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Revocation of Election for John Q.


In support and validation of Affiant's Revocation of Election rights


A change in Affiant's Form 1040 federal Individual Income Tax status “election” notice
to the IRS must be expressed in writing to be made of record, and in commerce, truth is
sovereign and expressed in the form of an AFFIDAVIT, which in commercial law
becomes the judgment of fact in commerce if not rebutted.

I, John Q. Public, a living, breathing, sentient, flesh and blood man and Affiant herein,
lawfully declare, without (not within) the statutory United States, the following:

Notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to principal and

DEFAULT of principal is DEFAULT to agent.

1. This AFFIDAVIT is made as a matter of record of Affiant's own right, sui juris, in
his own propria persona status. Affiant, related to the IRC, does not consent to
being classified as or referred to as a “legal fiction” trust or corporation entity or
an artificial “construct” created by a foreign municipal government in the District
of Columbia (D.C.), without (not within) Affiant's jurisdiction and herein revokes
and denies all “presumptions” by the IRS that Affiant is a legal fiction, or
deceased, incompetent, in “probate,” lost at sea, or legally connected to the IRS's
jurisdiction in Washington, D.C. or Puerto Rico or anywhere else in the world.

2. Affiant was born in the Indiana Republic and is over twenty-one, of sound mind,
competent and able to testify in matters set forth herein, and Affiant has personal
knowledge of the facts stated herein and waives none of his inalienable rights.

3. Affiant was born of white parents who were both born in Republic states of the
union and Affiant, a living flesh and blood man, is presently living in the Indiana
Republic, a part of the union of Republics, under the laws of God and “the rule of
law” and then under the original Constitution (1787) and the Bill of Rights ratified
in 1791, and does not waive any of his inalienable rights endowed by his Creator.

4. Affiant is not an “illegal tax protester” as he discharges all income taxes lawfully
owed within his jurisdiction. Congress excluded the 50 union states from the IRS's
definition of “United States” for purposes of Subtitle A taxes and all “non federal”
income from these 50 states is defined as being from “sources” without (not

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within) the IRS's definition of the “United States” (IRC sec. 864(c)(4)(A).

5. Affiant’s domicile and union state Citizenship as per 26 U.S.C. 865(g)(B) has no
known lawful affiliation or connection to D.C.'s “municipal” government's
Fourteenth and Sixteenth Amendments and Affiant is “alien” or “foreign” to the
“United States” as defined in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) as the 10-mile
square land area more commonly known as the District of Columbia.

6. Affiant is not a “U.S. person” or a “U.S. citizen” or a “taxpayer” as defined in 26

U.S.C. 7701 et seq. 26 U.S.C. is not “positive law” applicable to state Citizens of
the union or to American Nationals as it is not promulgated in the Federal
Register, thus, not applicable to Affiant as a living man not “residing” or
“domiciled” in D.C. or one of its territories or 'federal zones' within the 50 states
of the union.

7. Affiant is not a “resident” or an “inhabitant” or a “franchise” or a “subject” or a

“ward” or a “property” or a “chattel” of the jurisdiction of the “municipal” United
States and the IRS, as he was not born or naturalized in the “United States” and
thus, is not a “citizen” of the United States - defined as the District of Columbia.

8. Affiant is not a federal government “employee” and does not have a federal
government “employer” and is not a “public officer” of the federal government in
D.C. and is not a “U.S. resident alien” or a Fourteenth or Sixteenth Amendment
affiliated “person” subject to the IRS’s prima facie presumptive “color of law”
regulations, according to the Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter IRC).

9. Affiant is not an “Officer” or “Agent” of a corporation under a “duty” to

“withhold” from employees, or an elected Official or “Fiduciary” of the United
States [D.C.] or any federal military base or private police force connected to
government in Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam or any
other territory or possession of the United States [D.C].

10. Affiant is not required to have a U.S. Tax I.D. number nor is he engaged in a
“trade or business” as defined in the IRC. Affiant is not under the jurisdiction of
the Federal Retirement Thrift Savings Plan.

11. As a living man and not born in or on a federal territory and “non-resident” with
respect to the “federal” United States located in D.C., Affiant’s “non-taxable” tax
status qualifies him to demand that his Revocation of Election herein is duly noted

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by the IRS Commissioner and the DIRECTOR and all other IRS agents, and that
Affiant’s IRS files and records within the IRS’s databases are changed to show
Affiant’s “non-taxable” status, effective immediately upon your receipt.

12. Affiant reserves all of his Inalienable Rights granted by his Creator to be free
from being forced against his will to comply with any foreign federal government
or IRS adhesion contracts not fully disclosed before presumed by the IRS to be in
force or presumed by the IRS that Affiant’s tax status is something different than
“non-taxable” as per Affiant’s Revocation of Election notice herein.

13. Affiant does not derive any “gross income” or “taxable income” from sources
within the United States [D.C.] and any private compensation Affiant might
receive will be a non-taxable exchange for Affiant’s labor on an equal value
exchange basis with no profit or gain from capital occurring.

14. Affiant will not accept federal-sourced “privileges” upon which an “excise” tax
may be imposed.

15. Affiant lives in the Indiana Republic and is not domiciled in any geographic area
within the Indiana Republic that is within or part of any “federal” district or
“federal” “zone” as referred to in the Buck Act.

16. Affiant declares that all previous tax status “elections” were made by the IRS
against Affiant’s free will choice, under threat, duress, and coercion, and without
the IRS acting on Affiant's previous demands to change his tax status.

17. Affiant declares that all past taxable “elections” presumed to exist by the IRS are
null and void from the date of the IRS Commissioner’s and DIRECTOR'S receipt
of Affiant’s Revocation of Election herein and Affiant has no unpaid income taxes
due from previous years.

18. Affiant is not a “legal” or “statutory” federal “person” or “individual” subject to

the IRS’s “foreign” and “alien” D.C. jurisdiction which is foreign to Affiant’s
jurisdiction. Affiant has never agreed to be the “surety” or “guarantor” for alleged
income tax debts for the government created “fiction” named john Q. PUBLIC.

19. Affiant declares that the federal government’s foreign and municipal Fourteenth
and Sixteenth Amendments only have jurisdiction within the District of Columbia
and its territories and not within the jurisdiction of Affiant as a living man who

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lives in the Indiana Republic and not in a “Buck Act” federal zone like IN.

20. Affiant declares that the term “United States” (meaning D.C.) is foreign with
respect to the 50 Republic states of the Union and it cannot migrate to another
sovereignty, such as, the Indiana Republic, as per 19 CJS 883.

21. Affiant declares that 26 U.S.C. has never been “positive” law as it and the IRC do
not have certain required “implementing regulations” for enforcement
promulgated in the Federal Register which is a lawful requirement to have said
Statute and 26 U.S.C apply to American Nationals or state Citizens of the union
(qualified non income tax volunteers and without the IRS’s jurisdiction).

22. Affiant believes Cynthia J. Mills, U.S. Treasury, Disclosure Officer said: “The
IRC is not positive law, it is special law applicable to specific persons in the
United States [D.C.] who choose to make themselves subject to the requirement of
the special laws in the IRC by entering into an employment agreement with the
U.S. Government.” Affiant does not choose to make himself “subject to” any
“special IRS laws” applicable to specific (federal) persons and he is prohibited by
law from doing so as a living man and not one of those IRS “special persons.”

23. Affiant is not engaged in the manufacturing of Alcohol, Tobacco or Firearms or

Energy conserving components or renewable energy sources.

24. Affiant does not consent to any “presumptions” by the IRS to be classified as a
“taxpayer” within the federal government’s foreign constructive trust operations,
including any federal policies that may fall under Martial law or Admiralty Law.

25. Affiant has the free will inalienable right to declare his political and law forum
jurisdiction and “tax status” and not to be treated like a Fourteenth and Sixteenth
Amendment federal “person.” Said Amendments convert private law Merchant to
be moved into the public sector that may control “public policy” and cause a loss
to Affiant’s civil commercial common rights under Public Law Merchant as
preserved in the court case of Swift v. Tyson.

26. Affiant does not operate or “reside” in one of the “several states” of the territorial
government within D.C.’s limited Article 1 legislative court jurisdiction and
Affiant’s mailing location is non-domestic and zip code exempt.

27. Affiant herein “revokes” his consent to the IRS's previous presumed taxable

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“election” of Affiant and to be under any form of Admiralty, Maritime, Military,

private, or municipal law “in rem” concerning Affiant’s declared non-taxable
American National status, as related to the IRC and any future imposed income
taxes not applicable to his current non-taxable status and jurisdiction.

28. Affiant declares that there is no known bilateral contract or conveyance between
Affiant and the IRS “in personam” or in “venue” or in “subject matter”
establishing the “res” or the “thing” of the contract subject to IRS’s Roman Civil
Law constructs and without (not within) Affiant’s jurisdiction.

29. Affiant had not been born in 1933 when the U.S. went off the gold standard (law)
thus, Affiant was not a part of that major commercial agreement change in law
forum. Thus, the IRS has no “in rem” jurisdiction to compel performance on a
limited “unilateral” contract against Affiant when Affiant was not a party to that
contract in 1933 (House Joint Resolution 192), Public Law 73-10, and does not
wish to exercise his option to be part of or under the government’s “public policy”
statutory law and constructive trust operations or Martial Law related thereto.

30. Affiant, acting in “good faith” and in honor, declares that he qualifies as a living
man and has the right to “revoke” the previous “taxpayer” election presumed by
the IRS. Affiant authorizes and demands that the IRS Commissioner and the
DIRECTOR or their delegates to make said changes to all of Affiant’s income tax
records and IRS files effective immediately. 26 U.S.C 6013 (g)(4)(A) addresses
the right to “revoke” a previous tax status “election,” however, Affiant does not
require or need 26 U.S.C. 6013 when exercising his superior law forum, being his
“inalienable right” to choose his taxing authority and his taxing jurisdiction.

31. Affiant is not now nor ever intends to be a “registered” voter in “federal”
elections and thus, is not receiving the “privilege” of voting in federal elections.
As a living man and not a federal “U.S.citizen”, Affiant has no legal right to vote
in any federal elections that are in a 'foreign' D.C. jurisdiction to his jurisdiction.

32. Affiant has never been a federal (public official) jurist in a trial and as a non-
federal living man, Affiant cannot act in a “federal court” in a public capacity.

33. Affiant is not a member of a 501(c)(3) Church and does not receive the “benefit”
of a tax deduction for donations made and Affiant does not take “tax deductions.”

34. Every variant of a compelled government-issued “benefit,” “license” or

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“privilege” which Affiant has been forced to use to exist in today’s society that
may attempt to identify Affiant as either a “trustee,” “fiduciary,” “public officer,”
“public official” or a “federal citizen” or “US citizen,” is against Affiant’s free
will choice to be without (not within) the “federal” meaning of said “labels” and
IRS “terms” and are herein expressly rebutted and denied by Affiant.

35. Affiant, under his God given inalienable rights and his American National foreign
jurisdiction to the IRS's, does not consent to having his name unlawfully
“converted” to an all capital letter nom-de-guerre spelling (which is not Affiant’s
organic name received at birth) to create an unwanted foreign law “Res”
connection to D.C. and the IRS's foreign jurisdiction to Affiant's jurisdiction.

36. Affiant herein revokes all further consent to be a “Res – ident” (the “thing”
identified) juristic statutory servant “individual” resident to a Master federal
government under Roman Civil municipal law that is foreign to Affiant’s
American National status and his superior law forum as a living man.

37. Affiant revokes herein ab initio and rebuts any signature and connection to Form
SS-5 and voter registration, to the extent said relationships connect Affiant to the
IRS's federal D.C. jurisdiction. Affiant does not consent to be a Federal Trustee in
the Federal government’s constructive trust “public policy” agenda and Affiant
has no known foreign earned income earned within the United States [D.C.].

38.Affiant does not consent to be classified as a federal “Debtor” in any pending or

future United States [D.C.] bankruptcy or Martial Law proceedings.

39.Affiant is not an “enemy” or an “enemy combatant” against the federal

government or a political or financial “terrorist” planning or scheming against the
United States or the IRS and is not involved or active in any such group. Affiant is
only interested in asserting his right to be classified as “non-taxable” under the
laws passed by Congress under the original Constitution that protect American
Nationals and state Citizens from taxes being unlawfully imposed upon Affiant.

40.Affiant's (Form 1040) income tax status change demand to “non-taxable” with his
Revocation of Election herein, is a change in the IRS's previously presumed tax
status of Affiant and thus, Affiant has the right to receive a confirmation of your
receipt and execution of Affiant's changed tax status to non-taxable.

Affiant's non-taxable “foreign jurisdiction” to the IRS's D.C. or Puerto Rico jurisdiction
has been well established here with this ROE and AFFIDAVIT and does not require the
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approval of the IRS. Affiant's notice of his non-taxable status with his ROE documents
herein, is the truth in law unless rebutted in writing by a high ranking senior IRS officer.

Should you or any other officer within the Office of the Commissioner of the IRS or
DIRECTOR'S Office wish to rebut this AFFIDAVIT, said rebuttal must be from either
you or one of your high ranking authorized delegates in their individual and personal
capacity under a sworn Affidavit of Rebuttal, executed and personally signed and
notarized as being true, correct and complete.

Any IRS disagreement rebuttal of Affiant's declarations herein and his right to be an
American National not “subject to” the IRC and the IRS's Subtitle A individual income
taxes, must be expressed to Affiant in writing within the time frame allowed by law.

As the IRS Commissioner and DIRECTOR with a “duty” to perform as instructed herein
and in your individual capacity as a living man (or woman), Affiant believes you have
30 days under RRA98 to reply to Affiant with an acknowledgement that his tax status
has been changed to reflect his non-taxable status.

In the event you or your delegate does not acknowledge Affiant's tax status change in a
timely manner as required per RRA98 and other legal precedents, you and your Office
will not be in compliance with RRA98. Your silence will be construed by Affiant to be
your tacit approval of Affiant's Revocation of Election, his AFFIDAVIT, and his non-
taxable status.

“Silence gives consent, is the rule of business life. Express consent, then, not being
necessary, is there anything from which consent may be implied? There is length of
time.” Padelford, Fay & Co. v. Mayor and Alderman of City of Savannah, 14 Ga.
438,WL. 1492, (1854).

“Silence” is species of conduct, and constitutes an implied representation of existence of

facts in question... where silence is of such character and under such circumstances that
it would become fraud... it will operate as estoppel. Carmine v. Bowen 64 AT 932.

Affiant hereby affixes his autograph to all above declarations and statements with
explicit reservations of all of his inalienable rights and without prejudice to any of those

Affiant does hereby state the following: I, john Q. Public, declare under penalty of
perjury under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States”

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[District of Columbia] that the foregoing is true and correct in fact and in substance, to
the best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, per 28 U.S.C.1746 (1).


Executed at __________________, Indiana Republic

by__________________________ Date____________________
John Q. Public
A living man, in Honor and in good faith by ”special appearance” with all unalienable
rights reserved.

John Q. Public
c/o Non-domestic
123 Main St.
Anytown, Indiana Republic
USA [near 00000]

SS #___________________
assigned by a “federal” government agency to JOHN Q. PUBLIC, nom-de-guerre,
vessel, securitized negotiable instrument and not assigned to john Q. Public, a living

Indiana Republic
County of _______________

On this day Affiant came before me and declared the signature / autograph is true and
complete on the foregoing Affidavit. John Q. Public the undersigned, upon proper
identification, personally came before me, a notary public and duly declared the truth of
the foregoing with Affidavit in my presence. The Affidavit also acknowledged the
autographing thereof to be his own voluntary act and deed.

Autographed this________ day of ____________, 2016 at ___________________

My Commission expires on___________________

By_____________________________ Seal

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