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Species that Suffer from Illegal Activities on the Ocean

Illegal activities on the ocean include breaking fishing

laws, poaching, ignoring marine protected areas,
and polluting. Such actions contaminate or destroy
delicate marine habitats—including coral reefs or sea
turtle nesting beaches—and they deplete fish
populations, upsetting the entire marine food chain.
Countless species of marine animals die when
accidentally caught in fishing gear; many of these
animals are already victims of illegal harvest and
WWF works through TRAFFIC to combat illegal trade
of marine wildlife and raise awareness among law
enforcement officials and consumers. We support
monitoring of marine protected areas to protect
against poaching, illegal fishing, and destructive
fishing methods. And we advocate for stricter fishery
controls, enforcement of existing fishing laws and
improved monitoring of fishing vessels. Here are some
examples of marine animals that suffer from illegal
activities at sea:
Sea turtles

Accidental capture by fishing gear is the greatest
threat to most sea turtles, and illegal fishing
undermines efforts to reduce such bycatch. While
international trade in all sea turtle species and their
parts is prohibited under an international treaty called
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), illegal
trafficking still persists.


Mouth of the worlds largest fish, the Whale shark

(Rhincodon typus), Donsol, Philippines.

Demand for shark fins drives illegal fishing of sharks

worldwide, depleting populations already struggling
from overfishing. Illegal fishing for tuna and other
species often results in the accidental catch of sharks
as well.

The illegal fishing of the totoaba fish in Mexico is

contributing to the rapid disappearance of the
vaquita porpoise. Fishers accidentally catch vaquita
in nets set for totoaba, and the critically endangered
porpoises drown.


Commercial whaling is banned worldwide, yet

countries such as Iceland and Japan continue to
hunt whales. Whales, dolphins and porpoises also
continue to be caught accidentally in fishing gear as
bycatch, which is exacerbated by illegal fishing. And
whales feeding at the surface are harmed by
exposure to illegal dumping of waste oil by
commercial ships.


Certain illegal fishing methods, such as using

dynamite or cyanide, destroy coral reefs. Corals are
very sensitive to pollution, and illegal dumping of oil or
other wastes smothers or poisons them. Illegal fishing
of reef fish has also led to the loss of corals worldwide,
as fish grazers help keep corals healthy.

Bluefin tuna

Illegal fishing of Atlantic bluefin tuna is a big problem

and the fishery has been plagued by lack of
enforcement and control. The giant fish do not reach
reproductive maturity until they are 8-12 years old
and then only spawn once a year, making the
populations especially vulnerable to overfishing.

Read the above content and write the following in an

A4 sheet for all the species mentioned:
1. Name of the species:
2. Causes for the endangerment :
3. Place where it happens : (Answer only, if found in
the passage)
1. Sea turtle
2. Accidental capture by fishing gear
3. N/A

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