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Simple and Compound Sentences Quiz Name


Label each simple sentence S and each compound sentence C. Underline each
subject once and each predicate twice.

____1. Text messaging is not new, yet few adults use it.

____2. The contest will not take place until June, but we already have four entries.

___3. Tree swallows can fly out of their nests and catch insects in midair.

___4. We grilled hamburgers, barbequed chicken, and roasted marshmellows on July 4th.

____5. The wind shifted, and it blew rain in through our window.

____6. Early Arab people used these numbers; then they taught them to other people.

____7. Janell drew the pictures, but another artist wrote the words for the book.

____8. Would you rather walk to the park, or would you prefer to go to the beach?

____9. For dinner we had spaghetti, Caesar salad, garlic bread, and tea.

____10. The drought is expected to last for several more months, so we should use our
water cautiously.

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