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Chapter 15 Vocab

Antidepressant Medication- A medication designed to alleviate symptoms of depression but

often prescribed for other types of conditions
Behavior Therapy- Applications of classical and operant conditioning principles to the treatment
of symptoms of psychological disorder and adjustment problems
Biopsychosocial Approach- An integrated approach to therapy that combines treatments
addressing the biological, personal, and social underpinnings of psychological disorders
Brief Therapy- Psychotherapy provided in a short time frame, usually between three and five
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)- A combination of cognitive restructuring with behavioral
treatments that has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of many psychological
Cognitive Restructuring- A technique used in cognitive therapies in which new, rational beliefs
replace earlier, irrational beliefs held by the client
Counseling- Treatment originally proposed by humanistic therapists that includes a focus on
personal strengths and development; it is now used to refer to treatment for adjustment problems
as opposed to treatment for severe psychological disorders
Couples Therapy- A type of family therapy that focuses on intimate relationships
Deep Brain Stimulation- Electrical stimulation applied through surgically implanted electrodes
that is used to treat some anxiety and mood disorders
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)- A biological treatment in which seizures are induced in an
anesthetized patient; it is used primarily in the treatment of mood disorders that have not
responded to medication or other treatments
Family Therapy- A type of therapy in which family members participate individually and in
combination with other family members
Free Association- The psychoanalytic technique of encouraging a patient to say whatever comes
to mind without attempting to censor the content
Group Therapy- Psychotherapy conducted with a group of people rather than individually
Humanistic Therapy- A therapy approach patterned after the theories proposed by humanistic
Insight Therapy- A therapy that improves symptoms of psychological disorder by building the
people’s understanding of their situation
Neurofeedback- A type of biofeedback used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and
seizures by teaching the client to keep measures of brain activity within a certain range
Person-Centered Therapy- A humanistic therapy approach developed by Carl Rogers to help
clients achieve congruence
Psychiatrist- A medical doctor who specializes in psychiatry and can use medical procedures,
such as the prescribing of medication, to treat psychological disorders
Psychoanalysis- The treatment approach developed by Freud and practiced by those who believe
psychodynamic theories
Psychosurgery- The attempt to improve symptoms of psychological disorders through the use of
brain surgery
Psychotherapist- A licensed professional who provides psychotherapy
Psychotherapy- Treatment designed to improve symptoms of psychological disorder through
conversation between the therapist and the patient or client
Resistance- A psychoanalytic technique in which the patient’s reluctance to accept the
interpretations of the therapist indicate that the interpretations are correct
Tardive Dyskinesia- A movement syndrome that results from the use of medications used to treat
symptoms of schizophrenia
Transference- A psychoanalytic technique in which the therapist uses the responses of the patient
to the therapist to understand the patient’s approach to authority figures in general

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