the
cooling (heating) of the house, the drying of coffee, burning oven and the greenhouse
Figure 4 Application of Radiation
Source: Book Sekthough Elektronik class X
Evaluate Sheet


No absence:...............................................

1. How do the characteristics of the way of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and
2. List 3 examples of events in everyday life that apply heat transfer by conduction
3. List 3 examples of events in everyday life that apply heat transfer by convection
4. List 3 examples of events in everyday life that apply prinsp heat transfer by radiation!
5. List 3 examples of tool application that uses the principle of heat transfer!



No absence:..................................................

concept A concept B concept C

the butter will melt if placed Events onshore wind and sea sun to the earth
on a frying pan being heated breeze
spoon feels hot to the touch Home ventilation system warm themselves around a
when making coffee bonfire.

Fill in the columns above with the example that you find daily
life. Then identify differences diketiganya to mention the
characteristics of each event in columns A, B and C

1. Look at the picture below! Are these images show the heat transfer by
conduction? Indicate your answer in the box next to the picture and why!
a. Iron heats
b. The Wind Land and Sea ..................................................
.................................................. .............
2. Look at the picture below! Is the figure shows the displacement kalorsecara
convection? Explain your answer in the box next to the image and.............
.................................................. why!
a. The use Hairdryer for Drying Sablon
.................................................. .............

b. Ironing clothes ..................................................

3. Look at the picture below! Is the figure shows the displacement kalorsecara
radiation? Explain your answer in the box..................................................
next to the picture and why!
a. The people who surround the campfire
.................................................. .............
b. Water when cooked
.................................................. .............
.................................................. .............

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