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"The world now has the largest generation of young people in history. I place great hope
in their power to shape our future." Youth Empowerment is the process by which the youth gain
control over the factors that shape their life. It implies that the youth have the power over the
decisions they make and how it can affect their community. Young people make up a large
portion of society so it is crucial that they are aware of the role that they play in the world.
Empowering the youth is important because it is connected to both the financial elevation as well
as the increment of the standard of living. Each child has the influence to change their own lives
and the lives of the people surrounding them. Having a youth that is educated, equipped, and
empowered can help shape what our futures could look like because they are able to envision a
better tomorrow and work towards that goal. It helps to encourage them to make decisions that
can do great things and make an impact in the world. As Audrey Hepburn once said "As you
grow older you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping others and one for helping
yourself." So what are some ways to empower the youth? First, you have to start with yourself.
You cannot empower others if you yourself are not empowered. You also have to be brave enough
to take risks even if it means doing it alone. Next, you have to be aware of your potentials and to
not be afraid to unleash your talents. Finally, you need to have the heart to be a voice to the other
youth and to live as a true empowered youth. Why is youth empowerment essential? First, it helps
with poverty eradication. The youth can help reduce the rate of poverty to a significant level.
Next is good education standard. Empowerment can help the young people to understand the
importance of education. It is also important for good governance. The youth will be able to
reject the status quo and go beyond the norms built within the society. Finally, it can help with
crime reduction. Empowerment enables the youth to distinguish what is right from wrong. As
youths, you are able to make a change in the world. You have a voice to work towards a future
that is capable to empower themselves and each other. Strengthening the young minds can help
them to unlock their inner potential for their own ideas and innovation. The world should
encourage the youth to be more and to do more. If we are able to do that then we can create
potential leaders of tomorrow. We can create a generation that is skilled, ambitious, and
courageous. With this, we are equipping them with suitable skills that prepares them to create a
future of their own. Being young does not exclude you from crafting a better world. Being young
actually means that the world's future is in your hands and you have the potential to work
towards a remarkable upcoming.

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