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Benefits Bananas for Beauty and Health

There are lots of banana plants or grows in Indonesia and is very easy to
find these herbs for almost every area there is a banana tree . There are
so many benefits that can be felt from the banana plant , because in
addition to fruit banana leaf and heart are also useful .

Banana is a fruit that contains nutrients or vitamins are very good for
health and also for the beauty of the skin , here's more information about
the benefits of bananas for skin beauty and efficacy of bananas for health

Did you know that Bananas are beneficial to health because it helps the
body retain calcium reserves , nitrogen , and phosphorus , which are all
useful for building repair and regeneration of tissue . Bananas are also
rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex , vitamin
C , as well as potassium , magnesium , phosphorus , iron , and calcium .

Bananas For Health Benefits:

1. Can Treat Constipation.

Bananas can be used as a natural constipation drug. These pieces may serve
to help facilitate defecation. By eating a banana to avoid hardening of the
stool is an early symptom of constipation.

2. Able to Reduce Swelling.

The banana is used to reduce inflammation, protect the risk of type II

diabetes, strengthens the nervous system of the body, help you lose weight,
as well as helping produce white blood cells. This is because high levels
of vitamin B-6 in bananas.

3. Reduce Pain When Haid.

If often feel pain every time period, then resolving the issue by using a
banana. Expand consume bananas then the pain may be less.

4. Can Smooth Circulatory.

Bananas in potassium and potassium that are useful to help circulation. In

the end the circulation of oxygen to the brain becomes more smoothly.
Potassium can also serve to help launch the heart rate, reduce the risk of
stroke, and regulates blood pressure.

5. Efficacy Bananas Overcoming Itching Due Mosquito Bites.

Mosquito bites are annoying and the resultant itching can be removed with a
banana. Take the banana skin and rub gently to the affected area mosquito
6. Bananas Could Improve Mood.

Banana fruit useful to help meningatkan mood so the mood becomes unstable
and so do not stress.

7. Bananas can Streamlining Digestive System

Eating bananas regularly can help the digestive system performance to be

better. So in the end the various nutrients from food consumed to be
absorbed and used by the body optimally.

8. Preventing Heart Disease.

Banana can be used to prevent heart disease, it is because bananas contain
vitamin C and flavonoids which are antioxidants and can prevent the
oxidation of fat. Potassium contained in bananas is a good tonic for heart
health. Pectin fiber influential in helping to lower cholesterol.

9. Heal Burn.

You can use one piece of banana plants to heal burns. Way, take the ashes
of banana leaves and then add coconut oil. Apply on the affected skin

10. Healthy Bones

Eating bananas regularly may serve to help heal the bone. This is because
the banana is one fruit that has a fairly high manganese content.
11. Overcoming anemia .

Bananas have an iron content high enough so it is suitable for patients

with anemia . Consuming 2 bananas every day routinely . Benefits of bananas
to overcome the shortage of red blood cells or anemia .

12. Bananas can Treat heartburn .

The banana is used as a solution when the skin is attacked by an ulcer .

This is because bananas contain substances antidote acid in the body and
thus can relieve heartburn .

Such information regarding the efficacy of bananas for skin health and
beauty , as well as the benefits of bananas for pregnant women , you also
need to read an important article about the benefits and the Benefits of
Papaya Fruit Dragon Fruit for body health . Hopefully this information is

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