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Intro to Spanish – Guided Notes – 3.2.

Q: ¿Dónde está ________ (object)?

Where is _______ (object)?

A: _______ (first object) está ________ (location word) _______ (object).

The ______ (first object) is ________ (location) ______ (second object).

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

Palabras de locación – Location Words

¿Dónde está la pelota?

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

¡Una competición!

Look at the picture below. You will have a certain amount of time to write as
many “location” sentences using the picture as you can. Write your complete
Spanish sentences on a separate sheet of paper. Look at the example below to
help guide you.

Ejemplo: La computadora está

encima del escritorio.

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