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What is Prana?

Prana is a Sanskrit word constructed of the syllables praand an. 'An' means movement and
'pra' is a prefix meaning constant. Therefore, prana means constant motion, “vital life force.”
Prana is ever present in every aspect of creation. All beings, whether living or non-living, exist due
to prana. Every object in creation is floating in the vast, all-encompassing sea of prana, and
receiving everything they need to exist from it.

Universal Prana
At the very beginning, there was nothing, not even creation. What existed was an all-
pervasive, un-manifest consciousness, known in the scriptures as Para Brahman. It contained
within it all the qualities and components necessary for creation. The whole universe lay infinitely
contracted in it as mere potency; prana remained completely absorbed in it as if in a union of
deep embrace. It was a state of perfect equilibrium and harmony.
In this utter stillness, there is a movement. The tantric and vedic literatures state that a desire
arose in that absolute principle: Ekoham bahusyam - "I am one, let me become many." The desire
is the first creative impulse, which results in 'willing'. The willing of the un-manifest consciousness
causes the first spandan, vibration, and energy issues forth. It is the first movement: the first
moment of becoming from being, the first manifestation of prana.
This primal energy, called mahaprana, is variously known as mahashakti, mahamaya, the
cosmic creatrix or the Cosmic Mother. Prana was never separate from consciousness; it existed
eternally as potential in consciousness, but now it assumed itself. Thus energy and consciousness
began to interact with each other. They indulged in cosmic play, lila, which caused srishti,
creation. The awakening of mahaprana was like a self-projection of the 'I-ness' of the infinite
consciousness - the unchanging consciousness could experience itself through the movement of
prana. In the course of time, modifications took place in the states of consciousness and energy,
and with each modification a different level of creation came into being. Different levels of
existence manifested: beings and matter, elements and energies, light and dark, positive and
negative, animate and inanimate, male and female. Together, consciousness and energy
expanded the universe, and at the end of every age dissolved it, gathering the universe back into

The many subtleties of prana and chitta (consciousness) are the ladders of all spiritual
practices, the ultimate rung being involution to the state where all that exists is pure
consciousness. This is the process of going back to the 'source'.

Play of prana and consciousness

Both prana and consciousness must be present for life to exist. The conscious experience is
chitta; that which takes one closer to the conscious experience is prana, and that which motivates
prana is vasana, inherent desire. So, prana and vasana are the two supports of consciousness. A
living being is called a prani, one who has prana and thus consciousness. It is not that
consciousness is the cause of existence and prana the result; nor is prana the cause or
consciousness the result. They are two aspects of existence which determine the nature of

All beings are composites of prana, which gives them life and existence. The quantum of
prana of each individual is indicated by the power of the personality, which reflects one's natural
capacity to wield prana. Some persons are more successful, commanding and fascinating than
others due to the level of their prana.
Often the word prana is translated as breath. However, prana is not the oxygen or the air that
one breathes. Consciousness is being, awareness, knowledge; prana is becoming, manifestation
through motion. Consciousness is a dormant experience whereas prana is the active principle of
manifest energy. They are the two eternal principles that are the basis of the macrocosmos and
the microcosmos. Everything is a combination of prana and chitta. The entire universe, creation
and existence are a play of consciousness and energy. The life force and mental force permeate
every atom and cell of the universe, though remaining at different degrees of separation.

Individual prana

As long as the vayu (prana) remains in the body, there is life. Death occurs when the vayu leaves
the body, therefore, retain the vayu.

Receiving prana
Prana is the dynamic principle within everything. Everyone is born with a certain quantum of
prana, but the quantity and quality change continuously, as one goes through life. Positive
thoughts, higher feelings and yogic practices generate higher levels of prana. When the sexual
energy is sublimated or transformed, substantial prana is conserved within the system and
converted into ojas, a subtler form of energy. This energy accumulates in the brain and is utilized
for creative and spiritual development. A yogi stores an abundance of prana within him, just as
batteries store electricity. The megawatts of his prana radiate strength, health and vitality to all

around him. He is a powerhouse of energy, providing prana to everyone who comes in contact
with him.
At the material level one also receives prana from the environment, food, water, sun and air.
All the elements are comprised of prana. So, the quantum of prana within each individual is
influenced by the quality of the elements to which one is exposed and which one ingests in the
course of everyday life.

Pranic value of food

The Bhagavad Gita refers to the quality of prana in different foods by categorizing them as
sattwic, rajasic and tamasic. On the basis of Simonéton research, he divided food into four
general classes. On a scale of zero to 10,000 angstroms, he found the basic human wavelength to
be about 6.5 thousand. Foods that have wavelengths between this and 10,000 angstroms, he
regarded as those of the highest quality.

In this first class are fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, ocean fish and shellfish. In the
next class, with radiations 6.5 thousand to 3,000 angstroms are eggs, peanut oil, wine, boiled
vegetables, cane sugar and cooked fish. The third category, with very weak radiations below
3,000 angstroms, is comprised of cooked meats, sausages, coffee, tea, chocolate, jams, processed
cheeses and white bread. The fourth category exhibits practically no life force and includes
margarine, conserves, alcoholic spirits, refined white sugar and bleached flour.

Pranic value of air

Pure air is essential for life and health, not only to satisfy the requirement of oxygen, but also
the need for prana. The quality of air one breathes affects one's energy level directly. The
exhilaration and vitality experienced near a waterfall or high in the mountains is because the
quantum of prana in the air is significantly higher in these places. On the other hand, when one is
exposed to air pollution or recycled air, the energy level quickly begins to decline. Science has
explained this phenomenon in terms of ions, charged particles in the air that are formed when
enough energy acts on a gaseous molecule to eject an electron. Ions may be negative or positive.
When the displaced electron attaches itself to an adjacent molecule, it becomes a negative ion.
The original molecule then becomes a positive ion.

These positive and negative ions are the components of the air one breathes. When one
inhales negative ions, they increase the level of prana in the body. The opposite effect is
experienced on inhalation of positive ions. Inside a closed room in a modern city there may be
less than 50 negative ions per square foot and in the mountains there are about 5,000. It is now
an established scientific fact that depletion of negative ions leads to discomfort, enervation,
lassitude and some degree of mental and physical inefficiency. Negative ions are therapeutic
partly because they kill germs. In human beings, they act on the capacity to absorb oxygen,
accelerating the blood's delivery of oxygen to cells and tissues. Negative ions are not prana, but
when one inhales them the level of prana in the body increases. In this context it is interesting
that negative ions work only so long as they are being inhaled. It has also been observed that the
ability to assimilate negative ions goes up during yogic practices such as pranayama.

Working with prana

Prana is not received solely from external sources; it is also self-generated and its quality can
be refined and directed. One can work with one's own prana to enhance vitality, will and
strength, cure diseases, boost capability and efficiency, and evolve to a higher consciousness. In
fact, one must work with prana shakti, force of prana, in order to perfect any experience in life.
This is the aim of pranayama which are tangible methods to enhance and guide prana.
The breath is the external manifestation of prana. The yogis state that prana is sustained and the
duration of life is prolonged by deliberately decreasing the distance of the exhaled air. Based on
this fact, they devised a technique to measure the prana expended during different actions. They
stated that the pranic outflow can be gauged by observing the length of the exhalation during
different actions. The longer the air current, the more prana is utilized. The average length of
exhaled air is twelve digits (nine inches). While singing the length becomes sixteen digits (one
foot), while eating twenty digits (fifteen inches), while sleeping thirty digits (twenty-two inches),
while copulating thirty-six digits (twenty-seven inches), and while performing physical exercise, it
is much longer.
Maximum prana is utilized by the brain. If the brain is not supplied with sufficient prana, the
mind becomes restless and disturbed, and constantly dives into negative thoughts. This is evident
from the fact that when one is hungry or ill, one tends to become irritable. The quantum of prana
in the body has gone down and the brain circuits are protesting the lack.
Although the breath is gross and prana is subtle, the two are intrinsically connected. One can
influence the level of prana shakti in the body with the help of the breath. When prana is
influenced through modification of the breath, all the functions of the body, brain, mind and
consciousness are affected. The practices of pranayama raise the levels of prana by working with
the breath and lead to prana vidya, inner knowledge or experience of prana. A significant
outcome of pranic awareness is that one is able to gain control over the mind.
When prana moves, the mind thinks and the senses perceive their respective objects. By
developing sensitivity to prana, one becomes more aware of the subtle forces of the mind, which
arise in the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions, responses, impressions, symbols and
knowledge. Prana is grosser than the mind and hence easier to control. Thus, when prana is
caught the flighty mind is caught too.


According to yoga, a human being is capable of experiencing five dimensions of existence,

which are called pancha kosha or five sheaths. These are the five spheres in which a human being
lives at any given moment and they range from gross to subtle.

Annamaya Kosha
The first sheath or level of experience is the physical body, or annamaya kosha. The word
anna means 'food' and maya 'comprised of'. This is the gross level of existence and is referred to
as the food sheath due to its dependence on food, water and air. This sheath is also dependent on
prana. While it is possible to live without food for up to six weeks, water for six days, and air for
six minutes, life ceases immediately the moment prana is withdrawn from it.

Pranamaya Kosha
The second sheath is pranamaya kosha, the energy field of an individual. The level of
experience here is more subtle than the physical body, which it pervades and supports. This
sheath is supported in turn by the subtler koshas. Together, the physical and pranic bodies
constitute the basic human structure, which is referred to as atmapuri, city of the soul. They
form the vessel for the experience of the higher bodies. The pranamaya kosha is the basis for the

practices of pranayama and prana vidya. It is also described as the pranic, astral and etheric
counterpart of the physical body. It has almost the same shape and dimensions as its flesh and
blood vehicle, although it is capable of expansion and contraction.
Pranamaya kosa is the electro-magnetic web matrix of the subtle anatomy (sukshmasharira)
consisting of energy centers (chakras), energy vessels (nadi), and energy points (marma), which
connects the physical body (annamaya kosa) to the psychological mind (manomaya kosa).
Pranamaya kosha is also described as a system of energy vessels (aka.channels, meridians) (nadi)
which radiate life force (prana-shakti) from various energy centers (chakras), or centers of
consciousness (chaitanya), to nourish physiological tissues.
Pranamaya kosha is only visible through meditation or the adjustment of the external
perception to a higher frequency to activate the inner or psychic eye (clairvoyance). Depending on
the health of the person the pranamaya kosha generally extends 1-2 inches from the physical
body. The pranamaya kosha plays a role as mediator between physical body and the higher
energy bodies. It transfer information which we gain through our physical senses to the astral and
manomaya kosha while simultaneously transporting energy and information from the higher
bodies to the physical body. If there is an imbalance in the physical body this will generally be
reflected in the panamaya kosha. This may be felt as areas of heat or cold. Areas of heat in the
etheric body can indicate an excess of energy leading to inflammation. Areas of cold indicate a
lack of energy and poor circulation. If the person is unwell, the etheric body may be depleted with
holes or areas where the energy field is thinner.

Manomaya Kosha
The third sheath is manomaya kosha, the mental dimension. The level of experience is the
conscious mind, which holds the two grosser koshas, annamaya and pranamaya, together as an
integrated whole. It is the bridge between the outer and inner worlds, conveying the experiences
and sensations of the external world to the intuitive body, and the influences of the causal and
intuitive bodies to the gross body. Extending about 4-6 inches from the body, typically exhibited
by a bright combination of rainbow hues, the field can appear muddled and dulled when negative
emotions and feelings are present.
Cold areas in the manomaya kosha may indicate areas of sadness while areas of heat can
indicate anger or repressed emotions. The manomaya kosha is constantly changing depending on
our emotional state. This body is associated with the colours that psychics see around the physical
body. Although the emotional body is constantly changing most people have a predominant
colour and underlying emotional state.

Vijnanamaya Kosha
The fourth sheath is vijnanamaya kosha, the psychic level of experience, which relates to the
subconscious and un-conscious mind. This sphere pervades manomaya kosha, but is subtler than
it. Vijnanamaya kosha is the link between the individual and universal mind. Inner knowledge
comes to the conscious mind from this level. When this sheath is awakened, one begins to
experience life at an intuitive level, to see the underlying reality behind outer appearances. This
leads to wisdom. The Vijnanamaya kosha generally extends 3-4 feet from the physical body. Our
thoughts are constantly changing; as a result this body changes in size depending on whether our

thoughts are positive or negative. If a person is very negative they will have dense or dark areas in
their manomaya kosha and vijnanamaya kosha.

Anandamaya Kosha
The fifth sheath is anandamaya kosha, the level of bliss and beatitude. This is the causal or
transcendental body, the abode of the most subtle prana.

Prana and the koshas

All the five sheaths are pervaded by prana, which nourishes and sustains them and maintains
their appropriate relation-ship. The movement from one kosha to another is also achieved with
the help of prana.
The pranamaya kosha acts as the neutral space, allowing one to move from annamaya to
manomaya, manomaya to vijnanamaya, vijnanamaya to anandamaya, and so on. One must use
the faculty of prana shakti in order to move from any one state to another. Therefore, the
dimension of energy is like the neutral space in the gear box. With the activation of prana, one
gains access to the physical, mental, psychic and spiritual dimensions.

Ascending through the koshas

The aim of a yoga aspirant is to attain higher levels of consciousness by piercing through
kosha after kosha. All yogic practices facilitate this aim. The shatkarmas, for example, directly
influence annamaya kosha and allow the consciousness to penetrate the next level, pranamaya
kosha, by freeing the flow of prana. The asanas have a similar influence; they clear the blockages
in the annamaya kosha and as a consequence, influence the pranamaya kosha. As one advances
in the practice of asanas, their range of influence becomes subtler and the pranamaya kosha is
more directly influenced. Pranayama practices influence pranamaya kosha and indirectly affect
manomaya kosha.
Purification of the first three sheaths opens the door to the fourth sheath, vijnanamaya
kosha, the sheath of intuition. Nevertheless, the five sheaths are interlinked and what happens in
one affects the others. The activation of pranic force leads to the development of healing
abilities, so that the energy can be used to repair the wounds of life. Purification of manomaya
kosha results in clarity of thought and balanced expression of emotions and ego. There is a better
understanding of different conditions and situations, and greater creativity in the realms of
buddhi, intellect, and kriya, action.
When annamaya and pranamaya are cleansed, there is no longer any barrier between them
and manomaya. Mind, body and energy can work in unison, and that tears the veil to vijnanamaya
kosha. When the psychic sheath is accessed, concentration becomes refined and the deeper mind
comes to the surface. The psychic experiences and extrasensory perceptions manifest and deep-
rooted samskaras are purged. As vijnanamaya kosha is cleared, creativity becomes inspired and
clarity comes intuitively and effortlessly. At this stage the mind is actually and truly being emptied
and prepared to experience anandamaya kosha.

The process of gradual ascent through the koshas may be reversed for the rare yogi who is
endowed with grace. In this case the experience of anandamaya kosha brings about purification
at all the other levels.

In addition to exercise,
methods include eating
The asanas or physical movements including
the health-fully, using air
GROSS BODY hands gestures knows as mudras and diet. This
Annamaya and water as cleaner or
(Sthula Sharira) kosha is the impetus for the emphasis on diet in
filters and exploring the
Ayurveda, the yogic system of medicine.
energetic and physical
healing practices.
All of the above, including
Usually involve a breathing discipline and tools
the practical use of air-
such as outlined in “Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga”.
purifying machines in
The goal is to activate the five forms of vata or
office and home and the
Pranayama vayu. Common nadis development techniques
use of any rhythmic tool
include the asana, meditation, breath work,
(sound, music, and so on)
visualization, mantras or chanting, and bodily
to assist in establishing
rhythmic breath.
All the traditional tools as
well as the use of mental
Breath work, meditation, use of mantras or health therapy, energy-
Manomaya chants, visualization, sensory withdrawal. release tools like
(Lingga Sharira)
emotional freedom
technique (EFT) or other
Study of the zero point and
other universal fields to
Cultivation of detachment, which is available assess one’s place in the
only after we have harmonized the first three universe. Also.
bodies. This takes observation without emotion. Understanding of the
the observer affecting the
Can be achieved through yogic development
The above, as well as
ASTRAL BODY and raising the Kundalini as well as selfless
Anandamaya learning how to set-and
(Karana Sharira) service, focus on the Devine, and intensely
live-one’s intention.
focused meditation.

Characteristics of the Subtle Bodies

Increased perception and awareness of subtle bodies begins with understanding its basic
1. The subtle bodies - and changes within it - reflects physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual aspects of the individual.
2. The colors within the subtle bodies are constantly changing, depending on our state of
health, emotions and spiritual development.
3. The human energy field can also interact with animal, plant, mineral and other energy
fields. .

4. Every subtle bodies has its own unique frequency.

5. The stronger and more vibrant the subtle bodies, the healthier you are, and the less likely
you are to be influenced and impinged upon by outside forces.

Influences upon Weak and Strong Auras

If you have a weakened aura, you are more liable to be influenced by outside forces - physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual. A strong aura can repel or stop outside influence, preventing imbalances.

6. The longer and more intimate the contact, the greater the energy exchange.
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7. Your aura will interact with the auric fields of others.

Exercise 1: Feeling & Experiencing Your Subtle Energies

In this exercise, you are simply working to become more sensitive to the subtle emanations
surrounding your physical body. This exercise can be performed by yourself, but it can also be
adapted to practicing with a friend.
Your hands are points where there is a greater degree of energy activity. There are a number
of these spots throughout the body. Seven of these are associated with the traditional chakra
system. The energy emanations are stronger around these areas of the body. Your hands,
however, can become very sensitive to the subtle energies surrounding your body. They can be
used to feel this energy as well as to project it outward. It is this ability that is known as the
"King's Touch," the laying on of hands, the etheric or therapeutic touch in healing. You will begin
your exercises with the hands, as they are the easiest means of detecting the subtle energies of
the aura. As you increase the sensitivity of one aspect of our-self, you will increase sensitivity in
other areas as well.
1. Begin by making yourself comfortable in a seated position. Performing a relaxation
exercise prior to this will assist you.
2. Rub the palms of your hands together briskly for about 15 to 30 seconds. This helps
activate their overall sensitivity.
3. Extend your hands about a foot to a foot and a half in front of you, the palms facing each
other. Hold the hands about two feet apart.
4. Slowly move the hands toward each other. Bring them as close to each other as you can
without touching them.
5. Draw them slowly back to about six inches your movements slow and steady.
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6. As you perform this exercise, pay attention to what you feel or sense. You may
experience a feeling of pressure building. You may have other sensations. These can be a
sense of rubber-ness, of tickling, of pressure or even of a thickness building between
your hands. You may experience warmth or coolness. You may even experience a
pulsating feeling.
7. Take a few minutes to try and define what you are feeling. Do not worry whether you
are imagining it or not. Don’t worry that it may feel different from what others
experience; that is okay. Remember that you have your own unique aura frequency, and
so you can experience it differently as well. Only what you experience matters.
8. This exercise assists in developing concentration. It also assists in helping you to
recognize that your energy field does not stop at skin level. You may wish to write down
in a notebook your impressions and experiences with this exercise so that you can
compare it later with what you experience as you develop this ability even further. This
will help you to recognize your progress in experiencing subtle energies around the
9. Once you have completed the above exercise, you will want to take it a step further.
Bare your weaker arm. Hold your dominant hand about a foot and a half above your
10. Slowly lower your hand toward the forearm. Pay attention to anything that you might
feel. How close do you come to the forearm before you can feel the energy from it?
Remember that the feeling may be one of pressure, heat, coolness, thickness etc. It will
feel much like what you experienced between your hands. It may not be as strong, but
you should be able to feel it. If you cannot, slowly repeat it. Remember that you are
reawakening your ability to consciously be aware of the subtle energies around you.

The aura or subtle bodies provides a natural layer of protection and acts in a way similar to
the Earth's atmosphere. The Earth's protective shield cuts out the harmful radiation from the sun.
The task of our aura is to protect us from incoming energies that could potentially upset our
equilibrium. The aura emanates from the physical body for a distance of a few feet and reflects
the health and level of consciousness of a person. The healthier you are, physically and spiritually,
the more vibrant your energy will be and the further the aura will extend out from your physical
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body. The more vitalized your auric field is, the more energy you will have to do the things you
need and wish to do. The stronger your aura is, the less likely you are to be affected by outside
force. The aura is weakened by: Poor diet, Lack of exercise, Lack of fresh air, Lack of rest, Stress,
Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Negative habits, Improper psychic activity.

Learning to See the Aura

In the intuitive method, the aura is viewed within your mind's eye rather than through your
physical eyes. It involves learning to relax and visualize the individual within your mind. You must
then ask your intuitive self about the energy of the individual's aura. What is the primary color of
this person? What other colors are there and where are they most strongly located? What do
these colors reflect about the energy of this individual on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
levels? The use of the dowsing rods or the pendulum provides an easy means of objectively
verifying your intuitive perceptions.

Anyone can learn to objectively see the aura as well. It is an ability that is natural to
everybody. Most children see auras, but they are not taught to recognize them for what they are.
A number of individuals have developed and used eye charts to exercise and strengthen the
muscles of the eyes. As you strengthen the muscles, particularly the iris, you learn to adjust the
amount of light you allow through your pupil to the retina. This ability can be developed to the
point where you can discern subtle light emanations that you do not normally perceive.
The eye-chart exercises are physical exercises for the muscles of the eyes. They will
strengthen your eyes to where brighter color vision occurs along with more subtle light detection.
As with all physical exercises, you should begin slowly and easily. You don’t want to strain yourself
or the muscles you are developing. The exercises are most effective if done every day, possibly
twice per day, for no more than a 10- to 15-minute interval.
Eye Chart with the Spiral Chart
This is a chart which helps to strengthen the muscles of the iris. It helps to strengthen depth
vision and helps keep both eyes working together. You see most things through both eyes. When
you look at an object, both eyes are focused upon it. When you change your gaze from something
near to something far or vice versa, the muscles in your eye change the shape of the lens so that
the new object of attention will come into focus on the retina.
For this exercise, focus on the center of the spiral. Concentrate upon it. See it as a point deep
within the tunnel, created by the spiral itself. Now you want to draw your focus out of that
spiraling tunnel, as if pulling that innermost point outward. Then shift, allowing your eyes to be
drawn within it. In and out. Slowly. Mentally see it as if you are pulling the spiral toward you and
then sending it away from you. It will begin to take on three dimensional form.
If you have difficulty with this, focus your eyes on the outer edge of the spiral and follow it
around and around until you are in the center. Then reverse the direction and allow yourself to
come out of the spiral. Usually by the second or third time, you will begin to experience the in-
and-out drawing effect. Perform this exercise for no more than three or four minutes. You will
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feel the inner-eye muscles working throughout this exercise. If your eyes begin to hurt or strain,
stop immediately.

Exercise 4: Eye Chart with the Color Clarity Chart

This chart is comprised of small (six-inch-diameter) colored circles against a white background.
You will need at least three colors, those of the primary set: red, yellow and blue. This exercise is
even more effective if you construct inner circles for each of the seven colors of the rainbow (red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). Make up as many colors and shades as you wish.
 Take time to set the chart before you and place each colored circle in the center, one at a
 Gaze softly at it for five to ten seconds. If your color has a specific name, mentally say it as
you look upon it. You are teaching yourself to recognize and identify subtle color
variations. When you use this chart as a physical exercise, also use a second, all-white
chart beside it. This second, plain white square should be hung level with the first, about
one foot from it.
 Focus on the colored circle and try to see it as if it were a three-dimensional colored ball
or a colored hole within the white square.
 Use the drawing motion from the previous exercise and allow your eyes to be drawn
within that red circle and then back out. Repeat this a number of times until you feel
yourself going in and out of that circular hole.
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 Now bring your eyes to the outer edge of the colored circle and slowly begin to encircle it
with your eyes in a clockwise direction.
 Repeat this four to five times and then reverse the direction for an equal number of
repetitions. Make sure you are moving your eyes and not your head.
 When the rotations have been completed, quickly move your focus to the blank white
square. You will usually see an afterimage appear upon it. Afterimages are not part of the
aura. They usually seem to float in front of the charts or the point of focus. The
afterimage does indicate that you have stimulated the cones and rods strongly. Pause,
noting any responses or effects. If nothing seems to occur, repeat the exercise again
before moving on to another color.

In determining the colors within the aura, there are certain guidelines to keep in mind:
1. Those colors closest to the physical body usually reflect physical conditions and energies
(pranamaya kosha). The outer colors reflect emotional, mental and spiritual energies that
can be affecting those physical colors.
2. The clearer and more pastel the colors, the better. Muddier and thicker colors can reflect
imbalances, over activity and other possible problems in the area to which the colors are
3. Dark colors that are also bright can indicate high energy levels. This is not necessarily
negative. You do not want to jump to conclusions.
4. There is often more than one color in the aura. Each color will reflect different aspects.
You must learn how these different colors interact and what kind of effect that
combination can have. Again, that takes time and practice.
5. When you start seeing other people's auras, keep in mind that you are looking at them
through your own aura.
6. It is important not to make judgments of people based on what you see in their auras.
7. Learn to use your own intuition in interpreting.
8. Auras change frequently. The colors closest to the body (extending out about a foot to
two) can go through many changes in a single day. Every strong emotion and every strong
physical or mental activity can result in color and light fluctuations in the aura. Usually the
first color or shades to appear are shades of gray and light blue.
9. Do not be discouraged, however, if the colors do not become readily apparent. As you
work with the exercises, this will change.
10. As you begin to develop your auric vision, you will begin to see auras around everyone
and everything. This can be distracting.
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Health Problems Within the Aura

The radiant lines can indicate specific problem areas. The inflammation at the left shoulder and the right hip could
reflect pulled or strained muscles. At the head, it could indicate tension and headaches. The asymmetrical
radiations can easily reflect poor energy levels, involvement in too many physical activities, poor circulation and/or
other problems.

The Appearance of Colors in the Aura

Colors may take different forms, shades and position surround the body (figure B) or they may reflect themselves in
softly blending bands of color (figure A).
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Leaks and Tears in the Aura

Indications of an unhealthy aura commonly appear as leaks and tears of portions of the auric
field. Leaks generally occur on the first layer of aura, the layer closest to the physical body. They
are regions of the field where the energy of the field is being slowly dissipated, instead of being
retained in its normal pattern to support the health and proper functioning of the life process.
They reflect a weakening and loss of protection of the auric field. It often occurs when a person
has been exposed to persons or places with negative energy which weakens the layer and has the
effect of sapping the strength of the life energy.
Leaks are generally found over areas of the physical body that have been subject to wear,
strain or physical trauma of some kind, and are often found over joints. They are also found near
the neck, the ankles and the elbows.
Tears are similar to leaks, in that they are regions where the auric field has become damaged.
Tears, however, are a more severe form of damage. Like leaks, tears can result in loss of energy,
but whereas leaks are a more gradual loss of energy, tears are intense in effect. They also leave
the patient vulnerable to outside negative energies. They usually begin on the first layer of aura,
nearest the body, and successively extend through higher layers. They are often related to stress
of some kind and associated with emotional, mental or spiritual stresses or traumas. Tears are
usually found only on the front of the body.
Auric energy impurities are areas of energy in the aura that are not necessary for the normal,
healthy energetic functioning of the field. They can be described as zones of undesirable stagnant
energy accumulation in the aura, energies that inhibit or act as blockages to the free flow of
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energy in the energy field. They are often found in and just over the surface of the body, in
contact with the body, often around the head, face, neck, shoulders, chest, lower abdomen or
hips. Removing these unhealthy energies also assists in treatment and prevention of physical

Exercise 5: Seeing Own Aura

You will need dim light, a plain white wall and a piece of plain white cardboard. (It must be large
enough to allow your hand to stand out against it.)
1. Take time to relax before performing this exercise. If you have been using the eye-chart
exercises, you may want to do a quick abbreviated version of them as a warm-up. Begin with
your hands. Extend one of your hands out in front of you about a foot or 18 inches. With your
other hand, hold the plain white cardboard behind it. This makes your hand stand out against
the white surface.
2. With your hand flat against the white cardboard, the light emanations will be more easily
detected as you softly focus your eyes upon it. It first appears as a soft haze. If you have been
practicing, the haze will reflect colors as well. With hands in front of you about three inches
apart, begin your focusing. Concentrate first at the top edges of your hands and then soft-
focus upon the entire area around them. Allow the soft gaze to look between and around.
Concentrate. Then soft-focus. The aura of your hands will begin to stand out. With your hand
flat against the white cardboard, focus your attention upon the tips of your fingers. Hold this
focus for about 30 seconds.
3. Now shift your focus from the tips of your fingers to take in your entire hand and poster
board. Relax your gaze. As you move from a pinpointed focus to one of the general area
surrounding it, you will begin to detect a soft haze outlining the shape of your hand against
the cardboard.

4. If you have difficulty with this, perform some of the eye exercises with your hand against the
card board. Focus in and out. Move your eyes around the edge of your hand. Shift from the
concentrated focus to the soft focus. If you have been practicing, the haze will appear.
5. Pay attention to any colors you may detect as well, even if they are fleeting. You may see
hints of colors or flashes, and there is often a tendency to discount them. Don't! As you
develop this ability and learn to control it, you will find that the ability to hold the colors in
your vision for longer periods of time will develop as well.
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6. The next step is to use both hands. Extend them both out in front of you, palms facing
toward you. They should be eye level and about three to four inches apart. There should be a
blank wall behind them.
7. As in the previous steps, focus upon the edges of the fingers or upon the spaces between
them. Hold this focus for 30 seconds or more. Then release it into a soft focus that
encompasses both hands and the surrounding area. Notice the way the hands are outlined
against the blank wall. Passively observe.
8. What you actually see may vary. There may be a soft haze that surrounds the hands. There
may be flashes of color or a steady color. It may take the appearance of a heat wave rising up
off the street on a hot summer day. In the beginning, it is almost always a pale white or blue,
almost colorless. As you develop your ability, the color, the clarity of the color and the
vibrancy of the aura.

Exercise 6: Seeing Auras of Others

The next step is to begin working to see the auras of others. If you have have been working
with the exercises, you should be able to start experiencing significant results within a month or
two. It depends on your consistency of practice and your persistence.
1. Have your partner stand flat against a blank white wall. Using a dimly lit room is most
effective in the beginning. Stand or sit eight to ten feet away. You must be able to see your
partner from head to toe, as well as with a large blank area surrounding him or her.
2. Begin by focusing your line of sight at the forehead of your partner. From the forehead, circle
the eyes around the body of your partner in a clockwise direction. Do this as quickly as
possible, making several revolutions. At this point, you are simply exciting the cones and rods
of the eyes.
3. Return your focus to the forehead or to the very top. Hold a concentrated focus on this point
for 15 to 30 seconds.
4. Shift from a concentrated focus to a soft one that encompasses a wide area around the body.
Hold this soft focus, passively observing. The aura of the head and shoulders usually stands
out most strongly. Repeat as necessary. You are beginning to see the aura of others!

The Power of the Pendulum

The pendulum simply interacts with a particular energy field. It operates on bio electrical
principles. The subconscious mind communicates to you through the nervous system. Because
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your aura extends in all directions around you, it is sensitive to all that occurs around you. The
conscious mind is usually only aware of that upon which it is focused, that which is experienced
through the five senses of taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. One of the greatest sensory organs
you possess, however, is that of your skin. It is sensitive to many of the subtleties that are
frequently missed by the other five senses. If you only look toward the five senses for your
feedback, you can easily miss the subtle plays of energy within your life. The subconscious mind,
on the other hand, is aware of all energy interactions with your own field, even those beyond the
five physical senses. These interactions are assimilated and can be accessed and brought forth
into conscious awareness through meditation, hypnosis and other techniques and tools for
heightened consciousness. One such method is radiesthesia.
Making your own pendulum is simple. You can use objects found around the home or you may
purchase one at a variety of stores. Buttons, rings and crystals are commonly used as parts of the
pendulum. The best pendulums are round, cylindrical or spherical. They work most effectively if
they are symmetrical. The object used is attached to a thread, a string, a small chain, etc. The
pendulum is hung freely from the end of the chain or thread, and its movements provide answers
and input to subtle energy awareness. It is an amplifier.

Exercise 7: Learning How To Use Pendulum

Learning to use a pendulum is easy. It requires only a little time and practice in a quiet place. It
also requires the ability to relax. You must learn to keep the emotions out of the pendulum
process, as they will short-circuit the electrical system. The first step to using a pendulum is to get
the feel of it. Take a seated position at a desk or table, making yourself comfortable. Have your
feet flat on the floor. Rest your elbow on the surface of the desk.
1. Hold the pendulum by its chain using your thumb and index finger. Simply let the pendulum
hang for a minute or two.
2. Now begin to circle it gently in a clockwise direction. Allow it to come to a rest and then
rotate it in a counterclockwise direction. Next move it horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
At this point you are simply becoming comfortable with its feel. Begin to form some
experimentation with this. It takes only the most minute muscle movement to make the
pendulum swing. You will find, as it is elaborated upon in point 8, that you can cause the
pendulum to swing without making deliberate efforts.
3. Allow the pendulum to hang still. Think to yourself, "Swing clockwise." Visualize the thought
running through your arm and down to the chain and to the end of the pendulum. Do not
swing it yourself. Do it all with thought. When it begins to swing, think to yourself, "Stop,"
and see it come to a dead stop. Be patient with yourself. Remember that you are working
with electrical impulses sent out from the brain and through the nervous system to stimulate
involuntary muscle action.
4. Now you must teach it how you want it to respond. This step is like programming your
computer. You are telling it what kind of feedback it should give to you. You want to be able
to understand its movement when you ask it a question. You want to let the subconscious
know the kind of movements you expect to receive. Use this one or draw on similar to it.
Begin with the two intersecting lines, as seen in the top diagram. Lay it flat on the desk and
dangle the pendulum over the center. Tell yourself out loud, "When I ask a question and the
answer is yes, you will make the pendulum move (direction)" (in this case, up and down
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along the vertical axis). At this point move your pendulum in the vertical line. Let it swing
softly, repeating the above statement.

Programming the Pendulum Movements

5. Now do the same thing for the "no" response, using the same statement and moving the
pendulum along the horizontal axis. Tell yourself out loud, "When I ask a question and the
answer is 'no,' the pendulum will move [direction]." (The horizontal line is used for this
example.) Softly swing it along the horizontal line as you repeat the above statement.
6. Then test your ability to move the pendulum without conscious control. Ask a question or
two to which you know the answer is "no." Allow the pendulum to move on its own. Do not
assist it in any way. Simply keep your mind on the question and repeat it. The pendulum will
7. Take about five minutes and do this every day for a week. This is all that it will take to
program the subconscious to move the pendulum in the manner you are prescribing.
8. If you wish, you can use circular rotations rather than the vertical and horizontal movements.
Refer to the diagrams on the bottom of the previous page. Clockwise is a "yes" response and
counterclockwise is a "no" response.
9. Once you have programmed your pendulum, pay attention not only to the direction of the
movement but also to its intensity and speed. This also has meaning. It provides clues as to
how strongly you should pay attention to the answer you are receiving.
10. As you begin to program the pendulum, test it. Prove to yourself that it will move without
your conscious physical assistance. Use the intersecting lines. Rest your elbow comfortably
on a flat surface. Let the pendulum hang still and then think to yourself the word "yes."
Repeat it in your mind and let your eyes look up and down the "YES" line. Do this until the
pendulum swings up and down on its own. It will only take a minute or two. Stay relaxed.
Now think to yourself "stop." As the pendulum comes to rest, repeat this procedure, using
the word "no" and the "NO" line. Then do the same thing with the circles in both directions.
You are learning to make it move with just the mind.
11. You must learn to ask yourself yes and no questions. The more specific, the better the
response. For example, some people ask their pendulum if a certain food is edible. The
pendulum may give a positive response. But if the question is phrased, "Is this food beneficial
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for me?" the pendulum may give a negative response. Experiment with it. Ask yourself
questions which have definite "yes" and "no" answers:
• Have I lived before?
• Is my promotion going to come through this week?
• Have I had psychic experiences before?
• Is my dream telling me something I am ignoring?
• Is going to call tonight?
• Do I have a soul?
• Should I start a new study?
12. It is important to keep the emotions out of the asking process. Some people will not relax,
and thus the pendulum only responds the way they want it to. If you relax and stay as
unemotional as possible, the responses will become very accurate.

Exercise 8: Using the Pendulum to Determine the Color of the Aura

1. If you choose to use the pendulum, draw the sample. Color in the squares for the colors.
2. Take a moment to relax and place both feet flat on the floor. Rest your elbows on the flat
surface upon which lays the chart.
3. At this point, focus on the person whose aura you are reading or upon yourself. If you are
reading your own aura, close your eyes and think about yourself
4. For the chart with the pendulum, the process is the same. Rest your elbow on the flat surface
so that the pendulum hangs three to six inches over the chart of colors. Start at one end of
the chart and work your way through all of the colors. You will use "yes" and "no" responses
of the pendulum to determine the auric colors. Again ask your questions: "Is red a part of 's
aura?", "Is red the primary color of 's aura?" etc. Pay attention to how the pendulum
responds. Let it give you its "yes" or "no" answers. Also pay attention to how strongly it
responds. The stronger it answers, the stronger that color may be in the aura.
5. Go through each color on the chart with your pendulum. Again, remember you must phrase
the question so it can be answered with a "yes" or "no" response. You can even use this to
help you locate where these colors are in the aura:
"Is this red primarily above the head?"
"Is this green indicating something about the physical body?"
"Is the blue a dark blue?"
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Exercise 7: Measure the Aura with a Pendulum

Measuring the size of an aura with a pendulum is not as easy as with the dowsing rods, but it
can still be done. There are actually two ways of doing it, both of which can support each other.
1. The first is simply using a questioning approach. Use your "yes" and "no" charts. Ask yourself
questions about the size of your aura. "Is my aura 15 to 20 feet?" "Is my aura 10 to 15 feet?"
"Is the size of my aura between 0 and 10 feet?" Begin with general questions such as these,
and then narrow it down with even more specific questions. "Is my aura 11 feet?" "Is my aura
8 feet?"
2. The second method is similar to that used with the dowsing rods. Have the individual stand
about 20 feet away. Take a few moments to relax. Tell yourself and the pendulum that you
want to have indications about the other person's aura. This way it will not pick up on your
own. Slowly and gently step forward. Because you are moving your body, there is a greater
likelihood of you causing it to sway. For this reason, it is best to use a circular rotation to
indicate contact with the other's aura. The positive response (clockwise movement) is
effective. After each step, pause, allowing the pendulum to rest and then respond. Although
it is a little slower, you can still use it effectively. Although not 100 percent accurate, you are
increasing your awareness of your subtle energies.

Measuring the Aura with a Pendulum

Although not as easy or as quick as the dowsing rods, this method can still be effective. With each step closer, pause and allow the
pendulum to rest before it gives you the Programed response. It is effective to use a clockwise movement as an indicator of contact with
the edge of the aura.
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The pranic body is fuelled by the chakras, or psychic centres, which are subtle, high-powered
vortices of energy in the body. Chakras are energy transformers, capable of shifting energy from a
higher to a lower vibration and vice versa. They receive and store the cosmic prana, and act as
transformers to step down the level of energy, so that it can be used by the different organs and
parts of the body. They also act as switches for illumining the higher faculties and dimensions of
A chakra works as a center of interchange between the physical and the astral, and between
the astral and the causal dimensions. Through the chakras, subtle prana in the astral body can be
transformed, for instance, into energy for the physical dimension, thereby providing the physical
body with essential life energy.
There are many definitions of chakra, but they all evolve from the Sanskrit meaning of the
word: “wheel of light.” Most authorities agree that chakras are subtle energy centers that are
located at the main branching of the nervous system. They serve as collection and transmission
centers for both subtle and metaphysical, energy and concrete, or biophysical, energy.

Anatomy of Chakra
Each chakra can be seen as a pair of conical vortices emanating from the front and the back
of the body. Together, these vortices regulate our conscious and unconscious realities, the psychic
and sensory energies, and our subtle and physical selves.

A chakra is a circular-shaped energy body that directs life energy for physical and spiritual well-being.
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Chakra Structure
Chakras have their own configuration and can be reduced to three different parts or sections.
These three aspects are present in all chakras, not only through the lens of the twelve-chakra
system. Each chakra has a left and right side from the frontal view of the body; a front and back
side (the front side of a chakra is on the front side of the body; the back side is on the back side);
and an inner and outer wheel. The inner wheel of a chakra is literally inside of an outer wheel;
both rotate in relationship with each other. Chakras can be analyzed structurally, but also
informational. All chakras carry messages that are emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. In
this section we will be considering the mental ideas encoded within the chakras that determine
our overall well-being, self-concept, and behaviors.
In general, the left side of the body, and therefore the left side of the chakra, represents
feminine, or yin, energy, and the right side masculine, or yang, energy. Each body half is ruled by
the opposite brain hemisphere; the right side of the body is governed by the left hemisphere of
the brain, and vice versa. Masculine energy is physical, active, dominating, and linear, and will
reflect one’s internal male as well as one’s relationship with men and patriarchy. Female energy is
spiritual, reflective, passive, and intuitive, and will reflect one’s inner female as well as
relationship with women and matriarchy.
A chakra has a back side and front side. In general, the back side regulates unconscious,
primal programs, and spiritual matters, while the front side oversees conscious and day-to-day
needs. Inside the chakra is an inner wheel, which should harmonize with the outer wheel. The
inner wheel links to the subconscious but also, potentially, the higher self-one’s personal spirit.
The outer wheel’s programming tends to reflect issues that force conformity with the world.

These are often dysfunctional and are based in at least one of these negative
misperceptions: I am unlovable, I am unworthy, I am powerless, I have no value, I am bad, I do
not deserve. These negative perceptions regulate the subconscious, which in turn runs
our unconscious and our conscious selves. They create disharmony within the body’s subtle
energy system and prevent the rising of the kundalini. Negative perceptions also cause problems
in the auric field and attract negative situations into our lives. The inner wheel usually reflects our
spirit’s knowing or truths. These truths link to the supra conscious, the highest aspect of the mind.
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The beliefs within the inner wheel counteract the dysfunctional beliefs, and will include: I am
lovable, I am worthy, I am powerful, I have value, I am good, I deserve.
This inside wheel processes with particles and waves that move faster than the speed of
light, whereas the outer wheel works with sensory energy. Because of this, the inner wheel can
transform the body, mind, and soul through zero-point energy and enable near-instantaneous
healing and problem resolution. The following table describes the functions of and issues
addressed by the four chakra parts: back, front, inner sphere, and outer sphere.
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The ideal shape of a chakra is round and full. Misshapen or distorted shapes indicate
physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual problems. In general, a shift of shape toward the right
side of a chakra (from the subject’s perspective) indicates issues of a masculine nature, such as
domination and power, action and behavior, logic and rationality. If the shape shifts toward the
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left side of the chakra, the person may be dealing with feminine issues: receiving and responding,
learning or healing, creating or feeling. Here are some basic meanings of the general chakra
shapes that people perceive:
Round : Healthy and balanced.
Lacking substance on right : Oriented toward unconscious programming, emotions, and
right-brain creativity, but lacking action and follow-through.
Lacking substance on left : Geared toward conscious behavior and actions, left-brain
analysis, but lacking creativity and intuition.
Lacking substance on bottom : More spiritual than practical.
Lacking substance on top : More practical than spiritual.

Unhealthy Chakra

A chakra vibrates from inside the physical body to the outside, radiating the information through
the skin. It also pulls information from outside into the body, transforming it for reception. Even
out-of-body chakras connect into the physical body. This in-and-out streaming of energy means
that the chakras actually look more like bands of non-ending energy, rather than the conical
vortices they are often depicted as.
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. The lower in the body it is, the slower the
vibration; the higher in the body, the faster the vibration. People who are attuned to these
frequencies see them as light and color. The in-body chakras occupy visible light, with the lowest
touching into the infrared portion of the color spectrum and the higher body chakras, the
ultraviolet portion. The lower a chakra is within, or in relation to, the body, the closer it is to the
infrared spectrum of light. The higher the chakra is within, or in relation to, the body, the more it
stretches into the ultraviolet frequencies of light. Red is the first visible color we see after we pass
the infrared and nonvisible band of light. It is associated with the first chakra, in the groin. Violet
is the last color that we can see before we shift into ultraviolet frequencies, and is the color we
associate with the sixth chakra in the forehead. Chakras vibrate in a band between 100 and 1,600
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Chakra Waves
Chakras have traditionally been described as “wheels of light”: vortices of spinning energy
that emanate from the spine. From a psychic’s point of view, they are more often seen as bands
of loosely interconnecting waves that carry information into and out of the body.

Chakra Rotation
Ideally, a chakra should hold a solid, even spin. Both the front side and the back side should
be coordinated and moving in the same direction. The chakras are constantly in a state of
rotation. Their rotating attracts energy and draws it in or gives it off, depending on the direction
of rotation. The chakra rotate either to the right (clockwise) or to the left depending on gender or
sex. The chakra that turn to the right in man rotates to the left in woman. Thus enabling the
energies of man and woman can complement each other.
Every clockwise rotation is primarily male (Yang) which is represents will power and activity
as well as the more negative characteristic of aggression and force. Every anti clockwise rotation
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is female (Yin) which is represents receptiveness and agreement as well as the more negative
characteristic of weakness.
In some individuals, the outer sphere of the chakra always flows backward. This way, the
chakra continually cleanses the subtle energy bodies, of waste products. Some individuals all of
their chakras’ outer wheels spin backward all the time. These are shamanic personalities who
represent the opposing points of view for the world. In these cases, the outer wheel of the chakra
usually spins to the opposite of the natural direction.
Here are ways to evaluate for spin:

Round, uniform, and even swing, natural direction: Healthy and functioning.

Round, uniform, and even swing, opposite the natural direction:

Attempting to create health or balance by processing or clearing negative energy.

Elliptical or straight line, swinging to the right (of the subject): Oriented toward action and
the day-to-day, known as the masculine perspective, but lacking the emotional or spiritual,
known as the feminine perspective.

Elliptical or straight line, swinging to the left (of the subject): Geared toward inspirational,
feminine or intuitive influences but lacking practical, grounding action.

Not moving or nearly still:

Chakra is blocked / closed and unable to clear itself. Function is shut down. This is a good
place to look for a block or a cause of a presenting issue.

Large swing: Usually means very open, healthy, and functioning. If too large and imbalanced
in comparison to other chakras, it means the chakra is over-strained and over functioning.
Determine which chakra this one is compensating for.
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Evaluating Speed
Ideally, a chakra should hold a solid, even spin, and the inner wheel should move about twice
as fast but in rhythm with the outer wheel. The lower the chakra, the slower both wheels should
be moving. Both the front side and back side ought to move in the same direction. Too fast
indicates an anxiety-producing situation. Too slow involves a depression situation.
Anxiety is a physical as well as psychological state. It reflects the fear of the future and
establishes a too-quick rhythm in the physical and subtle systems. Depression reflects an
attachment to the past and creates a too-slow rhythm in the physical and subtle systems.
Here are other diagnostic tips:

Wheel too slow: Indicates damage from overuse, exhaustion, fatigue, blocks, strongholds
(unhealthy attachments between beliefs and feelings), and probably repressed memories or

Wheel too fast: Indicates current overuse; overstrain; acting to compensate for a weaker
chakra or chakra wheel; or a desire to escape certain life events, people, feelings, or issues.
Could be an attempt to release negative energy.

Outer wheel fast, inner wheel slow: Lack of spiritual, emotional, intuitive, or creative drive
or perspective; underdeveloped beliefs, feelings, or spiritual; sense; over concern with the
physical, or appearance.

Outer wheel slow, inner wheel fast: Lacking action, commitment to follow through, physical
drive, or energy; over concern with spiritual or psychic matters; fear of moving into the
world; exhaustion in the physical.

Wheels out of synch: Inner beliefs and needs do not match with outer reality or action

Chakra Location
Most systems place the chakras at the same basic locations:


First chakra Groin

Second chakra

Third chakra Solar plexus

Fourth chakra Heart

Fifth chakra Throat

Sixth chakra Forehead

Seventh chakra In the top of the head

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The twelve-chakra system accesses prisms of energy that are similar to the chakras but lie
outside of the human field. They mesh spiritual energy with physical matter. There are twenty
spiritual points, which are in addition to the twelve chakras. Here are these twenty points with a
description of where they link into the spine. They are labeled as points 13 to 32. As well, there is
an additional “point” that serves as an overriding spiritual principle.
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Chakra Development and Age

The chakras are fully developed by the time an infant is born, but they activate at different
times during our lives. It is thought that before conception, the ninth and tenth chakras actively
interface with the soul and spiritual guidance to select the proper genes. By birth, the first chakra
is already active and for a short time after birth, so is the seventh chakra, which connects to the
fontanel. The fontanel closes sometime during the first few months of life, establishing a
thorough reliance on the first and most physically based chakra again.

The other chakras activate one at a time until

person is fully mature, with chakras one to six opening individually between in utero and fourteen
years of age (chakra seven activates at age fourteen). At this point, the body continues to open
the additional chakras, but now in seven-year spans.

First Chakra: Womb to 6 months

Second Chakra: 6 months to 2.5 years

Third Chakra: 2.5 to 4.5 years

Fourth Chakra: 4.5 to 6.5 years

Fifth Chakra: 6.5 to 8.5 years

Sixth Chakra: 8.5 to 14 years

Seventh Chakra: 14 to 21 years

Eighth Chakra: 21 to 28 years

Ninth Chakra: 28 to 35 years

Tenth Chakra: 35 to 42 years

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Eleventh Chakra: 42 to 49 years

Twelfth Chakra: 49 to 57 years

At age fifty-six, the chakras remain in the twelfth-chakra development stage, which was
entered at age forty-nine. But for the first time during life, two chakras become simultaneously
active. A person also reengages the first chakra (and at the next juncture at age sixty-three,
remains in the twelfth-chakra and reenters the second chakra).
The issues laid down during childhood (in utero to age fourteen) become operating programs
and determine thought, emotion, and behavior. However, during each year beginning at age
fourteen, the body sequentially reprocesses the lower- chakra issues so that new decisions can be
made. (This also means that at age fifty-six one is in two fully mature chakras and also
sequentially recycling the lower seven chakras.) The following list shows the first seven-year
reactivation cycle:
Age 14 Recycles first chakra

Age 15 Recycles second chakra

Age 16 Recycles third chakra

Age 17 Recycles fourth chakra

Age 18 Recycles fifth chakra

Age 19 Recycles sixth chakra

Age 20 Recycles seventh chakra

Chakra Cycle
Everything in our universe is a subject to specific rhythms and cycles. We pass through a
chakra every seven years, starting out with the root chakra, and the characteristic of the chakra in
question become the base theme of our lives for the seven-year period. This seven year period,
however is divided up again into seven one year periods, each corresponding to one of the seven
chakras and stating out with the chakra.
According to this philosophy, our life moves in 7 year cycles corresponding with each of the 7
chakra centers located in our light body. We have one dominant chakra for each cycle,
corresponding to each row of the table. In the first 7 years of life (age 1-7) we are influenced by
the root chakra, from ages 8-14; the sacral chakra, from 15-21; the solar plexus, and so on and so
forth. Within these 7 year cycles we also climb another 7-chakra ladder (corresponding to the top
row of chakras on our table and the columns they represent) which takes us from The Root chakra
to the Crown Chakra. These influences affect us (ideally) on a yearly basis. Every cycle begins with
fear (the root chakra) and every cycle ends with spirituality (the crown chakra). After completing a
7 year cycle, we enter the first stage of our second year cycle. This is our Crisis Year since the first
year of a new cycle is under the influence of the Root Chakra: Fear.
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Another noteworthy occasion is when we are under the influence of 2 of the same chakra
centers – this is indicated by the gray boxes in the table. These are the years that that particular
chakra is most dominant in your life. Each chakra in this table is represented by these key themes
associated with each energy center:
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The Twelve Chakra System & Energy

As with the traditional systems that describe fewer chakras, each chakra within the twelve-
chakra universe governs specific physical functions. Additionally, each chakra performs a
particular overall mission.
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First chakra: Mooladhara

Psychologically, the Muladhara chakra regulates our primal needs and physical existence. It is
the chakra most closely associated with our physical survival. Here we decide to live or die, and
how it is that we shall survive—or thrive. It is seen as fashioned from the element earth, therefore
providing a foundation in the physical world.

Mooladhara personality
Someone ruled by the Mooladhara chakra is often confronted with life lessons
about security—or rather, the desire to be physically and financially secure. The behavior of these
people is often compared to that of ants, which ardently work for their queen. Their sense of self
is often based on gaining approval or following the laws. Thus, for these people, their lessons are
often about confronting and freeing themselves from greed, lust, sensuality, and anger. Like the
earth element, Mooladhara personalities are physically strong and productive. They often win
competitively because of their drive and strength.

An Imbalanced Root Chakra

Over-Active Root Chakra:
When this chakra is too open (overactive) you may experience impatience, anger, annoyance,
impatient and irritable behavior and even aggression towards people and events in your life.
Selfishness, greediness, controlling others and becoming hostile to those who challenge your
“authority” might be a problem. You can become dependent on the security from other people,
your job, or specific habits and because of this you may have very firm and rigid boundaries –
which may make it very difficult for you to accept change. When the root chakra spins too fast,
you can become overly worried and concerned with materialism (thinking that your value or self-
worth exists in having such things), and self-centered. Obesity, overeating, hoarding, greed, fear
of change, addiction to security, rigidity, addicted and dependent to sex and its pleasures (in an
unhealthy and abnormal way).
Under-Active Root Chakra:
When this chakra is not open enough (underactive), you may feel disconnected from the world
around you, including from your body. You may feel disorganized and therefore this will reflect in
your world, bringing about a lack of focus and discipline and you may even become afraid, anxious
or restless in your day-to-day connections. You may experience a lack of energy and a feeling of
depression. You may have trouble gaining financial security and may find yourself with no or very
little boundaries. When the root chakra is blocked, or sluggish, we can become emotionally
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needy, self-destructive and fearful. When the root chakra is blocked there is a disruption in the
flow of earth energy – your grounding and nutrition – so part of you will say, “What is the point of
being here?” or “Why am I here?” You will be in denial of life and life's lessons. You will feel
disconnected, anxious, worried, unfocused, alienated from others and have a low libido. Your
moods may be up and down like a yo-yo! Your ability to manifest will not flow and you will lack
energy both physically and mentally. You will fear for your survival but lack the energy to do
anything about it. Fatigue, disconnection from body, difficulty focusing, disorganization,
generalized fearfulness, financial difficulties, poor boundaries, underweight.

Gems/Minerals : Ruby, Garner, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline (Schorl),

Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Hematite, Zircon.
Foods : Proteins, Red fruits and vegetables.
Main Issues : Survival, physical needs, sexual development, self-preservation and
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Keynotes/Lessons : Matters relating to the material world, success. The physical body,
mastery of the body. Grounding, individuality, stability, security,
stillness, health, courage, patience.
Trauma most effecting : Birth trauma, abandonment, neglect, poor bonding, feeding
difficulties, major illness or surgery, physical abuse, inherited family
Common illnesses/
Physical Dysfunction : Lack of physical energy, problems with the adrenal glands,
rheumatoid, arthritis, problems with feet and legs or anything to do
with movement and co-ordination, lower back pain, sciatica, varicose
veins, rectal cancer, immune disorders, eating disorders, frequent
illness, issues with legs, hips feet, knees, bones, teeth, lower bowel
disorders, not feeling fully alive – “half here”, in “limbo.”
Working with this chakra in conjunction with the sacral chakra is
useful when addressing arthritis and lower gastro-intestinal
Associated essential oils:
 Myrrh – Energizing especially when this center is and crystals
depleted. Use with Garnet/Hematite.
 Patchouli – Helpful for those who have their head in the clouds.
Use with Black Obsidian as it has virtually the same vibration.
 Vetivert – Balances energy throughout the chakra system. Has a
special protective affinity with the Solar Plexus. Use with Black
 Frankincense and Rosewood – 'Linking' oils which resonate with
both root and crown chakras. Use Red Tigers Eye with
Frankincense and Tourmaline Quartz with Rosewood .
Affirmation : “I Am” – grounded, present, safe, secure, and healthy.
Hobbies : Cooking, work connected with the hands such as gardening, exercise
– walking, swimming, yoga, charity work, etc.
Astrological sign : Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
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Second Chakra: Svadhisthana

This chakra initiates the expansion of one’s individuality. Its location at the sexual organs
reflects the instinctual need to develop a specific personality, but also to reach out to others. The
watery element of this chakra encourages us to enjoy the rhythms and cycles of life. The animal
most frequently associated with this chakra is the crocodile, which lies in the water awaiting the
opportunity to express itself— whether to sunbathe or to kill.
Our psyche seeks to express itself through the second chakra. Muladhara, the first chakra,
represents the ground of existence; the second chakra, Svadisthana, creativity. How are we to live
and share our passions? Our dreams? Our desires? Can we do this with integrity? We all
have generative and degenerative forces within ourselves; when do we apply these, and for what

Svadhisthana personality
A Svadhisthana individual is most likely devoted to the higher things in life—art, music,
poetry, and the jewels of creativity. While beautiful, this lushness also presents temptation away
from the spiritual path, with the major diversions involving sexuality, sensuality, and indulgence. A
second-chakra person is likely to experience mood swings or emotional inconsistency. Desire is
rooted in the second chakra, and can lead to love and the enjoyment of pleasures, but also to
frivolity or just plain selfishness. The Svadhisthana path is often called the way of the butterfly, for
life is full of so many joys, it can be hard to remain in one place for long. It is important to develop
discipline to balance the compulsion to experience.

An Imbalanced Sacral Chakra

Over-Active Sacral Chakra:
When this chakra is too open (overactive), you may tend to be over emotional, a tendency to
create drama over people or events that happen in your life. You'll more than likely have an
unhealthy emotional attachment to people and will become out-of-sorts if someone doesn't show
up on time or if your plans don't work out. Sexual addiction may be a problem if you are in a
relationship. Mental, emotional or physical tension of muscles will be another sign that things
aren't in balance. Eating disorders are common (eating too much or not at all).
Hysteria, being ruled by emotions, sentimentality, obsessive attachment, chemical
addictions, sexual addiction, hedonism, emotional dependency.
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Under-Active Sacral Chakra:

When this chakra is not open enough (underactive), the person just doesn't feel good about
who he or she is. There is a lot of uncertainty, indecisiveness, constantly questioning what to do.
You may experience a fear of pleasure and deny yourself from the things that can make you feel
good! (You'll find any excuse not to have something you want). You may experience a block in
your creativity, a sense of emptiness, a feeling of sluggishness, difficulty forgiving yourself,
laziness or may even suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and have a weak sex drive. You may
experience very low self-worth and self-esteem and be in a state of constantly judging your worth
compared to others. You may find yourself constantly trying to ''fit in'' in with others making it
difficult for you to be your true and authentic self. You'll find it extremely difficult to visualize and
manifest what you desire because your thoughts and emotions tend to lean towards negativity.
Poor social skills, rigidity in body and attitudes, fear of intimacy, fear of change, denial of pleasure,
low libido, anhedonia.

Gems/Minerals : Carnelian, Coral, Orange Calcite, Amber, Citrine, Gold Topaz, Copper,
Tigers Eye, Moonstone, Herkimer Diamond.
Foods : Liquids, orange fruits and vegetables.
Main Issues : Sensuality and sexuality, Creativity.
Keynotes/Lessons : Giving and receiving, emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual/passionate
love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, working
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harmoniously and creatively with others. Taking responsibility for our

own life, feeding our creative side and taking care of our body.
Trauma most affecting : Neglect, emotional coldness, rejection, emotional abuse, sexual
abuse, enmeshment, denial of child’s feelings, invalidation,
Common illnesses/
Physical Dysfunction : Depressed sexuality, inability to conceive, impotence with a
particular partner, frigidity, prostate cancer, virginal cancer, pelvic
inflammatory disease, tension and pain in the lower back, menstrual
pain or irregular periods, digestive problems of the lower intestine,
bladder or kidney trouble, bowel dysfunction, low back pain, lack of
flexibility, poor appetite.
Associated essential oils:
and crystals
 Jasmine – sensual warming oil which resonates at both the heart
and crow chakra. Use with Sapphire.
 Rose – Equally as complex as Jasmine but mush softer. Connects
with sexual and reproductive energy. Use with Ruby.
 Sandalwood – oil which resonates in its higher frequencies with
the crown centre. Use with Citrine.
Affirmation : “I am at peace.”
“I am open to touch and closeness.”
“I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.”
“I am radiant, beautiful and strong and I enjoy a healthy and
passionate life.”
Hobbies : Writing, painting, singing or dancing.
Astrological sign : Cancer, Libra, Scorpio.
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Third chakra: Manipura

The Manipura chakra presents itself as a brilliant, luminescent jewel. Elementally associated
with fire, it is like a bright sun in the middle of the body. This center, which manages the digestive
process and organs, also influences the nervous system and the immune process. Digestion is a
reflection of the ability to digest and assimilate everything—including thoughts. Thus, this center
determines the health of both our bodies and minds.
Psychologically, Manipura is the center of our personal power. For some, this translates as a
consuming need for information; in others, for authority. Within this chakra are the keys to
finding balance and deciding how we are going to achieve our dharma, our life purpose, rather
than just live out our karma, or past experiences.

The Manipura personality

This chakra embraces the planes of karma (the past), dharma (one’s purpose), and the
celestial plane. Its focus is to atone for one’s past errors. Manipura is the fire chakra, and people
who dwell here tend to be fiery; the key to joy lies in the application of the heat. Is it used to
avoid the past—or to work toward a positive future? Third-chakra people tend to be
temperamental but are also able to commit to their goals. They are often driven by the need to be
recognized and to succeed. The chief issue to confront is ego. By confronting issues of pride and
control, the Manipura person is able to embrace the best features of its major animal, the ram.
The ram can walk nimbly into the highest of mountaintops; so can the third- chakra individual.

An Imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

Over-Active Solar Plexus Chakra:
When this chakra is too open (overactive), you may be judge mental or critical – and you may
easily find fault and problems in others. You may be demanding and have extreme emotional
problems, being very rigid or stubborn (either your way or no way). The emotions of anger, or
aggressiveness often result from an overactive chakra. You may be planning constantly to do
things, but never actually doing and your work or interests become a priority over things you have
to do. You may feel the need to be always right and have an inability to slow down.
You may also be a perfectionist and can't settle on something that is already good enough, it
always has to be better. Aggression, dominance, over-control, violent outbursts, competitive
behavior, need to be right, stubbornness, type A personality.
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Under-active Solar-plexus Chakra

If this chakra is not open enough (underactive) it can cause severe emotional problems. You
may have a lot of doubt and mistrust towards the people in your life, and worry too much about
what others might think about you. You may also run on “auto pilot” avoiding and suppressing
your feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety; you may feel afraid or alone when you start to
look at what you have been escaping. You also may feel that you are not good enough and be
seeking constant approval of others (lacking a lot in self-confidence), which can lead to a need, or
dependency on the people in your life (co-dependency).
Weak will, poor self-esteem, difficulty completing tasks, difficulty following details, victim
mentality, blaming of others, passivity.

Gems/Minerals : Tigers Eye, Amber, Yellow Topaz, Citrine, Yellow Flourite, Agate,
Lemon Quartz, Pyrite, Heliodor.
Foods : Complex carbohydrates, grains, yellow fruit and vegetables.
Main Issues : Optimism, self-confidence, joy, laughter, will and flexibility.
Keynotes/Lessons : Transforming, shaping, purifying, mental energy.
Common illnesses/
Trauma most affecting : Domination, authoritarianism, shaming, excessive punishment,
manipulation, physical abuse, dangerous environment, tasks
inappropriate for child’s age.
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Physical Dysfunction : Ulcer, digestive problems (particularly the inability to absorb

nutrients), malfunction of the liver or liver disease, pancreatic cancer,
diabetes, muscular disorders, upper gastrointestinal tract disorders,
hypo- and hyperglycemia.
Associated essential oils:
and crystals
 Vetivert – Protects and balances – Use with Yellow jasper/black
 Juniper – Cleanser – Use with Sulphur with Malachite
Affirmation : “I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and
passionate life.”
“I believe in myself and can do anything I set my mind to. Every task
comes easily and effortlessly.”
“I am willing to release all my fears and struggles that have to do with
power and control.”
“I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.”
“I let go of everything that I no longer need.”
Hobbies : Painting, drawing, photography, do puzzles, pick up an old hobby
and/or develop your photographic memory. Find the time to be
outdoors and enjoy the yellow energy from the beautiful sun..
Astrological sign : Leo, Sagitarius, Virgo.
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Fourth chakra: Anahata

It is said that the enlightened can hear the sound of the universe within the Anahata chakra.
Indeed, the heart is the center of the human body, the most vital human organ. As we have seen,
the heart emanates thousands of times more electricity and magnetism than the brain does.
Anahata’s central organ, the heart, beats our existence with each pulse, revealing that, indeed, all
of life is about sound and rhythm. The heart holds the second of the granthis, or locks, the
knotted energies we must untangle if we are to free our divinity.
The heart chakra has many complicated symbols. Two triangles portray the complete union
of the male and female energies, unlike the lingum in the first chakra, which is concerned with
merging sexually. The air element, however, is not considered the “vital breath,” but a conveyer
of sound and energy. The mystical nature of this air suggests that the sound is actually outside of
time and space, that it encourages an understanding of matters beyond everyday
concerns. Psychologically, the heart chakra is devoted to love and compassion, as well as other
ingredients needed to become truly loving within and outside of the self.

The Anahata personality

When the lotus unfolds, the twelve petals invite the movement of energy in
twelve directions. This activates twelve mental capabilities: hope, anxiety,
endeavor, possessiveness, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination, egoism,
lustfulness, fraudulence, indecision, and repentance. Twelve divinities in the form of sound assist
with the process involved in confronting, dealing with, and healing one’s way through these
twelve qualities. A heart-based person might find him-or herself greatly challenged by the so-
called negative qualities that stir in the heart. However, these people have dealt with the
challenges of the lower chakras and can now evolve to feelings of devotion, compassion,
selflessness, and love. In the end, they can become as the antelope, able to move as does light in
the world: swiftly, gently, and firmly.

An Imbalanced Heart Chakra

Over-Active Heart Chakra:
When our heart chakra is in balance it's truly a beautiful thing. However, most of us – at
some point or another – will meet major obstacles in this area. Everyday life circumstances can
cause problems for your heart centre – from break-ups or health issues to poor self-esteem.
When this chakra is too open (overactive), emotions such as sadness, anger, grief, despair,
greediness and happiness may come over you with no or little control. You may be manipulative,
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and judgmental of yourself and others. Your love may come with conditions such as, “I will only
love you if you are this way______”. You'll more than likely be a “people pleaser”, afraid that you
will not be liked or accepted by others around you. You may find yourself in a relationship with a
partner where you are always giving but not receiving, always forgiving, and “cleaning up” after
them, whether it be emotionally, or physically. Co-dependency can result from this, and you may
find it very difficult to let go, of any relationship, that no longer serves your Highest Good. Poor
boundaries, being demanding, clinging, jealousy, overly sacrificing.
Under-Active Heart Chakra:
When this chakra is not open enough (underactive), you will probably be very neg-ative in
your thinking, and may find it very difficult to keep a positive out-look in life. You may experience
feelings of being unloved, unworthiness and un-appreciation. It is very likely that with an under-
active chakra that your choosing the people you love, and the people you do not love. You have a
hard time trusting others, and may have a difficult time “letting” them in, keeping yourself at a
distance. Loneliness, isolation, fear of intimacy, lack of empathy, narcissism.
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Gems/Minerals : Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Green Jade, Emerald, Pink

tourmaline, Malchite, Aventurine, Green Calcite, Rhodonite,
Foods : Green vegetables, dark leafy greens.
Main Issues : Love and balance between being loving and willing in relationships –
our heartstrings. Finding our passion and following our heart - the
balance of giving and receiving. Forgiveness of self and others.
Keynotes/Lessons : The center of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality
associated with a “oneness” with “all that is”. It provides for
desegregation between the loving energy of the heart and the
analytical energy of the intellect.
Trauma most affecting : Rejection, abandonment, loss, loveless environment, betrayal.
Common illnesses/
Physical Dysfunction : Main causes of damage could be emotional instability in childhood
that could lead to unhealthy relationships in adulthood. Palpitations,
arterial fibrillation/damage to heart tissues in general, disorders of
heart/circulation, shortness of breath, sunken chest, asthma, chest
pain, disorders of lungs, thymus (Immune system), arms and hands.
Associated essential oils:
and crystals
 Rose – The essence of love and identifies the loving energy of the
heart. It is deeply healing when the heart is holding grief – Use
with Rose Quartz or Kunzite for children
 Bergamot – This oil opens the heart center and will help the love
vibration to radiate outwards – Use with Watermelon Tourmaline
 Melissa – Though not green in colour, it has a green aroma and
can be used for grief and separation. It can also be invaluable
where there is some blockage of energy at the solar plexus and
heart chakras – Use with Rose Quartz
 Black Pepper – This oil, along with Sage, is a mover and shifter of
energy, an emotional purge – Use with Malachite
Affirmation : “Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love
effortlessly and unconditionally.”
“I deeply and truly love and approve of myself.”
“I love who I am.”
“I trust in love.”
“I open my heart to love.”
“I forgive myself.”
“I forgive those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them
to be.”
“Love is the purpose of my life.”
“Love is everywhere.”
“I open myself to the healing powers of love.”
“I follow the path of the heart.”
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“My heart is full.”

“I welcome the differences of others.”
“It is my nature to heal.”
“I have so much to be grateful for.”
Hobbies : Self-love and lots of self-care. Remember you can only love others if
you love your-self first, so do what is nurturing for you. Take up
hobbies that you intuitively know are good for you.
Astrological sign : Leo, Libra.
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Fifth chakra: Visudhi

Vishuddha is the center for communicating our truth to the world. It is about giving voice—or
music or sound—to our inner heart, and in turn hearing what the world has to reply. This is the
last of the chakras that processes the gross or physical elements. Within its location, we prepare
to ascend the ladder of consciousness, to shift into the chakras devoted to spirituality. It is time to
ask what needs to be said to make this transcendence possible. Symbolically, the fifth chakra
looks like a downward-pointing triangle within a circle, which in turn encompasses a smaller
circle. The lotus wears sixteen petals, which most systems present as violet blue. It is governed by
ether, the most subtle of elements. The mantra ham energizes and harmonizes the throat.
Psychologically, the fifth chakra opens us to higher wisdom, our guides, and our own souls.
Many sources consider it to be the center of dreams. At the fifth chakra, if we can determine what
truths we really want to represent, we can reach our inner dreams and achieve meaningful lives.

The Visudhi personality

The Vishuddha chakra invites rebirth. As we climb through the lower chakras, we embrace—
and learn how to master—each of the grosser elements. We now enter the plane of ether. Those
who live at this level are often perceived as dreamy, musical, inspired, and learned. What flows
through the fifth chakra is sound, in all its varieties. There are two ways to live in this space. We
can either become distracted and irresponsible—secretive and alone within our knowledge—or
we can seek and share truth.

An Imbalanced Throat Chakra

When this chakra is out of balance, it may be too open (overactive) or not open enough
(underactive). An imbalance at this energy centre creates distorted communication and dis-torted
communication is the root cause of all the struggles in life. Once we can understand this, we can
then direct some effort towards opening and balancing the throat chakra. Living, breathing and
speaking your truth is liberating. It's Your Truth that sets you free.
Over-active Throat Chakra:
When this chakra is too open (overactive), you are more than likely be over-opin-ionated,
perhaps very critical of others and how they are performing in life. You may be verbally abusive to
those around you, and may find yourself yelling a lot when not necessary. You won't allow others
to “talk back” or voice their opinions about certain situations, it will be your way or no way.
Over talking, talking as a defense, inability to listen, interrupting, poor auditory comprehension.
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Under-active Throat Chakra:

When this chakra is not open enough (underactive), you will be unable to express yourself
and will often be misinterpreted or misunderstood by others. You will probably be “wishy washy”
or considered unreliable by the people in your life. Telling the truth and being honest with
yourself is something you probably have a difficult time with, and giving mixed messages is likely
something that may have gotten you into trouble before. Until you find balance within the throat
chakra, your life will remain the same – and nothing will ever work out in the way you would like
it to.
Fear of speaking, weak voice, introversion, shyness, poor rhythmic timing, tone deafness,
difficulty putting feelings into words.

Gems/Minerals : Aquamarine, Blue Chalcedony, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Celestite,

Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite.
Foods : Fruits.
Main Issues : Security and trust, harsh interactions regarding the truth, damage in
childhood by parents not believing in them. Speaking the truth and
finding your voice.
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Keynotes/Lessons : Open, clear communication of feelings and thoughts. Creativity,

expression and releasing pent up feelings or thoughts - speaking up.
Trauma most affecting : lies, mixed messages, verbal abuse, excessive criticism, authoritarian
parents, family secrets.

Common illnesses/
Physical Dysfunction : Sore throat, stiff neck and shoulders, loss of voice, hyperactive
thyroid, goiter, misalignments in neck, lung disease. Lack of
understanding and stifled expression could lead to claustrophobia.
Associated essential oils:
and crystals
 German Chamomile – This oil imparts strength and calmness –
Use with Blue Tourmaline
 English Chamomile – Pale blue oil which resonates at a very high
level with the throat chakra – Use with Aquamarine, amazonite,
Aqua Aura
 Myrrh – This oil will help to center and boost those who keep
quiet due to lack of confidence – Use with blue Tourmaline
Affirmation : “I easily and gracefully express my deepest feelings and emotions.”
”I hear and speak the truth.”
”I express myself with clear intent.”
”Creativity flows in and through me.”
”I have a strong clear voice.”
“My truth is necessary.”
“It is good, right, and safe for me to express my true essence.”
“When I listen I hear the truth.”
Hobbies : This energy point is the channel for your expression – expression of
your identity, business, hobbies, creativity and friendships. This
chakra is happy and healthy when WHAT YOU SAY matches up to
Astrological sign : Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius.
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Sixth chakra: Ajna

Solar and lunar energies meet and mix in the sixth chakra, combining the following principles:
earthliness, liquidity, conscience, neutrality, austerity, violence, and spiritual devotion. The Ajna
dissolves duality, allowing us to stop seeing “good” and “bad,” to cease differentiating between
“I” and “you,” until we can accept the greater unity within the cosmos. Here we might draw upon
our “third eye,” or inner sight, to peer through “reality” into the truth
underneath. Herein lies the third granthi, or knot. It is the Rudra knot of the Itara lingum, illustrat
ed as luminescent white lightning. Through its energy, we are provided the opportunity to see
everything as sacred and holy.
Ajna is represented by a downward-pointing triangle within a circle. There are only two
petals to its lotus. It is transparent and made of light, for its purpose is
to help us see clearly. Its mantra is the divine aum, which connects the beginnings and endings of
all things. This chakra is not associated with a specific element or animal representative, although
some connect it with the black antelope, a carrier of light. Sometimes the Ajna is called the center
of the supreme element—the light that generates all other elements. As such, it is usually
considered to hold the seed syllable, OM, some sources describe it with a different
syllable. Mentally, the Ajna relates to our cognitive and sensory faculties. It is here that we move
beyond concrete and mundane information to formulate abstractions and higher thoughts.
Therefore, one of the primary roles of this chakra is to bridge
the subtle realms, governing the koshas, or two sheaths, that form the entirety of the subtle body
(suksma sarira). We can now discover the true self and set out upon a journey that creates a
desirable future. Ajna is considered to be beyond the gross, concrete elements, carrying instead
a “supreme element” that serves as the foundation for the elements processed in the lower

The Ajna personality

The Ajna personality has bridged light and dark, matter and spirit, masculine and feminine,
and is now able to share light with the world. The Ida and Pingala nadis end at the Ajna, for those
who have completed the course of the kundalini. This person is now able to live beyond time: to
know the past, present, and future and yet not be defined by these parameters. This capability
must be carefully managed, for to skip any part of the development process is to end up “spacey”
or “checked out,” disassociated from daily life and the concrete world. Ideally, the Ajna individual
is able to maintain a state of non-dualistic consciousness. In practical reality—there is practical
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reality, like shop- ping for groceries and paying bills—the Ajna person must bridge the spiritual
reality with the physical. If they can do this, Ajna people can become true “lights” unto the world.

An Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra

When this chakra is imbalanced you will be more connected to your ego (false self) instead of
your spirit (true self).
Over-active Third Eye Chakra:
When this chakra is too open (overactive), you may experience stress accompanied by
frequent headaches that happen in your forehead or temples area. You may be-come delusional
and create circumstances in your mind that are not really happening. An individual with over-
activity in this chakra may also tend to be judgmental, insensitive, unsympathetic or over-
intellectual in their thinking. Delusions, obsessions, nightmares, difficulty concentrating.
Under-active Third Eye Chakra:
When this chakra is not open enough (underactive), you may have difficulty in
un-derstanding the spiritual side of the world and the connection between your inner and outer
reality. You may lack empathy and understanding for the people in your life, lack common sense,
or intuition. Memory and learning can be affected if the third eye is not balanced.
Insensitivity, poor memory, difficulty seeing alternatives, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing,
denial, seeing only one way of doing things.
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Gems/Minerals : Lapis Lazuli, Indigo, Sapphire, Sodalite, Azurite, Flourite, Blue Quartz,
Indicolite, Kyanite.
Foods : Blue foods, spice & tea.
Main Issues : Soul Ray of purpose, service (sacrifice), past life. Focus and intuition.
Keynotes/Lessons : Higher consciousness, emotional and spiritual love centre, spiritual
inner sight, clairvoyance – all senses including 6th sense.
Trauma most affecting : Invalidation of intuition or psychic perceptions, ugly or frightening
environment; e.g., growing up in a war zone.
Common illnesses/
Physical Dysfunction : Schizophrenia, learning disabilities, brain disorders, confusion,
Associated essential oils:
and crystals
 Rosemary – Connects with the higher levels of the mind and
brings clarity to our understanding of spiritual matters – Use with
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 Thyme – This is a cephalic oil (relating to the head) which is

concerned with mind and thought – Use with Sodalite.
Affirmation : “I see everything clearly. My reality is vibrant, beautiful, and I
perceive it with more than my physical senses.”
”I implement all my visions and dreams.”
”I am open to Universal guidance and implementation for my
”I am guided by my Higher Self and working in synchronicity with my
life plan.”
”I create and implement my ideas.”
“I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand
the true meaning of life situations.”
”I trust my intuition.”
”I remember my dreams.”
”I have psychic experiences.”
“My imagination is vivid and powerful.”
“I am open to the wisdom within me.”
Hobbies : Find a non-competitive exercise that you enjoy and stick with it.
There are many energy practices and physical exercises you can do to
stay in an open and ready mental state. These are: Tai Chi, Qigong,
Walking Meditation, Yoga, Chanting and Visualization.
Astrological sign : Sagitarius, Aquarius, Pisces.
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Seventh chakra: Sahasrara

The Shiva and Shakti—the masculine and feminine—join within Sahasrara to cre-
ate brahma-ranhdra, the transcendence of both. Within this chakra, the individual personality
dissolves into the essence of the all. This is the chakra of one thousand petals. These petals
represent the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet along with their twenty permutations. The
magnitude of these vibrations enhances the seventh chakra’s role in governing and
coordinating the other chakras.
The Sahasrara chakra was not considered an in-body chakra in the
classical Hindu system. Traditionally, it is pictured as lying atop the head. More contemporary syst
ems establish it in the top of the head. No matter which location you prefer, the idea is the same:
it represents a space unto
itself. Sahasrara creates the fifth kosha, the anandamaya sheath that doubles as the causal body.
After ascending to the Sahasrara, we shift this sheath and become free from the constraints of the
physical realm as well as the “wheel of life,” the vehicle that initiates reincarnation. Once released
from the causal body, we enter one
of the three higher planes, or koshas, beyond the body, the Satyaloka, or “abode of truth.”
We also achieve samadhi, or the state of bliss and beingness associated with transcendence. This
state is associated with the teachings of Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita and the eighth branch of
Patanjali’s classification of yoga. (See “Patanjali’s Eight-
Step Method of Yoga”.) There are many layers of samadhi, the highest involving an identification
with the highest states of consciousness, and finally, the individual is absorbed into the all.
The Sahasrara is considered beyond most symbolic representations, although the chakra is usually
perceived as white. The Sahasrara is considered beyond senses, sense organs, and vital breath.
As such, it is often described without a seed syllable, although some sources depict it with an

An Imbalanced Crown Chakra

When this chakra is imbalanced, life will feel difficult and harder to travel. Not that I'm by any
means suggesting that life should be always easy! You will just lack direction, focus, inspiration
and purpose, and your road will feel harder and bumpier. There will be no flow and ease. You'll
experience frustration, lack of joy and bore-dom, which may result in a loss of self, depression and
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Over-active Crown Chakra:

When this chakra is too open (overactive), you probably will not be able to control your
encounters with other realms of existence. You may be considered “far out” there and will have
trouble grounding yourself, making it hard for people to take you seriously. Because of an over-
activity in this chakra, you may possess a god-complex and consider yourself better than others in
the world around you. Spiritual addiction, lack of good reality testing, confusion, dissociation.
Under-active Crown Chakra:
When this chakra is not open enough (underactive), you will probably feel like you lack a
purpose in your life. You may think that it is all meaningless, and in this thinking, you may even
develop a mental “disease”. You may feel unloved, or angry at God, and blame life circumstance
on something that is outside of you. Co-ordi-nation difficulties, awkwardness, clumsiness, or poor
balance may result from an underactive crown chakra. New ideas or newer, positive out-looks on
life may be hard for you grasp, if you accept them at all. You may lack spiritual exploration and
have no desire what so ever to discover your inner self. You may also be excessively terrified,
anxious and frightened of dying. Spiritual cynicism, rigid beliefs, apathy, materialism, greed.

Gems/Minerals : Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Milky Quartz, Iolite, Purple fluorite, Sugalite,
Opal, Moonstone.
Foods : Sun, juice, fasting.
Main Issues : Problems connected into the higher realms. Reproductive power, the
ability to integrate the physical and spiritual worlds in relationships.
Keynotes/Lessons : It allows the flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic
consciousness. When clear, it enables us to see the truth concerning
ideals, materialistic pursuits, self-limiting concepts, pride and vanity.
It allows us to experience continuous self-awareness and conscious
detachment from personal emotions. Compassion, empathy seeing
self in others.
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Trauma most affecting : Forced religion, invalidation of personal beliefs, misinformation,

spiritual abuse.
Common illnesses/
Physical Dysfunction : Mental disorders, confusion, depression, headaches.
Associated essential oils:
and crystals All oils can be used on the Crown Chakra .
Affirmation : “I allow the light to dissolve away any barriers to my receiving my
divine wisdom and guidance.”
''I release all fears about listening to my Higher Self, God, my angels
and spirit guides.''
''I know that I am safe as I follow my inner spiritual guidance.''
''I allow this guidance to lead me to beautiful opportunities where I
share my true nature as a powerful, loving, spiritual being.''
''I listen, I trust, I take guided action.''
“I am complete and one with the divine energy.”
“I am a spiritual, enlightened, awakened, imaginative, perceptive,
and intuitive being.”
''Each day, I become more conscious.”
“I walk the path of enlightenment.”
“I am open to experiencing my true nature.”
“I am connected to and supported by everything in the universe.”
“I am one with the universe.”
Hobbies : Those who are seeking spiritual enlightenment often concentrate on
opening the crown chakra. This allows them to establish a spiritual
connection with the uni-verse, as well as to discover psychic abilities
that would otherwise remain dormant when the chakra is closed.
Astrological sign : Capricorn, Pisces

Eighth chakra
Just above the head. This chakra is seen as housing several additional energy bodies, including the
Akashic Records, which is everything ever seen and done; the Shadow Records, that which was un
seen as pertaining to the Akashic Records; and the Book of Life, which reflects the positive aspect
of all vents. The eighth chakra is the place of karma through which individuals can connect with all
planes, dimensions, and time periods, including alternative or parallel realities.

Ninth chakra
One and a half feet above the head. This chakra contains the “seat of the soul,” the spiritual
genetics that generate physical reality, such as the physical genes. It also carries the soul purpose
and the symbols that sustain the uniqueness of a soul. Through it, a practitioner can:
 Customize energetic healing so as to exactly fit the individual
 Obtain information explaining someone’s life path—and upcoming decisions
 Conduct energy healing to make genetic repair by using zymology
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Tenth chakra:
A foot and a half under the feet. This is the “grounding chakra,” which opens to elemental energy
and passes it into the body through the feet. It holds personal soul history as well as stories and
energies from one’s heritage. It connects a person thoroughly into nature and the natural world.
This chakra is extraordinarily useful for anchoring individuals into everyday reality, addressing and
healing legacy issues (including genetic disease), and opening to the elemental energies necessary
for health.

Eleventh chakra:
Surrounding the body and concentrated around the hands and the feet. This energy center helps
individuals command and transmute physical and supernatural forces. Through it, one can seize
command of external energies and direct them for good. It is extraordinary for producing instant
change inside and outside of the body.

Twelfth chakra:
Surrounding the eleventh chakra and the entirety of the body, this energy center represents the
outer bounds of the human self. It connects
to the body through thirty secondary chakras, described in New Chakra Healing. It channels
spiritual energies found outside of the total auric field. Just outside
of the twelfth chakra is the “energy egg”, a three-layer film that regulates the linkage between
the spiritual realms and the physical body.
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How Blockages Develop in the Chakras?

Chakras can become blocked. The free flow of energy in and out, plus the flow of energy to
other chakras, is impeded. Chakra blockages can have significant impact on your entire energy
system. The chakras are the relays in the human energy system that is the most susceptible to the
forming of blockages arising from fear. Life style, negative thought, trauma, the cultural
environment has an impact the balance of our chakras.

How to Determine Which Chakras Are Blocked?

1. Chakra Knowledge and Awareness
2. Observing which chakras react noticeably in situation of unusual stress or shock
Analyzing what is happening with your chakras can be a powerful way of tuning into your
mind, body and spirit. To do this you should observe which chakras react noticeably when
you are in stressful situations. Perhaps you have recurring problems or illnesses, and should
ask yourself if you are going backward, instead of forward, in your life.
For example:
 If your Base Chakra is not strong, you may feel unhappy with your body size or shape, or
may have a feeling that you are not in control of your life. On the other hand, if your
Base Chakra is overactive, you may explode angrily at the slightest provocation.
 Low energy flow through the Sacral Chakra will cause you not to have any joyful
moments in your life. If it is hyperactive, you may experience tears of frustration.
 Inactivity of the Solar Plexus Chakra will cause you to feel powerless when you are under
pressure and to develop a queasy feeling, or "butterflies" in your stomach. Over activity
will make you domineering and a control freak."
 If you feel that your "heart has missed a beat, it may indicate a weak Heart Chakra as
well as a weak physical heart. If you redden or your pulse races in stressful situations,
your Heart Chakra may be overactive.
 A weak Throat Chakra will make you unable to speak your truth, or you may stutter or
shake. An overactive Throat Chakra will cause you to speak before you think-sometimes
with hurtful words.
 If you cannot visualize and organize your life very well, then your Brow Chakra is
underactive. If you experience nightmares, it may have become hyperactive.
 An inability to think clearly when under stress means that your Crown Chakra is weak. If
you want to eat all the fruits of spiritual attainment before you have learned how to
plant, water and grow them, then your Crown Chakra is unbalanced.
3. Kinesiological test
Kinesiology is the study of muscle movement in the body both voluntary and involuntary, and
their interactions with the rest of your energy systems.
Method 1
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Choose a chakra center to be tested. Have the individual to be tested extend their arm ot to
the side. Their other hand should be placed over the chakra point to be tested. Place your
own hand upon the wrist of the other person's outstretched arm. As you apply pressure
downward, have the other person resist you. Don't force their arm down with your own
strength. Rather apply pressure or only 50mm, applying the pressure gradually and releasing
it gradually. The muscle response will either be strong in the first action, locking into place, or
it will give easily.
Method 2
Another way to muscle-test your chakra is to touch a chakra point on your body with the
middle finger of your dominant hand (the one you write with). Then, thinking strongly of the
location and condition of the chakra, bring the thumb and first finger of each hand into an 0
shape and lock them together. Now ask, "Does this chakra need balancing?" and pull the
fingers and thumbs apart. With a little practice you will be able to feel some resistance,
indicating that the chakra is strong; or you will easily pull them apart, indicating that the
chakra is weak.
4. Aura checking
5. Analysis the sleeping habits
 Root chakra dominant, 10 – 12 hours, sleeping position will be on stomach.
 Sacral chakra dominant, 8 – 10 hours, sleeping position will be in prenatal position.
 Solar plexus chakra dominant, 7 – 8 hours, sleeping position will be on back.
 Heart chakra dominant, 5 – 6 hours, rest on the left side.
 Throat chakra dominant, 4 – 5 hours, resting on the left and right alternately.
 Brow chakra dominant, About 4 hours between sleep and waking sleep.
6. Checking chakra flow with a pendulum
If you are working with another person, ask them to lie down on their back. Use the middle
finger of your non-dominant hand over the relevant chakra position, and keep your other
hand (which is holding the pendulum) as far away as possible from the person's auric field.
State or think to yourself : “I am now testing the (root) chakra”. Sometimes the pendulum
will instantly start spinning sometimes it takes a minute. Relax and observe the pendulum as
you receive answers to your silent questions. Remember that the front of a person's body is a
softer. More vulnerable aspect and will probably give a clearer reading than the chakras in
their spinal region. Keep a record on a small chart of what you find out about each chakra.
Pendulum results
o Properly functioning chakra – pendulum will spin in a clockwise circle / counter
clockwise depend on each chakra.
o Blocked chakra – pendulum will spin to the opposite direction of natural direction or
won’t spin at all, or the diameter of the circle is very small compared to the rest of the
o Overactive chakra - pendulum will spin in a very wide circle compared to the rest. You
are now ready to bring the chakras into balance (or perform whatever other healing is
appropriate), but make sure that you only ever work on one chakra at a time. Check the
results afterward with the pendulum.
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7. Reflexology
Reflexology is a development of an ancient healing technique suggesting that the soles of
our feet and the palms of our hands mirror our whole body. It uses fingertip pressure on the
feet or hands to relieve pain or energetic blockages in various parts of the body. Reflexology
demonstrates that pranic energy circulates in our physical body. It is an effective technique
because energy terminates in the feet or hands, where the reflexes are found. If the energy
circulation is blocked in any way, it shows up in the reflex as pain or soreness when that area
of the foot or hand is treated by a reflexologist.

Chakra Reflex on the Foot

In reflexology the body is divided up into ten zones that correspond to specific parts of
the soles of the feet (and the hands). There are a few reflexes on the top of the feet. The
most important treatment area for maintaining chakra balance is the spinal reflex, which
runs right along the arch of the foot from the heel (calcaneus) to the top of the big toe. If
treating yourself; press each foot reflex firmly for around 30 seconds. At the same time
visualize the body chakra and associated color. It is important to work on all reflexes to bring
balance. Repeat on the other foot.
 The Base Chakra is toward the back of the calcaneus bone of the heel, relating to gonads
(testes and ovaries).
 The Sacral Chakra is where the calcaneus and navicular bones join, relating to the
adrenal glands.
 The Solar Plexus Chakra is at the back of the cuneiform bone, relating to the pancreas.
 The Heart Chakra is in the center of the metatarsal bone relating to the thymus gland.
 The Throat Chakra is where the phalanges (toe bones) meet the metatarsal, relating to
the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
 The Brow Chakra is where the first and second phalanges meet, relating to the pituitary
 The Crown Chakra is at the top of the first phalange (big toe), relating to the pineal
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Chakra healing can be defined as a process aiming at influencing how energy moves through
the chakras of the human body. It is often referred to as chakra balancing because its goal is to
restore the optimal balance between the energy centers.

What is a healer?
All healers are energy workers, but are all energy workers “healers”? Does someone actually
have to “heal people” to be considered a healer? Yes—if healing includes creating positive
change, not only a cure.
Curing and healing are very different concepts. To cure is to erase symptoms. To heal is a
state of wholeness. A whole person is whole in spite of a missing leg, a flu bug, or a death
sentence. A healer is essentially someone who helps another person realize his or her inherent
wholeness, regardless of appearances or the outcome of treatment. Being a healer involves
following a code of honor, one that promotes healthy feelings, actions, thoughts, and beliefs in
the patient—without compromising the same within the healer. Being a healer always involves
being wise and acting wisely.
Being an energy healer, however, whether allopathic, complementary, Eastern, Western,
spiritual, or any other sort, involves understanding energy and its effects.
Being a subtle energy healer requires comprehending an even more unique set of issues.

Requirements for Working Energetically

A professional energy worker must decide how to operate in terms of techniques, beliefs,
and ethics, diligently selecting training, behaviors, and boundaries that serve self and patients—
even if the patients are children or friends. The most universal guidelines can be borrowed from
the Hippocratic oath taken by many medical doctors upon graduation from medical
school. The succinct version of the oath is to help and not harm—but there is a lot of gray in
between these two black and white edges. Let us consider an updated version of this oath, as
applied to energy workers. This outline of the oath is based on the classical version—the one
sworn to the gods thousands of years ago.

 Only treat the people you are qualified to treat.

 Keep them from harm and injustice, or tell them if you think they are injuring themselves
or someone else. Report severe endangerments to authorities when necessary and do
not overstep your own boundaries. If you are a hands-on healer, you are not trained to
decide whether a cancer patient would benefit from chemotherapy.
 Not give a deadly drug to anyone who has asked for it, or make a suggestion to this
effect. All energy is medicine—even subtle energy. Whether packaged as herbs, sound,
light, words, or prescription medicine, medicine has an effect and is not to be used
without full knowledge of its effects.
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 Your life and morals are important and are not to be sacrificed for your work.
 Do not get involved with clients. Most professional and licensed medical professionals
cannot date or see their patients outside of work unless treatment has ceased for two
 Clients deserve privacy.
 A healer does not have to understand or know the name of a disease, but may help the
client find the cause of their illness.
 A healer works with positive energy not illness-and should explain from the outset that
healing is a very different experience from a cure or remission.
 A healer does not use their own personal prana / energy, but asks to become a channel
for healing energy.
 A client is advised to clear repetitive patterns of behavior and negative chakra imprints
and to achieve high energy levels in their own body. The most important action for both
healer and client is to send unconditional love to the seat of disease.

What is chakra healing?

When the chakra system functions properly, it is characterized by several properties:
 Balance, overall equilibrium
 Distinction between the different quality of energies or frequencies associated with each
 Appropriate intensity or level of energy of each chakra
 Appropriate direction (clockwise or counterclockwise)
 Appropriate polarity (inward and outward flow, or reception and expression)
It’s important to note that a chakra does not function on its own. It is part of a dynamic
interrelated series of energy centers forming an entire system. Understanding what chakra
healing means involves not only knowing how each individual chakra functions, but also how they
interact with each other.
There are many energy healing modalities, some rooted in ancient wisdom and practices, some
more recent. In today’s alternative medicine, we find reiki therapy as a common healing practice.

Being a subtle energy technician

Being a subtle energy worker involves consciously learning techniques that could include, but
also go beyond, the bounds of the allopathic medical discipline. A subtle energy professional has
to address three technical areas to become a learned technician.
 Expertise in at least one subtle energy practice.

A qualified subtle energy professional must meet the following criteria:

1. Be knowledgeable about the subtle energies and the energy anatomy involved in the
chosen area.
2. Understand the relationship between applicable subtle structures and the physical
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3. Accept and have a working comprehension of the relationship between the energy
area and the other components of the human self: mental, emotional, and spiritual. If
applicable, be attuned to and develop the intuitive aspect of the energy art.
4. If using intuitive faculties, also rely upon the intellect and common sense. Many
Western medical doctors follow “hunches” to diagnose. That is superb—but they
follow up with scientifically sound tests and procedures. Even an intuitive practitioner
must do this. Consider how you can corroborate your intuition mechanically.
 If one’s practice is integrative, expertise in at least one other professional area.
 Ongoing training. Subtle energy medicine is one of the fastest-growing fields in the world,
gaining recognition and validity, while also expanding in terms of the information that is
available. Keep informed, read books, and take classes.

The Power of Belief

An energy worker’s effectiveness depends upon his or her beliefs (whether the person works
subtly or not). A professional must ask these questions of him- or her- self: Do you believe in the
effectiveness of your energy discipline? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in your client’s
ability to heal or grow? Answers to these and other belief-based questions impact professional
success and safeguard personal well-being. Your energy fields interact with your patients’ fields.
How you feel about your- self—what you hold near and dear in your heart-space—transfers into a
client’s heart-space, and from there, into his or her body. (There is more information about heart-
centered healing below.)
What can heal can also harm. Consider the reverse of the placebo effect: the no- cebo effect,
which can be phrased this way: if you believe that something bad is going to happen, it probably
will. Researchers have discovered that women who believed they were prone to heart disease
were four times more likely to develop heart problems than women who had the same risk
factors but lacked the negative attitude

The Intuitive Healer

There are many forms of psychic abilities used in subtle energy-based healing. Everyone is
born with various “psychic” abilities, as extensive studies have
revealed. These gifts can be developed and used to make intuitive assessments for physical and
psychological problems. The intuitive application of energy is one of the primary ways to deliver
energetic healing.
As with the rest of life, you will not be good at every form of intuition or be able to use your
gifts for every purpose. Practitioners often have expertise in certain areas and weaknesses in
others. For example, one study described an intuitive diagnostician who could determine organ
problems with a great deal of accuracy but was unable to identify fertility
disorders. One of the keys to using your intuition is to know which forms you are most gifted in.
Following is a partial list of the various types of intuitive gifts that most frequently come into play
with energy work. While some of them may seem far-fetched, there is ample literature describing
all of these experiences.
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Clairaudience (also called channeling and trans-medium ship): Gaining information from the
spiritual realm, often involving the entrance of an entity in one’s own body.

Clairsentience: Knowledge about the external world with no known source for the

Distant or absent healing: Ability to conduct diagnoses, perceive another situation or send
healing energy from a distance.

Divination: Obtaining psychic information by calling upon spirits or peering into the future.

Dowsing: The use of instruments, such as pendulums or dowsing rods, to transfer energy or
obtain information.

Empathy: Sensing other’s emotions, needs, or physical conditions. Includes body-based

empathy, the ability to detect smells, feelings, sensations, bodily reactions and the
awareness of others’ states in the self.

Hands-on healing: Use of the hands for diagnosis, interpretation, or energy shifting, either
for present or distant subjects or groups.

Kinesiology: Sensing muscular change and reading the body’s messages ac- cordingly.

Mind-based techniques: The use of mind-altering, substances or activities to activate

intuition, such as hypnosis, sacred medicine, foods, music, sounds, and colors.

Precognition: Foresight of the future.

Projection: Ability to see into, sense, or visit other current realities.

Prophecy: Ability to see or sense what might happen, if all goes according to a divine plan.

Psychic surgery: The actual penetration of the body through psychic means. Can result in
removal of tissue, bones, or other matter.

Signs and Symptoms That You Have Picked Up Negative Energies After
Giving Healing
 Feeling down or angry with no apparent cause
 Suddenly feeling really tired after giving healing
 Having odd thoughts that don't feel like your thoughts
 Aches and pains in your body that start after giving healing
 Suddenly feeling cold after giving healing
 Craving sugar after giving healing
 Bad dreams
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How to Clear Yourself

 Smudging.
- Grey Sage or Desert Sage (Artemesia tridentata) is the most common type of Sage used
for ceremonial purposes and purification.
- Sweet smelling White Sage (Salvia apiana) has become more popular recently with
- Lavender works well when added to Sage.
- Cedar can also be used for clearing.
- Sweetgrass is a long stemmed grass that is braided and used after Sage has expelled
negative influences to usher in positive energy.
The nicest way to use Sage is to put loose Sage in an abalone shell. This is then lighted and
wafted around the space or the person being smudged, traditionally with a large feather. It is
best to smudge yourself outside. If you are smudging inside open all the windows before you
smudge yourself. Open all the windows and smudge your treatment room and all your
healing tools after your client has gone. Sage can also be used tied into bundles called
smudge sticks. This provides a natural twiggy handle. The leafy end is set alight and then
blown out so that it smoulders releasing the sacred smoke. If using a smudge stick make sure
you have a container of sand to stub the stick out after use. Never leave it unattended!
 Shower with cold water
 Salt Water Bath
 Salt Water Bowl
 Epsom Salts
 Essential oils
 Essences
 Tuning Forks
 Sandalwood
 Cutting Cords
 OM mantra

Clearing The Aura with Crystal

The aura may be swept by hand or by using a crystal to clear it of blockages, tears and leaks.
Use clear quartz or any other suitable crystal over the body as illustrated below. As you move
down, you will feel a slight tugging motion where there is a blockage or hollowness where there is
a tear or leak. Sweep the aura again until the sweeping motion feels clear and fluid in your hand.
If there is a leak or tear, hold the quartz over that area for a while, until it feels sealed (or solid). It
clears and repairs the aura, so do not forget to seal the aura, by creating a strong white light
followed by the golden layer of light.
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Here are some ways to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

 Positive Thinking
 Connect With Nature
 Grounding
Staying grounded is the key.
- Carry hematite or another grounding crystal with you.
- You can ground yourself by sending a silver cord from your base chakra into the earth
and follow it until it stops. Then breathe earth energy up into yourself through the cord
and then release all negative energies into the earth. The earth then transforms this
energy into positive energy.
 Bubble - Visualize a bubble around yourself, protecting the outer edge of your aura with a
strong, flexible membrane. Your bubble can be filled with any colour that you choose, or it
can be rainbow hued. Experiment to see which colour protects you best. Make sure that your
bubble goes all around you, behind your back and under your feet. Use your intention to
state that your bubble repels all negativity, but will allow positive energies to flow into it. Put
your bubble in place whenever you feel the need for protection.
 Crystals - Several crystals have strong grounding and protective qualities. Black tourmaline,
black obsidian, smoky quartz, hematite, apache tear, tiger's eye, and mica help to ground and
clear negative energies. You can carry these crystals with you.
 Symbols
On a psychic level, symbols help us to access archetypal energies that have been used for
thousands of years. Symbols come in four forms:
1. Of human origin - e.g. a shield.
2. Animals - e.g. a lion.
3. Geometric symbols - e.g. a Star of David.
4. Natural or cosmic symbols - e.g. sun, water.
 Angels
 White Light
 Mirror
 Pyramid
 Protection Prayer
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 Protective Amulets and Bracelets

 Colour and Protection
These colours can be used for protection:
- Gold - is associated with the sun and carries a powerful positive energy that is very
transformational. The colour gold will consume any negative energy. Those people who
have an outgoing, positive outlook on life will find this energy most appropriate. Use this
colour in situations where there is much disturbed energy around you.
- White - symbolises purity and vitality. It reflects all colours and therefore has the effect
of reflecting back whatever is sent at it. It can be very helpful when

Preventing Yourself from Being Drained

We have all experienced being drained by another person. You may talk to him or her on the
phone or in person, and, when you finish, you are exhausted. You feel completely drained, your
energy is gone, your stomach may ache etc. What you are experiencing is an energy drain It is
easier just to correct the situation without saying a word about it.
You can control whether another shares your energy or not. One of the simplest methods is to
close your circuit of energy. There are currents of energy flowing through your body and around it
within the auric field. You can close them down so that your energies only circulate around your
own auric field and throughout your body. You prevent your energies from being drawn off from
the aura, and you prevent your aura from drawing in another's energy.
Assuming the posture shown on the next page is all it takes. You cross your feet at the ankles
and bring your thumbs and fingers together so they are touching. (If you wish, you can use just
your thumbs and index fingers.) This closes your circuit. Your energy will not go out from you. The
next time you encounter your friend who drains you, assume this posture. Simply rest your hands
casually on your lap, touch your fingers and cross your ankles. It is casual and simple, and no one
will suspect you of anything. You can also do this when on the phone with such people.
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Smells act powerfully on the memory area of the brain. They evoke memories of things, people
or places and remind us of related emotions. Smells are tiny molecules of liquid that float through
the air. When inhaled, these molecules are absorbed in the blood and taken to the limbic system.
Limbic system is the olfactory area of the brain and deals with a person's basic drives like hunger,
thirst, memories, intuition, sleep, emotion and the like. Smells have been used in our lives to
enhance our awareness. In devotional places there are incense sticks used to calm mind and aid
meditation. Various fragrances were used for sensual pleasures and enhancing beauty. Smell of
mangoes, spices makes mouth water. Smell of disinfectants reminds us of hospitals or Doctors.
Aromatherapy has taken this concept to a logical inference and claim that we can control
memories and emotions by using particular aromas. Experiments are being conducted for
Alzheimer and Depression alleviation.
Aromatherapy is the art of using special aromatic “Essential” oils and other fragrances for
healing purposes. It is one of the fastest growing Alternate holistic therapies. It is used for the
pain relief, skin care, easing of tension and weariness and revitalizing the entire body.

Essential Oils are Different from other vegetable Oils

Essential oils and fatty/vegetable oils are two completely different types of oils. The main
verifiable difference is that the essential oils are volatile -they evaporate quickly when exposed to
air. They are used for medicinal or healing purposes and are not always edible. They should not be
used indiscriminately as they can actually be toxic. Vegetable oils are always edible. Essential oils
are soluble in fatty/vegetable oils. Hence, in Aromatherapy, fatty/vegetable oils are called carrier
oils. Very strong and potent Essential oils are diluted with these carrier oils to make them safe for
use. Main carrier oils are sunflower, almond, and jojoba. Carrier oils are nourishing and easily
absorbed by the skin by massage. When mixed with essential oils they carry the healing effect
gently. Essential oils can be mixed with other essential or career oils for specific purposes. Many
recipes are available for various ailments
Essential oils have the ability to influence our wellbeing at a physical, emotional, mental and
subtle level. Essential oils are versatile and it is possible to use them in so many ways. The more
conventional ways of using essential oils include massage, vaporizers, diffusers and burners or

How it works
Aromatherapy works when essential oils enter the body by absorption and inhalation through
the pores of the skin. The oil can be inhaled or massaged at different points of body. Once diluted
essential oil is applied directly to the skin it is completely absorbed and penetrates deeply into the
tissues, interstitial fluid and bloodstream reaching the targeted part. Different oils have varying
rates of absorption, between 20 and 120minutes.
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There are three Modes of application

Direct inhalation:
For respiratory decongestion, expectoration as well as psychological effects
Aerial diffusion:
For environmental fragrance or aerial disinfection
Direct application on skin:
General massage, baths, compresses, therapeutic skin care.
Simply inhaling an essential ensures immediate mental response and helps quick absorption
in the blood stream. The olfactory membrane is the only place in the human body where the
central nervous system is in direct contact with the environment.

When an olfactory cell is stimulated, an impulse travels along the olfactory nerve to the brain
where memory, hunger, sexual response or emotion is evoked. The Two methods of inhalation
are: 1) simple inhalation, 2) diffusion

1. Simple inhalation. Open the bottle, keep it 6-8 inches under your nose and blow the aroma
towards your nose with your other hand. Do not touch or breathe directly on the opening
of the bottle.
2. Place a drop of undiluted oil in your hand. Rub hands together and cup them over your
nose. Take a deep breath and check out your response. If you feel relaxed and content,
3. Steam inhalation. Mix few drops of essential oil in boiling water and inhale the fragrance with
the steam. Works well with stuffed noses, coughs and colds.
4. Add five drops of an essential oil to a hanky or tissue and carry with you throughout the
day. Or place under your pillow case to ease you into sleep.

This is when essential oils are dispersed in the air to be inhaled. It is also used for anti-fungal
and anti-bacterial activities. Diffusion is done by special devices called diffusers. There are several
kinds. Basically these are some kind of containers where oil is placed and it is dispersed in the air
by candle or electric heat, or fan to vaporize it. They are very pretty and make ideal room
decorations. They are also good gifts. Today Aromatherapy Diffusers are multi-purpose
machines and can be used as Humidifier, Atomizer, or Air purifier.
Caution: Keep all types of diffusers out of the reach of children and pets!
Diffusion with Items Already in Your Household
Simple Tissue Diffusion
Place 3-4 drops of essential oil on a tissue or cotton ball. Keep in anopen container. Slowly
aroma fills the room.
Steam Diffusion
Boil 2 cups of water. Pour the water into a bowl and add up to 10drops of oil to the water. The
steam will heat the oils and cause them to evaporate quickly into the room.
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Candle Diffusion
Light a candle and let it burn for about 5 minutes. Stub the flame. Place 1 drop of essential oil
in the melted wax (not on the wick!) and then relight the candle.
Essential oils are flammable, so great care must be used. The aroma is not long-lasting. The heat
may alter or destroy certain components of the oils so the therapeutic benefit may not be very

Diffusers and Diffusion Products

The general descriptions below are about the different products that are available. Many
companies are making them. Always check the specifications, requirements and safety comments
supplied with the particular product
Clay Pot Diffusers
Clay pots are small terra-cotta pots. A clay pot diffuser has an opening for adding essential oils.
All you do is add essential oils to the diffuser and let the essential oils evaporate and diffuse
naturally into the space around you. The intensity of the aroma depends on the
amount of essential oil in the clay pot. Clay pot diffusers are inexpensive, easy to use, and do
not require electricity or batteries
Atomizers use a small pump and specialized glass to disperse the aroma in the air in a fine
mist. This works very fast. These units should be used for only 7 -10 minutes at a time or with a
measured amount of essential oils.
Tea Light Diffusers
Many people use these in the beginning. They are made of many materials, clay, ceramic,
glass, soapstone, metals. They have a bowl on top and a place for the candle under it. Add
water to the bowl, and several drops of essential oil. Light the candle and you will soon have
diffusion into the air. The tea light candle usually lasts about 2-3 hours
Fan Diffusers
These use a fan to diffuse the oils through cool air evaporation. Essential oils are placed onto a
disposable absorbent pad or into a tray. The pad or tray is placed into the unit and then
powered on. The fan then blows air across this pad or tray and carries the aroma throughout
the room.
Electric Heat Diffusers
Similar to a fan diffuser, heat diffusers use heat and a fan to gently heat the oil and disperse
the aroma into a room. These work on the similar principle as for anti-mosquito mat machines.
A nebulizer is an ingenious device that breaks essential oils into separate molecules before
diffusion. These tiny molecules are more readily absorbed by the lungs and thus have greater
therapeutic value. A nebulizer is a gadget that consists of two main parts: the plastic base that
contains the motor and a very unusual, clear blown-glass looking device that holds and
"nebulizes" the oils. Instead of the use of the unusual glass piece, some nebulizers use a
special bottle that looks like a Boston round bottle.
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When you use a diffuser for extended periods of time, you get used to the aroma and may not
notice it. Try to move out and come back after some time and you will feel it again. Remember
little is more and do not use oils excessively. If at any time while using an essential oil should you
develop nausea, vomiting, headache or other ill feeling -you might have over done it. Just get
some fresh air for a while and remember not to use so much the next time. Do not use diffusion
for extended periods. Best results are obtained if the diffusion is for a few minutes every few
hours. For safety reasons we recommend that you do not using aheat source diffuser around pet,
children, or the elderly

Aromatherapy through Skin Application

The aromatherapy oil is applied directly to the skin through ointments, lotions, and creams. Using
massage and compresses the oils are absorbed in the skin through the blood stream. The time
of absorption could be between 20 to 70 minutes. Places of direct application are: reflex zones,
pulse points, Chakras and the whole body.
Reflex Zones
Reflex zones are areas on the skin that connect particular parts of the physical body to organs and
emotions. They have similar theories as reflexology, Sujok and Acupressure regarding pressure
Pulse Points
Pulse points are found where a major artery runs close to the surface of the skin. They literally
mean the point where the pulse can be checked! Wrists or behind the ear are two main points.
You may either apply single oil, like lavender or sandalwood, or a unique blend of your own
Charkas are the spinning vortexes of energy that take in and emit energy. The mental, spiritual
and emotional systems of the body are said to be in balance when all the 7 chakras spin evenly.
Essential oils like harmony and sandalwood open the chakras. Heart responds well to the Rose
oil whereas the solar plexus respond to the Juniper oil.

Aromatherapy for Chakras

Chakra Chakra qualities Essential Oils
Patchouli, myrrh, cedarwood, clove, vetivert,
Root Grounding/stabilizing Earth energy
marjoram, ginger
Sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang,
Sacral Transmuting sexual energy
champaca, tangerine,
Sage, Juniper, geranium, lavender, rosemary,
Solar Plexus Transducing solar and pranic energy
bergamot, lemon, jasmine, frankincense
Heart Flow of unconditional love Rose, melissa, neroli, clary sage, bergamot
Chamomile, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage,
Throat Self-expression, communication, will
Frankincense, basil, mint, jasmine, lavender,
Third Eye Balancing the higher and lower selves.
rose, sandalwood, neroli
Ylang-ylang, rosewood, linden, olibanum,
Crown Divine love and super- consc1ousness
lotus, frankincense
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Never take essential oils orally. For massage on the skin always dilute them with base carrier oils.
If your skin is sensitive, does a simple skin test first: make up the mix in the recommended dilution
and apply a few drops to the inside crease of your elbow. Wait 24 hours to see if any irritant
reaction occurs.

During pregnancy, or for children under the age of 12, do not use essential oils (or ingest herbs) at
all, except under the recommendation and supervision of a professional.
 Essential oils are extremely strong and are always mixed with a base or "carrier" oil when
used for massage.
 Always use high-quality extra-virgin cold-pressed oils as a base oil, and the best essential oils
that you can buy from a specialist company. Never use baby oil, since most types are made
from a petro-chemi-cal mineral oil that is not compatible with the skin.
 For massage on dry skin, use sweet almond oil with the addition of 10 percent wheat germ
(check for nut and wheat allergies first) or avocado oil. The word "natural" on a label is not
sufficient: you need to be really sure you are getting "pure essential oil."
 Cheap oils sold for "burners" or vaporizers must never be used on the skin.
 When used in massage, essential oils are always diluted. For adults a general rule is 2.5
percent essential oil to 97.5 percent base oil. To ascertain this, measure your base oil in
milliliters and answer gives the number of drops of essential oil that you should add-for
example, 20 ml of base oil requires a maximum of ten drops.

Techniques of applications
This is the most used technique. For massage, essential oils are mixed with a vegetable carrier oil,
usually wheat germ, avocado, olive, safflower, grape seed, or Soya bean oil. A ratio that
is commonly recommended is 2.5–5% essential oil to 95–97.5% carrier oil.
It improves health by acting directly on the body’s muscular, nervous, circulatory, immune
systems and Chakras.
Massage therapy is aimed to:
 Develop and maintain your physical function
 Relax tense muscles
 Relieve or prevent physical dysfunction and pain
 Improve circulation and immune system functionality
 Reduce stress
 Relax the mind
 Improve blood flow
 Increase overall feeling of well-being. After the massage drink lots of water - This helps the
body flush the toxins that were released during the massage.
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Full-body baths:
The essential oil is added to a tubful of warm (but not hot) water. The dosage of essential oil is
usually 5–10 drops per bath. There are recipes for making your personalized soap, body lotion,
shampoo and conditioners.
Hand or foot baths:
These are used to treat arthritis or skin disorders of the hands or feetas well as sore muscles. The
hands or feet are soaked for 10–15minutes in a basin of warm water to which 5–7 drops
of essential oil have been added
Aromatherapy compresses are used to treat wounds, sprains, bruises, sore muscles, menstrual
cramps, and respiratory congestion. Both hot and cold compresses are effective at relieving pain
and swelling, and reducing inflammation. Hot compresses are used to treat painful joints from
arthritis to chronic backache to tooth ache and ear ache. These are made by soaking four or five
layers of cotton cloth in a solution of water and essential oil or bath salts. Hot water is used for
hot compress and cold water for cold compress. Wring out the cloth so that it is moist but not
wet, and apply to the affected part of the body. The compress is then covered with a layer of
plastic wrap, followed by a pre-warmed towel, and kept in place for one or two hours. A hot
compress improves the circulation, cleanses your body and opens the body pores. It will also
provide relief to muscles and neck. Cold compress helps in relieving itching, inflammation, and
swelling of the body
Aromatic salves:
Salves are made by melting together 1 1/4 cup of vegetable oil and 1oz of beeswax in a double
boiler over medium heat, and adding the desired combination of essential oils.
Internal use:
Though it is not a usual practice to take these oils internally, some essential oils such as oil
of peppermint and cinnamon can be used to make teas or mouthwashes, or mixed with a glass of
honey and water. The dose depends on the oil, but a physician, naturopaths, or other practitioner
should be consulted.

Other Benefits
Essential oils are used in other applications too. They can be used in household and laundry
cleaners. Some oils act as a natural insect repellent and pesticide. Citronella candles during the
summer keep mosquitoes away. Add five drops to a cotton ball and place in drawers and linen
closets to keep away insects.

Preparation of Recipes
Always use fresh oils and oil mixtures for best results. Both essential oils and vegetable carrier oils
deteriorate over time and should not be kept longer than one or two months. Thus, it is best to
mix only small quantities of massage oils or salves at any one time.

Apart from some rest after a massage no particular aftercare is needed. You should drink plenty
of water after massages to flush out the toxins released in the body.
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Aromatherapy should normally bring in a sense of relaxation, relief from stress, and improved
well-being. But in certain cases it can also result in skin irritations or some allergic reactions to
essential oils. In such cases the treatment should be stopped immediately. Traumatic memories
may be triggered associated with specific smells.

How to use aromatherapy to balance the chakras

1. Put just drop of your combined essential and carrier oil into the palms of your hands, and
then rub them together.
2. Working within the auric field, and not on the actual body, slowly sweeps the palms of your
hands down the front and back of the recipient. Do these until you perceive a change in their
energies levels.
3. Alternatively, concentrate on one chakra area in the auric field, allowing your hands to move
in a relaxed way in a spiraling pattern. Normally chakras are cleared of unwanted energies by
spiraling counterclockwise and are returned to balance by spiraling clockwise.
4. Wash your hands in cool water after cleansing or healing another person, in order to remove
unwanted energies from your own auric field.
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Foods can be classified as Yin and Yang too. For example, whole grains, milk, most vegetables
and vegetable protein are Yin, whereas processed food. Denatured grains, meat and strong spicy
seasonings are Yang. Yellow, green, and blue foods are the most balancing for the body and your
energy levels.
In Indian Ayurvedic practice, food is also classified into certain types according to the three
attributes or gunas:
a. Inertia/darkness (tamas)
Thus tamasic food is salty bad or denatured.
b. Energy/restlessness (rajas)
Rajastic food comprises meat protein and rich flavors.
c. Order (sattva).
Sattvic food consists of nourishing bland milk products, most fresh fruits and vegetable
protein, and is considered to hold the most life-force.

Food Colors and Their Benefits

Red foods
Red foods gives extra energy, heals lethargy and tiredness, have Vitamin B12, Minerals (iron,
magnesium, zinc), fatty acids.
An underactive Base Chakra may be restored by eating red-colored fruits and vegetables. If it is
overactive, you may have skin conditions such as angry red eczema or psoriasis; in these cases red
skinned vegetables (particularly hot red chilli peppers and spices) must be avoided.

Orange foods
Orange foods creates optimisms and change, heals grief and disappointments, Vitamin A & C,
Minerals (calcium copper, selenium, zinc).

Yellow foods
Yellow foods encourages laughter, joy and fun, heal depression, Vitamin A,B complex, D, E,
sodium potassium, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, molybdenite, manganese. Yellow
citrus fruits are acidic and stimulate excretion on both physical and psychological levels. If you
want to calm your Solar Plexus Chakra, eat bananas (in moderation) or make them into
"smoothie" drinks.

Green foods
Green foods improves physical stamina, heal panic, all vitamins.
Green salad vegetables and lightly cooked greens (such as cabbage and spinach) cleanse and
balance the whole body.
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Blue foods
Blue foods brings peace and relaxation, helps concentration and heals anxiety, Vitamin E, iodine.
Blue/purple fruits and vegetables have perhaps evolved on a higher level and bring balance to the
higher chakras.

Indigo foods
Indigo foods puts back structure into life, heals insecurity

Purple foods
Purple foods promotes leadership, heals and calms the emotionally erratic, Potassium.

The color of the foods we eat can have a powerful effect on our physical and emotional state.
Eating the appropriate coloured foods can help to rejuvenate and balance the system, making you
feel brighter and more alive.

Root Chakra and Nutrition

Foods for Grounding
• Protein
• Food Allergies
• Minerals: Calcium, Iron and Zinc
• Root Vegetables
• Mushrooms: Antiviral and immune enhancing properties.
• Red colored foods
Questions for eating for root chakra benefit: traditional eating patterns, physical need awareness,
eating mindfully, building your meal, eating close to earth.

Sacral Chakra and Nutrition

Food to support the Sacral Chakra
• Water
• Fats and Oils
• Tropical fruits
• Orange colored foods
Questions for eating for sacral chakra support: foods gravitate towards, sharing meals, emotional
connections to eating patterns.

Solar Plexus Chakra and Nutrition

Foods to Support Solar Plexus
• Carbohydrate need: preferred fuel of glucose, additional roles within the body,
phytochemicals, fiber
• Gluten awareness
• Yellow colored foods
• Fiber rich foods
Questions to support solar plexus: drawn to certain foods, foods that drain us, stress influence on
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Heart Chakra & Nutrition

Foods to Feed the Heart Chakra
• Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables, Leafy greens, Sprouts, Raw foods
• Green colored foods: Artichoke, arugula, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
chard, collard greens, avocado, green bell pepper, grapes, honeydew, kiwi
• Flavors: Bitter and pungent flavors
Questions to support heart chakra: eating bitter foods, taste of food when shared, reaction to raw

Throat Chakra and Nutrition

Foods to Support the Throat Chakra
Sea Plants, Soups, Sauces, Juices, Fruits
Questions for throat chakra: balance talking, chewing and breathing while eating.

Third Eye Chakra and Nutrition

Foods to Support Third Eye Chakra
• Spices – pungent materials, potent, needed in small quantities, help unify chakras. Some
include chili powder, cumin, curry, cardamom, dill, basil, ginger, horseradish, mint, nutmeg,
pepper, turmeric, wasabi
• Purple Red Foods – grapes, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant, purple kale, figs, plums,
raisins, raspberries and pomegranate. Contain antioxidants anthocyanidins
• Watch caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and drugs
Questions for third eye chakra health: listening to body's needs, impact on dreams, obsessed with
calories, mood after specific foods

Crown Chakra and Nutrition

Eating and the Crown Chakra
• Showing gratitude
• Fasting
• Whole foods in their natural form. Pure, unadulterated foods.
• Receiving sunlight (vitamin D), air (oxygen cellular respiration) and love through food
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Colour is simply light of different wavelengths and frequencies and light is just one form of
energy that we can actually see that is made up from photons. We all live in a world where at
some point, colour will be a part of, and affect us in our everyday lives. Colour in everyday life is
very diverse, from knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how Colour can affect our
moods: Blue can be Calming - Red can make you tense. We are all surrounded by electromagnetic
waves of energy of which colour is just a small part.

Colour Therapy uses colour to balance the Chakras of the body

Each of the spectrum colours is simply light of varying wavelengths, thus each colour has its own
particular energy. The energy relating to each of these spectrum colours resonates with the
energy of each of the seven main chakras of the body. Colour therapy can help to re balance
these 'wheels' by applying the appropriate colour to the body and therefore re-balance our
chakras. Violet has the shortest wavelength and red the longest wave length.

The Energy of Red

Red is the nearest visible light to infrared. It is a fiery force: the spirit of physical life, full of power
and drive. It signifies courage and liberation, passion and excitement. Too much red burns, but at
the right level it supports life.
When Red Can Help:
 Use red to help circulatory problems, such as cold hands and feet, hardening of the arteries,
anemia and exhaustion.
 Red can also be used to treat infertility and is especially good for stiff muscles and joints,
particularly in the legs and feet.
 Red is useful in cases of paralysis, and works with physiotherapy (physical therapy).
 Red counteracts shyness and enables you to put your life back into action.
Do not use red lighting in chromo therapy above the waist for heart conditions. Medical advice
should be taken regarding any heart problem.

The Energy of Orange

As a mixture of red and yellow, orange blends the properties of both colours. Orange energy
displays some senses of direction and purpose – it moves along those pathways that fuel its own
When Orange Can Help:
 Grief, bereavement and loss can all be treated with orange. Orange vibrations will bring you
through the shock of deep outrage and give added strength where it is needed to pull
through adversity.
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 It can also be useful when there is an inability to let go of the past. Orange removes the
inhibitions and psychological paralysis that occur when people are afraid of moving forwards
in their life.
 Orange can help with the fear of enjoying sensual pleasure, it can relieve over-seriousness, a
feeling of bleakness and boredom, or a lack of interest in the world outside.
 Orange can be used to treat asthma, bronchitis, epilepsy, mental disorders, rheumatism, torn
ligaments, aching and broken bones.

The Energy of Yellow

Yellow is the brightest colour of the spectrum. It's sunny hue brings clarity of thought. Warm and
When Yellow Can Help:
 Use yellow when you need to enliven a sluggish system: it will help to clear away toxins and
stimulate the flow of gastric juices so improving nutrient digestion.
 It can also be used to treat menopausal flushes, menstrual difficulties and other hormonal
 Yellow is the great eliminator that clears toxins from your system. So apply if you are
suffering from frequent minor illnesses, intolerances and allergies or constipations.
 Feelings of lethargy and depression brought on by dull weather respond well to a dose of
yellow light, which can also help improve a poor memory or an inability to study.
 Yellow can help to improve self-esteem and reduce negativity and anxiety.
 In cases of diabetes, rheumatism and anorexia nervosa, yellow can sometimes help to relieve
the symptoms associated with the illness.

The Energy of Green

The colour green is found midway in the spectrum. It is made up of two colours: yellow and blue.
Yellow bring wisdom and clarity while blue promotes peace. Green's basic qualities are balance
and harmony.
When Green Can Help:
 Problems with personal relationships, especially when there is a difficulty with over
dominance of subservience, can be helped by green, as can feelings such as envy, jealousy
and greed. The desire to dominate or possess is a negative tendency which green can help.
 Claustrophobia or feelings of restriction caused by being house bound of confined, or feelings
of being trapped by other people's rules and regulations can be counteracted by the green
 Green can restore stability to any situation. It helps to counteract biliousness and a feeling of

The Energy of Blue

The colour blue has stillness about it. It values honor, integrity and sincerity. Blue thinks before
acting and proceeds steadily and with caution. It is tranquil and avoids drawing attention to itself.
When Blue Can Help:
 Coughs, sore throat, vocal problems, teething and ear infections can all be treated with blue.
A stiff neck, which can represent the fear of moving forwards, also responds.
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 Blue is particularly useful in reducing the temperature of a fever in adults and children.
 Blue can help to calm those who are overexcited or agitated. When used for people with
terminal illnesses it can bring a tremendous feeling of peace.

The Energy of Indigo

Indigo has a strong belief in law and order and a great love of tradition. However, it can also be a
transformer, a defender of people's right, and it has an affinity with a deep inner world.
When Indigo Can Help:
 Indigo is the stronger pain killer in the spectrum and is a great healer. It can be used to
combat many illnesses, among them bacterial infections, and the results of air, water and
food pollution.
 Indigo can help acute sinus problems (which psychologically are often uncried tears from
childhood), chest complain, bronchitis and asthma, lumbago, sciatica and migraine. Over-
active thyroid, growths, tumors and lumps of any kind, diarrhoea and kidney complaints also
respond to the use of indigo.
 The sedative influence of indigo can be helpful in lowering high blood pressure.
 Emotional and mental agitation can also be cooled and quieted by the calming effects of
indigo. It is the perfect colour to induce a deep, healing peace.

The Energy of Purple

Purple can achieve great humility, even to the point of sacrificing itself for the benefit of others,
without being a victim. It also has the ability to integrate psychic perception into everyday life.
When Purple Can Help:
 Purple can be used to treat any kind of internal inflammation, or heart palpitations or
 The immune system and strained nerves also benefit from the use of purple which enhances
the natural healing energy of the body, strengthening the immune system.
 When there is a need to rebalance life, especially if it is lacking in practical ways and help to
integrate new skills into everyday life.
 Purple can calm hyperactive states.
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The Opposite Colour

Every colour of the spectrum has an opposite colour that complements it. Knowing these
complementary colours will help you to identify which colours you need for healing, support and

Correcting Chakras which are Out of Balance

1. Select a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
2. Lie down on your back on the floor or on your bed. Have seven cloth swatches corresponding
to the rainbow colors with you (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), one for
each of the seven major chakras.
3. Close your eyes and relax. Take several slow, deep breaths.
4. As you begin to relax, look back over the day's events, in reverse order. Start with the
moment you laid down and review the day backward until the moment you woke up.
5. Identify the major emotions and attitudes that you experienced or were exposed to in other
people. What chakras were most likely to have been affected by them?
6. When you have completed this evaluation, take the color swatches for the chakra(s) you
have identified, and lay them on the part of the body associated with the chakra.
7. As you lie there, with the color swatch upon your chakra point, visualize the color being
absorbed and drawn through the chakra and into the body. Let your awareness focus on the
fact that, as you lie there, the chakra is being balanced, along with all organs and systems of
the body associated with it.
8. Take several deep breaths, focusing on drawing the color through the swatch into the chakra
and restoring balance. Continue this for three to five minutes, or until you feel it is balanced.
5. Repeat these steps with any and all other chakra you have determined may be out of
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Full Chakra Color Therapy

Now that we have balanced all chakras, that were unbalanced, we need to strengthen all the
chakras with color therapy. This is how we do this:
1. Place all seven color swatches upon the chakra points of the body.
2. Breathe deeply and simply allow your body to absorb the rainbow energies.
3. As you lie there and breathe in the colors, let your awareness focus on the fact that each
chakra is being strengthened, balanced, and harmonized with the others. Know, feel and
experience that your entire energy system is strengthening. Feel yourself coming into
complete balance. Know that all of the physiological aspects of your body are being balanced
and healed as you absorb these colors through your chakra centers.
4. Leave the swatches on for five to ten minutes or until you feel yourself fully balanced,
charged, and aligned.
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Reflexology is a development of an ancient healing technique suggesting that the soles of our
feet and the palms of our hands mirror our whole body. It uses fingertip pressure on the feet or
hands to relieve pain or energetic blockages in various parts of the body. Reflexology
demonstrates that pranic energy circulates in our physical body. It is an effective technique
because energy terminates in the feet or hands, where the reflexes are found. If the energy
circulation is blocked in any way, it shows up in the reflex as pain or soreness when that area of
the foot or hand is treated by a reflexologist.
Reflexology has 3 key benefits:
 It promotes relaxation and balance
 there is only a handful of techniques
 Slightly increases blood circulation

11 things to know when learning how to do Reflexology

1. When doing reflexology always do the whole treatment - all of both feet or hands. Try to
avoid doing bits and pieces for specific organs or symptoms This is the same for doing
reflexology on the hand, face and ears. Even when doing reflexology with a specific relief in
mind it is so important to do the entire area, then, go back over the "Reflexology Helper
Areas". Helper Areas are pointed out through the website to help you target specific areas
for mild pain relief.
2. People that are ill have lower pain tolerances and can be very sensitive to touch. All the
time when you are learning how to do reflexology, ask frequently if the pressure you are
using is ok. And if they have been in bed for more than 24 to 48 hours don't do reflexology
at all.
3. Creams and Oils are only used in reflexology for massage relaxation techniques. They make
it too slippery to use techniques properly. Oils are great for doing relaxation exercises on
hands at the end of a treatment as a massage, or at the end of a foot reflexology session.
4. Talcum/ baby powder is best for doing reflexology on the feet and hands Sprinkle all over
the feet and hands to absorb body oil (stop your hands from getting slippery), to make it
easier to move your fingers and thumbs over the body. It is hard to comfortably thumb
walk (reflexology technique) for a complete foot reflexology session without talcum powder
or something similar.
5. When learning how to do reflexology, its best to start on the foot because it provides the
quickest results and has the most written about it throughout the world. Ear and face
reflexology are great to give to someone that is stressed, that can't sleep or is generally in
need of a bit of love - it is a brilliant gift idea to give someone an ear or face reflexology
6. Reflexology sessions last about 45 minutes, depending on the size of the hands or feet It is
recommended that for ill people, the elderly or very young, that reflexology sessions go for
no longer than 30 minutes.
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7. Some people have a physical response to reflexology, during or after a session. Physical
responses include burps, coughs, unintentional farts, small unexpected spasms, and can
happen anytime during the treatment. Crying, an increase or decrease in energy, feeling
extremely tired, flu-like symptoms or exhaustion can occur up to 24 hours following
reflexology treatment (this is even more only likely if the person does not drink enough
water or its their first reflexology session). These reactions are short term and should be
accommodated by drinking large amounts of water. The body reacts like this because it is
now working harder to create balance within its systems and to get rid of waste Plenty of
water and the person will be back to normal within 24 hours at the most While learning
how to do reflexology keep an eye out for reactions to reflexology sessions (in yourself and
the people you give it to) so you can monitor how they get less and less with every session
8. It is always recommended that diabetics check their blood sugar before and after a session
Blood sugar levels can severely raise or drop during reflexology.
9. When giving or receiving reflexology makes sure both people are sitting or lying down
comfortably. The person receiving reflexology should be relaxed and sitting on a
comfortable seat or lying on a soft bed. The person doing reflexology should be
comfortable also, because it will come across in the treatment if they are not. For good
practice, never do reflexology bending over, or at an awkward angle and make sure there is
no pressure on your knees.
10. You can use the relaxation or massage techniques anytime during reflexology. You might
use it to break up the treatment, to change between areas you are working on and to keep
excited while learning how to do reflexology.
11. There are different techniques for doing reflexology on different parts of the body:
 Thumb walking is great for the feet as the reflexes on the foot are close to the surface
 The reflexes in the hands are deeper so firm pressure applied with the index finger in a
circular motion is more effective
 Massage techniques are great for relaxation during a session too

Stimulate Meridian Points

 There are meridian points at the end of all the toes except the middle toe and also on fingers.
See the diagram below for the exact points. Support the toe and use one finger to apply
pressure on the meridian point in a circular motion - clockwise, then anti-clockwise, do each
toe for ten seconds beginning with the big toe and finish with the little toe. Do the same to
 Remove any unwanted energy using light, sweeping strokes with both hands from shin to
 Shake your hands vigorously before moving to your left foot and repeating the procedure.
 Repeat on the other foot.
Reflexology always treats the whole foot; however, you may finish by massaging away any
stiffness in the relevant area.
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Stimulate The Gland Points

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Self-treatment on the chakras

Here is an example of how to treat your own Throat Chakra using reflexology:
 Observe the condition and shape of your feet-they mirror your whole body. From a
reflexology perspective, if they are painful or deformed, this indicates that your body is not
functioning properly and you should consult a health professional.
 Soak your feet for ten minutes in warm water with three drops of peppermint essential oil
 Refer to the chart for the Chakra reflex.
 Note any tenderness in the aforementioned regions as you apply firm fingertip pressure for a
few minutes.
 Reflexology always treats the whole foot; however, you may finish by massaging away any
stiffness in the relevant area.
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Our energy field responds to sound. Not surprisingly, our aura tightens when we hear
dissonant sounds and expands joyfully when we hear sounds that we find satisfying. Our chakras
"flower, too: their symbolic petals open when they are given harmonious sounds, either sweet
songs or music. Because we respond so well to sound, chakras have been associated for
thousands of years with special devotional chants that bring the qualities of the Divine into
everyday life.

Sacred OM
OM or AUM is the symbol of the Absolutist is the essence of Hinduism. It means oneness and
a merging of our physical body with our spiritual being. It is regarded as the most sacred syllable,
the first sound from which emerges each and every other sound, whether of music or of language.
It is a mystic sound that is the basis for mantras (chants); it is the sound of origination and
dissolution containing past, present and future. When you sing or use OM in a mantra, you begin
the sound AHH in the back of the throat, bringing the sound forward in the mouth to OOO and
MMM with the lips closed-this is why it is sometimes written AUM. You may chant OM silently or
out loud, repeatedly, to benefit your whole luminous energy field.
OM is also the sound form of Atman, the life principle of the universe and our individual soul.
Musically, OM or AUM is made up of three base notes-" A," "U," "M"-or the basic SA PA of the
fundamental scale and again SA (the base note) of the immediately higher scale. When you sound
these three notes continuously, all the basic notes from SA to Nl also sound. Practicing OM firstly
clears blockages in the vocal cords and the Throat Chakra, then begins to clear the whole of the
physical body, other chakras and the auric field. For this reason, nearly all the Vedic mantras and
prayers have OM or AUM at the beginning.

Bija mantras
Bija means "jewel" or "seed," and bija mantras connect us to each chakra and to the source
of all manifested life. They are like precious jewels that can take you into an inward focus. In
meditation they are used silently to focus upon each chakra. When they are sounded out loud,
the sound is extended so that each repetition runs into the next, creating a continuous drone of
sound. Because chakras resonate with vibrations on many levels, sound, singing, toning, chanting
and music are highly beneficial when they are used with right intent. You really do shine like a
"jewel" when you sing!

Chakras Bija Mantra Not Sound

Chakras Bija Mantra Note Sound
Root LAM Not of deep C Sound like “lram”
Sacral VAM Not of D Sound like “vram”
Solar Plexus RAM Not of E Sound like “rarm”
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Heart YAM Not of F Sound like “yarm”

Throat HAM Not of G Sound like “harm”
Ajna KHSAM Not of A Sound like “sarm”
Crown OM Not of B Sound like “aum”

Sound is a vibrational energy that passes through the medium of air, e1ther from voice or
instrument. It is not only received by the ear, but also penetrates the body and imprints our
blood. Specific instruments are particularly beneficial when giving sound in healing, such as the
flute and harp when conveying the "inner nature" of sound vibration. "Tibetan" singing bowls are
popular with sound healing practitioners; indeed their use is so ancient that we know Japanese
Bon shamans used them before Buddhism began.

Tibetan singing bowls

Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists
one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal being enlightenment. Accomplished sound-
healers may own and use a number of bowls, so first a few words about choosing one. Make sure
you pick from a selection of bowls: the largest is not necessarily the best. Look carefully at the
rim: if it's thin, it is Yin in nature; if it's fat, it is Yang. Are there any dents, marks or fill-ins? You
also need a wand to "play" it with. Gently tap the rim with your wand and move it consistently
around the rim at the same angle. A musical note should emerge. How do you "feel" about the
sound? Try another, until you find the bowl that gives you the greatest satisfaction.
Don't over clean your bowl, but do care for it and get to know it well. Try half-filling it with
water and holding the bowl in one hand, moving it gently as you play. The note may take on a
haunting sound. Your bowl was originally crafted using differing amounts of seven metals,
representing the inner planets, and it will have a musical note corresponding to (or near) one of
the notes of a piano keyboard.

Using a Tibetan bowl

With your client laying down or sitting in a chair, gently take them into a relaxed state.
1. Gradually introduce the sound from your bowl-say, from 3 h. (1 m) away.
2. While playing, let yourself be guided to bring the bowl to a part of the client's body or a
specific chakra.
3. Keep a focus on this point. The bowl may be resting on their body or you may keep it i n their
auric field.
4. Gently withdraw the bowl when you sense its sound resonance has done its work.
5. Place the bowl silently aside and give thanks, knowing that its vibration continues to be
absorbed for some time.
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Tonal Chakra Work: The Twelve-Chakra System

Each musical note holds a vibration and creates unique results. There are many theories that
fix certain tones to specific chakras. These vary from culture to culture, as different cultures
accentuate different chakras. As well, each culture works with its own scales—chromatic, tonal,
atonal, octave-based, fifth-based, and so on. According to the twelve-chakra system, the human
body is attuned to the note A. Each chakra has an inner and outer wheel. The inner wheel reflects
one’s spiritual self while the outer wheel reveals the personality. An A note will attune the inner
wheel of each chakra to each of the others, naturally balancing the system. This shift in the inner
wheel will also create balance in the outer wheel. The outer wheel of each chakra, on the other
hand, has its own unique tone. Another approach to attuning the chakras is to work with this
outer wheel and attune it to its own note, thus balancing the system from the outside in. Tones
can both heal and harm. Off-tones—tones that don’t match the frequency of your body, a
particular chakra, or physical organ—create dissonance/disease. Beneficial tones blend with your
core harmonic and keep you strong. Tones can be used both in diagnosis and to enable healing.
Here are the meanings of the basic tonal vibrations used in the West, which are based on the

Sharps and Flats

Sharps bring spiritual reality into material reality. An F-sharp, for instance, activates that part
of your internal spirit that links you with the force you require at the time. Flats allow release. A
G-flat, for instance, which is the same as an F-sharp, pushes out any negative or evil forces
preventing your spiritual destiny. The difference between working with a sharp and a flat is
intention. If you desire to get rid of some- thing, think flat; to attract something, think sharp.
Core Tones
Many esoteric groups work with a C-based system of musical scales. In the twelve- chakra
system, this is the theory that is most accepted among contemporary healing practitioners. The
system, which initiates with C, describes the physical body and its chakric health. A second twelve-
chakra theory begins with A, and relates to the subtle energy systems and alchemy.
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