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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Music Six

Content Standard: Demonstrates the concept of texture as; Monophonic, Homophonic and
Performance Standard: Performs a given song, using different texture in music.
Learning Competencies: Identify aurally the texture of musical pieces.

I- Objectives: at the end of the allotted time, the pupils are expected to;
a. Identify the different texture in music;
b. Perform the different texture in music through acapella and video presentation;
c. Participate cooperatively with the group in the given activities.

II- Subject Matter: Different Types of Texture in Music

References: 21st Century Mapeh in action 6 pp,
Code: MU6TX-IVC-D-1
Materials: Laptop ( Multi-Media Presentation), Charts, Strips and Different Musical Instruments
Strategy: Inquiry Based Approach, Collaborative approach
(Differentiated Instruction)
Value Focus: Teamwork

III- Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Good morning class.
Yell by group (Melody, Harmony & Dynamics)

2. Review
“We learned from the previous lesson about the “four elements of music“. Now, we
will have an activity in a form of game entitled, “Open Notes”, but before that I will
divide the class into four groups. This is the
Record of points

I will give each group a strip of paper with a question on it and a blank paper
wherein you write your answer. If you are done clap your hands and raise your answer.
1. It is a gradual change to a slower tempo.
2. It is a slow gradual change to a faster tempo.
3. It is a very fast tempo.
4. It is a very slow tempo.

3. Motivation
This time, you will have an activity entitled “ Silent Night”. Each group will
provided with a strips and charts for you to answer.

Direction: Everybody close your eyes, and listen to the sound inside the classroom.
Then identify the different texture of music.

Sound Texture

4. Setting of Standards
Before we proceed to our discussion and check your answers, I want everybody
to read our house rules.

1. Listen Carefully
2. Sit Properly
3. Raise your right hand if you want to answer.
4. Respect someone’s opinion.

B. Discussing New Concepts

Texture in music refers to the structure of

a musical composition showing how many
sounds, various layers, or voices are heard
at the same time.

There are three different types of texture in music.

1. Monophonic Texture- as the prefix “mono” means one sound.

Example: Are you Sleeping Brother John.
The Love of Jesus
Class, how many sounds do you heard? Only 1 teacher
If we heard only 1 sound, what type of texture of music? Monophonic teacher

Very Good!

2. Homophonic Texture- is a single melodic sound

with accompaniment. It gives focus on the melody
as its main feature and is supported and colored by
another instrument like the guitar or the piano.
Example: Are you sleeping, Brother John with the
Accompaniment of piano.
Little Indian with Spring Instrument

In singing, Little Indian using ukulele, how many sounds

do you heard? 2 teacher

What type of texture with a single melodic sound

with accompaniment? Homophonic teacher

That’s Great!

3. Polyphonic Texture- means having “many sounds”.

It contains two or more independent musical composition,
which makes use of two or more melodies.

Example: Choral Music and Orchestral Music.

How many sounds in Polyphonic Texture? More than 2 teacher

What is the best example in polyphonic texture? Choral Music

Very Good!

C. Developing Mastery
“ Shout Out” (Group Activity)

Direction: Identify the following sounds. Shout out

your answer. For
Monophonic Texture- Shout Out the bark of the American dog 3x
Homophonic Texture- Shout Out the sounds of a snake and cat
Polyphonic Texture- Shout Out the sounds of frog, turkey and lizard

D. Application of Concepts
(Differentiated Instructions)

Direction: Perform the different task (3 minutes to practice)

Melody Group- Perform the Polyphonic Texture through

video presentation instruments are provided
(Ukelele, Tambourine and Drum)

Harmony Group- Perform the homophonic texture

( Little Indian Song with string instrument ukulele)

Dynamics Group- Perform the monophonic texture

(Little Indian Song)

Little Indian
One little two, little three, little indian
Four little five, little six, little indian
Seven little eight, little nine, little indian
Ten little indian boys.

How was your experience while you are doing

the activity? Expected answer
Did you succeed the task given? Yes, teacher

What is the best thing you should do

during the activity? Cooperate teacher

Very Good!

E. Generalization

What are the different types of texture in music?

Can you Give me an example of Monophonic texture?
Choral competition is an example of what texture in music?
IV- Evaluation

Direction: Match the column A with the correct meaning in column B.

Write only the letter.


____1. Monophonic A. Refers to the structure of a musical composition

showing how many sounds are heard.
____2. Texture B. It contains two or more independent musical
____3. Polyphonic C. It is a single melodic sound with accompaniment.

____4. Homophonic D. Large group of singers

____5. Choir E. Means one sound

V. Assignment

In your group, perform the different types

of texture in music through video presentation.

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