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1. How has the study impacted the community?

A life story of Jessica Cox has a great impacted to the community because of her believing in self,
not giving up and have a determination to be an independent and she can't achieve all her
accomplishment wihout the help and support of her parents and husband bacause of her
determination in life she lead her to become an individual that has a contribution on the society
by traveling in all over the world to sharing a motivational speech to all people.

2. How can the featured story help you as an educator?

As a future educator, it helps and it gives me a realization about Jessica's

inspirational story like just continue your life, must go on and don't stop dreaming even you
have physical disabilities and this not hindrance to achieve our goal in life because like jessica in
future i will teach children and also i i will share to them my inspirational life story.

3. In what way can the story different if the person is not differently able?

I think in strategy and experiences in life because all people have differences. Everyone have
strength and weaknesses and the thing is, every individual is different and we all function
differently based on our personalities even if you abled or disabled.

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