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Allysa Marie Samulde BSTM 1C TTH 9:00 – 10:30

As the semester started, I had set my mind that I was about to get even closer to God
through this subject. As a catholic and a student of Catholic school, I had planned that
throughout the semester, I had to improve my relationship to God through learning more about
him. Now that the semester has ended, I can reflect all the semester activities to depict how my
bond with God, the way I communicate to him and living out his words in my everyday life,
drastically improved. This semester didn’t just improved me as a person, it taught me a lot of
things including my faith.

I learned what it really means to have faith and be proactive in it. I understand more fully
what the Love of God for us is, what it really meant for Jesus to be “incarnated”, and how my
prayers affect me and the others around me. I was able to reflect to the Gospel values each week,
which has given me the time to think deeply and to have a deeper understanding of the words of
God. Through that, I also allowed me to participate more in Mass and understand the deep
meanings and reasons for my faith.

This semester helped me learn about the prayer, how Jesus taught us how to pray, the
different sins that may lead me to endless sufferings such as the deadly sins, the seasons in the
life of Jesus where we can relate the seasons in my life too, the every period during the times
where Jesus was just about to save me, that includes the period in the book of Old Testaments in
the Holy Bible. In simple words, I learned a lot not just to improve but the life of my savior and
my God as well. I will apply all of this learning into my life in countless ways. This semester
definitely helped me strengthen my faith and become a stronger in any situations I may be in
with the help of God.

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