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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Learning Objectives;
I At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to demonstrate the following learning
a. understand the literature “A Day In The Country”
b. interpret the message conveyed in the story.
c. define and distinguish the cases of pronouns.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: A Day In The Country by Anton Chekhov
Cases of pronouns
Reference: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature Grade 10 English Book
pp. 279-284
Materials: Paper and pen

III. Learning Task:

A. Preliminary Task:
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Classroom Management
d. Checking of attendance
e. Review of the previous lesson

B. Lesson Proper 4a’s

1. The teacher will get unfamiliar words from the story “A Day In The Country” and the teacher will let
the students spell it.
2. The students will read the short story “A Day In The Country” after the students will have a group
activity which will tell about the parts of the story by acting it.

Who are the characters in the story? What are their roles in the story?
What have you observed in the story? How does it recognize nature?

The teacher will present/discuss the cases of pronouns.
The teacher will ask questions about nouns and pronouns.
The students will define and cite examples of pronouns.

The students will answer 10 questions based on the lesson
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who is the author of the story?
3. Who is the little beggar-girl who came looking for Terenty?
4. Who is the boy who stuck his hand in a tree hole?
5. It is a singing bird without a sin.
Write O if the case is objective, S if subjective, and P if possesive
6. There is no secret in Nature which baffles him.
7. They cross the railway line.
8. He is like a pickpocket in his ways.
9. Fyokla leads him into a thicket.
10. Its power is tremendous.

Read the following excerpt from the story “A Day In The Country” on pg. 288. Fill out the table with the
correct cases of the pronouns taken from the excerpt.L

Prepared by:
Hanna Joyce A. Gelario

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